CAPITAL REPORTER Willis Smith’s failure to show up at the Alamance County YDC rally last Friday evening didn't help things. The rally was deliberately stag ed at Governor Scott’s Haw River farm in an effort to boost Smith’s stock. Alamance is about evenly • split between Democrats and Re publicans, and some observers see a likihood that the county's vote could go to GOP standard-bearer E. L. Gavin of Sanford, despite the Governor's personal popular ity. Around the fringes of the crowd of some 6,000 who ate barbecue and listened to the speeches, there was a distinct tone of disapproval I of Smith's failure to be on hand. Smith sent .a telegram of regret, stating that he had a previous en gagement with the State Bar As sociation at Pinehurst. From the reports of the bar meeting Smith's dutv was to introduce the Wanted: Com in shuck, truck load lots, at farm, anywhere] L. N. JAMES CORN HOUSE BETHEL, NORTH CAROLINA Write or call L. N. JAMES Office 3601 t Corn House 2041 ' t Residence 2511 main speaker at the bar associa j lion's annual banquet. The sena \ tor-nominee was defended on all sides for not appearing, but there were a lot of folks present who j seemed to think that it was more ! important to carry Alamance, i County for the Democrats than it ! was to put on a dress suit and in | troduce an outsider at a banquet. I All of which comes back to Uhis: the conservatives are in ! charge of the Democratic cam paign. The liberals, who fought them bitterly in the primary, are calling for a united front and a I big Democratic vote for Smith. Governor Scott knd defeated-Sen ator Frank Graham are doing all they can to assure the party of a bigger-than-ever majority in the ; general election. I If the vote falls off, with the ' Republicans getting more than a normal 21 to 30 percent of the bal lots. it will be the conservative faction which is to blame—no matter how hard they may try to pin it on the Scott-Qraham-Dan iels group. Fifst things should come first, | but State Democratic Chairman Everette Jordan, Willis Smith and fellow conservatives apparently consider the election in the bag and not worth worrying about. MR. FARMER You can't truthfully say that you Received Top Money For Your Soybeans Or Com 1'nlil you have secured our prices, lty ull means contact us before you sell. Robersonville Shelling Co. Dial 1191 Hobersom ille, 1\. (.. rhey seem to be more interested n a victory in the 1952 guberna torial campaign. * * * School teachers will get the of ficial woi d October 27 on the sup plemental pay raise question and it’s certain to be yes. Nearly three weeks ago the Advisory Budget Commission said that the pay boost could be made if general fund revenue continued at the then present level through Octo ber. Revenue Commissioner Eugene Shaw has indicated that his de partment will have a pretty clear picture of October collections by October 27, when the Budget Commission meets to continue its study of requests for the next biennium. East week, Shaw announced general fund collections for Sep tember showed an increase ol $932,602 over collections for the same month last year. That was ;i boost of 13.71 percent. Averagi increase for the previous twt months was 13.57 percent, whicl brought the total increase for tin first quarter of the fiscal year U 13.61 percent,-or more than $13, 100,000 This rate of increase—if it con tinues—will mean that the Stab will have a surplus of more thai six and a quarter million dollar by December. Add to that th $800,000 the budget commissioi declared surplus as of last Jun 30, and it runs the total to th $7,000,000 needed to put some thing in the pot for the teacher Meanwhile, machinery is bein set up for issuing the bonus checV to the State's 26,000 teachers fi a very Merry Christmas. The Shennigans at the congre: sional rallies are leaving the si called political experts talking 1 themselves. Conservatives are touting Bi Umstead of Orange as a Candida i tor governor in 1952. The exper can’t make -up their miqris whet | er this is a sounding out process trying to get the Scott-led liberu | to say who they’ll back—or whe I her it’s a serious move to put Ur r stead in the race. Ilt could be a move to find o whether or not the east-west ti dition still is holding firm. If CHIROPRACTOR V. i I i 1 e g s r Dr. Gerald James, son of Mr. and Mrs. J B. James of near Wil liamston, and a graduate of Lm eoln Chiropraetice College, Indi anapolis, Indiana, is opening an office m Dunn. The young man moved to this I section from Bethel when he was | in the seventh grade. After fin ishing high school he went to Coyne Electrical School in Chica go. Shortly after his marriage to Miss Mac Belch of Merry Hill, he entered the Air Corps, serving most of 39 months as a flight en gineer in North Africa and the South Pacific. Following the war he farmed with his father a year and then entered the Indianapolis college, completing a four and one-hall'-year course in 36 months. is, Uinstead would have one strike ’’ —at least—against him Reported ,, ,»QooooeeMoeow willing candidates Secretary of i State Thad Eures, State Treasur er Brandon Hodges, Agriculture Commissioner L. Y. Ballentine, Highway Commissioner Henry Jordan, and Asheville Publisher D. Hiden Ramsey are keeping quiet. The furore caused by a pre mature and, according to Thad, unauthorized announcement of Eure's candidacy has died down. If the Governor has a favorite, he isn't letting it be known. And all of the above-mentioned men have been doing the rallies except Ramsey, who has said nothing and is laying low. Some eyebrows were lifted when Congressmen Bob Dough ton and C. B. Deane told voters to send Kerr Scott some men to the legislature who would help him carry out his program. It sounded fine to Scott sup porters on first glance, but a sec ond look had the governor’s friends wondering what good the pleas were Most of the house and senate members were decided in the primaries, and general elec tion will have little effect on the makeup of the 1951 General As sembly. The Governor s announcemen that Congressman Ertcl CarlysU will lead a fight for flood eontro and hydroelectric development o the Cape Fear came as a surprise The governor was credited witl some astute maneuvering. All in all, the rallies give th appearance of some of the poll I ticians seeing that Scott's popu I larity is on the upgrade and try ing to climb on the bandwagor But one suspicious Scott sup porter tabbed it as a “feint be fore they (opponents of the go\ ernorl swing a roundhous punch". soooooooDooeoooof II ;e ts i 1 ■ Your Car Deserves The Best! . . . Anti that's what It will set riRhl here! ItcRular vhcck ttn ratll ator, battery, oil, tires at no extra tiiarsc! Al'TOS TIIRIVK ON 011II smivit'K! Sinclair Service Station BBaea