Big Annual Hunt Held by Rainbow Club Last Week Hunters From a !Nuiiiber of Stales J’artinpateil In The Event (Weekly Herald. Robersonville) (By Claude Smith and Wiley Burvougns Rogerson) The members and guests gather ed at Rainbow Gun Club. Sunday afternoon. Nov 19. 1950 foi their annual Thanksgiving hunt This elub is located in Bertie County 1 ■■ ' ■■ -— I on the Roanoke River about one j mile from Hamilton, N C As usual the men left the elul>| house early Monday morning loi their first bar's hunt. Four deer; 1 were killed. The men killing thesi i were Dr. ,1 R Hester, Wendell, | N. C.. D. F Holliday. Henderson. ! N. C Riehard Barnhill. Stokes, N | C. and C. H Corey. Portsmouth, i Va. After the evening meal, several of tin men went coon hunting. Due to tin weathei • such as high wind and dry leaves, only four coons were treed. The highlight of : this hunt was not the treeing of coons but the rich experiences ! of Dr E. A. Trinkle, Weston. Va. j I This was his first coon hunt. New I paths on this veteran hunting ground as well as trees that would not support a weary hunter were found by Dr Trinkle. On one of his falls, the wick was lost out I uf his lantern. This has never been known to happen before among ebon hunters. After iiO minutes or more searching for the wick, it was finally found and the hunt j continued. After a snoring good time Mon day night, the men awakened with renewed vim. vigor and vi tality. On this days deer hunt on ly two deei were killed Albert Jarvis, Weston. W Va. and ,1 R, Winslow, Robersonville, N. C. were the victors. On this night Dr. Jefferson Browder and Dr. Ford Warren of Brooklyn. N V entertained the men with a trow rail and shoot at the oyster bar in Williamston, N C On Wednesday, most of the men rested for the big hunt Thanks giving Day. Although a few went squirrel hunting, including Art Ward. Weston. W Va. who kill ed 7 that day. The annual business meeting ol the club was held this night and the following officers eleeterl; J H. Winslow, Robersonville, N. C President; C T Smith, Roberson ville, N C. Secretary and Trea sure; C L. Keel, Robersonville, N C Chrm. Mouse Com.; George Stevenson, Hobgood, N. C. Chrm. Warden Com, Thursday morning the men started off with a bang! Six men left to try their skill at turkey hunting. The remainder went deer hunting. Three turkeys and four deer were bagged The vic torious turkey hunters were C. I!. Corey. Portsmouth. Va., T. G Saviige Hobgood, N C. and C A. Men’s Dress and Work Shoes For Less. WILLARD’S SHOE SHOP Tried to Crash TV 9v-iWJWHWWW5W OVERLY-ANXIOUS lo git an Inter view will) a Hollywood television producer, actress Chili Williams, of “Polka-Dot” fame, hammered too hard on a glass door, police say, and was badly cut by broken glass. Here she is pictured in the screen capital’s Receiving Hospital after being treated. (International) Paramore, Scotland Neck, N. ( Tin floor were killed by Joh Long, Tarboro, N. C. D. Higl Portsmouth, Va.. H C. Bass, Scot land Nook. N. C„ and D. F. Hull day. Henderson. N. C. That evening when all tl hunters came in and a most di I1 nous game supper was scrvei This consisted of turkey, con vension and all the trimming Approximately 75 were served. Al 9 o’clock that evening, A Ward, Weston W. Va., Judge i the Kangaroo Court, and J. I Winslow, Robersonville, N. C Prosecuting Attorney, called th fair and just eoult to order to tr members and guests who ha missed a deer since the last annut hunt. The following men trie to defend their shirt tails: Z. V. Long, Tarboro. N. C. trie and convicted; penalty 2 inches i his shirt lad. L. Roy Clark, Wendell, N. C tried and convicted; penalty, inches of his shirt tail. Herbert ilighsmith, Roberson villi , N. C , ease continued froi last hunt Due to lack of suffi cient evidence, case was dismisses C. B. Corey. Portsmouth, Va.. , tried and convicted; penalty, 2 inches of his shirt tail. C. L. Keel, Jr., tried and con victed. but" wins a minor, was I put on probation for 3 years un j der his lather's care. New evidence was presented at this time in the case of Herbert Highsmith and his case was re opened He was tried and convict ed. The Judge ordered 2 inches of shirt tail cut from the front and two inches cut from the rear for "lying” twice. Court then adjourned. Special awards were then given by Albert Jarvis. Weston, W. Va. and Art Ward. Weston W. Va. 1st To Dr. J. R. Hester. Wendell. N. C. a beautiful 3 piece individual cocktail shaker set for killing the deer with the most points Monday. 2nd To J. R. Winslow. Rober sonville. N. C. a like prize was ! awarded for Tuesday's kill. 3rd To John Long. Tarboro, N. C. a like prize was awarded for Thursday's kill. 4th A grand prize, a 7 piece cocktail set to Dr. J. R. Hester, Wendell. N. C. for killing the lar gest deer with the most points. 1 5th A cocktail set to T. S. Sav age, Hobgood,*N. C. for killing the largest turkey. The final prize was a 72 oz. ice tea glass with the inscription 'I Bet You Can't" and filled with i iced tea. This was awarded Wiley B. Rogerson, Roberson vi I Ic. N. C. for being the "snoringest” mem ber of Rainbow Gun Club, n The majority of men left alter i this but a few stayed to try theii skill Friday, turkey hunting. Af ter sitting for several hours in the j turkey blind, the turkey saw Art Ward's red shirt first, j Art went Bang! Bang! Bang! ^ | but no luck. J. R. Winslow banged away too, but no luck for him '• either. 11 This day brought to an end most successful hunt. The me dd their goodbye’s with "I’ll 'j .vou next year, and better luck ! you Mr. Trmklc, no cat on ru ■ i trails," * I Out of State members attend v j ing were: Dr. Jeff Browder, | Brooklyn. N. Y„ Mi. Albert Jar i vis. Weston, W. Va. Art Ward. NOTICE! Vdiancini: costs of materials, equip ment anil >rn ires ai r making it imperil* tiir lo effect a small increase in our prices for dri clean in*;. While we regret the action, we assure onr patrons that lie'll do all in onr power lo offer a continued efficient and de pendable seriice. Alpha Cleaners inm oil 1ST HICk STRAIGHT B OURB ONWHISKY 4 YEARS OLD $010 PINT *3.40 Vs Qt yyyyyyyyyyyyy ymi yuuy u u u u u C M MOOF ■ OLD HICKORY DISTILLING CORPORATION. PHILA.. FA. ) A - : HOME HAMBY BREAD 'Any woman who buys bread for her family owes it to herself to see how Bamby is made. I did—and. it’s Bamby for me from " now on.” Gleaming automatic ovens, washed air, spotless rooms—even the spic-and pon trucks which deliver amby —all add up to Lidtei bread for you. "You Can Beat the A-Bomb" Filmed Counter-measures to an atom | bomb explosion near a typical j i American community are dramat- j ically demonstrated in the timely short feature, 'You Can Beat the A-Bomb," at the Watts Theatre, Thursday and Friday, Planned to minimize fear and panic, the thrilling film points out the benefits of atomic power in the fields of medicine and en gineering, while stressing the im portance of effective defense ^gainst the explosion and radia tive dangers of the power when | used in a weapon. The film presents detailed dem onstrations of how one must plan personal defense, from the mo ment warning systems give notice of an attack to the instant the bomb explodes. Highlighted is the fact that the A-Bomb has its lim itations. and knowing how to take advantage of these limitations, by means of simple precautions will considerably increase the individ ual's chances of survival. Entertaining and dramatically presented, the absorbing picture offers convincing proof that man ^an face the threat of atomic war ! fare certain that he is far from j helpless. For the film, made in collabora tion with The Council of Atomic Implications, Inc., John Balder • Weston, w. Va„ C. B Corey! Ports mouth, Va., C. D. High, Ports mouth. Va. Out of State guests were: Dr. Ford Warren, Brooklyn. N. Y., Dr. E. A. Trinkle, Weston, W. Va. BetterCough Relief When new drug* or old fail to itop your cough or chest cold don't delay, t reomulsion contain* only safe, help ful, proven ingredients and no nar 1 cotics to disturb nature's process. ]t goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature soothe and heal raw. ten der, inflamed bronchial membrane*. Guaranteed to please you or druggist refunds money. C reomulsion ha* stood the test of many millions of users CREOMUL’SION I C•«**«, Ckeet Cel*. Acute Iteackitn ston. Jr., served as technical ad visor, the producers being Emer son Film Co. and Crystal Pro ductions. Inc. Walter Colmes di rected the interesting feature from a screen play by Louis Alan based on material authorized by proper sources. RKO Radio re leases. "Do you find advertising brings quick results?” "Yes, indeed! Why only the other day we advertised for a night watchman, and thaf very night the sale was robbed.” About 82 million board feet of timber is used each year in mak ing matches. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION North Carolina. Martin County. Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Mrs. J. A. Everett deceased this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned or his at torneys within one year from this date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail oer sons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 25 day of October, 1950 SLAB WOOD FOR SALE CHEAP. Dial 2460 Willianiaton Supply Co. J. A. Everett, Jr., Administrator of the estate of Mrs. J A. Everett, deceased. Peel and Peel. Attorneys at Lav., Williamston, N. C. jl *1 I „ 2 SUPPORT yOt'R OFFICE sum.v STOKE A COMMUNITY ASSET Williamslon Oliice Supply Co. SINCLAIR HUNTS OIL BY LAND, SEA AND AIR TO HELP SUPPLY AltlAr»HOK*S*> in uaod to up |ttiat> tea! atructura of aartlt'a aurfaeo in Sinclair^ in> tanaifiad aaarch for now oil-baariag atructuraa. I fa part of Siaclaii*a $ ISO,000,000 aapaaaioa program to halp moot today’* racord damand UNDER WATER exploration U yielding new, un tapped Oil reserve* Picture chow* use of the gravity meter, one of the newer scientific tool* employed by Sinclair to map aubaurfac* formations SHOT HOLS drillfcg machine n uaed by Sinclair to drill holee (or nplnivt chargee, the effeeta •# which arc recorded by eeaeitive Seismograph to aaap under* ground formation* aa daap at 15,000 foot, N. C. GREEN, AGENT WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Austirv^Nichols GREAT OAH $1.85 Tha Straight Whiskoys in this pn4- \ act art 2 yaars ar mara old; I 10% Straight Whiskoy, 70% Sroio ■ Naatraf Spirits; 20% Straight Whis- | kay 2 ytars old, S % Straight Whiskoy | 4 yaars aid, 5% Straight Whiskay I 4 yaars old. 14 proof. * Austin^Nichols i fcCo PWi Inc. a noonoi-anr roai *4 It’# time again to ready your Kuick for (he cooler driving days ahead —so your Buick dealer is featuring a big triple-service offer iii>hl vow— IFoH tune-up, which includes cleaning of air and fuel filters, adjustment of valves, carburetor and distributor—and lots more. Cooling system service, including a flush-out — also inspection and tightening of all hoses and * connections. 3P®*k front wheel bearings with fresh lubricant— also safcty-inspect your front brake linings; where wear shows itself first. Put your Buick in tiptop shape now to do its best this winter! Phone your Buick dealer, for his special-offer price on these services (and lor an appointment) this week. CHARLES H. JENKINS & CO. < of Williamslon, he. t Washington Street ^ illiauistou, N. C. A