THE ENTERPRISE Piiblished Every Tuesday and Thursday by ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILUAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) One Year Six Months ....... . IN MARTIN COUNTY life I.BO OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One Year_IS.Be Six Months_ 1.71 Advertising Rate Card Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamaton, A N. C., as second-class matter under the act ® of Congress of March 3, 1878. Address all communications to The Enter prise and not individual member! of the firm. No Subscription Received Under 6 Months Thursday. !\orenihpr HO. 1050 ® Si ran fie Action The belated action taken in the Garner murder case by Judge Luther Hamilton is indeed strange, and. instead of airing it be fore the world, it would seem he would have preferred to remain silent. It would seem the jurist is trying to ease his conscience, so he looks around for a political enemy up on whose head he would dump the mess. Whatever his motives were in allowing the bill of indictment to be drawn for first degree and climaxing the trial with the death sentence the jurist comes out with the argument that there was need for a worthy example. It a man's life was unduly taken, then m this case the trouble is traceable without question to the trial jurist. Judge Hamilton would set an example for people to think about down in murderous Harnett by sitting idly by and sanctioning the trial of a man for his life, and then crit icise someone else because the man was executed. Judge Hamilton apparently would create the example, but. in turn, would have the Governor cast it aside, possibly taking the opportunity under such conditions to condemn the Governor for interfering with his handiwork on the bench. Threaleniiif! Democracy The close connection between big-time gamblers with officials has been fairly well established in various parts of the country. By way of corruption or pressure, gamblers have carried on a business, figuring in the billions of dollars. From California comes a report that the Stage is being set for an investigation point ing to "weak and corupt federal income-tax enforcement.” When we see the gambling promoters tear through our own State Legislature and get the lawmakers blessings for the opening of lace tracks and betting windows, we can’t Jiylp but believe that Democrc^y is hying vVc '1 dm told about the wonderlui revenue-producing power the tracks and other gambling schemes offer. It is no worse lor a man who, finding it impossible to meet his obligations out ol his legitimate income, to go out and steal to make the higher grade. plicated Complicated causes surround the failur of so many young men when they underg Army examinations. One group says the “failures” are trace able to non-attendance upon the school.* Probably that explains away a majority o the failures, but failures have been traeeabli to high school graduates. Possibly there are reasons, although no valid ones in our times for children to re main out of school. In many instances th< work of the child is necessary to sustain life But there is little cause to suport a grad uate s failure. The subject either employee opossum tactics at the Army Center or out educational system fell down on the job. Dhp (on sit lor at ion Buying is rapidly pushing toward its sea : son peak, and it is only fair and just that due consideration be given the home mer chant. ihe guv-who figures prominently in the economic, religious and civic fields in I our community. He is the man who pays taxes at homd. gives to charity at home, sup1 ports an endless number of drives, cheers you and me along the way all through the year, and is an all-around good fellow. While it is admitted that costs are high, | a fair comparison proves beyond all doubt I that the prices of the home merchant are directly in line with the mail order house and the foreign merchfnt, quality, service and all other factors considered A It is only fair to give the home merchant due consideration at Christmas time and all other times in the year. The South and It* Critic* The Greensboro Daily News Whether it is worthwhile to stick a hat pin in a straw woman, we don’t know. Per haps it is if you enjoy it. W. E. Debnam’s "Weep No More, My Lady" has sold 80,000 copies. ‘ The straw woman” is an effigy of Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, who was right when she. intimated that there were “signs of unhappi ness and poverty” in the South. We cannot help them disappear by denying that they ‘ are there. To those who love the South for what it is and who are willing to look its faults as well as its virtures in the face in the hope of making a better South, the Debnam booklet is no special contribution. When the South is accused of “signs of poverty and unhappiness,” it is easy to re tort (as Debnam does) that there is plenty of unhappiness and poverty in the North, j East and West. Nothing could be more true, unfortunately, and nothing could do the South more harm than to seek consolation for its own deficiencies by supinelv con templating those of other sections. That is not the way the South has made the amaz ing progress it has made particularly in the past 50 years. Mrs. Roosevelt as a critic of the South is often misguided and wrong, we think, but fundamentally sympathetic and desirous of being helpful. The South is strong and great enough to take. It no longer runs its Walter Hines Pages out of the country. It builds on the land its critics have cleared. ter, because a human is not a lump ot ‘putty.” Every child ought to be taught two things: Not to be afraid to live and not to be afraid to die.—Ex. Hriiijj tin- kiddies in the first time you’re downtown. You’ll find * we have a fine seleetion of Christinas toys for ehildren of all ape*. We 4l*o flare On Display GIFTS ior Every Member of The Family! Shop Now While Our Stocks Are Complete. CANDIES NUTS FBUITS Martin Supply Company I ’ CHURCF ; NEWS f BAPTIST a 9:45. Sunday school. 11:00, Worship. 6:30, Training Union. ^ 7:30. Worship. The nursery will be open durin ■ the morning services. Monday: 3:30, General W. M. S meeting at churchr 7:30, R. A meeting; 7:30. Training Unioi meeting, First Baptist Church Rocky Mount. Tuesday: 4:00. Ethel Guest G. A meeting; 7:30, Teachers and Offic ers meeting in Annex. • ..■JWcJflcVaay; 7:30. Midweel prayer service. Thursday: 300. Adult choii practice. _*._ METHODIST E. K. Shuller, Minister. 9:45, Church school. Fletcher Thomas, Supt. 11:00, Morning worship. 0:30, Youth fellowships. 7:30, Evening worship. 8:00, Monday. Circle No. 1 meets with Mrs. T. M. Britton. Wesley an Service Guild meets with Miss Ruth Ward, with Mrs. Onward Robertson joint hostess. 7:30, Wednesday. Bible study. 8:15, Wednesday. Choir rehears al ‘and meeting of the Board of Stewards. There will be only one session of the Leadership Training school held in the Washington Methodist church next week. This session will be held Monday night at 7:30. IIOLLY SPRINGS Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. G. L. Daniel, Supt. Church service at 3:00 p. m. Sermon by the pastor. -« EVERETTS BAPTIST E. R. Stewart, Past..-. 10 a. in., Bible School. G. H. Forbes, Supt. 0:30 p. m., Baptist Training Un ion. Paul Bailey, Director. 7:00 p. in., Prayer services on Thursday night. The public is invited to attend all services. HAMILTON BAPTIST E. R. Stewart, Pastor. 10 a. m., Bible school. H. S. Johnson, Supt. 11a. in., Worship service, "The Christian Home.” 0:30, Baptist Training Union. ' Willie Knox, Director. 7:30 p. m., Evening worship ser vice: "Five Solemn Facts.” 7 p. m., Monday, Boy Scouts will meet. 7:30 p. m., Wednesday. Library night. 7:30 p. in., Dec. 4th. There will be held for all training unions of the Roanoke Association the "M” service with First Baptist Church, Rocky Mount. A large attendance is expected. The public is invited to attend all services. Church Of The Advent ! (H lUV. [ Ilf, i.ahtl'ilgfc,’ j'uviol Weekday (Exc. Monday) Morn ing and Evening Prayer 8 and 5. First Sunday in Advent, Dee. 3. 7:30 u. m„ Holy (Communion. Corporate Communion of Men and Boys. Breakfast. 9:45, Church school. 11:00, Holy Communion and Sermon. Nursery. 7:30 p. m„ Evening Prayer and Sermon. Collect for Sunday: “Almighty ' God, give us grace that we may cast away the works of darkness, 1 and put upon us the armour of • light, now in the time of this mor- j tal life, in which thy Son Jesus 1 Christ came to visit us in gr.;at • humility; that in the last day. j when he shall come again in his f glorious majesty to judge both the j quick and the dead, we may rise ; to the life immortal, through him j who liveth and reigneth with thee l and the Holy Ghost, now and j ever.” " CEDAR BRANCH BAPTIST i W. B. Harrington, Pastor. j Kegular services will be held at < Cedar Branch Baptist Church | Sunday at 11:00 o’clock. All mem- I bers are urged to be present and ? the public is invited. | WEST ENDllAPTIST \ J. Thud Ashley, Pastor. 9:45 a. m., Sunday school. Les- "j lie Gurganus, Supt. 11:00 a. m., Morning worship. "i The R. A.’s will meet Friday ' evening, December 1, at the 5 fhurch at 7:30. * The mid-week prayer service J will be held Wednesday evening. ! Choir rehearsal will be held im- • mediately afterward. The public is invited to worship : with us at all services. * j I Jamesville Baptist W. B. Hairington, Pastor. Regular services will be held a Jamesville Baptist Church Sundaj night at 7:15 o’clock. All mem hers are urged to be present anc ‘ the public is invited. MACEDONmT'HRISTIAN Service Saturday morning at 11 P. E. Cayton, Pastor. Bible school at 10. J. S. Holli day. Supt. ' Church service at 11. Morning sermon; “The Beauties of Heav ■ en." Rev. 21-21. Evening service at 7. CHRISTIAN John L. Gofl'. Pastor. * Bible school at 9:45. Classes for all ages. The Philathea and Bob Peel Bible Classes invite any adults not now attending Bible School. Exum L. Ward, Jr., Supt. Morning worship and celebra tion of the Lord’s Supper at 11:00. Sermon subject: "Discipleship in Action.” CYF and Chi Rho Groups meet at 0:30. Sunday is Woman’s Day among the Disciples of Christ and our local Christian Women’s Fel lowship will have charge of the 7:30 service. A playlet entitled “The 'Plus' that makes the Differ ence” will be presented as a part of the evening program. The public is cordially invited. All afternoon and evening cir cles will met Monday. Schedule I will appear in bulletin. Tuesday. 7:30, choir rehearsal. Wednesday, 7:30. mid-week prayer and praise service in the home of Mr. and j Mrs. J. M. Ward on West Main Street. Subject ol study: “TheJ Fullness of Time.” PENTECOSTAL holiness N. J. Ward, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:45. Henry Hoel, Supt. Morning worship at 11:00. Youth service at 6:30. Evangelistic service at 7:30. Mid-week prayer service, Wed nesday! night at 7:30 PRESBYTERIAN Jesse M. Corunt and Kay Mis enheimer, Supply Pastors. 9:45, Sunday school. 11:00, Worship. 7:00, Youth Fellowship. 7:30. Hour of Power, 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. | £.00. Women church i met on first Monday, No. 2 or .! 2nd Monday. No. 3 on 2nd Mon . i day and a general meeting will be held on the 3rd Monday, i 8:00, Choir. Wednesday. — -4 OAK CITY CHRISTIAN ! Olin Fox, Pastor. Sunday school at 10:00. Ernest Bunting, Supt. Preaching 2nd Sunday, 11:00 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Woman’s Council Wednesday afternoon after second Sunday at 3:30. | Visitors are welcome. EVERETTS CHRISTIAN Olin Fox, Pastoi. Sunday school at 10:00. Mrs. Geo. Taylor, Supt. Christian Youth Fellowship Monday evening at 7:30. Preaching 4th Sunday at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Woman's Council Saturday af ternoon before first Sunday at 3:30. Visitors are welcome. - SAVE NOW For Christmas 1951 l 2 I S Next week uhoul 378 Christinas Club liimnbm will receive checks amounting to aromul $34,000. WILL YOIJ GET ONE? If not, |>ktit now to join the new Christ* inns Club. Sr OUR NEW CLtJB BEGINS DECEMBER 4TH HAVE FUN IN 51 r Join our Christinas Savings Club now! Save an little or i a« mneli ait you'll need-—for Christmas clothes, present* ... without dinging into important Having*! When it'* i • completed you receive every rent. Coine in, let’s discuss the plan with you. Choose One Of These (Classes Deposit Weekly ft 20.00 10.00 5.00 :*.oo 2.00 i.00 .50 Receive in 50 Weeks S1000.00 500.00 250.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 25.00 I 1950 CHECKS ARE READY lor Delivery. Call at Bank For Yonrs! Guaranty Bank And Trust Co. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation i