Local Team Departs For Title Game At Bessemer ^ . ,2\. . Mavnard Is Seeking: * J i Information On Foe n fi\1 Members Oi |j Local Team Are Ready To Play , ported Healing Rapidly: No Other Injuries With hundreds of fans from the | sidelines and thousands in the 1 home town area^ listening in by i FM radio to a play by play de scription of the name, Williamston High School’s Green Wave Friday | night takes the field at Bessemer 'City against the team from that | , town to deride the C lass A chain- i pjonship of the State. The game was at first set for | but was moved back to 8:00 fiat the radio broadcast could handle the game from beginning j t| end. Ten local merchants arc sponsoring the broadcast whilt at 1 ast two bus loads of Ians are go 1 as carrying the football team i id managers left at 7:30 this lorning, the team planning to old a limbering up practice tins ‘ Fternoon af Charlotte oi Gas )ii^ Coach Stuart Maynard was I ill seeking information on his pponent yesterday but hopes to ave some data befort the gamej imorrow. Wallace barren's Kye He-1 home town rooting for them on g and hundreds of cars. The] r MEET TONIGHT | v——s The committee named to raise funds for the purchase of a school activity bus for Williamston is nearing its goal and a meeting will be ■ held in the office of Wheel er Martin tonight at 1:30 to name a sub-committee to ar range for the purchase of the ; vehicle. ' Starting out with a net of $1540.00 from the Plymouth- i Williamston game for which special Bus Fund tags were sold, donations have pushed the fund on up toward the $3700 goal and last night it was reported the money was in sight for the bus and it is now hoped that there will he funds for a heater. Those handling the chartered , hus for local fans noted this morn V inr that there is always a possi bility that someone will not be able to make the trip and sug i gested that anyone not having a way to go report to the bus sta tion tomorrow morning in rase a i seat should be available. The seniors are traveling by ; chartered bus also. Some bruises and possibly a lit , tie soreness lingered on but for the ' most p o t all members of the team | are ready to go. Wallace Warren, .-ustainiug a severe cut over the ve in the Massey Hill game at t Goldsboro, is expected to be ready ii go against Bessemer City and } n his job of holding down left ■nd will have to stop the end- 1 iround play of big Huffstctler of Jessemer City, the left end who •omes back around right to carry he ball a lot and has been fairly luccessful at the job this season. While not too much is known of Bessemer City here, it is reported ay sports fans from that section that they run from the split T for mation, that they hit the center a lot with right half, Harmon, and left half, Robinson, doing most of the carrying. Against this May nard will use his single wing at tack which has been fairly suc cessful this year, good enough in fact to win the last 9 games,in a row. In combatting the T attack Maynard has also been pretty suc cessful this year and his team has had plenty of experience against this method of play. The split T has also been faced some, Ahoskie using a variation of that on some plays. In trying for extra points. Bes semer City has usually attempt ed to run the ball over instead of kicking. H. Kiser, right end, got most of that work in the Guilford game where hi' scored two extra points. There appears no way of rating the two teams since they have not . had any mutual opponents and no i team played by either has played 'a team played by the other this I season. Ordinarily, the team from ' the east would be considered the stronger, but there is another i ! in that since the game is beinj 1 played on the home field of the 1 western representative. Definite lv Williamston is not being listec as an underdog, but neither can i f TO BE ON FM 12 blk __—' The State Class A Champ ionship battle between the Williamston High School •drees Wave and the Bessemer City High team at Bessemer City Friday night at 8:00 will he carried over Station I WFMA, FM only. Rocky Mount, direct from the play- j ing field. The arrangement for the broadcast was made by a group of local merchants and those stores with FM sets are likely to stay open Friday evening during the broadcast for the convenience of the local fans who cannot attend the game in person. It will be the first FM broadcast of a Williamston game. The number to be dial ed on the FM band is 127. be called a favorite. One sports observer lias noted that when the Williamston line is charging, the 'Green Wave is a hard team to get along with, but there have been spots when the line failed to hit quick and hard and the attack I was not too impressive. It the II Williamston players arc in good i spirit, Bessemer City will have a l busy time of it . While Bessemer City is reported 1 I to rely on its end m ounds and line i' plunges toi a big majority of its 1 i plays.ann has not gone }o the air i center plunge with Lmdelle Ward c 1 carrying, a reverse with Edwards, f Spruill or Warren, end sweep with U Rogers or Warren, and off tackle :> plays with Ward, Rogers or War ren which gives a varied oftense. The Green Wave does not take to the air very often but is believed able to do so if necessary to loosen fil up the other team's defenses. In »! David Davis, the Green Wave has ajjone of the best first-year blocking ■k backs m the business. David also 'is quarterback for the team. In the line, Jimmy Myers, seleetinji appropriate (lifts non on display at our store. 'y*-. • For Her: [ViTuns-: .<.. By Kliz-aUelli Arslen—Kvening in I'mii* — ( oly — Old Spire and Oornlliy Cirav • Compacts • Dresser Sets • Hair Brushes • Stationery • Bath Accessories For Men, Young Men & Boys • Billfolds • Electric Razors • Ronson Lighters • Fountain Pens • Shaving Sets • Poker Chips _® Pipfs and Tobaccos CANDIES by St rafts. If hitman's and Panghorn's CLARKS PHARMACY GAS PAINS GO! Inrlirh of Bloat \ aiiisli Swelling with gus after meals— rifting of hot, sour 1 kiuiris into the throat a heavy, swollen feeling around the waist-line These are some of the penalties ol an Upset Stomach dir, t A V;N . ft Ipirtg hun I dreds of stomach •‘victims" here in I Wilhamston. One local man said CEUTA-VIN worked so much gas and bloat from him that his waist line went down 7 inches. CERTA-VIN is a new formula containing Ten Great Herbs blend ed with vitamin B and Iron. It not only relieves gas; it also en i iehes tlu- blood with new red cell and makes the nerves stronger with vitamin B Mi.-a ruble peo pie soon fed different all over So don't go on suffering! Gi t CERTA-^IN- Davis Drug Store. fense most of the time while the light end is very capable taken rare of hy Reginald Coltvain al though it is his first year out. Boys who get a lot of work in the lint1 also are Bobby Goff and Wil bur Edwards. Raymond Robert - son is a reserve end arid Watson MeKeel gets into action in every game in the backfield either as a runner or passer. In their game against Guilford for the western title. Bessemer City used Huffstetler and Kincaid at left end, Richardson and Poe at left tackle. J. Delk at left guard, Kuhn and Cofield at center, kails , and Costner at light guard, Dam cron and Horn at right tackle, K. Kiser and Steele at right end, i Thomas and John Delk at quarter j back, Robinson at left half. Har mon and Hoyle at right halt, H Kiser and King at fullback. This is the final game of the sea- ] ion for both teams anti they are 'xpeeted to throw in all that they an to get the victory. It is a big opportunity for the football team .if Williamston and the boys are not likely to throw it away. Just before the Weldon game. Coach Maynard told his boys they could go all the Way and he saw no reason for not doing it. So far they have stayed with him and it will take a good team to sidetrack them. After playing three games in 8 days against undefeated foes, the Green Wave boys took a phy sical pounding that was tough, but they have had a few days of rest now and should be ready for this big one. They, of course, get the Eastern title awards but they art after the top ones, the big tropin and the gold footballs. Wkiikty, U f(M», «■/. WkliktT. 40% Ofti» Maulrol Spirit*. Au8tiiW*iichoi£ 6 Co * Inc. $2.10 pint $3.35 fiith Jimmy Brown Gets An Award A Jamesville boy, now making his home in Washington when not working as coach ot the Boston I Braves. Jimtnv Brown, lias been I given the 1950 award for the base |ball coach exerting the most i wholesome influence on the sport by the Christian Athletes Founda tion. The award will be presented at Tullahoma, Term., on December 18, it was announced. Brown was la star infielder for the St. Louis I Cardinals for a number of year (and after slowing up as a player | has remained in baseball in van I ous capacities. He has always (been popular with fans. Social News PITTMAN-WARREN Miss Ethel Dell Warren of Oak City and Mr. Ramson Pittman of Hobgood were married on Satur day, November 25, at Emporia, Virginia. Those present at the ceremony were Mr. and Mis. Joe Savage of Hobgood and Mrs. James New some and daughter, Nina Glyn, of Oak City. Return Home Mr and Mrs. William Leggett and Mrs Henry Leggett have re turned home after having spent the holidays in Richmond. Itusiness Visitor Here Mr David Warren of Edenton was a business visitor here yes i | terday. trmofirV ,SV«r HAMS Your Favorite Del Monte Foods W**/ *ffni/fir EARLY GARDEN PEAS WHOLE, BUTT OR SHANK END! 12-16 LBS. AVG. ARMOI It S 1IANNI It IlHANU BACON AKMOI K'S STAR SK111.M FRANKS \KMOIKS SIAK 1'1 III: C SAUSAGE POTATO SALAD Chef’s Pride Fresh Made || \ M SALAD, »•«>/■ <»l» 1:<1 Occan-Ircsli Seafoods I //. & C. I larnrfal WHITING Medium ROCK, pound 35c Speckle TROUT, pound 47c PERCH FILLET, pound 43c 2No 2 Cans k# mP YOU SAVE 7c Luscious Del Monte SLACK BING CHERRIES :nc 17 Oz. Jar Del Monte Blended LIMA BEANS Lb 19c COLON'*1 STORES Del Monte Healthful > PINEAPPLE ||f/ iMnnto Si trod PINEAPPLE ?,: nz u , / Arnianr's Star inrnvd BEEF HASH Y0U Can V S# SAVE M •IEI. llontr HAIM I! IINIT KI I II APRICOTS Ptt MONTE MAU I HA WASHINGTON Hill sri.AKS ASPARAGUS tBUdUK'S STAR—HI.AN3 WITH CHILI CON CARNE ARMOUR'S STAR MIXICAN STTI.K TAMALES No 2i 39^ 49c 37‘ 25c No 2 Can 16-Oz Can 10i-Oz Jar AKOO llllAMI OKI I N AMI WHITT: LIMA BEANS . 19c EDIMRU1T MOIST SHREDDED ' \ COCOWUT h. 23* ARfiO RED SALMON no < 73c OKI. MONTE t FIGS 17 °z Ja' 33c NABISCO CHOCOLATE DROP COOKIES «-<>.. 39c BliCCHNUT BRAND COFFEE ^ 88c KARO CRYSTAL WHITE I i SYRUP No 5 can 57c III IIKIT SIIKEDDKD , | COCONUT 8 Oz 29c (•ORTON'S I ROUEN HADDOCK FILLETS Lb 47c AKOO COHN _ STARCH plo 12c I KARO HUE LABEL 1 SYRUP No 5 can 55c FREE! ] 1-LB MARGARINE OF > YOUR CHOICE-WITH 2 j BOX TOPS FROM DUFF S | HOT ROLL MIX | 2 50* GET COMPLETE DETAILS AT YOUR FRIENDLY COLONIAL STORE ' C S NATURAL OR SWEET GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 ARMOUR O iv 1 I r--N I ARMOUR'S STAR I I TRCCT 1 - 43* ! 12 Oz Can YOU SAVE 6c AHMOI'H S *TAU HHTM> lyllJUf No i Can 1UV ABMOI H S VIF^NA SAUSAGE h» ‘ AHMOIH'H stah <<»*'"" user 12 0zCan45C JUICE 46 Oz. 29c Del Monte Tomato J SAUCE Hit 17< Dovm t oduce I'Hfi(*«/ II Hsiiiiu/ittti Stutv APPLES RED DELICIOUS 2 Lt’ 25c swept ji ic v ii.okiim ORANGES 5 29c » >11.1)11 *1 SI/E HOIUIM G’FRUIT 3 19c 5 33c TOP CIIIAI.IT V MW (KOI* YAMS u s no 1 U. S. No. 1 YELLOW ONIONS 3 IIm. 12c* I S. NO I WHITE POTATOES 10 b 33c Del Monte PLUMS 17 Oz. Jar Armour's Dog Food DASH 2 c... 27* IIOI SMIOI.I) C 1.1 ANSI K OLD DUTCH c.n 12c HOI SI HOLD CLEANSER SUNBRITE c.n 8c PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP R«« •« 9c MAItVI LOl S VEL Lge Pkg 30c FOR DISHES FAB Lge Pkg 30c T^ILEl SOAP OCTAGON i'* Sc MILO PURE LUX SOAP *'< 9c W ITH .s'Ol.ll M R1NSO ls. Pkfl 30c LIFEBIOV—8ATB SIZF 1.1a SOAP f«9 »« 9c