Visiting Here From Rome, Ga. Mrs. C. 1 Harris, Sr., of Rome. Ga., is visiting her son. Dr. Harris, and family here. Here From Hamilton Miss Mary Lou Harrell of Ham ilton visited here Tuesday Attended Funeral Messrs LeRoy Evereit and Whit Purvis of Hamilton were among those who attended the funeral of Mr. Lee House in Robersonville Tuesday afternoon Returned Home Wednesday Mrs. E. L. Sherman returned to her home in Salisbury yesterday after spending several days here with her parents. Her father. Mr. J. T. Price, accompanied her home for a visit. NEED GLASSES? « 1 Attend Funeral | Among those from out of town who attended the funeral of Mr. J. T Barnhill. Sr., here yesterday , afternoon were: Messrs. Clifton Everett, Swan Ives and J. A. Staton. Miss Ca mille Staton. Mrs. Harold Staton, Mrs. Wadie Ward, Mrs. Alton J Whitehurst. Mrs. X. E. Manning, Mrs. M. W. Lassiter. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Rogerst>n, Mr and Mrs. Z. V Bunting. Mi and Mrs. Don Carson, Jr.. Mrs. D. C. Carson, Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Latham, Mr and Mrs. J B Bunting, Mrs. W. J. Carson Mrs. Tom Andrews, Jr., Mrs. F L. Andrews, Jr„ Mrs. Elizabeth A. Benton, Mrs. F. E. Price, Mi and Mis. Ernest Ward, Mrs. Clifton Everett, Mrs. Bob , Cullipher. Mrs. James Crandell, Mrs. William Andrews, Mrs. Reg inald Etheridge, Mrs. Ralph Car son. Miss Harriet Pollard, Mr. Tom Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Clay ton Carson, Mir and Mrs. R. E. Riddick, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gur ganus. Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Blount. Miss Jeane Cullipher, Mr. J. R. Bunting. Mrs. Royal Carson, Mrs. J. G Thomas, Mr. James N. Womack, Rev. N. W. Grant, Mr. H. S. Keel, till of Bethel, Mr. A1 vin Bunting, Mr. and Mrs. J. A Bunting, Mrs. Bill Pollard, Mr and Mrs. Clarence Barnhill, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Roebuck all of Greenville, Mr. and Mrs Tom Mann Carter, Mrs. R. L Jackson, Miss Peggy Ruth Jack son and Mr. Elbert Jackson, o Washington. Mrs. N. R. Roberson, Mr. am Mrs. Walter Roberson, Mr. am Mrs. Clayton Davenport, Mis Mary House, Mrs. J. M. Kilpatrick Mrs. J. H. Gray, Sr.. Mr. and Mrs Bill Sanford. Mis J. B. Rawls, Mrs Hugh Roberson, Mr. and Mrs. I. M Little, Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood L Roberson, Mr. J. Elliott Barnhill Mrs. Earl Coburn, Mrs. Wilsor Wynne, Mrs. Bud James, Mrs J. R. Matthews, Mrs. Alvin Hasty Mrs. Arthur Roberson, Mrs. Liz zie Smith, Mrs. J. R. Daniels, Mis; Susie Keel, Mr. and Mrs. Eugent Roberson, Miss Glenda Lee anc Eugene Roberson, Jr., J. M. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Wade E. Vick, Mrs David Grimes, Sr., Mr. and Mrs V. L. Roberson, Mr. Vernon Jen kins, Mrs. Bruce Everett, Mrs Elliott Taylor, Mrs. W W. Tay lor, Miss Gladys Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Everett. Mrs. J G. Barnhill, and Mr. Reuben Eve rett, Mrs. C. D. Jenkins, all ol Robersonville. Mrs. Ernest Etheridge of Ply mouth, Miss Martha Baldree and Mrs. Lyman Baldree of Ayden, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Williams of Dunn, Mr. Gale Summers of Nor folk. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnston of Bel haven, Mr. Willie Edmond son of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Wood, Mrs. Fred S. Isler and Mrs. R. M. Adams of LaGrange, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dawson of Clinton, Mrs. Mary L. Stalls of Portsmouth, Mr. Russell T. Roe buck of Wilson, Mrs. Cora Page und Miss Cordelia Perkins of Stokes, Mrs. L. B. Fleming and Mr. John W. Eubanks of Hassell, Mr. and Mrs. Davis Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. M J. Move of Tar boro, Mr. George L. Griffin yf Raleigh, Mrs. Goodwin Byrd of Windosr, Miss Emma Gay Ste phenson of Durham and Mrs. Jule James of Ahoskic. Business Visitor Here Mr. George Ward of Roberson ville was a busincs visitor here yesterday. Attended Funeral Mrs. Collins Peel and Miss Irene Tetterton attended the funeral of Mr. Lee House in Robersonville Tuesday afternoon. Business Visitor Here Mr. Marshall Barney of Rocky Mount, social security representa tive. was a business visitor here yesterday. JUST RECEIVED Carload Shipment 5-V Roofing ALL SIZES 11, 12, & 13 STRAND Wire Fencing C. L. Wilson & Co. Koltcrsom illr, 1Y (] If ) on l)on t liny From l „s liny From Someone. J. PAUL SIMPSON Den mill A gen l SECURITY LIFE AND TRUST CO. Dial 2171 — \\ illiainstoii LISTEN IN Williamston vs. Bessemer City FOOTRALL GAME 8:00 P. M. FRIDAY NIGHT I U>K IN FRIDAY NIGHT lo WFMA, 127 on your FM DIAL // 1 on Uu Not Haw A FM Set, Sto/i Uy Our Store Friday Night and Linen With Vs. Worried About Christmas Gilts? .Stop by and Jet us help you select something for “her” or “him” B. S. COURTNEY AND SON furniture Since 1914 Store Open Fridays Until 9:00 P. M. ; miss Dorothy Corey j weds c.- L. Brewei i The first Baptist Church o Tarboro was the scene of a lovel; formal wedding on Saturday, No vember 25, at seven o’clock in th evening, when Miss Dorothy Cor ey. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. F Johnson Corey of Williamstor became the bride of Mr. Charle Lloyd Brewer, son of the late Mi . and Mrs. Charles L. Brewer o Tarboro. The Reverend Car] E. Ouslej ' pastor of the church, officiated t perform the impressive doubl ring ritual. ’ The couple spoke their mar riage vows before an altar dec orated with arrangements o white gladioli and chrysanthe * mums interspersed with numer ’ ous lighted Cathedra] .candles ii ■ branched candelbra and with . background of ivy and magnoli leaves formed a beautiful settin for the Wedding scene. A prelude of wedding musi • was p|ayed by the organist, Mis Gazelle Moore. At the ceremon; Mr. Lynwood Pollard of Lenoi sang "Because” and “I Love Yoi Truly”. The traditional w.eddi'm i marches were used for the pre cesiOnal and recessional and “Thi Lord's Prayer” was sung by Mr , Pollard for the benediction. The bride entered the churcl with her uncle, Mr. H. Gahe Rob erson ,'pf Witliamston, by whorr she ’ was • estorted and given ir mariage. She wore with grace anc dignity her wedding gown fash ioned of ice blue satin designee \£ith deep net yoke outlined with enchustcd bead pearls and lonj fitted 1 sleeves ending in points oveh , the han^is. The Very full gathered skirt finished * -with a bustle was draped in sofe folds and extended into a .court'train. Her, ichapcii Length veil was at tached to a hat made of ice blue n+lon net shirred into a soft ful ness: and. edged with a ruffle of the lace. - She carried a bridal bouqd'ef of white rosebuds, cen tered with a white orchid shower ed wffh \v;hfte satin streamers. Mrs. El-ton Harrison of William ston', attended her sister as ma tron ,of hpnor. Gowned-in mint green satin combined with net she wore a matching headdress of net an'd elbow length satin mitts..and. carried a cascade bou quet of yellow chrysanthemums. Bridesmaids were Miss Ruby Norris of Tarbqro, and Mrs. Mar garet R. Revels of Williamston, cousin of the bride. They wore gowns of mint green satin and net, the design repeating that of the l\onor attendant. Their head dresses and mitts were matching and thpir bouquets were of yel low and lavender chrysanthe mums. The young Misses Linda Rob erson,'cousin -of the bride of Wil liamston,. and Flora Mae Boddie, step-sister of ‘ the groom of Tar boro, ivcrc flower girls and wore dresses, of white satin and carried baskets filled with rose pedals. Mrs. Ray Gurganus, cousin of the bride of Williamston, was Mistress of Ceremonies. Fred Davenport, Jr. was best man for the bridgroom. Ushers for the ceremony were Maurice Roberson uncle pf the bride, and Ray Gurganus, both of Williams ton; .Ervin Price of Tarboro and Joe .Brewer, Jr., cousin of the bridegroom of Wilson. The bride’s' mother wore an af ternoon dress of black crepe with blacji accessories, and an orchid Recent Bride i r Mrs. Claudius McGowan is the former Miss Allie Harden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Harden of near Plymouth. Her marriage to Dr. McGowan, son of Mrs. Martha Ann Harris and the late Lemon McGowan of Plymouth, was solemnized last Thursday afternoon in the Methodist Church at Plymouth. corsage. The bridegroom's step mother wore a dress of wine crepe with black accessories and an orchid corsage. The couple left later in the eve ning for a Northern bridal trip and upon their return will make their home at 1002 Main St., Tar boro. For traveling the bride wore an American Beauty red suit complimented with black acces sories and the white orchid from her bridal bouquet was pinned at her shoulder. Mrs. Brewer was graduated from Farm Life School near Wil liamston, and Carolina College of Beauty Culture in Raleigh. At present she is employed in the of fices of the Carolina Tel. and Tel. Co. in Tarboro. Mr. Brewer was graduated from Tarboro High School and served several years in World War II. A1 present he is employed by the Tarboro Ford Tractor Co. Prior to their marriage Mr. and, Mrs. Brewer were entertained by several parties and showers inf Tarboro. Immediately following the rehearsal Friday night, No vember 24, several friends of ttye eouple entertained at a cake cut ting, complimenting the couple. On November 11, Mrs. Johnson Corey was hostess at a miscel laneous shower, honoring her daughter, Miss Dorothy Corey, bride-elect. The room was attrac tively decorated, carrying out the bridal colors of green and white. Miss Corey received many lovely and useful gifts which she open •ed and graciously acknowledged. Ice cream, cake, nuts and mints were served to approximately seventy-five guests. On November 20th, Mrs. Ray Gurganus and Mrs. Margaret R. Revels complimented Miss Doro thy Corey and Mr. Charles “Dick” Brewer, bride and groom elect, at a party. Upon arrival Miss Cor ey was presented a corsage of carnations, and received a veg etable dish in her chosen pattern, a gift of the hostesses. Cokes, nuts and mints were served to the honorecs, Mr. and Mrs. Stancil Hardison, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Attended Funeral Mesdames Mary B. Gurganus, Martha Jones, Reba Matthews and Rachel Ward and Messrs. George Moore and Melvin Griffin attend ed the funeral of Mr. Joseph Hay wood Meats in Rocky Mount yes terday morning. Visited In Ahoskie Tuesday Mrs. D. C. McLawhorn visited her daughter, Mrs. Vasco Green, in Ahoskie Tuesday night. Attended Funeral Mr. H. H. Cowen. Jr. attended the funeral of Joseph Haywood Mears in Rocky Mount yesterday morning. Philathea Class Will Meet The Philathea class of the Memorial Baptist Church will meet Friday night at 8 o’clock with Mrs. Walter Mizelle. All members of the class are urged to be present. Tice, Mrs. Elton Harrison, Misses Cleo Corey and Rachel Roberson and Mr. J, T. Griffin, during games of canasta and rook After wards cake and ice cream was served. The home was thrown en suite for the occassion with the bridal colors of green and white with gladioli, chrysanthemums and fern. ! Announce engagement* ! Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Man ! ning announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Eliza beth, to Wilbur L. Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Jack son. The wedding will take place in February. Wins Baby Contest Little Miss Dianne DeFord, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. ft. F De Ford of Sheffield, Alabama, was the first place winner in a Baby Contest held in that city recently, it was learned here yesterday, ^ Mr. and Mrs. DeFord and dau* ' ghter, former residents of Wil liamston, lived on Pine Street here while Mr. DeFord was con-* nfccted with the Civil Aeronautics Administration. Mesdames Paul Simpson. Jim my Harris and Reg Simpson spent Tuesday in Raleigh. Eye Glasses Broken? We maintain a complete optical service. Lena, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. Peele’s — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 Tb*ff«Y*titl tin* for Yaw Portrait Call or drop ia far aa ap* poiatment thia w«rk ... if y*a a ant to give ‘ the beat gift af allH ta thane who Ha* nerve the beat... a gift that apeak a for yen through all the year... your portrait. FOR MOTHH...FOR DAD... H TNI WNOii FAMILY | KUYAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CENTER Main Street WHlianiaion Phone MU IE Christmas Gift Suggestions *S/tiim/hdb/e idw/ty C l'l I LINKS AND TIL HAR IIY KRLMLNTZ r T Hand engine turned . . . superbly made with an overlay of 14 Kt. gold for lasting rich appearance. Link’s $/.r0. 1 ie Liar S5.00 plus lax. Veete*8"]mUm Since 1899 121 Main Williamnton “FOR FUSER CHRISTMAS GIFTS” Girls' Dresses Exciting gifts for the Miss 3 to 6X or 7 to 14 in a grand selection of new holiday wear. Rayons, taf fetas, cotton, plaids, checks, and solid colors! Smartly styled and beautifully made , . . an unusual group at real savings. Several Graduated Sizes LOADING HOIST TWO OR THREE DRUMS — FOUR SPEEDS GM DIESEL OR GASOLINE POWER STURDY • COMPACT • ECONOMICAL Built in several perfectly balanced models with two or three * drums for loading or yarding. The various sices provide a wide range of engine power and drum capacity to maintain a continu ous rapid flow of logs. They are strong and durable in con struction. Units in stock at Greensboro. Write for prices It free literature. H. G. WILLIAMS, Representative P. O. Box 245 Phone llHWi TARBOKO, N. C.