Special Show Ai Hamilton Theater —<$— Coming to the stage of the Hamilton Theatre for 1 day only on Dee 3 after playing theatres and radio shows all over the east including the Madison Square Garden Rodeo in which the Hol lywood cowboy star, Ray Whitley was starred, will be Sally and her Montana Plainsmen featuring Sally, the Montana gal with the ^ golden voice and Tex Don, sing er and comedian deluxe. Three other members round out the cast of this swell entertainment event including “Tommy", “Chubby" and "Sleepy" who really play and sing those western songs the way you like to hear them. And in cidentally, the group has just completed a tour with Ken May nard, famous screen star! NOTE OF THANKS I am indeed grateful to my neighbors and other friends who ■ were so kind and thoughtful dur ing the recent short illness and death of my husband. The re sponse by Drs. V. FI. Brown and .1 T. Llewellyn to our call for help is greatly appreciated and will long be remembered along with the kind acts and the beau tiful floral offering. Mrs. Hen F Roberson. t ipCOOOOPQQQOOOQC./ HAMILTON THEATRE l )..." , — ‘ TODAY AND FRIDAY November 30 & December l i Shows a( 3 and 3 THE WEST POINT (. STORY •With James Cagney, Doris fray, Virginia Mayo, Gordon ■.McRae. "A tuneful musical •treat that’s styled to the sec ond.” Plus latest news. ’*■ " —• SATI'RDAY, December 2 Shows Continuous I til 11 • Double Feature Program REDWOOD FOREST TRAIL With Rex Allen BISIIFHL BACHELOR With I,um and Abner / PLUS SERIAL i Ala ii , SUNDAY, December 3 ONE DAY ONLY <Shows at 2:15, 5:15 and 9:15 SLEEPING CITY With Richard Conte ami Coleen Gray CARTOON r SALLY MONTANA AND HER PLAINSMEN On Stage In Person 'Stars of Radio, Screen and Television MONDAY - TUESDAY December 4 and 5 Shows at 7 and 9 WYOMING M 411 .. li> TecluticeSor With Stephen McNally Alexis Smith Howard lie Svlva Plus Latest Ngws MOVIES Arp BETTER THAN EVER 'aee«QoeeeeMea. Social News FIREMEN’S SCPPFR Williamston's volunteer fire men and their wives and special guests enjoyed a delicious dinner in the George Reynolds Hotel din ing room lust evening. They were guests of Mrs. Van G. Taylor who made the dinner possible as a token of appreciation for the sei* vice rendered by the firemen when they were called to a fire on one of her farms some time ago. Mayor Robt. Cowen briefly ad dressed the group, and Chief G. P. Hall, in behalf of the department, expressed his appreciation to Mrs. Taylor for the thoughtful remem brance. Attended Funeral Among those attending the fun eral of Mr. Lee House in Rober sonville Tuesday afternoon were: Dr. Chas. Harris, John Henry Ed wards, Luther Peel, M. W. Hollo man, James Bailey Peel, Clar ence Britton, Rudolph Saunders, Hugh Horton, Paul Simpson, Billy Peel, Sam Mobley, Sam Getsinger, Worth Mobley, Bill Harrison, anil Sam Lilley. Spent Sunday Here Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Mobley and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wood cock and family, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hemmingway and Mr. and M.s, Bruce E. Roebuck spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Jones. * CARD OP THANKS * I wish to express my sincere ap preciation for the kindness, gifts, and floral offering during my re cent illness in the hospital. I would like to extend my thanks to Dr. Brown and his staff. Your thoughtfulness will always be re membered. Mrs Elmer Modlin. Wants TENANT WANTED: SMALL colored family to cultivate some crops. F. L. Rogers, Route 3, Wil liamston, N. C. n 30 2t PEANUTS FOR SALE: 5 POUND bags, shelled, with shipping tag i attached for mailing. George Rey | nolds Hotel, Williamston. n 30 4t |6-VINE GRAPE ARBOR—RED, white and blue, as follows: 2 Lu I tie—red, midseason; 2 Niagara— 1 white, midseason; 2 Fredonia— ! new, early, blue. 6 Grapes, 2 yi. vines—Special Offer No. 8-0— $3.35. Postpaid. Write for Free Copy 56-page Planting Guide, of fered by Virginia’s Largest Grow ers of Fruit Trees, Nut Trees, Ber ry Plants, Grape Vines, and Orna mental Plant Material. Salespeo ple wanted. Waynesboro Nurseries Waynesboro, Virginia. BIG DANCE WHICHA ED’S Beach, Washington, N. C., Sat urday night, December 2. All i ladies free. Men, 75c. Combina ition round and square dancing. Music by Bob Jones and His boys TENANT WANTED: TO CULTI vste 30 acres of land. <3 i acres j tobacco, 8 acres of peanuts. Bal i ance of crop in Corn, Beans and I Sweet Potatoes. Good offer for right family. Contact Maylon A. Price or Paul Bailey, Williums ton, N. C. FOR SALE: 250 GOOD PIGS AND shoats, 55 bred hereford heifers, 25 Angus yearling heifers. W. S. Hundley, Boydton, Va. n 30 2t MwtwiaiwimMiiimiiiwaal FOR SALE: 20 BRED DUROC Sows and gilts. Also 25 pigs ready for the field. Dr. Jas. S. Rhodes, Williamston. n30 tf FOR SALE: TWO- KIDDIE coops, in good condition. Sec Mrs. Alton Harris, P.FD 2. Wil liainston. N. C. FOR SALE: THE ]R. B. BROWN residence and lot, corner Acad emy ar.d Hassell Streets. See Chas. H. Manning, Atty. n 30 tf LADIES* NIGHT DA NCI, Whichard’s Beach. Washington. N. C., Saturday Night, December 2. Ladies Free. Men 75c. Music by Bob Jones and His Boys. YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE: If you have property for sale, list it with us. We have people in our office daily wanting to buy or rent homes. Let us help you get the best price for the property that you have for sale. We are badly in need of 3 homes from 5 to 7 rooms. Selling is our busi ness. Roanoke Real Estate and Auction Co., 115 East Main St.. Phone 2077, Henry Johnson, Mgr. BE IM)EPENI)ENT SELI. RAW leigh Products. Good nearby locality open in Southeast Martin County. Write today. Rawleigh's Dept. NCK-451-D, Richmond, Vir ginia. N 211 lOt CEMENT, $1.40 PEiTbAG. F1n" ishing Lime. Plaster. Zonolite. Insulation. White Pine Paneling. Asbestos Siding and a complete line of building supplies. J. D. McCotter, Inc., Washington, N. C. no 28 2t WANTEDv MAN TO SERVICE debit in Williamston and Martin County for the Imperial Life Ins. Co. For further information con tact E. J. McDvniel, Washington, N. C., or write Imperial Life In surance Company, Box 580, Wash ington, N. C. no 20 2t THE JAMESV1LLE WOMAN’S Club will sponsor a turkey sup per and bazaar at the Jamesville High School lunchroom Friday, December I. Supper will be serv ed from 5:30 and plates will be fifty cents and one dollar, no 28 2t FOR SALE: I.AKC.E OIL HEAT cr, will heat 3 to 5 rooms or small store, entirely automatic with fans and thermostats. I large coal burning heater, brick lined for continuous heat. Very reasonable. Cash or terms. C. 1). Pittman, Phone 2739. no 2i) 2! LADIES, It’S TIME TO HAVE your fur coats remodeled and repaired. Also capes made of .old routs. Come in to see me. M|s. Mattie Hardee, over Key Brown’s Drug Store, 5 Points, Greenville,1 N C. no 23 4t WANTED: WHITE TENANT farmer for 5 tilt) acres of tobac 1 •o, 10 or 12 acres of peanuts, all equipment furnished. Good ft | room house with electricity, run ning water. Tobacco barns, oil' fired. On school bus route. Good apportunity for light man. Apply N. L. Turner, Rich Square, North Carolina. no 21 4t FOR SALE: GENERAL STORE Merchandise. Dry goods, shoes, hardware, groceries, etc. $18,000 inventory. May rent building or remove stock. See II. M. Ayers, Everetts. N, ('. no 28 4t GRACE YOUR LOT WITH A monument of Marble ot Granite that will perpetuate your,family name as your friends and neigh bors have perpetuated theirs. Choose it now while all concerned can have a voice in its choice. Con tact R. Sherrod Corey, Williams ton, N. C. Dial 29493. Rep. of Brown Memorial Company, Rocky Mount, N. C. no 14 6t WE AREIN THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulmbet Company, Frank F,. Weston, man ager, Williamston, N. C je 8 tt LOOKING A TOP COAT? WELL, we have them. Gaberdines, from $18.95 to $39.95. Not only’ are they topcoats but they are TOPS in quality and the best values you've seen this season. Darden's Dept. Store, Williamston. oc 2(1 tf REMINGTON RANI) PORTABLE typewriter for sale. Good as new. May be seen at Enterprise Office. no 7 tf DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs rpmoved promptly. No rharee. Phone Greenville, N. C, 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company no 8 tl NEW CARS: DO YOU WANT A new Car today. Pittman's in Williamston, has new Fords, Chevrolots, Plymouths and other makes in 2 and four door models for immedaite delivery at regular pi ices, too, Pittman’s also has many good used ears to seleet from, priced from $295.00 up. Re member Pittman’s buy, sell or trade new and used ears. Pitt man's used ear lot. Williamston, N. C. no 9 tf .FOR SALE: AZALEAS AND t A i l melius, blooming size. See J. Frank Weaver. no 28 2t! FOR SALF.rTIIE~j7 W'7 HARDY Home on Ray Street. 3 Red- ( rooms ('has II Manning, At i totney. no 23 tf I FOR YOUR (ll'STOM . MARK j Venetian blinds, awnings lor the j home or store, see us. Wr hav* j the famous Flexalum aluminutr. slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Williams ton. au 26 ti ; NIC E SPECKLED TROUT — SSc up. Oysters and a choice selec tion of fresh sea food. Sanitary Fish Market, located behind Mar tin's Bakery. Phone 2204. n 21 3t FOR RENT: SANDING MACII- j ine. Refinish your floors your- ' self- and do a first class job of sanding .ui polishing your worn | dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 205?. no 8 tf 1 FURNISHED ROOMS AND apartment for rent. Mrs. Len nie Manning. 311! Smithwick St.. Williamston. N. C. no 7 tf YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tuhps and hat torics. Phone PR 1R Turn right at Freezer Locke i no 8 tf GOOD USED FURNITURE—Wil liamston Hardware Company, Williamston, N. C. au 29 tf VERY SPECIAL: MEN. DON'T buy your lull and winter suits until you've seen the best values in town. We have good quality suits that range in price from S'21,00 to S49.9.-> We feature Cur lee suits, tlu' best buy on the mar ket. Darden's Dept. Store, Wil liamston, or 26 tf CLARK'S RHEUMATISM COM* ponnd for positive rplief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf PARKER'S SELF-SERVICE Laundry. Hours 8 a. in. to 5 p. m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. ( a quick and economical wash ser vice. ie 8 tf STOP IN AND SEE OTR STOCK of Used Furniture. Williatnstot Hardware Company, Wdliamston N. C. au 29 tf PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Top Prices for standing lim ber and pine logs. Williamston Supply Co. Phonal2460. je 20 tf (Oil) WEATHER (ANT BE loo far away. Remember Jlealh Radiator Shop is the place lo buy your Prestone We fill ’em and check 'em. no 7 8t ——— CORN WANTED: WE ARE .shellin'? every day and paying the farmer $1.25 per bushel. We recently rearranged our shelier and can give quick service. Phone 29843. Abbitt’s Mill no 21 4t SUNRAY A Finer Guk Range AT Pocket I'lnitiiiiji Price* SEE IT TODAY AT Maying Appliance Go. Washington St. Wiiliamston BOTTLE GAS SERVICE Williamston Bottle Gas Co. Phone 2050 146 Main St. W. J. MILLER & SON _ Of fire: WESTERN AUTO WATTS THEATRE Williamston. N. C. THURSDAY - FRIDAY THE PICTURE THAT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE! Know what to do, if tho flaming tirror strikes I So# how., .today/ YOU ON BEA1 and CRYSTAL RIOOLCTIONS re OBEY PLUMBING# EDGE WOOO AVC . • PHONE 2109 WILUAMSTON, N.C. FIXZ1T SYSTEM 'I'll!h Christmas Live ( RLKCTHICAL <; I FT 8 Eleetrie KoiihIitm Eleetrie Irons Pop-Up ToaHlcrs !Vli\maslers Waffle Irons Sandwieh (•rills Eleetrie Healers Warming Pads II.>1 Plates Klecli'i.' Itlankels Vuriinin Cleaner.* Washing Machines Sewing Maehines Ratlins Ranges Water Heaters Refrigerators Carhage l)is|>osal Klee trie Pop Corn Poppers t Oil Quaker Spare Heaters Christmas Lights ((minor and outdoor) Largest Selection In Tmcn WORRELL Appliance Co. Watts Theatre Wll.U UISTON Sunday - Monday - Tuesday ••"High Comedy 1 •• Major bid for 1950 Academy Awards!” —TIME Magazine "One of the finest pictures of the year!” £ a „ -HEDSOOK Hamilton Theatre SUNDAY ONLY Slum sal 2:15 — 5:15 — <>: 15 —AND HEIt MONTANA Pbinimen ■fr~~ ■ALLY MONTANA Olrl with «h» fl»H« Vole«! CHUBBY •■4 hi* ai»i auiur ★ ★ TEX DON KouiBiilte Singer /EKE World's t'muuus Comedian COWBOYS and COWG1IILS! r£l ON THE SCREEN . - ‘ Adventure - Thrill** “•Si CITY” Asim MM MM Produced by Directed by lOfllRTHLLOWS • NOPMAfW MCICOD Screenplay by Allen Scott Additional Dialogue by Oane turner & ^ A Paramount Picture ^f&chnicolor/ Hf THURSDAY & FRIDAY December 7 & 8 HAMILTON THEATRE S F E Worrell Appliance Co. for the best in USED FURNITURE Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bicyeles-Tricyeles. 1 la r ley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. or INN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St.. Dial 2384 i VICCAR ! THEATRE WII.LIAMSTON THURSDAY - FRIDAY “RETURN OF JESSEJ\MIS" John Ireland Ann Dvorak SATURDAY Double Feature “THE me SOMBRERO” (Sene Autry “ifoOKIH El It EH W Kill Williams Marjorie Reynolds SUNDAY - MONDAY TUESDAY “THE HETTY HIRE” Joan Caulfield Robert Cuntiuiiiiis MMMMMIMMIMUMmWMIim k. I i TilK A TIIK — WM1.IAMSTON THHKSDAY - i itnn^ "The Fireball" With IVliekey l{nonev l*al O'llricii S/tr/'idl: -t«! ( an Beat The Atom Booth'' NKWS S YITJKDAY IMM KI.I KEATHKK "Silver Raiders" With \\ 11i|* \\ il»on Also | "Hot Rod" With iaiiirH l.yilon Chapter No. 7 of the Serial Desperadoes of llu* West CARTOON SUNDAY - MONDAY TUESDAY "All About Eve" With Belle Dm i* Amir Baxter NKWS WEDNESDAY I "Rio Grande" j With John Woyne IVIanreen O'Hara SPORT FARM LOANS 10 1,-20 Years Prompt ('losing No Appraisal Fee Low Interest Rate Chas. If. Malinin*'. Ally. WWWVWVWWWWWWOIWWVW TRIO Roliemonville, N. C. TONKillT - FRIDAY Nov. SO - Dec. I Till. .1 VI kl’OT With James Stewart anti Barbara Halo Cartoon ami Short SATURDAY, Dec ! A IGII.VM I mm ol i With Rocky l.ane S I R VM.i: MRS. I RAM With Robert Shayne and Serial SI NDAY. Dec It SO A Ol NO SO H\n With Paul llenrietl and Catherine McLeod Cartoon and Short MONDAY TIKSDAY Dec, 4-5 in oi r in A Technicolor Musical With (iloria Dc Haven June llaver, William l.undi «an and Dennis Day 1‘lus Latest News & Short rAAAA/UWWWVtAMAAAAAAAAr. v.iiiii* :mn* ('hihlreil lf»o TIHKSjm • Fit ID \ v "Stagecoach" With John \\ ayill* t Ihiin* Trevor SPORT SATUKDU oouhlk h: \ti ki: "Cowboy and the —Prizefighter" With Iteil Ityiler Also "Son of Frankenstein" With Itoris karloff Chapter No. 10 of the Serial ('oily of llu* Pony Express CARTOON SUNDAY - MONDAY "The Eagle and The Hawk" With John fay in* Dennis O'kerfe CARTOON TUESDAY unit WEDNESDAY "The Yellow Cab Man" Iteil Skelton Ulnria Dehaveii With BAND CARTOON

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