Busy Day Certain For Officials And The County Court (Continued from pace one) Peel, tax supervisor, E. S. Peel county attorney, and John Bland county home superintendent, an expected The commissioners' cal endar carries very little othei business, but by the time officers bonds are approved and routine matters are handled, the- author ities will have spent a greatei part of the day in their meeting Tax Supervisor Peel is to ap point the township listtukers anr they'll meet later in the- month to make preparations for handling the 1951 property listings. Couri Hears Few Cases During Two Weeks And Quits (Continued from page one) saving that she- never thought about charging for services ren dered her sister. Another sistei with whom the sister was living at the time of her death will re ceive approximately $2,000 undei the terms of the will, it is undei - stood. ' Attended Football Game Jimmy Myers and Hugh Linds ley attended the Cai olina-Duke football game at Chapel Mill Sat urday. I f I? rhi'i>inKi> i« Millie I'imr i 1 i ft *!♦ $ if* Make this a merrier Christmas by adding the beauty of a fine piano. Nothin;: gives a deeper enjoyment than playing the musie you love. I1' i i i Music For llo jf/ti a Li riii" id 1 I w Heilig - Meyers; Furniture Co. I \\ illiitiiisloii. \. (; t-Sr*': si'; VI • W: WrVf: ft THE RECORD SPEAKS . . . With only one redeeming feature—fewer deaths—the 1950 highway-street accident record is going from bad to worse in this county. There have been fifty more acci dents this year than last, twenty-five more persons in jured and the property loss is greater by more than 810,000. The following tabulation;, offer a comparison of the ac cident trend: first, by corres ponding weeks in this year and last and for each year to the present time. 49th Week Accidents Inj’d Killed Dam’ge 1950 8 5 0 $ 850 1949 6 3 0 2,040 Comparison* To Date 1950 173 79 3 837,140 1949 123 54 5 27,075 Guidance Director Speaks to P.-T. A. Monday Evening (Continued frorr page one) On tin matter of status, he said, it is important that both parents and teachers make the child feel In has a place in society. After a child leaches me adolescent age, Mr Fuller said, it would help to have them in on decisions, es pecially those concerning large purchases ll would help to give i the. m a feeling of belonging. Anothei thing he warned both : parents and teachers against, was j the urge to trap a child and put i him in a position where he would j be tempted or even forced to tell a lie. Worsley Man Said To Have Killed Parmele Resident (Continued from page one) ; farm work, the officers saying at tin’ time that Andrews, being partially blind, could do only | so much. Turning to Worsley, , Officer Holloman recalls a merry chase, tin alleged attacker mak ! mg good his escape in a swamp in the l’armele section. He was later trailed over into Pitt County where he was ad vanced money to finance Ins get awav. It is not known how long it will take for the extradition pap 1 ers to clear tint Sheriff Holloman is making every possible effort to i have the man returned t > the county fur trial during the me week tei m ol the Martin County Superior Court opening on De cember 11. The officer is not ex pecting any dela\ in executing the proper papers for Worsley's leturn. X CORN & SO Y BEANS WANTED 'HUM I I'HICKs 1*411, H. _ « < v • T. ROSS - Telephone 29621 ««eeeeea^ wooccoc-r n: '$ if JUST ARRIVED f Christmas Candies Nuts and Fruit ALSO s" 0„r Larne Seterlion Of . Hunting Equipment Fishing Tackle Sporting Goods Children's Toys 3 3 g 3 3 § WE BUY PECANS | lindsley Ice Co. f 5 /«/<«« Store . . -8 W It/ill: 3 3 3 ^illiuiii»iun | Boy Scouts Report Their Activities Troop 218-Bear Grass The Scout Troop 218 of B< ar Grass has been growing fast. We now have 21 active members even though we have been organized only about one year Our Scoutmaster. Clayton Rev els. is a good and faithful worker with us He has made us leel that we are the best troop in Martin County. Our meetings arc every Monday i night at 7:00 o'clock, and we us ually dismiss about 8:45 o’clock. Clifford Britton, Sri ibe Troop 27 On Sunday some ol the Boy Scouts of Troop 27 and Troop 211 went out to the cemetery where Little Bear was buried for a dedi cation of his stout Our guests were Little Boai - father and mother. Mr. and M s. Jell rev Mi chaud from Maine and we were all delighted to meet them. The regular meeting of the Boy l Scouts of Troop 27 started at 7:05 I Tuesday night. Dickie Clayton led the troop in the Scout Oath and Law. Joe; Clayton read a chapter from the Bible to the Troop. Enoch Crisp took up dues. I Mr. Matthews, our Scoutmaster, thanked the boys that went out to’ the stone dedication. Mrs. Dun- i rung of Williamston lent Mr. and j Mrs. Michaud a room and did not ; charge the Scouts or them any- | thing. For this favor we thank Mrs. Dunning very much. We also have new flags and stands for the troop. A vote was taken on having a Christmas party and we will pro bably draw names next week. Scribe, James Pittman. Confined To Home Mr Wm. Dave Manning, confin ed to his home for several years, has been quite ill for about two weeks. S' a vs meet, with lire in their eyes in "All About Eve," all-star satire on the Broadway theatre and a handful of its topmost personalities arriving soon at the Watts Theatre Sunday for three days. Bette Davis, reigning queen of the New York theatre, meets up with a fledgling' artress with more talent than scruples. She’s Anne Baxter, bent for the top of her profession, no matter what it costs whom. In the Darryl E. Zamick production, too. are George Sanders, Celeste Holm, Gary Merrill, Hugh Marlowe, Gregory Katoff, Thelma Ritter Marilyn Monroe, Barbara Bates and Walter Hampden. Joseph L Mankiewicz wrote and directed for Twentieth Century-Fox. Hoar dross Juniors To Prosont Ploy Friday I\ifslit "He Couldn't Marry Five" is the amusing title of the three act comedy to lie produced by the Junior Class of Bear Grass High School. It will take place in the Auditorium on the evening of December first. The title de scribes the major plot of the play which is all about a young man who goes to visit a family with five eligible daughters and falls in love with each and every one nl them! To make things worse, the sisters all fall in love with the young man—or think they do. If this isn't a complicated sit uation fur any young man to find I himself in, we'd like to know j what is. It Seems hopeless, but | after many laughable situations, I everything finally straightens out to everybody's satisfaction through the common sense advice of the girls' grandmother. Those taking part in the play are Joyce Harris, the mother, James Aus bon, the father, April, the eldest daughter. May, the next daughter, June, the next in line, Taris, the ! next, and last but not least comes Little Leona, the little cowgirl of the family. The Grandmother is portrayed by Louise Bowen, and the fellow doing all the [courting is Jimmy Terry, as Don ald Regan. The most peculiar one is Aunt Etta, the old maid. The curtain rises promptly a* eight o’clock. The tickets are 35 cents for adults and 20 cents for elementary students. Remember the date, and don't let anything 1 else interfere with vour coming to see “He Couldn't Marry Five." Elbert Shannon Griffin, son of Mr Elbert Griffin, is receiving treatment in Shriners Hospital in Greenville, South Carolina. He is expected to undergo treatment there for at least four months. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Olmstead of I Portsmouth visited Mrs. Olm ! stead’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Taylor, here over the week-end. '* .i C ARD OF THANKS -e I wish to express my sincere thanks to all oi our friends lor the kindness shown my son while he was ill at home. Each card, gift and flower was deeply appreciat ed by Ronnie. Mis. Dorman Curtis. NOTICE As Executors of the Estate of W. H. Manning, deceased, we will offer for sale at public auction for cash at the W. H Manning Farm, two miles south of Hassell, N C , Martin County, on the Gold Point Road, at 10:00 A. M.. on Wednes dav the 20th dav of December. 1950, various articles of personal property, livestock, farming ma chinery and tools, hay and coin, in/luding the following: 6 mules 5 horses, 8 sets oil curers, o wheel plows, 5 carts. 3 wagons, peanut picker, hay baler, 26.000 tobacco sticks, several sets of tractor cul tivators and other tractor drawn equipment, 1 Case tractor, 1 Mas sey-Sarris tractor, a large quan tity of corn and hay, and many other items of farm equipment. The above articles may be in spected at any time prior to the sale. , This the 28th day of November, 1950 X. E Manning, Harvey D. Manning. Executors of W. H. Manning, no 30 do 7-1 -1___ DON’T MISS KVKKY THKSDAY Social Game Night AMERICAN LEGION HUT JOHN \\ . II VSSLLL I'OS I NO. If>.* \\ II I I MJSTOIN, N. C. 1 20 BIG EXCITING SURPRISES /'/n.s Door Prise GOOD CLKAN KNTKKTAINMKNT FOK ALL S1.00 lYr S-ul t^Cfc^C*^C^€P«5i<58*5i<8*sc»«& TRUETONE Radio-Phono with I-Spcpc Phono $149.95 Enjoy ALL records: 78. 4V 83,lj RPM Mellow tone, sensitive AM and FM re ception Distinctive cabinet of hand-rubbed mahogany veneer. A heautv! FREE HOME TRIAL oioji Well Deliver (]|irisliiia8 Eve S null I Ih'fiosit I TRUKTONi T«kU M» Mahogony plo**“" $10.95 Ivory plastic Truly a bi* value! Mellow tone, excellent reception. BJ»»7 «>•»• I TRUETONE TABU RAMC Walnut plostic »»••» !>n-95 Ivory plastic ***** $19.95 The finest low price ladie money can buy Rich tone, powerful reception. 4 tubes, plus rectifier. I 1 i W. J. MILLER AND SON g j« 'lain Street \\ illiumMoii :jl IWWVWVl SEEECTIONS/ WORRELL appliance i / Pad tot-A ppl lances-sales ^ SE p v/ce 9L>~t 2057 £A5T MAIN 5T - WILUAM5T0N N C ^WtfWtM(WMMAW«mMAMWMMWIMUVWWWtWMMAWV\MW xi OUR STORK IS BRIMFUL OF EXCITING GIF!’ SELECTIONS! BRING IN YOUR LIST AND . *. fUfen »#up fa IN YOUR 1 warmest Christmas {Dishes ff _ (iliooM- that npccial ftifl for “her” from oor rompleir »elerlion of llu* newest styles, fahri eolors ... in robes for every feminine faney . . . prieeil Its please every purise! & I I Braiiliful Qualb ly Chrnillr Kobe 8 1.95 to $7.95 llravy Satin. Koht's. Half *i/.* o — $7.95 Oniltrmvn in Crepe or Salin $1.98 to $7.95 Lapp TriinmM Rayon Trieol I'anties 97r anil #1.19 All Nylon Holly wood Brirf Paulies #1.29 lo $1.89 FREE GIFT WRAPPING SERVICE I a Use Our Convenient Lay-A-Way Plan DEPARTMENT STORE5