I News As Reported In The Enterprise Forty Years Ago DECEMBER 2. 1910 There was a "Tacky Party" in the home of Miss Donnie Bell Gardner, of Darden. Thanksgiv ing night The funny costumed guests caused much merriment. Miss Gardner is a charming hos tess, and everyone had a good time. [ The charming Miss Georgie May I Ward, of Jamesville, spent a few days this week visiting friends in Darden. From the attention she received we think that she left many broken hearts. Goodman Hamilton, of Darden, who has been quite sick is now improving. John Stillman and Miss Ruth Coburn, of Darden, were out dri ving Sunday afternoon The following children made the honor roll in the Hamilton school for the second month: First Grade: Alton Perkins, Ernest Pip pen. Percy Pearson. Second Grade: Rosalyn Bryant. Elsie Pearson. Third Grade Rosa Har rell. Annie Lee Anthony, Eliza beth Davenport, Mattie Lizzie Perkins, Liz.zie Knox. Fourth Grade: Hattie Floyd, Nannie Brown. Fifth Grade: James Brew er. Maggie Jarvis Davenport, Pat tie Sherrod Sixth Grade: Leroy Everett. Eight Grade: Mary An thony, Maggie Peele, Valera Per- ! kins, Charlie Baker, Annie Jones. I j Lionel Perkins I A very quirt but pretty ma riage was solemnized at Robe sonville, Wednesday morning. N< vember 23rd, at the home of tb bride's mother, when Mr. Josef A. Mi/.ell and Miss Maude Pei plighted their troth, Rev. M Howard, pastor of the Christia Church performing the ceremon; The bride is one of the most pof ular and attractive young wome in Roberson ville, and the daugl ter of Mrs. Bobbie Peel. Mr. Mi /.ell is cashier of the Bank of Rob I ersonville and enjoys the esteer of many friends. The happy pai left on the A. C L. train for trip to Northern cities. Ther were many handsome gifts am warm congratulations fron friends and relatives. Mr and Mrs. Fred Gardner an nounce the engagement of theit daughter, Bertie, to Dr. John Wat kins Williams of Everetts. Thi marriage is to take place some time in January, 11)11 Miss Gard ner is a very attractive younj woman and has made man) friends since her residence ir Williamston. Dr H. Williams. He is a graduate of the University ol Maryland and is practicing hit profession at Everetts, where hi is building up a large and lucra tive practice. A large buck straying in the vicinity of the town, crossing the railroad near the big tresle, on Main Street extension, was shot and killed by Racket- Manson, on Saturday last. Mr and Mrs Charles Cobb, of Mildred, spent Thanksgiving with GAUGING A MENACE. Atomic bomb effects are as charted on the screen in “You Can Beat the A-Bomb”. The film demonstrates re assuringly how best to survive an attack by taking precautions. |TC> CONDUCT SERVICES <- _J Rev. J W Hassell of Greenville1 will conduit revival services at Roberson's Chapel Presbyterian Church neat here beginning Sun day, December 3. The services j will be held nightly at 7:30 and j will continue through Sunday, De cember 10. Special music will be provided on two nights by the Bear Crassl Trio. The public is cordially in vited to attend all services Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Simpson. J. L. Davenport's new house on Elm Street in Jamesville, will soon be completed and they will move in leaving a vacant house for someone. Sunday night about nine o'cloCt, the home of Mr. Geo. Martin, in Jamesville, caught fire and was in danger for a while. A defective flue was the cause. Mr. and Mrs Billie Woodard, ] of Bethel, and J. D. Woofurd, of RobersonviHe, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs J. S. Peel in Eve retts for Thanksgiving Miss Hilda Crawford spent Sat urday and Sunday with Miss Vada Wynn at her home in Everetts. J. T. Edmonson, of Roberson ville, was in Everetts Tuesday. -. - -- The Idler, published in 1758, stated that "the trade of adver tising is now so near to perfec tion that it is#not easy to pro pose any improvement." EXECUTRIX’ NOTICE | North Carolina, Martin County. Having this day qualified as ex i ecutrix of the estate of Nonie Ruf fin, deceased, this is to notify all j persons having claims against I said estate to exhibit them to the I undersigned within one year from this date or this notice will be t pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate i are asked to make immediate set tlement. This the 22 dav of November, 1950. Millie Outlaw, executrix of Nonie Ruffin, no 23-30 de 7-14-21-20 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS DRAINAGE CLEARING AND EXCAVATION MARTIN COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. ONE, MARTIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Sealed bids will be received un til 10 a. m. Eastern Standard Time r " 1 — — December 7. 1950. for furnishing all labor, equipment and materials for performing all work for clear ing rights of way and excavating and cleaning out drainage canals in Bear Grass, Turkey Cock, Bee Tree Swamps and laterals thereto which are located principally in Bear Grass Township, Martin County, North Carolina and with in the boundaries of Martin Coun ty Drainage District No. One. The Bids are to be opened in the office of Wheeler Martin and Clarence W. Griffin, Attorneys at Law, Wil liamston, N. C. The v/ork contemplated will in clude construction of approxi mately 15 1/? miles of canals and will consiof excavating approxi mately 2.17,204 cubic yards and clearing of 112,3 acres of land. This work is to be performed in accordance with the specifications and plans which are on file in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of^flartin County, the office of Thomas W. Rivers, Civil Engi neer in Greenville, N, C.. and the offices of the Associated General Contractors in Raleigh, N. C„ and Charlotte, N. C, The work described in the plans _ _i _ I i pieit-u W'Knin one year from the ! jdate the contractor is notified to | proceed with the performance of! j the contract. i A performance bond equal to j |]00'7, of the contract price, condi |tinned upon the faithful perform-) jancj* of the contract, in favor of j the Hoard of Drainage Commis sioners of Martin County Drain- I age District No One will he re i quired. Each bid for the said work shall ; be accompanied ny a deposit of cash or certified check in an J amount equal to not less than 5C I of the amount of the bid submit-i J ted, said check to be payable to i Martin County Drainage District j No. One. The check shall be for (the purpose of guaranteeing that a i contract wiW be entered into with the said Drainage District for the ' performance of said work within fifteen (15) days after the award to the bidder and the required bond executed. This notice to contractors is giv en by order of the Board of Com misstoners of Martin Countv - Drainage District No. One. This the 21st day of November,! Board of Commissioners Engineers: Henry L. & Thomas W. Rivers, Greenville, N. C. Attorneys: Clarence W. Griffir Williamston, N. C , & F M Woot en, Jr., Greenville, N C. no 23-211.10 dee 5 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a judg Tient of the Superior Court in thi special proceedings entitle! 'Thurston Davenport v. Hattie R Davenport,” the undersignec Commissioners will, on Friday December 1, 1950, at 12 o’cloel Voon, in front of the Courthouse loor in Williamston, N. C., offei or sale to the highest bidder, foi •ash, the following described pro jerty: Beginning in the Della Roger: ine in the Bear Trap Mill Road ■tinning thence a southerly direc ion along the said road about 41 /ards to a marked pine tree, run ting thence in a westerly direc ion along a line of marked tree: o the run of a small branch hence down said branch to tht Della Rogers line, thence east ivnrdlv along her line to the be .acre, more or less, and bema I same land deeded bv W. C. {Man ning and S. M. Manning trj the Board of Education, Febru# 1919, ard recorded in F page 53d. The last and highest hidden- will he required to make a depojsit of 10r! of Ihe hid at the sale. This 31st day of October, ^950. II. (I. Horton, B. A. Critcher, Commission! no 2-9-10-23 Vi nil Heilig and Meyers Williaimton for tin* \ Ruyt In 1 Furniture"J A Where you headed ? To see the /j hottest thing in town- \ the NEW 1951 Chevrolet! Roanoke Chevrolet Co. i .■ — WJLI.IAMSTON. N. (*. For ,'{I years I’ve been icriting my faootl friends dotal insurance ivilh the same (total company. INSl'KANCE COMPANY OF VIlUillNIA . WII.IJAMKTON Manager N. C. • OOMAHAM * WORTS' LIMITS*, RIORIA, ILLINOIS oi'-mc.v Deaaiam, Lnairman MOM! My C0U> NEEDS „ ^ III if“'—> DEEP-ACTION relief from coughs, chokey stuffiness with every breothl • Mother, here’s a special way to give your little one wonderful comfort with the very same Vicks VapoRub that al ways brings such ujiu Jesuits wnen you run it on: Eo*y . . . Effective: Put 2 good spoonfuls of VatjoRub in a vapor izer or bowl of boiling water as directed in package. Then ... let your youngster breathe in the soothing, medicated vapors. Every breath carries VapoRulft famous combination of time proved medications deep into large bronchial tubes. Comfort ing relief from distress of colds comes in a hurry! Then ... to keep up relief for hours, rub Vicks VapoRub on throat, chest and back, too. wmt-ruvdv PVR IVU DT MILLIONS OF MOTHERS! WIMBLE PROPERTY TO be sold 4 T A UCTKW Monday, December 4th 11 A. N. JOHNSON FARM, \d‘ • . .* "f "“ w «■*-*-.*, «W VACW R H. SAUSBUHV homf m . . . ' 'U"' “r-''l>'heap,. ?»• 2 called Moneai. Ft..,. . . r“‘*"'P**. .12 ™*2&*Z2! ™ V"'—- R*2 <w, w. ..r Above Described Tin,] , , '* Acre Colioi, Alloln.e',,,^ Rog,tl^co, Large Ar«"lid’MiRion ^lee Q^rr'SalM *» Trees ,2 ,. , •ro.. e. w. w. E tK ^ SaitKfji—■». z.

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