"Treasure Island" Coming To Narco -—*— Walt Disney has brought to the screen his completely live action production, Robert Louis Steven son's “Treasure Island,” as a thrill-studded melodrama filmed on a spacious and realistic scale and with a story of a great pres tige and red-blooded appeal to all amusement lovers, young and »°ld Scene by scene and in color by Technicolor the producer matches the turbelent action, the play of] elemental passions, the terrific I character conflicts and the sus- j nense inherent in famous saga of pirate treasure that lured to a distant island the young cabin boy Jim Hawkins, as played by Bobby Driscoll, the deadly rogue Long John Silver, as played by Robert Newton and Captain Smollet as played by Basil Syd aey. “Treasure Island" was filmed n England to get full location and atmospheric values and cer tain casting advantages for this 'great adventure”. Principals in the all female east, in addition to Newton, Bobby Driscoll and Sydney, are Walter Fitzgerald as Squire Trelawney, Denis O'Dea as Doctor Livesey, Ralph Tru man as George Merry, Finlay Gurrie as Captain Billy Bones, Geoffrey K^en as Israel Hands, Francis dc Wolff in the Black Dog role, John Laurie as Blind I Calling all Jr. Cow Hands! I Come and get ’em! A genuine Hopalong Cassidy Pin-up Lamp with Hoppy reproduced in full color on h, the holater. A rootin’, tootin’ good idea for adding that touch of the old Weat f to children's rooms. It's , made by Aladdin and that 1 means it’s the beat ever. We have them—but they’re awfully popular—so hurry down. The retail price is $2.49 rm i n I -1 1 1 Turn your Room (.into a! || RANCH HOUSE with this exciting »• H»WW*i osJioy HOLSTER’* OUR Piu-Hp A Hite Liti "Glows in till Dark"; • WoolardFurnitureCo. Marlin County'* LeaHnu Furniture Store Happenings In Hassell School —#— Since our last report we have had a Halloween Party. We had a wonderful time. Miss Howell, our music teach er. still comes and teaches us many songs. We like her very much. We draw many pictures and color them with crayon and water paints. We put the pictures up on the walls so we can enjoy them.— Judy Burroughs. Novemeber 17 was Mrs. Leg gett's birthday. Mary Ethel's mo ther made her a big cake. We gave her a handkerchief and wrote her notes wishing her a happy birthday. She was so hap py she almost cried.—Joan Bur roughs. Our lunch room has started. We have a hot lunch every day and 1 am glad.—Stanley Purvis. Not so long ago a man came here with an animal show. We had to pay ten cents. He had a 35 pound raccoon, a tiger eat, and yiree monkeys. One little monk ey looked in his pocket and got something* out. There were many other animals. We had a good time.—Mary E. Edmondson and Bobby Haislip. Pew and Geoffrey Wilkinson as the marroned Ben Gunn. The all-live action method of picturing the swashbuckling tale is radically different from the animated drawings medium in which Disney customarily works his screen wonders. He organized his production personnel accord ingly, selecting Director Byron Haskin for his repute in the liv ing action field; Lawrence E. Watkin, well-known novelist and screen writer, for adaptation of the adventure tale which has been read by some 200,000,000 persons; Thomas Morahan for the stagings j which supplement the outdoor English locations described by Stevenson, and his veteran pro ducer, Perce Pearce, to manage the project. “Treasure Island" will play at i the Marco Theatre Thursday and i Friday. MTI'RISTAMIIIE MM1TS p COLD’S distress** IN <IY CASES tha first day I I Jewelry Specials JK* It Our stock* of jewelry are larp1 rnoufth anil have nuffirieut variety lo satisfy ami pleuse any member of the family. Visit our Nlore for quality ami nutioually advertised jewelry. St’KClAI. I.OW PltlCES On All Jewelry Item* J. L. Peele Jewelry Co. ,-- I | ROUND-UP | s/ Law enforcement officers found it reasonably quiet on the crime front in this area over the week-end. Only five arrests were made during the period, two each for public drunkenness and assault and j one for issuing a worthless check. All those detained were col ored, their ages ranging from i 25 to 45 years. Before our holiday we drew pictures about Thanksgiving. We got out on Wednesday, November 22 and came back on November 27. While we were out, it showed. 1 wish it would snow more.— George Edward Purvis. — --o-— Here From Kaleigh Miss Ruth Norton of Raleigh visited Mr. and Mrs. W H Car starphen here over the week-end. Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk, discovered the basic laws of heredity nearly a century ago by making crosses of garden peas having contrasting characteristics. Europe, including the Soviet Union, is the center of the world’s potato production. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. Kusscll T. Roebuck and .losie Roe buck. vs. Amanda Roebuck. Her bert Roebuck, Archie Roebuck, Shepherd Roebuck, Willie Roe buck, Mrs. Letha Taylor and hus band Clarence Taylor, and Mrs. Lelia Cowen and husband, Rupert Cowen. Under and by virtue of an order of sale made by 1-. B. Wynne, Clerk of Superior Court of Mar tin County in the above entitled proceeding, on the 20th day of November, 1950, the undersigned Commissioner will, on Saturday, the 20th day of December, 1950, at 2 o'clock P. M in front of the Guaranty Bank & Trust Company building in the Town of Rober sonvillc. Countv of Martin and State of North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real es tate, to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Cross Roads Township, Martin County and State of N C , containing 205 acres, more or less, and bounded on the East by the lands of J. F Wynn, l.um James and W. F Wvnn. On the South by the lands of ,1 S Peel and S, E. Roberson, on the West by the lands of '/. IV F. White and on the North West by the lands of .the Everett heirs. and more particularly described ! as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a cypress in the i Everett Miil Swamp, corner of this land and the land of J. F i Wynn, and the Everett heirs, thence S 8 dr and 30' E. 30 chains, S. 45 E. 10.70 chains, S 10 E. 12.80 chains. S. 14 1-2 E. 10 70 chains, S. 30 E 18.25 chains. S. 1 1 1-2 W. 15.50 chains, N. 78 1-2 W 16 chains, N. 4 W. 14 chains, N. 80 W'. 4.30 chains, N 85 W 13.35 chains, N. 45 1-2 W. 11,50 chains. N. 12 1-4 W. 2.40 chains, thence along the run of the Everett Mill Swamp to the beginning, as shown by a map of same made by T. Jones Taylor, Surveyor, on the 30th day of October, 1924. which said map is now on file with the N. C. Joint Stock Land Bank of Durham. The terms of said sale are cash and the successful bidder at said sale will be required to make a cash deposit of 10'7 of the amount of his bid. This the 30th dav of November. | 1950. Elbert S. Peel. Commissioner En de5-12-19-226 He do 6-13-20-27 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION North Carolina, Martin County Having this day qualified as Ad ministrators oT the Estate of they late Joseph R. Harrison, this is to i notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased I to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of Nov ember, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pav ment. •’his the 13th dav of November 1950. Norman K. Harrison Herman C. Harrison, Administrators. R. L. Coburn, Attorney, no 21-28 de 5-12-19-26 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of John ■ . Long, deceased of Martin Court-1 tv this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them for payment on or before the 2Hth day of October, 1951. or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate arc asked to make immediate settle ment. This the 2Hth day of Octob er, 1950. Dolores L. Beaird, Ad ministratrix, oe 31 no 7-14-21-28 de 5 NOTICE OF LEASE North Carolina, Martin County Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an order passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Williamston at a special meeting held November the 15th, 1950, and bv virtue of the Gener al Statutes of North Carolina, sec tion 100-59, the undersigned at torney will on the 15th day of De cember, 1950, in front of the Courthouse door in 'the Town of Williamston at 12:00 o'clock noon, offer for lease for the term of one year, beginning January 1, 1951 at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed tract of land. All that certain tract of land ly ing and being just South of thi David Moore farm, beginning at s point where Martin Street inter sects Gurganus Street and run ning South 43 degrees West to the canal, thence along the canal ti the David Moore line or corner thence along the David Moon line or corner, thence along tht David Moore line North 34 de grees 30 minutes East to a point where Martin Street would inter sect the David Moore line if tin said Martin Street extended in ; straight line, thence a straight line t ■ Q'e imint of beginning, same be j ing the lower end of the Halbcr stadt Farm in the Town of Wil I liamston. This tract of land has or, it one i tobacco baru The successful bid der will get all crop allotments These allotments for the year 1050 were as follows Tobacco 4.4 acres Peanuts 2 9 ac res This the 15th day of November, 1950. Board of Commissioners Of The Town of Williamston Chas. II Manning, Attorney. No 21-28 de 5-12 ! i | \ \ i. i s t I f: I I. I i I I i I l \ ADKQUATK I N S II R A N C K \ s s u K i<; s i* k a <: K OF M i n n w. *mu:' Mau.igrr 1111. IJFK INSURANC E COMPANY OF VIRGINIA WILL.IAMSTON N. C. Visit Ileilig ami Meyers WHliniiieton for the “Pest Buys In Furniture” Brings DEEP-ACTION relief from coughs, stuffiness with every single breath! 5 BOON TO MOTHERS t Now . . . discover how millions of mothers relieve miseries of nagging colds this special way . . . with the very same Vicks VapoRub that brings such grand results when you rub it on. It's 10 easy ... SO effective! Just put. 2 good spoonfuls of VapoRub in a vaporizer or bowl of boiling water as directed in the package. Then ... breathe in the soothing, medicated vapors Every single breath carries VapoRub’s famous combination of time-proved medications aeop into t'oin congested lurj>e bronchial tubes. Brings relief in a hurry.' To kepp up the relief for h ours, rub VapoRubon throat, back A and chest, too.® ( 1 WORLD S BEST-KNOWN HOME REMEDY TO RELIEVE MISERIES Of COLBS! “Face Tlic Future With Security ' J. PAUL SIMPSON Ceu era I Agent SECURITY LIFE AND TRUST CO. !>iiil 2171 Williainstoii SELLING OUT Lock, Stock and Barrel And We Ain’t Kidding We Are Going Out of Business and We Are Offering At Sale Prices Our Entire Stock Every Item in Our Store Has Been Reduced for Quick Sale. If any person is interested in purchasing entire stock your- offer will be entertained. J. S. Ayers & Co. EVERETTS, N. C.

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