Observed Birthday Mr. Kader Crawford observed his 77th birthday at his home here Friday. Visited In Norfolk Monday Mesdames J W. Williams. Mary L. Taylor and Bill Decato and Misses Truluh W, Bailey and Mary Louise Taylor visited in Norfolk yesterday Attended Family Dinner Mr. and Mrs John F Sawyer and son, Earl, attended a family dinner given Sunday in Green ville by' Mr. and Mrs F A. Me Lawhorn. Eye Glasses Broken? We maintain a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. Peele's — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 ! Visited Here Yesterday Mrs. Lee House and daughter. Mrs. John Gray Taylor, of Rob crsonviHe visited friends here yesterday. Continues HI Mrs. Ira Hardison continues ! quite ill at her home in Farm Life. Attended Business Here Mr J Marion Griffin of Cross Roads was here yesterday at tending to business Announce Birth Mi. and Mrs. Robert A Davis [of Memphis. Tennessee announce the birth of a daughter on Thurs day, November JO. Mrs, Davis is the former Miss Fdizabeth Ward, daughtei ot Mr and Mrs. J. M Ward ot (ill West Main Street here Visited In Raleigh Friday Miss Gertrude McLawhorn visited in Raleigh Frida's Attending .Meeting Herbert Taylor is attending a meeting of the Seaboard Medical Asociation in Elizabeth City this week. Shopped Here Monday Mr and Mrs R. M. Howell, Williamston RED It. were in town yesterday shopping. Spent Sunday In Tarborn Mrs. C. A. Harrison spent Sun day in Tarboro with her mother. Mrs. Blanche Anderson, who is quite ill in a hospital there. Visited Here Sunday Mrs. Oscar Davenport and Mrs Herbert Sexton of Jamesville' vis1 led friends here Sunday Attended Business In Norfolk Mrs. D C McLawhorn and daughters, Jean and Joanne, at tended to business in Norfolk Thursday. Visited In Ohoeowinity Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Malone and Mi s Bessie Malone spent Sun day with relatives in Choenw/iity - - Visited In Wilson Sunday Mr and Mrs Died Darden and daughter, Anne, visited relatives in Wilson Sunday Here IToni Durham Miss Evelyn Harrison of Dur ham spent the week end here with her mother, Mr.- I <. B liar nsi m r HONORED A r DINNER . Misses Jeanette Myers and (Jeanette Andrews were joint hostesses at a dinner given Sat urday evening at the former's home ori Halifax Street honoring Mis- Thelma Carrow and Mr. Cecil Batts, whose marriage will take place December 17. Upon hei arrival Miss Carrow was presented a corsage of carna tions and a gift of crystal in her pattern. Others present for the dinner were Mrs W M. M.vers, Miss Ethel Ta\/or and Messrs Darrell Smith. R S. Edmondson, Jr. and AI Ward. CEMETERY PROJECT All interested parties are asked to meet at the Hardison Mill Cem etery on Sunday, December 9, for the purpose of bricking the boundaries of the cemetery. CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL The Garden Club of Washing t >n, is sponsoring a Christmas Festival on Thursday, December 7. from 10:00 a. m. until 10:00 p. m at the Recreation Center, which is located at tin very east end of Second Street The admission will be 50c, All types of new and dif ferent Yuletide suggestions will be displayed. Visited In Grifton Sunday Mrs. Clyde Waters and Mr. and Mrs. George Lessard and son visited in Grilton Sunday. Visited In Richmond Sunday Mrs J/hn I, Rogerson and Miss Mary Rogerson visited rel atives in Richmond Sunday Visitors In Jamesville Mr and Mrs William Darling and son, Buckie, and Mrs. Mal t.ie Sawyer of Norfolk were guests of Mr and Mrs John F. Sawyer in Jamesville Saturday night. Visited In Washington Sunday Mr and Mr.-. Tom Skinner vi: ited Ml Skinner's aunt. Mrs Dempsey Grimes, in Washington Sunday Mrs Grimes is quite ill at ihis lime \ isitor In Rocky Mount Sunday Mrs. C. B. Clark, Jr. was a visitor in Rocky Mount Sunday. Here From Raleigh Miss Betsy Manning of Raleigh spent the week-end here with her mother Returned From Nashville Mrs. C. J Brady returned yes terday from Nashville, Tennessee where she visited her son for a i week She was met in Rocky | Mount by Mr Brady -• Announce Birth Partolman and Mrs. W K. Saunders of Apex announce the billh of a son, Whitney E. Saun ders. Jr., in a Raleigh hospital >n November 1H. 1950 Mr. and Mrs. Saunders made their home in Williamston for a number of years while he was a member of the highway patrol and chief of police. •-Vtttstz—:~s~:——r NEED ULA55E5' euia y ■grUMKJgg? OT*"nd n'm' ( Raleigh, N. C ProfMiMonal HMf .. ". ' " # TO ALL THE FAMILY 9 f i f Save Precious Time Shopping! Save Money, Too! Our One Big Store Brings You One-Stop Shopping! V (.hrii>lii)a» li»l long? litnI■ I short ? \\ li> uiiit> ! Sit iis today and l«»l us l»i* your Sanla! L\crything you nerd is right here in one store. The easiest shopping you"\r pver liad. Lower prices, too! Savings that stretch your budget from cousin Abigail to I’ncle Zachary. fe-1 WiHUmiston, f!. HUvtyGtosBtatUets Boy Scouts Report Their Activities Den 3 Den 3 of (tie Cub Scouts met at our den mother’s home. Mrs. J. C. Cooke, Friday. Mrs. Cooke called the roll. Only 5 members were present. We went over our radio program for our pack meeting next Friday night at 7:30. We sang some Cub Scout songs, had refreshments and clos ed with the Living Circle. Joe Godard, scribe. MISS GRIFFIN WEDS ROBERT E. HAMILTON Miss Frances Elizabeth Griffin and Hubert Eugene Hamilton were married in a candlelight ceremony in the Methodist j Church of Jamesville Saturday I November 25, 1950 at 8 o’clock. Miss Griffin is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Griffin nf Jamesville and Mr. Hamilton j is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James I Hamilton of Plymouth, j The wedding vows were spoken before Rev. Paul B. Nickens of Plymouth. “No Other Love, and '1 Love You Truly, were sung by Miss Brownie Holliday soloist and Mrs. Monroe Holliday pian ist. The couple entered the church together. She wore a gray gab I ardine suit with navy accessories. She carried a bouquet of white roses. Mrs. M F Powers was Maid of Honor. She wore a blue suit and carried a bouquet ot pink carna tions. Acting as best man for his s in 1 was Mr. James Hamilton of Ply mouth. Ushers were Jack Booker I and Charles Smith of Plymouth. I The are now at their home in Plymouth where Mr. Hamilton is employed by the tiJorth Carolina i Pulp Company. -—-t, Improved His condition much improved Mi John D. Li 1 ley, Sr., is expectec home from Duke Hospital in a da> I or two. I Expected Home Thursday Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Godwin ar< expected to return home Thurs day from McPhersons' Hospita in Durham where Mr. Godwin ha: been recuperating form an eyt operation performed there. I - 1 Visited In Richmond [ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gurganus an< Mrs. Minnie Roberson and Mrs Margaret R. Revels visited Mrs Mil tie Barnhill in Richmond las Saturday. | Among those attending the Wil j liamston High School-Bessemer City High School football game ] in Bessemer City Friday night I were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Aber inathv, Doris Andrews, William | Barnes, Jean Bailey, Clyde Bar j ber. Janie Beech, Mi' and Mrs. | Rush Bondurant, Corrone Bryant. I Roger Critcher, 111, Dillon Cobb, ! Bobby Clayton, Charlie Cullipher. iC. B. Clark, John Clark. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Davis, Betsy Davis. Frances Everett Mrs Harrell Everett, Jim Eubanks, Mi. and Mrs. John Henry Edwards. He witt Edwards. Jerry Forehand, E. Ross Front berger. Hilton Forbes. Grady Godard, Grady Godard, Jr., Sybil Godard, Elizabeth Griffin, Marie Griffin, Barbara Gurganus. Charles Griffin. Hack Gaylord, Johnny Gurkin, Mickey Gurgan us, Carl Garrett, Mr and Mrs. Bill Glover, Billy Glover. Rev. and Mis. John L. Goff, George Griffin, Melvin Godard, Ronnie Griffin, Betsy Horton, Fred Ha tem, Jackie Harris, J. D. Hines, P. O. Holloman. Mi', ^ind Mrs. Bruce Holloman, R. J Hardison, Charles Hines, Stancil Hardison, Wilbur Jackson, Barbara Jack son, Lona Johnson. Nancy Koonce, Wilton Knox, Verle Leggett, Mary Gladys Long, Gilbert Long, Claude Leggett, Law fence Eason Li 1 ley, Alvestus Long, Elbert Manning, Joseph Manning, Turner Manning, Mary Anri Man ning, Sarah Manning, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Manning, Jr., Betty Helen Mobley, H P. Mobley, Jean Ward Mobley, Edna Mi/.elle' Travis Martin, Mis. W. M. Myers Elmo Mims, Luke Mizelle, Jim my Manning, Jean McLawhorn, R. J. Perry, Arthur Perry, Jane Perry, Jimmy Page, Marie Peek Harriet Peel, Don Persons, Alice Peaks, Miss Anna Belle Privott, Elbert S. Peel, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Opheus Price, Billy Peele. Alvin Peel. Woodrow Ray, Verona Rob erson. Janet Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ross, Don Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Reynolds. Mrs. Joe Robertson. Jr.. Priscilla Roberson, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Rogerson, Sal lie Roberson, Morris Stalls, Ruby Savage, Rev. Stewart Simms, Mrs. Joe David Thrower, Betty Rhodes Taylor, Sam Taylor, Martha Tay lor, Jeanette Thomas, Harriet Ward, Johnny Woolard, Tish Welch, John Wobbleton, Haywood Wynne, Reuben Williams, R. L. ■ Ward and C. B. Whitehurst. Resting ( omfortably Quite ill at his home in Grif fins Township for some time. Mr. Wm. Dave Manning was reported resting comfortably this morning. Here From Raleigh 1 Miss Jane Pollard of Raleigh | visited Miss Harriet Tucker here over the week-end. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. # Having this day qualified as administrator of the estate of Monford N. Griffin, deceased, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the said estate to exhibit them to the undersign [ ed within one year from this day or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment This the 30th dav of November, 1950. Mrs. Monford Griffin. Administratrix of the estate of Monford N. Griffin, deceased, jde 5-12-19-26 ja 2-9 _ j Christmas Gift \ j Suggestions I « *!• f *'» iil 1 ii f X Cuff Links Tl nrec Smart New designs . . . made witli an overlay of 14 Kt. liolil . . . patented snap liar for^easy insertion into cuffs. top: $7 50 center $5.00 bottom: $6 00 Peek's~lewetm Since 1899 II 121 Main Williaiustoii FOH HIS UK UIKISTMAS GIFTS” i Howto Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion has stood the test of millions of users. rotievci Coughs, Chut Colds, Acuto Ironchitl* 1 *3" 4/s tr. G*W SEVEK STAR \ Slen4s4 whiskey.' "Tht Straight whiskies ore 4 ywn er mere *14. J7Vi* Straight whiskey *2Vi* •sslrsl spirits dlstlNM ; hem groin. 11% straight whiskey 4 years el4. !lf% straight whiskey S years el4. 7Vi% straight 1 whiskey 4 years eH.**’ GOODIRHAM A WORTS LIMITIR, MORIA, ILLINOIS *2VL 90 PROOF 9 . # ~ Vi GOWNS — Pure silks, ray ons and nylons luxuriously trimmed with ribbons and laces. AH sizes and styles. I V SLIPS — Classic or fussily feminine, just the kind of slim-fitting: slips she loves to wear with her favorite fashions. ROBES — Quilted satins, silks and all wools in a wide array of colors and styles. Other Appropriate Gilts ■*o& 9 HANDBAGS — Smart creations Ity Sluir-iile and Vanity Square. Suedes, leather anil failles in all price ranges. Also evening hags. JEWELRY — Don’t fail to look over our Christum* gift selection of costume jewelry. Excellent gift items for the budget minded. I I h I HOUSE of FASHION f i