1951 ChevroLgl Be Here sJPf New 1951 Chevrolet passenreer ears and trucks will go on display siinultaneously at 7,(190 dealeit ships on Saturday. December 9. \ Announcement of the showings) by W. E. Fish, general sales man- '] ager of the company, was coupled r I with an estimate that more than BO.000.000 people will inspect the ■ tist series during the introduc tory period. "Reports from the field indicate one of the most successful show mu- in our history," said Fish. "Not only have we found wide spread interest in the new model features, hut dealers are working on elaborate programs in connec tion with the event. In many centers the showings will take on all of the aspects of a civic cele bration. \ "For the Chevrolet retail or ganization the presentation of the ItASI series ill come as a climax to '.its greatest year. Salt's during 19J1 series will come as a climax a mil once again will top all com pot jtionby a substantial margin." ~ 1V "" ... | wanted: uorn in shuck, trucK loauiois. at larm, anywnere j I I L. N. JAMES CORN HOUSE BETHEL, NORTH CAROLINA Write or call L. N. JAMES Office 3601 : Corn House 2041 , ' : Residence 2S11 Achievement Day Program Held By 4-H Club Youths —^— District A*>«'iil Speak* Ami Awards Made To Load* inn: ('lull Momhory -!$> By S. A. Tuten Assistant Farm Agent E. L. Norton, District Exten sion Agent, N. C. State College, was guest speaker at the Annual 4-H Club Achievement Day Pro gram held in the County court house last Saturday. In his brief but inspiring talk, he encouraged the club members to live more in accordance with their club pledge. He related a story about an an jcient ruler who was seeking a place to hide the key to happy I and satisfying living. The ruler , considered the highest peak? the j deepest ocean, and the inner re cesses of the earth, but concluded that man would some day reach those extremes and recover the Key. Finally, he decided to hide it in man's own heart. The place where man would least expect to find it. "So,” Mr. Norton con cluded," today we all have the key, and it's up to us to use it." i John W Lilley, President of 4-H Club Council, presided. The ! program commenced with invo cation by Rev. T. L. Hastings. R |H Cowen, Mayor, welcomed the I group to Williamston. Jimmy! Knowles, Jamesville, responded. i ! Several songs were led by Cyn OPENING ROl \l) || i.j i Tin* opening: round of a number of treats that are to be given the Willia mston Class A football champions was given last night when ( has. .1. Brady of the Hotel George Reynolds served the hoys a delicious turkey supper with all the trimmings and then told the boys he would do it again next year at the end of the season, win or lose. Other suppers and banquets are to be given the hoys hut the dates have not been set. Mr. Brady also invited friends and backers of the hoys in to eat with them as guests. The idea was to provide at least one fan to each table. Brief talks were made by all the guests as well as by the co-captains of the team, Billy Spruill and Jimmy My ers. Ice cream was donated by Taylor's Dairy. I thia James, Robersonvillc. Caro- j line Wallace, Jamesville, sang | two songs' "Mississippi" amt "Cowboy Joe". The following special reports were made: 4-11 Club Camp - Anna Speight Whit field, Kobersonville; 4-11 Club Week - Corrone Bryant, William- j ston: Farm Home Electric Ci^i gress, Lynette Haislip, Oak City. Certificates and awards were pro sented by the assistant home and farm agents. The following awards were made: Dairy Foods, Janice Cox, Oak City; Clothing, Dress Review, and Food preparation, Caroline Wallace, Jamesville; Frozen Foods, Joan Carol Coltrain, Farm Life; Dairy Foods. Lynette Hais lip, Oak City; Food Conserva tion, Catherine Rogerson, Bear Grass; Corn Production, C D Forbes, Robersonville; Peanut Production, Ross Knowles, James ville; Baby Beef Champion, lien ry Rogers, Williamston; Swine Champion, Darrell Manning, Farm Life. The William 11 Danforth Foun lotion awards were made to Ly idle Haislip and Jimmy Knowles Nelson Leggett, representing V E. P Co , presented certificates to Lynette Haislip and Corrone Hr.vant for achievement in the 4 II Farm Home Electric Project. Lynette was district winner which entitled her to a $100 00 college scholarship. She has an boon ac live club member for seven years Mr. Hen Courtney, representing the Williamston Lions Club, pi e sented the Lions Club-sponsored cups to Lynette Ilaislip and Jim my Knowles for being the most outstanding 4-11 Club girl and boy in Martin County in 1950 The program was concluded with the installation of the 1951 4-11 Club County Council officers. Retiring Officers were: John W Lilley, President; Joseph Will iams, Vice President; Joan Carol Coltruin, Secretary and Caroline Wallace, Song Leader. The new County Council officers who were elected at the Council's October Meeting are: Jimmy Knowles, President; Joan Manning, Vice President; Caroline Wallace, Sec retar\, and Joan Carol Coltrain, Song Leader Commercial watermelon grow-1 ers m North Carolina produced an average of 200 melons per acre last year. The total crop amount ed to 2,140,000 melons produced on 10,700 acres of land. The new homes come equipped with every modern convenience except low monthly payments and taxes. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. | In The Superior Court Before The Clerk MARTIN COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO I (Bear Grass. Bee Tree and Turkey Swamps) Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Mar tin County Drainage District. No. 1 1 have levii d all assessment in the amount of $72,1111(1.00 upon the j lands within the boundaries of said District. This assessment has been made in aeeoi dance with the - Classification Sheet filed by the Board of Viewers of the said Dis trict with their Final Report and in accordance with a Certificate 1 filed by the Board of Drainage Commissioners with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin Country on the 1st dav of Decem ber, 1950. All persons owning land or any interest in land within the boun daries of Martin County Drainage District No I (Bear Grass, Bee Tree and Turkey Swamps) are hereby notified that the Board of I Drainage Commissioners for said ' District propose to issue bonds of, said District for the purpose of i raising money for the payment of the total cost of completing the organization of said District and the construction of the canals in ! said District according to plans; and specifications set out in the Final Report of the Board of Viewers of Martin County Drain age District No. I and as approv ed by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County; said bonds to be issued in an amount j not exceeding $72,000.00, to bear ' interest at a rate not exceeding i six percent per annum, payable' 'gi CSKn d'v* dVi fSEv* {SKu GJ1 ?emi-annunliy. The principal of j ;aid bonds is to be paid in ten ' 'qual annual installments, the rirst installment, on principal be ing due on the 1st day of July. 1054, and the remaining install ments on the 1st day of each July thereafter for a total of ten years I’lie first payment of interest is to tie due on the 1st day of July, \ 1951, and semi-annually thereaft r on the 1st day of January and he 1st day of July of each year through and including the year j 1965. The first payment to be1 made by the landowners on their1 total assessment is to be due on the first Monday in September,, 1951. Anv landowner in said District SMMMMMVWWWWWIMVWVVVM not wanting to pay interest on the bonds or to have bonds issued for his assessment may, prior to the 15th day of January, 1951, pay to the Treasurer of Martin County the full amount for which his land is liable, to be ascertained from the Classification Sheet and the Certificate of the Board <>f Drainage C'omrnissionei s of Mar tin County Drainage District No, I showing the total cost of the im provement and have his lands re leased from liability from said as sessment. This 2nd dav of December, 1950 MARTIN COUNTY DRAIN AGE DISTRICT NO 1. Bv F. M. Wooten, Jr , Secretary de 5-12-19-21 IMVMWWtMWWMWWVWMWWV/ Now Is The Time to go to COURTNFY’S For FITRNITIIRR SPECIAL! Frost 4‘tl CUPCAKKS iviucK' wun iresn milk, on*!*, and c r i> a m y rich frosting in your favorite flavors. M;irlin\s Itsikory ALWAYS RIGHT f f « f f V f I Other Gift Suggestions Portable iv i*i’W tti mis Personalized MATCH BOOKS Parker & Sliaefler PEN ami PUNCH Flexible Stem DESK I,AMI* Personalized COASTERS Men’s and Women’s BILLFOLDS Fine Leather BRIEF CASKS I | Williamston Office Supply Co, | I!' Men's Dress and Work Shoes For I,ess. WILLARD'S SIIOF SHOP Austin^NicKols GREAT OAK BLENDED WHISKEY $1.85 pint I Tht Straight Whiskeys in this prod uct or* 2 years or mor* old, 30 % Straight Whiskey, 70% Crain N«>otral Spirits, 20% Straight Whis key 2 yoars aid, 5 % Straight Whiskey 4 yoars old, 5% Straight Whiskey & years old 86 proof. AustingJNichols fc Co irali Inc. •OOOOlrN - oaitar ton TURKEY SHOOTING ■AT Standard Fertilizer Plant W II I I \MS I ON DECEMBER 8th and 15th 7:00 I*. IVI. lo io;:to |\ M. / Itriu-fil of Underprivileged Children ( Spoil Komi hy KiHuiii» (!|ul>) t.oo i*i:k sum A TURKEY FOR EVERY 2.7 SHOTS Announcing tlic Opcning Of DAILY HOG MARKET II Will ION. i\, C. — Highway 125 (On Properly Formerly a Part of Slierrtul I'arm ) I’AYIINC; TOP PRICKS FOR Ml. WFIOIITS vm> on \m;s 01 iioos n \m For Prompt, (ioiirlnmi Srrvici* .I :i Si|iiar«* lh*al ill All l inn s. Sell \ our Hogs with tin* I l:i in i 11 on Markrl. Hamilton Livestock Market Daily lion Itnying Station Plionr Hamilton .‘lit I J. F. Hill. Mgr. WVWVlAMVWWWWWWWWVwwi/WWl/WWWWltwWWwwi 1 7 Shopping Days 'ci Christmas II e SiikkcsI s LAMPS OTTOMANS TAFLES I EASY CHAIRS ROCKERS SPOT CHAIRS REFRIGERATORS AND RANGES & B. S. COURTNEY AND SON I limit lire Since I*)! I Store Open Fridays (mil 0:00 I*. M. AT AUCTION December 13tl ON FRQFEi Oil** apartment house eontnininp I 3-roj in**iil lions** with 2 3-room apnrlmcnls. All ol these homes l»«‘iii*' recently hnill. with rnniyinp »;ilrr :m«l I'oiiitiioili* in i>ii(*li a|iiii*liiii‘iil. I liis* is 1*4*1111 y lli<* lop ol lli<* »i«*>» w lii'ii il come* lo jtiparmicnl houses lor sal**. I li. se Ii*iiis«*s are i*l**allv localeil. Knell ami exerv one he inp o****ii|ii**il hy pood leuaiils. Yon |»«*4»|»l** who,are inleresleil in hnvinp properly lo i***iil, I ran Irnlhfnll* say I ln^l lliis is I lie finest ri’iilal |iro|ieiiy for sal** any**lien* in this pari of /the eonnlry. This properly rail I*** seen on ill** corner of \Vr/s| Main ami Itnher son Slreel. Just hark ol llie home of W . 1M. Kcnlpers. We will h«* dcliphlcd lo have yon call on ns ami will lake vojn mil ami show yon this properly; or if il is more convenient for yon, properly ma\ hi* shown hy owner, \\ . Al. Itodpcrs. l liis proper!> is now rentinp for MHO. per inonlli. Yon haven't pot In dm** a nail or paint a plank. It's in*w ami in first class eomlilion. Ilon'l lorpel ill** lime anil place. Yon rail Inn oil** I hem all. GOOD MUSIC IMS Scllinfi Agents Roanoke Real Estate And Auction Company I IS Kast Alain Street riione 2077 M illiamsion, N. K. Henry Johnson, Afpr. I I

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