Williamston High Green Wave Wins State Glass AJ title Defeat Bessemer City Friday 19-13 Air Attack Gives Local Team Edge In Exciting Game W ullutT W arren To.»ses I ho Passes For Scores. Rog ers Runs Over One With several hundreds fans to give them support 280 miles or so from home, the Green Wave foot ball team of Williamston High School defeated Bessemer City's Yellow Jacket on the Jacket's home field last Friday night, 19-13, in a thrilling game that decided the Class A Championship of the State of North Carolina. Coach Stuart Maynard's team won the toss and marched to a touchdown when they received the ball. Russell Rogers started I it off with a 26-yard return, then he teamed \\ ith and Lindelle Ward j and Jack Edwards to move the I FIRST RATE | v_> The cordial treatment ac corded the Williamston High School football team after it had won thr State Chompion ship at Bessemer City puts the Bessemer City team and its fans and supporters in a class of sportsmanship that must l»e rated as strictly first class. Not only did the team play a good clean game in a sports man like manner, but they held no ill-will toward the victors, a rare thing in these days of win-or-bust sports in high school and college. Bessemer City may well he proud of its showing on the field and even more so of its behavior after thr smoke of battle had cleared. ball for the score. Warren kick ed off and Bessemer City lost a net of 2 yards in two plays and ! kicked to Wilbamston with the Green Wave moving on for a sec ond score just as the quarter end ed. Bessemer City had held the ball but for three plays in the opening quarter. After a promising drive had been halted by a fumble. Bessem er City finally got a break mid-way the second quarter when Horn intercepted a pass by Jack Edwards and went over for the first tally for the Yellow Jackets. The Green Wave moved their margin to 12 points by scoring af ter taking the Bessemer City kick-off on tilt 30. The touchdown was set up by a pass from War ren to Reginald Coltrain which was good for 45 yards to the one yard line. After losing 4 on a run ning play Warren passed to Ed wards in the end zone. That ended the Williamston scoring, but Bes semer City was still fighting back and in the third period got another T. D. on a nice end run by K. Kis er. The point try on the second failed although Robinson had got the extra point over on the first Bessemer City score by running through the middle. The game was exciting all the way as Williamston hit hard and fast in the early moments and the Bessemer City team of Coach Frank King came back in the last half with a bag of tricks that kept everybody alert. His was one of the fastest, trickiest teams the Williamston boys have met this year. For Williamston it was a team victory, the boys moved when the occasion demanded and played a conservative game alter they had built up a lead. Especially good was the play of Jimmy Myers and Joe Robertson who stopped sev eral attacks for losses while Wal lace Warren did a good job on both offense and defense. Jack I Edwards, playing his last game, ; did some of the best kicking of , his career and ran well on reverse plays. Russel Rogers and Lindelle Ward ran steadily, Russell getting I some nice kjck returns and also | picking up 30 yards on two plays 'during the opening drive of the ! Green Wave. He scored the first | touchdown on a line plunge from ! the one. Coach Maynard used 18 men in the game and Bessemer City used a similar number. Those getting into the battle for Williamston included Reginald CoHrain, Gloy den Stewart, Raymond Robertson and Buddy Fussell at ends, Jimmy Myers, Joseph Robertson and Wil bur Edwards at tackles, Harrell Everett, Norwood Keel, Bobby Goff, at guards, Jack Ross at cen ter and David Davis, Billy Spruill, Lindelle Ward. Russell Rogers, W’atson McKeel, Wallace Warren and Jack Edwards in the back field. Others making the trip to Bessemer City included Jack Dan iels, a guard, Jack Welch, center, Ben Andrews, a back, Theodore Bowen, a back and the managers, William Manning and Billy Mc Keel. Assistant Coach A. J. Ab dalla, Principal B. G. Stewart also accompanied the boys and Joe Blythe drove the chartered bus. In the air Williamston picked up 123 yards while gaining 197 yards rushing for a total of 320 yards while Bessemer City gain ed 131 yards rushing and 15 on passes. First downs were 11 for Williamston and 5 for Bessemer ^ iiv. Ward picked up two yards on the first play of the game, Ed wards worked a reverse for 18 and a first down on the 42 of Bessem er City. Ward gained 1, Rogers 3, and Edwards went for a first down on the 32 as he worked the reverse again. Rogers picked up 7 and then 23 to move the ball to the 2 where Ward picked up 1 and then was held for no gain. On I third down Rogers went over for I the touchdown and Warren kick ed the point for a 7-0 lead. Al though they returned the kickoff 17 yards to their 27, Bessemer City [ could not get rolling and Thomas kicked to Rogers who moved the ball back for 44 yards to the Bes sember City 16. Rogers gained 4 but was stopped on the next play. Warren then picked up 6 for a first down on the 6. Warren got 5 but Williamston drew' a 15-yard penalty for illegal use of the hands and Edwards lost a yard on a re verse which failed to work for the first time. Back on the 17 yard line, Warren tried one pass that missed Spruill but on another the catch was good knd Williamston moved out front 13-0 as the quar ter ended. Warren kicked off to opeh the second period. Bessemer City was penalized 5 for backfield in mo tion but H. Kiser picked up 6 and then Huffstetler worked the end around for 14 yards and a first down on the 44. Robinson gained o and then 10 more for a first down on the Williamston 43. Har mon lost 5 but then made a gain of 9 and H. Kiser made 3 before a fumtage was recovered by Watson McKeel for Williamston. Putting the ball in play on the Williamston 25, Rogers made 5, Ward 2 and Rogers 5 more to move the ball to the 37. Edwards lost 1 on a reverse and Rogers was trapped for a loss of 6. On third down Edwards faded to pass, was hem med in and when he went to pass Horn took the ball and went on over the Williamston goal for the first Bessemer City score. Robin | son ran the ball over for the extra ! point and the seore was 13-7. Rogers brought the kickoff back for 20 yards and put it in play with a 1-yard gain at the 30. Ward made 7, and Warren 5 for a first down on the 43. Warren then trav eled 13 yards to the Bessemer City 44. Rogers gained 1, Edwards ' made 3 on a reverse and Warren picked up 9 before a clipping pen alty set the Green Wave back 15 yards. Warren then passed 45 yards to Coltrain and he was stop ped at the one. After losing four on a running play Warren passed to Edwards for the touchdown but the print try was not good. Robinson returned the kick-off 22 yards as the half ended. Warren kicked off to open the second half and H. Kiser put the ball into play with a 5 yard gain starting at the 38. A 5 yard pen alty for backfield in motion wip ed out the gain and Huffstetler lost 2 and an attempted end around play and a 9 yard gain on a pass play failed to make the yardage needed. After the punt Rogers put the ball in play on the Williamston 14. He picked up 2, 7, and then 3 for a first down on the* 26 but on the next play fum-j bled and Bessemer City took over* on the 22. Taking too much time, J Bessember City drew . a 5 yard penalty. Robinson made 1, then 3, and K. Kiser took the ball around left end for 22 yards and the sec ond score for the Yellow Jackets The point try failed. Warren returned the kickoff to the 45 and Coltrain was injured. Warren made 3 but lost 1. He then passed to Edwards for a 15 yard gain and a first down on the 45. Ward gained 3 and Warren hit Edwards with another pass for 11 but a 15 yard clipping penalty set them back. Warren then pass ed to Raymond Robertson who latcralled to David Davis and the play was good for 30 yards. War ren was held for no gain, then lost 7. Warren's pass was intercepted to stop the threat and Kiser picked up 5, Robinson 3, and Kiser 6 as the third quarter ended with the ball on the Williamston 42. Huff stetler made 2, King 5 and Robin son 23 to move the ball to the 11. Robinson was thrown for an 11 yard loss but H. Kiser made 4. A 5 yard penalty set the Yellow [Jackets back, however. Myers was hurt but remained in the game. A pass gained 6 but the next one was incomplete and the ball went over on the 12. Rogers frCgOC'OOOgOOOOCOOe FOR SALE 9-ROOM HOI SI] villi 2 BATHS A Iso FILLING STATION AND GARAGE on Higlivay 64 at Evcrclls. Eilna anil ,|. B. Barnhill. Jr. BOTTLE GAS SERVICE — It Cooks — It Heats — It Makes Ice — Courtney Gas Co., Inc. Dial 2572 THIS CHRISTMAS SURPRISE HER WITH \ Good Looking SOFA BED GROUP IV. UVIINC ROOM SiriK — $B9.50 Mmi l',ii!«> Chair*, Hum- Ri>{ krr> aiul S|»ol Chair*. AKE YOU WUIMIEO? . . . about llit- length of your (!lirixlma» listt The auiallnea* of your |»ur*r? Just vi**il our ►Ion1, see our oul*laudiug value* ou all a)>|dianee*. lump*, throw rugs, pie lure*. mirror*, radio*, bedroom, dining room and living room *uite* and , . . WHILE 11 Ell E ASK ABOUT Olll LAY AW AY PLAIN Jr-W Wite liuy<T« Wiilianitiluu, !N. C Ausmv^Nn hol.s C L U B H E S E R V L $2.10 $3.35 ,-- U fmt. «% 1 «%*«*'MftiMiMii Jamesville Edges Williamsion Five The Jamesville All Stars edged the Williamston Martins 47-42 in i the opening tilt of the Goober Belt Basketball League in the Jamesville High School gym last night. Jerry Forehand was the leader for Williamston with 17 points, followed by Bobby Taylor with 10 and Junie Peel with 8 Spit Martin pitched in 22 points for Jamesville with E. L. Martin adding 11. Starters for Williamston were: David Carson and Bobby Taylor at forward, Peel at center and C. T. Roberson and Jerry Forehand at guard. Earl Roberson was the only substitute. Spit Martin and Gardner start ed at forward, E. L. Martin at cen ter, and Brown and Mizelle at the guard spots for Jamesville. Manager Junie Peel of the Mar tins has called a practice session Wednesday night at 8:00 o'clock. unemployment In November Greater The Labor Department's Bureau of Employment Security reported a slight rise in unemployment for the first 2 weeks in November, but states that the trend is normal for this time of year. Initial claims for unemployment insurance—in dicating new layoffs—averaged 186,000 for the first two weeks of November, compared with a week ly average o 155,700 new claims in October and 131.600 in Septem ber — the 1950 low month for unemployment so far. made 4, Ward 2 and Warren 2 but Edwards kicked on fourth down. The Yellow Jackets could not gain and were forced to kick after a penalty of 5 yards. Starting on the Williamston 46, Rogers gained 2, Ward 3- and Edwards went 38 on a reverse to put the ball on the Jackets’ 11. Warren picked up 2, then 1 and Edwards made 1. A fourth down pass, Warrert to Spruill was incomplete and the | ball went over on downs as the ; game neared an end. Three plays netted 13 yards for Bessemer City j to move the ball out to the 21 as I the contest ended and the ehamp I ionship was decided. Your Car Deserves The Best! it will get right here! Regular check un radi ator, battery, oil, tires at I no extra charge! . And that’s what ALTOS THRIVE ON OUR SERVICE! fjjsr CBBBBI Sinclair Service Station BBBBBBBBBB BBCCBBBBOOBBBBBBBB O**' aOpBOCOOBBBeBBOBflOBflB BBBBBBBBB QOfl II CONGRATULATIONS to the WILLIAMSTON HIGH SCHOOL GREEN WAVE Football Team State ClattM A (lliumpu FREE DRINKS & CAKES During the mouth of December to alt Green Wave Football Players. PRICE'S GULF STATION BBBBBB BBBOBBOBBCBOflOfl BBBBBBBBB More Than Two Million On Rolls The Civil Service Commission reports that the number of civ ilan employees working for the Government increased to 2.128,500 during October, a rise of 34,000 over September. The military de^ partments, expanding with the re/ firmament program, accounted fair practically all the increase. CARROLL BLACKERBY WILL Jt’OACH AT JAMESVILLE HI * Carroll Blackerby, former star uarterbaek of Wake Forest Col ege. will report to the Jamesville igh School next Monday to take £)ver the duties of athletic director succeeding Darwin McCaffity who /is entering the armed services. It is not likely that he will move his ; family to Jamesville until after ihe holidays. McCaffity was en tering his second year 3s coach at Jamesville. PECAN 'GROWERS WE I {/IV PECANS i We Arc jt’uyiiif! Top Trice* And I’rictH al Prewiil Afr llijdi Open in Willi^imtlon on Wrdiicwlayn al L1NDSLEY ICE COMPANY I Next Date/ Wednesday, Dec. 6th Sell fo li* Tor Highest Trice* ) T. B. YOUNG & CO., Florence, S. C. 0 I I Your Family Portrait Your parents mean a lot to yon. They're the best Mother and Dad anyone ever had. So they're de serving df the best gift, too... your family portrait. Well take a lot of pride and Care in its making B*'t the lime is drawing short. So phone today for an appointment. I ROYAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CENTER Williuiiihlou. N. <1. Pltoite 2876 p&fer/ej/ McLawhorn Furniture Compuny -

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