Commissioners In First New Term Of Fiscal Period —,$— (Continued -from page one) $284,357.55 levy for 1948. All bui S3.575.C2 of the $235,185.59 levy for.. 1947 has been collected. A request was received asking 1hat the Dailey Road in James ville Township be added to tht Stale sy'stem. The road, sixtenths of a mile long, serves five fam ilies. A petition, carrying town of Jamesville official signature, ask cd for the installation of warning lights at a railroad crossing or Highway 171 m Jamesville. Tht s.trne group supported a petitior for wider and improved should ers on the highway route. Requests were received foi widening and stabilizing the fol lowing roads: ■ Thoroughfare Road in Griffin: Township from J. R. P. Griffin’s 1f? Joshua Hardison's on High way 171, a distance of about 3.1 miles. "The Jim Roebuck new road ir Cross Roads Township, servin': four families. Crush Andrews road in Rob ersonville Township, a distance o 14 miles and serving eight fam ilies. The road in Rubers.>n villi Township from Highway 04, 1.71 miles east of Robersonville to ole Greenville and Robersonvilh Road at Flat Swamp, a distance of 19 miles and serving ten fam iftes. Robersonville’s town officials submitted requests for paving or five projects, offering their high way allotment to help finance tht work They asked that the pro 1 jects be handled in the following order: ,N-i. 1 Coburn Road from No. II to Parmele and on to Pitt County line al “Big Oak". No. 3 Old Everetts-Roberson ville Road from railroad crossing on Highway <i4 to point of sur facing. No. 3. Claude Green Road. ^ No. 4. Callie Roberson Road. No 5 Eli Everett Road. SLAB WOOD FOB SALE CHEAP. Dial 2160 Williamston Supply Co. Tobacco Growers To Get Dividend In Early January --y (Continued frorr page one) ceived under loan—at 90 percent of parity—more than 580,000,000 pounds of flue-cured leaf grown in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. * I The operations of the corpora tion have been financed largely through funds advanced through Commodity Credit Corporation which was made possible through agricultural legislation, enabling the corporation to advance 90 percent of parity support price ^ for members’ tobacco on the auc jtion warehouse floor. The loan program of Commodity Credit Corporation is administered through the Tobacco Branch of the Production and Marketing Administration, United States De ipartment of Agriculture, Wash ington, D. C. -Jv County Officials Accept Oaths At Monday Meetings (Continued from page one) then subscribed to the oath of of fice and immediately repaired to the courtroom to enter upon his new duties. Later in the morning after Clerk Wynne had reported for duty in the county court, Deputy Clerk Mary K. Davenport admin istered the oath of office to Wil ey Craft, deputy sheriff; W. W Biggs, coroner, C E. Jones, Sr., deputy at the pulp mill and H. Ernest Legget, Hamilton Town ship constable. Early afternoon, ' Treasurer R. H. tjnuth reported j and subscribed to the oath of of : fire before the deputy clerk, leav ing only a few to qualify. One or two deputy sheriffs, handling special assignments at the pulp mill, are to be sworn in later O B. Robejson, newly elected county surveyor, was not pre sent for the ceremonies, and did not qualify lor the office. A cord of seasoned wood will give as much heat as a ton of coal, •an<%,l*«W* »bout o*e-quurter the amount iif ashes. CORN & SOY BEANS WANTED MAItKKT CHICKS I*,\||) Wo Slioll Kvory Day. MARTIN FEED MILL T>li*|ih»n«> 2<»0<) Early Chicks Are More Profitable T;ir Heel poult rymen can earn I extra money by starting chicks in December, January, of February, ; rather than later in the season, be lieves T. B. Morris, poultry spec ialist for the State. College Exten sion Service. Early-hatched chicks, says Mor ris, will be in production in the early summer when the old hens in the flock are slowing clown in production. The young pullets production. The young pullets will have good egg si/e bv the time egg prices start rising, since prices are usually highest from June 1 to December 31. Producing both early and late broods also will enable the poul trvman to make better use of his buildings,' equipment, and range, Morris points out. This will lower the cost per pullet. In addition, two broods a year will insure a more even supply of eggs to fur nish the markets throughout the year. One question often asked about early-hatched pullets is Don’t they have a tendency to go into a molt during the fall? Morris says this is to be expected, but if extra care is given the pullets in the fall this problem should be overcome or reduced to a minimum. This ex tra care usually includes the use of electric lights to increase the working day to about 13 hours and feeding wet mash or pellets to help control the molt. Early-hutched chicks can be profitably, insists Morris. The specialist adds that before placing orders for next year's lay ers, the poultryman should give some thought to the breeding be hind the chicks. These future pullets should he from production bred stock with a pullorum-clean or pullorum-passed rating. Orders should be placed early so the poul tryman will be sure to get these better-bred chicks. Make Soil Tests Every Five Years —$— Soil should he tested about eve ry four or five years. This is fre quent enough to keep the soil at the propel lime level and allows the fanner to determine if his fertilization program is adequate for his crop rotation. The supply of lime, phosphorus, or potash in the soil does not change rapidly. Hence soil testing should be considered on a long time basis. For example, if a soil is low in potash the crops will need a high potash fertilizer I'oi a few years. Complete directions for taking soil samples may be obtained from any county farm agent. -o-— Molley Pitcher was the first woman sergeant in the American Army. Three Accidents On County Roads During Week-end -—#— (Continued hum pare one) control and the machine climbed i an embankment and turned over, I catching fire and burning up a I short time later. The loss was es i timated at $700 by Patrolman J. T. Rowe who made the investiga tion. About five hours later at 9;00 | o’clock Sunday morning, Henry | E. Everett of Muckeys was driv ing west on U. S. 04 and lost eon jtrol of his 1941 Chevrolet coupe on "Dead Man's Curve” at Dar dens. The machine, equipped With a slick tire, skidded and turned over, stopping about 65 I feet away from the spot where it left the concrete. Everett and i his three companions were not hurt. Investigating the accident, Patrolman M. F. Powers said the damage would amount to about $350. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County Having this day Qualified as ad ministratrix of tile estate of L. C. Brown, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present same to the undersigned or her attorneys within one year from the date of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate pav ment This the 1st dav of December. 1950. Mrs. L. C. Brown, Administratrix. Peel & Peel, Attvs., Williamston, N. C. de 5-12-19-26 ja 2-9 Wants FOR SALE: ALUMINUM OFFICE j t'hair with Duran all plastic up holstery. Purchased by error, will j sell at cost. Enterprise Publish ing Company de 5 ti I WALLPAPER: PLAIN OR Washable by Imperial. B. S. Courtney and Son. de 5 20t II IT’S BUILDING OR (ON | crete sand, Dial 2512. Quick ser I vice. Your ordei will be appre I dated. Jimmy Harrison. d 5 4t ■ MAN OR WOMAN FOR WAT i kins dealership in the city of •Williamston. Full time income averages $45 weekly. Small in vestment preferred. We will help (you get started. Write J R. Wat ; kins Co., Dept. S-3, Richmond, Va. HUDSON REFRIGERATION Ser I vice. Repair all makes and mod | els, commei rial and domestic. We (also have some good used refrig j erators for sale Dial 3064, Wash ington St. de 5 2t LOST: DIAMOND RING WITH 3 stones Sunday night, December 3. Lost either in Williamston or at East Side. Kinder please contact Enterprise office. Reward offer ed. FOR SOMETHING NEW IN Christmas toys -hop at John Li 1 - ley's Toy Shop. 1009 N. Haughton Street. de 5 2t FOR SALE: BEAUTIFUL REGIS istered rocker spaniel puppies. Get one for Christmas. One black and white male, one tan and white male, two black and white fe | males, one black male. Mrs. Vic tor Brown. de a 2t FOR SALE: 1940 TWO DOOR DE Luxe Ford. Good radio and heater. R. J. Rogerson. 8 miles south on Washington Highway. de 5 4t CORN WANTED: WE ARE shelling every day and paying the farmer $1.25 per bushel. We recently rearranged our sheller and can give quick service. Phone 29843. Abbitt's Mill. no214t FOR SALE: SOYBEAN HAR vcster. See Mrs. Ransom Rob erson, Jumesville, N. C. TENANT WANTEDSMALL colored family to cultivate some crops. F. L. Rogers. Route 3, Wil liamston, N. C. n 30 2t PEANUTS FOR SALE: 5 POUND bags, shelled, with shipping tag attached for mailing. George Rey nolds Hotel. Williamston. n 30 4t FOR SALE: 250 GOOD PIGS AND shouts, 55 bred Hereford heifers, 25 Angus yearling heifers. W. S. Hundley, Bovdton, Va. n 30 2t FOR SALE: 20 BRED DUllOU Sows and gilts. Also 25 pigs ready for the field. Dr. Jas. S. Rhodes, Williamston. n30 tf FOR SALK: T1IE R. B. BROWN residence and hit, corner Acad emy and Hassell Streets. See ('has. H. Manning, Attv. n 30 tf BE INDEPENDENT. SELL RAW lei,ah Products. Good nearby locality open in Southeast Martin County. Write today. Rawlcigh's Dept. NCK-451 -D, Richmond, Vir ginia. N 21) lot LADIES, IT'S TIME TO HAVE your litr coats remodeled and repaired. Also capes made of old coats. Come in to see me. Mrs. Mattie Hardee, over Key Brown's Dim; Store, ft Points, Greenville, N. C. no 23 4t WANTED: WHITE TENANT farmer for 5 (i 10 acres of tobac co, 10 or 12 acres of peanuts, all I equipment furnished. Good t) mom house with electricity, run ning water. Tobacco barns, oil fired. On school bus route Good opportunity for right man. Apply N. L. Turner, Rich Square, North Carolina. no 21 4t FOR SALE: GENERAL STORE Merchandise. Dry goods, shoes, hardware, groceries, etc $18,000 inventory. May rent building or remove stock. See H. M. Ayers, l Everetts, N C. no 23 4t WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells Oates Lulmber ■ Company, Frank E. Weston, man lager, Wuliamston, N. C. je 8 tt LOOKING A TOP COAT? WELL, we have them, Gaberdines, from $18.05 to $30.05. Not only are they topcoats but they are TOPS in quality and the best valui s you've seen kiJ-rm ■ . ,'.l v, i Store, Williamston or 2tl !l REMINGTON ItAND PORTABLE typewriter for sale Good as new. May be seen at Enterprise Office. no 7 tf DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N C., 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company no 8 tl FOR SAI F: Till, i W.-TTYWIVY Homo on Rhv St root. 3 Bed rooms Chas. H. Manning. At tornev. no 23 tf FOR TOUR CUSTOM - MADK | Venetian blinds, awnings for the I home or sture, see us. W< have 'the famous Fiexalum aluminum, j slats; also beautiful cc'ors in wood. Henry Harrison, Wuliams ton. au 26 tf NICK SPECKLED TROUT — 351 up. Oysters and a choice so lor tion of fresh sea food. Sanitary Fish Market, located behind Mar tin's Bakery. Phone 2204. n 21 8t 1 OR RENT: SANDING MACH me Refinish voui floors your self and do u first class job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Corn pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf FURNISHED ROOMS AND apartment for rent. Mrs Lon nie Manning. 312 Sinithwick St., I Williamston, N. C. • no 7 tf j YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat. teries. Phone 2i!18. Turn right at j Freezer Locket no 8 tf iCIOOD USED FURNITURE -Wil liamston Hardware Company, Williamston, N. C. au 29 tf VERY SPECIAL: MEN, DON'T i I I buy your fall and winter suits until you've seen the best values m town. We have good quality suits that range in price from $21.00 to $49.95. Wo feature Cur lee suits, the best buy on the mar ket. Darden's Dept. Store. Wil liamston. or 20 tf I Lawn Mowers Sharpened Wo Sell and Repair. Bicyoles-Tricycles. Harley Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 23114 j CLARK S RHEUMATISM (:I)M pound for positive relief of i aches and pains Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, : neuritis, neuralgia and muscular I lief or money back. Clark Phar ; macy. m 22 tf ' PARKER'S SELF -SERVICE Laundry Hours R a m. to 5 p 1 m. Monday througli Fridav. 8 a. m a quick and economical wash ser vice. ic 3 tt STOP IN AND SEE OCR STOCK of Used Furniture. Williamstor Hardware Company, Wltliamston N. C. au 29 tf CORN WANTED: IVE ARE shelling every day and paying the farmer $1.25 per bushel. We recently rearranged our shelter and can give quick service Phone 23843. Abbitt’s Mill no 21 ft him: inn,. K Vfanted* xct pr.v Ti.p P —• for .-landing tim ber and pine 1 .-4*. V/iHiarosten , Supply Co. Phone 2460. je 20 tf At Their Formal Opening Complete Announcement Covering All Details including the list of Prizes will be given Through the Enterprise Thursday. CHEVROLET I'JiXhYAtilW mommy/ grandma's BEEN in the milk from TAYLORS DAIRY ^ AGAIN. L 7A tui *u'THtUM SVM0ICM* In: - J SPECIAL THIS \\ EEK HUM KAISIN ICE CHEAM TAYLORS DAIRY siaa 6/Me A P&sUui tied Duoy Product* DAIRY BAR ^ PLANT ll«iuj»liton St TRIO Rolteraonvillp, N. C. MONDAY - TUESDAY - • • (Dec. 4-5 ru. cet by A Technicolor Musical With Gloria Dc Haven June llaver, William Lundi gan and Dennis Day Tills: Latest News & Short WEDNESDAY, Dec. (i Double Feature TRIPLE THREAT (A Eouthall Picture Showing Top Stars in Action) with Richard Crane, Gloria Henry JEEP HERDERS (A New Adventure in West ern Pictures) with John Day and .1 u. And Serial THURSDAY - FRIDAY Dec. 7-8 (A Military Musical) WEST POINT STORY With James Cagney, Vir ginia Mayo, Doris Day, Gor don McRae, Gene Nelson, Alan Hale, Jr. Plus: Color Cartoon & Short tMMWMMAAMMAMVWmm VICCAR THEATRE WILLI AMSTON TUESDAY “THE PETTY CilRI " Joan Caulfield Robert Cummings Cartoon and News WEDNESDAY BOMBARDIER Pat O’Brien Randolph Scott Cartoon and News WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY “71 I OCEAN DRIVE" Edmond O'Brien Joanne Drew Cartoon and News ItMWWMMWMWIlWWWIWW S E E Worrell V(!o. for llie best in rSED FURNITURE FAKM rows 10-15-20 Years Prompt Closing No Appraisal Fee l.ow Interest Kate < lias. II. Mininiii". Vlly. ■<#0KEVPtUMBIN6& EDGE WOOD AVS. • PHONE 2)09 WILLI ALSTON, N.C. FIXZITI | SYSTEM THEATRE — WII.LIAMSTON last mu; tvksd vv "All About Eve" With Brlle l)u\ is \iiue Bnxlrr NEWS wldnlsilw TIIUKSim - I Kll>\A "Rio Grande" With John \\ a\ nr Mlllll-ff II ( >' 1121 I’ll SPORT NEWS TUKSDAY ami w i:dm:sdu "The Yellow Cab Nan" With Itcil Skcllnn (iloriu I)clia>(*ii HAND CARTOON Till IKSI) AY - lit 11 >\A "Treasure Island" With llolili) Driscoll ItoliiM'l Nnvlon Joe McDoakr.i Comedy SUNRAY A Filler K:in«i' AT IWk«-l INra*infr I’nops SEF IT TODAY AT M;n l:iir \|)|>liam i- ( ti. i Washington St. Williamston ioo:-:-:-;o-kcoo3C&. HAMILTON THEATRE I,AST TIMES TODAY December I and 5 Shows at 7 and !> WYOMINO M VII, In Technicolor With Stephen McNally Alexis Smith llow aid De Sx 1 va I’lus l atest News j'j WEDNESDAY. December (i ft Shows at 7 and 9 l) Double Feature Program !<! i i<;ih im; redhead a With Jim Brannon j DESTIN VTION i) HERDER With Tom Conway PECS SERIAL TIICRSDAY FRIDAY December 7 and S Shows at 7 and !> LEI'S DVM I In Technicolor with Betty llutton, Fred \staire, Roland Young and Ruth Warrick Musical Comedy ot the Year PIT S LATEST NEWS MOV II S Vn> RITTER I II VN EV ER * n I'll i r- (liristniiis (»i\ c ELECTKICAL <; i ITS lllrdrir IliiilsIfT^ h'.lrrlrir Iron* I’op-I p I »;isl<T' M i\inasler* WaM’lr Iron* Sa in I \n irli (>rilU I Irrlrir llralrr* VS arming I’ad* Mol I'lalrs Klrrlrir lilankrls \ ai-iiiiin < dranrrs V\ ii^liiii»» Marhinr* Sow iu<i Marliim — l?adio> Wallers \\ alrr I Iratrr* |{(IYi*:ci'aloi* l.arliaut1 Disposal Klrrlrir I’np (lorn 1‘opprr* (>il Onakrr Sparc’ Hralrr* Oiri-lma* l.ijilil* (Indoor and outdoor) Large*! Selection In Toivn WO K HELL J Appliance Co.

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