1,572 Tribesmen ; In African Film When 400 members of the Wa- | kamba tribe were hired to per form their spectacular tribal dance for M-G-M's Technicolor adventure drama, "King Solo mon's Mines," filmed on location I in Equatorial Africa, the pic ture’s directors, Compton Bennett I and Andrew Marton, got more j • than they had bargained for. Instead of 400 'natives appear- 1 ing for the sequence, 1,572 Wa kambas showed up, bv actual count, and, geting into the spirit j of the occasion, danced day and night for three days without in terruption. The sequence of the thrill-pack ed picture, showing at the Viccar Theatre, Sunday through Wednes day, was at Machakos, oldest town on the East African coast, where stars Deborah Kerr, Ste • wart Granger and Richard Carl son enacted scenes against a back ground of the native dances. Unusual Weather Just The Thing The M-G-M troupe which trav-1 a eled to Africa to film "King Solo-^ mon's Mines" found "unusual1 weather" even in Africa. At Mur- | ehison Falls on the Victoria-Nile River, the location company en-. countered a record temperature' of 152 degrees. However, it seems that the unprecedented heat fitted neatly into the picture’s script The scenes at this point were supposed to show Deborah Kerr, Stewart Granger and Richard 1 ^ Carlson completely exhausted. Two minutes in that sun, and i they were! "King Solomon's Mines” plays at the Viccar Theatre Sunday! through Wednesday. Electric lights are being used } in laying houses by many poultry men. The purpose is to stimulate higher egg production and aid in ^preventing fall moult in early j riatched pullets. Men's Dress and Work Shoes For Less, - WILLARD'S SHOE SHOP Ford Announces New 1951 Trucks Ford Division today announced new Ford trucks for 1951, includ ing more than 180 models design ed to reduce operating costs, make trucks adaptable to more jobs and to add driver convenience and comfort. L. D. Crusoe, vice-president and general manager. Ford Division, Ford Motor Company, announced scores of engineering, styling and safety improvements covering the four Ford truck engines, chassis changes and introduction of a new “5-Star Extra" cab. New Ford trucks feature auto matic Power Pilot carburetion ignition control on all engines. The system provides power with economy by metering and firing the correct amount of fuel at the right instant under varying loads without spark knock. The cab and front end have been restyled to give a more rug ged and smarter appearance. The rear window was redesigned and enlarged to more than three and one-half feet for full range vision. A new instrument panel incor porates new full-vision instru ments, rheostat type instrument light switch and a hand throttle on all conventional models. Weather sealing on doors is im proved, anJ the floor pan area also is sealed against weather and fumes. Dual windshield wipers are standard equipment and posi tioned to give a full pattern on the one-piece windshield A steering column gearshift on F-l light duty models provides more cab and floor space. Perfor mance of the F-l truck has been improved by changing the rear axle ratio from 3.73-to-l. The standard three-speed trans mission for the F-l has been re designed for more rugged loads, longer wear and easy shifting. It has constant mesh helical gears with synchornizers in second and third speeds. Distribution of braking force on F-4, F-5 and F'-ti trucks was modified to obtain better balanc ed braking and longer lining life. The clutch disc on F-7 and F-3 1'nvy trucks has been made more lgged for severe service. F-l, -2 and F-3 trucks have new ont bumbers. Cast spoke wheels with do lountable rims to provide intcr langeability with trailer wheels are now standard on F-7 and F-tl models, but steel disc wheels still are available. Engines have been improved to reduce operating costs and make them quieter. All now have chrome top piston rings, autho thermic expansion control pistons and new high-lift camshafts Offset piston pins now are used on 95 h. p. 6-cylinder and 100 h. p. VU engines to insure quiet op eration. On F-7 aqd F-8 trucks, coolant distribution is improved by means of a larger radiator tank and water by-pass tubes on the engine. Exhaust valve stems on all engines are nitrided to help pre vent valve sticking. New semi rotating valves anil valve spring retainers also are aimed at pre venting valve sticking and at prolonging valve life. A new “5-Stur Extra" cab is optional equipment on the 1951 Ford truck fleet. It is sound proofed with undercoating on the floor, spray-on material on the doors and back panel and with roof insulation Roof insulation in this new < I I * c Christmas Gifts fl I Shop Now, While Our Sloek Is Still Complete. Trieyeles uiul Wagons In All Sim ELECTRICAL GIFTS UNIVERSAL I ItONS UNIVERSAL Electric PERCOLATORS ELECTRIC HEATERS ELECTRIC TOASTERS HOT I'LATES — Single anil Double COOKERS Presto Cookers — I anil 6 IJl. WEAR • EVER COOKERS Alaililin Lamps — Lamp Supplies , Christmas Tree Lights I J 1 s s (rooil Sloek Of Ahiiiiiiium Eiiuinelwure Pyrex WOOLARD Hardware Company BOXSCORE • ■ i.t.inmm Killerl December 1 through December 4 13 Injured December 1 through Dec. 4 131 Killed through Decem ber 4 this year 831 Killed through Decem ber 4, 1949 775 Injured through Decem ber 4 this year 11.205 Injured through Decem ber 4, 1949 8.915 Boy Seotils Report Tlieir Activitim -—.t-—■ There will be a Cub Scout Pack Meeting Friday night at 7:30 in the grammar school auditorium. All cub scouts and their parents arc urged to be present. If Your Stomach Is Like A GAS Factory! When you eat a meal and it turns right into gas, it’s a sign your food is not digesting quickly enough. It just lays there and fer ments. So you are in misery with gas for hours afterward. Many Williamston people used to feel that way before they got CERTA-VLN This new medicine digests food faster and better. Taken before meals it works with your food. Gas pains go! Inches I of bloat vanish! Contains Vita min B-l with Iron to give pi p and make nerves stronger. Miserable people soon feel different all over. So don't go on suffering. Get CERTA-VIN Davis Drug Store. cab consists of one and one-half inch thick glass wool pad ce mented to the underside of the roof panel and covered with a perforated aceoustie board as pro tection against heat and sound. A full-width seat in the "5 star Extra” cab has two-tone trim and is provided with a thick foam rubber pad on the cushion. It has a combination cotton and rubberized hair pad on the seat back for long life and greater comfort. Its interior includes full length passenger car type door trim with arm rests, on both doors. There are two sun visors, cigar lighter, glove compartment lock, dome lamp with automatic door switches, chrome hardware es cutcheons, light and left hand door locking cylinders and twin matched horns. The \)-Star Extra cabs also have chrome windshield molding, vent windows and division bar moldings as well as special hood side ormamentation and a special silver finish on the radiator grills. The North Carolina cotton crop is forecast at 170,000 bales. This would be 04 per cent below 194!) production, and 71 per cent be low the 10-year (1939-48 average. It would also be the smallest crop produced in this State since 1871. GIVES FAST RELIEF wk«n CO) D MISERIES STRIKE mi i: INSURANT. K from min ii to \<;i: 70 w. “mu;’ n;i;u: Manager mi; mii: INSURANCE COMI'ANY OF VIRGINIA WliXIAMSTON N. C. Williamsion Office Supply Co. i j Bankers Plan Special Contest The North Carolina Bank( rs Asociation will again sponsor a Public Speaking Contest for Neg ro high schol students in the spring of 1951, it was anounced i today by Joseph H Wolfe, Ex- | ecutive Secretary of the North Carolina Bankers Association "This will be the second con test so sponsored" Wolfe said "The response last year was so satisfactory, and such genuine in terest was shown by the high school students throughout the i area of the contest that the Bank ers Association has decided to make an annual feature of its ex tensive agricultural program." The general subject this year will be "Green Pastures, Their Place in the Economy of North Carolina". The contest will be conducted ! under the joint leadership of bankers, A and T College staff | members (State College for Neg roes at (Irt ensboro), and profes sional workers in education and, agriculture A kit of subject mat-1' ter material will be made ; vailn- | | ble to all high schools, through , the county agent's office All Negro high school pupils enrolled in grades it-12 and re siding in the following e unities | will be eligible to participate Edgecombe. Halifax, Nash. North- , ampton. Wilson, Chatham, Dui ( ham. Franklin, Granville, liar- ( nett, Johnston, Orange. Person, , Vance, Wake, Wan t n, Beaufort, Bertie, Camden, Chowan. Curri tuck, Dare, Gates, Greene, Hert ford, Hyde, Martin, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Pitt. Terrell, Wash ington, Alamance, Caswell, Dav idson, Davie, Forsyth, Guilford, i Randolph, Rockingham, Stokes. Surry, Yadkin, Anson, Hoke, Lee, Montgomery, Moore, Richmond, and Scotland. Last year only l(i counties were included in the contest, represent- 1 nn banking groups 2 and 4 This! /car 34 counties have been added, i lank groups 1, 5, and 7, making • he contest open to the high! chool students in one hall' of the ■ounties in North Carolina It is: loped that the contest will he j state wide in 1952 Approximately $5,000.00 will be iwarded in prizes this year Firsts *ri/e in the State contest will a- $400.00 in Savings Bonds and in expense-paid trip to deliver he winning speech before the Handings Bankers Conference- it _’hapel Hill in July Second Prize, 1100 00 and Third Prize, $50 00 viII be in Savings Bonds. In the five groups, or regional •ontests, prizes will be given as ollows for First Place, $50 00 in lomls, and $25 00 in Bonds for SLAB WOOL) FOB S U K CHKAP. Dial 2100 Williomslon Supply Co. Second Place. Prizes will also be awarded on the county and local school levels Last year, t>25 students partici pated m the contest, representing 48 high schools. Two thousand dol lars was awarded in prizes. S, J Hodges, Negro Agronomy Extension Specialist, A and T College, and W. J. Fisher, Execu tive Secretary of New Farmers of America will promote the con test. Beware Coughs From Common Colds That HANG ON Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlfgm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. (luarantccd to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion has stood the test of millions of users. CREOMULSION relieves Coughs, Chut Colds, Arutt lUonehitii Mill ill Aa- Tzaditiota/ ad. Santa Ctaad at CJuudtdnadtime / 5 rngut/mn CAKE! Lb $1.98 Box 4 Lb. $^.49 Box ill ill imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mini iiiiiiiiiiirv Packer s l abel l/askan Pink : SALMON SERVE SALMON No 1 C £ \ CROQUETTES Tall ^ # i r i k r»n i » n lender ( enter (lit Pork . Chops -57c ICgp UtMOl K's STAR SKIN1.ESS FRANKS “ 55c TASTE SPANISH STVI.E «, MEAT loat — «<•<>•’ CHM H PRIDE FRESH MADE HAM salad 43c CHEFS PRWE IRI SH MAKE !*)„ CHICKEN salad 43e COLONIAL STORES Tender Tork ROAST RIB END LL LOIN FND Lb We Tender lieef ( buck ROAST Ocean-Tresh .Seafoods RED PERCH Fillet “ !7< TINY peas *°: 17* < i It I. VI Hl( • I UN Dt K 1*1 \S GREEN «■*»* r 20* 1)1 I MON I I \\ HOI I >1*0 I II PEACHES J 43* \\ M IM)HI MU \ VI* I Oil I I TISSUE 3 - 23* I I Ml' \ s II -I IOI s I 1(1 I I COCKTAIL : 23* .III I \ m U H MIX PIECRUST 15* ) VIRGINIA FI,\\OKI I I. MINCE MEAT .? 23* < O.MHTOI K I I s< |Ol n sill III PIE APPLES t.’ 18* < S ||\V II MUW (. III I N LIMA BEANS : 29* Medium llock, pound 43c Pun Trout, pound 25c Select Oysters, pint 85c Colonial Pride, lb. 65<! — Winner Ouality, lb. «3c I ISihlels H hole Kernel CORN 16 Our Pride Sandwich BREAD 16 Or. Loaf 14 Southern / / rmSS^ r*UiT Ban ,s°'- *. 39c ■ bccts '' ,i,>'" * - lb «5< p'i/Rr -a"*. Ub J" 25c 2|oo,« _ £®n* pjuv" aa‘ spgsftr^ ,I0' as* ,*®*Mroei" * ‘°‘ aa‘ »*M ” 1 2,‘ *Ewitt»a,c ,9‘ **OMssrs k 9,‘ *^7^;-1^2 J 2S« Mallard's Obelisk FI,OUR 10 Lb Bag 97 STERLING pi>s 9c SI NNHINI III.HO CRACRERS ib 3ic ' I AK KlS’r SOI.Ill IMI K TUNA riSH No , 41c » ■■■ IMHIJ.NO I OKHIIOOK LIMA It ANS No 2 25c ( AHnmi HHV s HKI NSHII K STEW No 2 Con 53c SKINMHS I.OM. Macaroni 2 pi«. 23c WAX-SEEL Ron 3ic haiiamii* HOT ROLL MIX Pkg 29c lUl.UHriK DOGMEAL b 65c I MBO (HI STM. H HI IT I SYRUP i., 20c m mahhhm m.i.oivh I PURITAN ao. 18c f BHII.I/H Spanish RICE 17-Oj Can 19c MBi m TAs’l v * Mexicorn 120, 19C OfNtOOR \NT DIAL SOAP 2 Bars 37c H\\ FFTFH: ART TOILET SOAD Reg Bar imimiiii yimi hi n 11 mu i ••••!! mi i iiii in uni **•••••*% «fl»H**8fPRODlJ Cjk& Viiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiih'iiiiiimiii Surd Juicy / loruia ORANGES 8 & 45c rwc v \a mi*o In i n iim s APPLES I \M V OKI l.(l\ HIM PEARS I INI * Nil'll 'I/I I I.OK III S G’FRUIT I Wl \ l VI II OK SI A tMriROR RED GRAPES MRM l KIM’ I % I -11 II I III Rl. LETTUCE 3 2 5 2 Ml nil M M/I I.IUFH lor CARROTS 2 I S NO I VI I l ow ONIONS 3 •b. 27c ib. 33c ,w 29c ’>■ 25c “ 19c ■* 27c ui- 12c iitii Mnnys mm. imyori.ii POTTED MEAT I.IHHV S IIMHK > l» SNA SAUSAGE WITH TASII Ml Vf—I.IBBI K SPAGHETTI j.IRRY S NITMTIOIS CORNED beet MSB V> TAS1V C’ORM-D BEEF HASH ('S Spicctl PEACHES Ho V. Can 39 Redgale ( iit Green I BEANS s Ho. 2 Cans 25 Soft H rare roil ft TISSUE B“ymN°W For Christmas oous **G *14 9* vAtUf * C4. aa ONtr '■“ion COLONIAL ST

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