Will Attend Show Jane Manning. Sarah anti Mar Ann and William Manning \vi attend the Horace Heidt show 1 Raleigh toni; ot Visiting In Rocky Mount Mesdames Lewis Pippin an son. Exum Ward, Sr.. Thotm Van Landingham. Foster Va Landingham and David Keel ar visiting in Rocky Mount today. Here From Robersonvilie Miss 1 ouise Wilson of Durhar and her mother. Mrs C L. Wil son. of Robersonville visited her yesterday Here From Goldsboro Mr. Charlie Rey nolds of Golds boro spent Tuesday and Wednes day here. Visited In Rocky Mount Mrs Charles Manning and Ms: R E. Manning visited in Rock Mount yesterday Visitors In Rocky Mount Mrs. John Henry Edwards. Mi and Mrs. C' D. Pittman and Mrs Talley Gams were visitors n Rocky Mount yesterday E\r •« Broken? We maintain a com; lete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service Peelr’s — Jewclcrp 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 Will Spend Week-end In Raleigh v Miss Marie Mohlev will spend [1 this week-end in Raleigh Visited In Rocky Mount Mrs Ben D. Courtney and Mrs. Johnny Rawls visited in Rocky i Mount yesterday Attended Bussiness In Columbia Attorney Edgar Gurganus at tended to business in Columbia # yesterday Week-end Visitors Here Mrs. Nellie Williams of Sharps burg and Mr and Mrs Lester Williams of Kooky Mount were week-end visitors of their dau ghter and sister, Mrs Sam Rob erson. and Mr Roberson Business Visitor In Richmond Mr Garland Woolard was a business visitm in Richmond ov er the week-end Here From Robersonville Dennis Warren of Roberson villo was a business visitor here yesterday. Here From Plymouth Mrs Morgan Pope of Plymouth was m town Monday shopping Here From Wilson Mr. and Mrs Larry Darden of Wilson visited Mr and Mrs Died Darden here Tuesday Here From Elizabeth City Mrs J. D Hathaway of Eli/.a I belli City spent Tuesday here with her mother, Mrs W A James. Here From Roberson ville j Mrs Jack Taylor of Roberson ! ville visited here Tuesday Announce Birth Mi and Mrs Jay Avers of near Everetts announce the birth of a ; son, Jay, Jr, on November 25. Mrs Ayers is the formei Miss! ■ | Sally Meeks of Everetts. Mariihmiii (.lull fl nmrn In Rrfiular Merlin^ Tlv Macedonia Club member met at the club house Wednesday December (i. for their refill la i monthly meeting find an hour of Christmas fun. The meeting Was called to or der by singing Christmas songs and Miss Barker read a very ap propriate Bible selection. The business session was made short and afterwards there were games and contests which were enjoyed bv the fourteen members and children attending Prizes were awarded the winners. Delicious Christmas refresh ments were served and several baskets were sent to the sick and shut-ins Reported. Attended Army-Navy Game Major and Mis Leslie Bailey formerly of Williamston attended the Army Navi game in Philadel phia. Pa. over the week-end. Visited Here Tuesday Miss Mildred Norris of Cole ram was a visitor here Tuesday Visited Here From Windsor Mrs J. I. Huffier and Mrs. II G. Lancaster of Windsor were in town Tuesday. Here From Elizabeth City Mrs L. S. Blades. Jr of Eliza both City visited Mrs Ned Lau ghmghouse here Tuesday Returned Home Mrs W. A James returned home this week from Washington, D C where she spent some time with relatives. I If re From New Bern Mrs. Howell Wadsworth of New Bern is visiting Mr. and Mrs I W Watts hen this week Visited In Wilmington Tuesday Messrs Elbert S. Peel, Jr and Haw retire Lindsley visited in Wil mington Tuesday. Visited In Rocky Mount Today Mis. B, A. Cntchei, Sr visited in Rocky Mount Tuesday Visitor In Norfolk Friday Mi Billy Biggg was a visitor in Norfolk Friday Here From Darlington, S. ('. Mrs. Tom Cox of Darlington, »S C spent Sunday here with Mi and Mrs S R Biggs Attended Business in Nashville Messrs, Elbert S. Peel, Bruce Wynne and Clarence Griffin at ended to business in Nashville ruesday. Visiting In Smithlield Mrs R II Goodman is spend ing a few days with friends in ?mithiielu Visited In Richmond Monday Mr. and Mrs Geo K Roberson md Mr and Mrs. Claude Beg irt visited relatives in Richmond Monday Visited In Norfolk Tuesday Mrs John R Peel and Miss Susie Manning visited in Norfolk ruesday Accepts Position in New Bern Miss Maltha Leggett left Sun 1a.\ for New Bern where she has ueepted a position in the New Bern eity schools. Sin was ac I ii'parded by Mr and Mrs J. C , a'gget t Visit In Richmond Mr. arid Mrs. Geo. K Roberson, VIi and Mrs J. C Leggett spent Monday in Richmond where they (•isiti'd Mis. Mittie Barnhill who is ritually ill in a hospital. j’ miss Jo Ann Geren j WEDS JAS. KNIGHT jj —*— t Cleveland, Tennessee—The Sj marriage of Miss Jo Ann Geren. |( daughter of Mr and Mi's. Orlando l Geren, and James Earl Knight, S Jr„ formerly of Williamston. son 1 nf Mrs. Harlan Troth and the iate James E. Knight was solemn ised Wednesday, Nov. 22, at First I Methodist Church The Rev. El ton Jones, pastor, officiated at the ceremony The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a suit of taupe gabardine with matching acces sories. She carried a white Bible topped with a white orchid and showered with white satin st reamers. The bride's' attendants were ; Miss Betty Crocker of Kingsport | and Miss Margaret Beckett of | Cleveland and Chattanooga. i Mi Harlan Troth served as the bridegroom’s best man. Mr Knight was educated in the schools of North Carolina. He served three and a half years , \\ ith the U S. Navy. He is now | associated with Cleveland Elec- I trie System. Following a short wedding trip to North Carolina, the couple is residing at their apartment on Ocoee St. illendanca Al (.antes AI Legion IItil Is i.ood Attendance at the Tuesday So : rial Night Games held at the ! American Legion Hut was the j i largest -since the opening several weeks ago. The bingo games, held each Tuesday night, offer valuable merchandise and cash prizes to the winners. Those attending the games are sold seats at $1.00 each. This entitles them to 20 games of i bingo with several entertaining variations on the game. Refresh-1 merits of soft drinks, sandwiches ! and candy are sold at the Hut. Announce Birth Mr and Mrs Alex Page an-j nounee the birth of twin daugh- I tors on November 20 at their I home in Norfolk. Mrs. Page is I the former Miss Allic Beach of 1 near Everetts. j »* Christmas Gift | Suggestions ig J)el i till I u id gold An ■Off:" ■ ■ . neautil ally mane I pink and green 14 Kt. e.Ncjuir-ile gift, perlmps tor vourself. wnii an <u iila v o ?4eU‘s-kweim Since 1899 121 Main Willitunslou "FOR FI MEN (lUtlSTM iS LIUS' Congratulations to Roanoke Chev Co. Your New Building Is An Asset To Our Town J. PAUL SIMPSON Juniors Present Play Tomorrow The Junior Class of the local high school will present a three act mystery farce, "Mumbo-Jum bo," in the Williamston High School auditorium on Friday, De cember tj. There will be a mati nee for school children and an evening performance at eight o'clock. Admission to the play will be 25 cents for students and 50 cents for adults. The director, Miss Leona Sas ser believes that "Mumbo-Jum bo" will have a warm reception, as this production, a mystery farce, departs from the usual run of comedies, in ' Mumbo-Jumbo” playwright Jack Barnard uses au thentic Voodoo folklore as prac ticed in Haiti in a spine-tingling, j tense mystery that is offset by \ nonsensical farce. There are mur ders, screams, stiff bodies aplenty, Voodoo rites—everything requir- , ed to make an enigmatic mystery. ! The lover oi the comedy will roar i with laughter at the manly wife of Dick Reynolds, bumkinish j Twee tv, and the frail, helpless1 | Mrs. Custer. When Dirk Reynolds and Pee Wee Smith, two frivolous college boys portrayed by Jack Daniels and Bobby Goff, respectively, are in desperate need of a thousand dollars, they convert Dick's Un cle John's country estate into a j country resort. Pee Wee masquer ades as the fabulous Mrs, Rey nolds when it becomes necessary that Dick have a wife. Soon strange guests arrive, and a mur der is committed. At this point everybody in the old farmhouse flies off at a tangent. Others in the large cast include: | Sarah Reynolds, Janie Perry; Sa rah's husband, John, Lindelle Ward; Tweety, a bumpkinish country girl, Jackie Harris;' 1" P<'fi'Tii-s Greeding, hard-boiled chorus girl. Patricia Taylor; Mon ahan. a State Trooper, Johnny Frank Allsbrook; Sheriff Lem Marbjehead, Jimmie Page; Emma Burpee, a spinister sheriff, Mary" Long: Daisy, Emma’s niece; San dra Margolis; Harold Custer, Er nest Taylor: Mrs. Custer, Harold’s frail mother, Dannette Bailey: Peter Beamish, a mysterious blind 'nan, Corrone Bryant: Doctor Ga -a Omahandra, a West Indian nystic, Wa-tson McKeel; Kay s? sau# wot Samedi, his ward, Barbara Gur ganus; Madame Celesta, a ne gress witch, Janie Beach. Attending Meeting In Miami Mr R H. Goodmon is atttend ing a baseball meeting in Miami. Visited In Raleigh Mesdames David G. Modlin, Tilmon Coltrain, T. F. Davenport and Jos. Holliday and Mr. Ray Daniel visited in Raleigh yester day. NEED GLASSES? t i bSg&n Last Minute Shopping? You're slill on lime for (]liri«l mas "ivim: with this handsome wateh for him. Yellow j»old ease, imported jeweled moil' ineiil, slioek- and waterproof. \ wonderful jiifl lie'll earrv al ways. m m ikmesrm^oK - Si.’ £ & & m m & % ?*. M VKE IT AN ELECTRICAL GIFT AND YOl WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR YEARS - - - # Sunbeam Mixmaslers 9 Toastmasters # IIdter Heaters # Electric lllanl.els 9 Heating Tatis 9 Automatic Toasters 9 Hair Dryers 9 Hot Plates 9 Electric (.lochs 9 Radios — $19.95 to 8600. 9 Electric Ovens and Rtmslt-rs 9 Sunbeam Iron's 9 H ostinglumso Electric Irons 9 Electric Pop Torn Poppers 9 Vacuum ( loaners 9 Son Lamps 9 Electric Stptare Water Healers C* Iparlment Size Electric Ranges & EocalcJ Front Cit\ Hall Dial 203: I Worrell Appliance Co. g 3k % % g 3k % 3k at 3k W. 3k 1 k 3k % 3k Just the kind of pretty slips site always wants and loves to wear ’neath her favor ite fashions! I'nre silks, ravons, minus f M f . . . main inxnrionsh trimmed with rih hons and hires . . . are all in onr pi ft proiip. & o I S. f f o I Styled by: I Artemus and I Barbizon Priced From $2.95 and up

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