1950 Grid Season Host Snccessinl Under Maynard (hu* Of Bf>l Balaueed Bark* field.- Ever Play In The Albemarle Conference While he lias liad teams from which he expected more, the 1950 Green Wave football team has giv en the Williamston High School its most successful season since Stuart Maynard reported for work as head of the athletic department here. This is not to sa\ that Mayn ard underestimated his team this year He told friends back in September that if things worked out all right he would have an outfit that would be hard to get along with before the season had passed. The team this year, especially after Wallace Warren joined it. had one of the best balanced back fields ever to play in the Albc r ! marie Conference. It had two me! who could kick as well as run am pass in Jack Edwards and Wallaci Warren. It had a youngster wh< could run and pass in Watson Me Keel and in Russel! Rogers anc Lindelle Ward had two fellow: who could hit outside and insidt with speed and drive. Both o! these fellows carried the ball a lot against big and small and in theii more than 100 carries each pickec up enough yardage for a good av erage. David Davis, a freshman gave the team good blocking anc steady support while the old re liable Billy Spruill who loves tr play football better than any othei thing unless it is hunting, could carry tin- ball or catch a pass in his job of filling out the backfield While it was shy in veterans, the line came along fast with Jimmy Myers and Norwood Keel steady ing the forward wall. Reginald Coltrain came out for end in his senior year and was good enough by late October to make the all conference squad. Joe Robertson, working some in tin- backfield last year, moved to the line this fall Thu 1951 Ford M pickup truck and other model* in the new Ford j truck line feature iu optional equipment • new ‘\VStar Extra" cab (or I (dried comfort. An enlarged rear window in all 1*51 Ford track* pro vide* better all-around vision. Hie steering col man fear* hi ft i* standard equipment on the F-l truck. The new cab. with many passenger ear features, is sound-proofed with undereoating and roof insulation. Seats, I including hack*, are adjustable, and cushions have a thick foam rubber pad. | and found he could play a lot of football there. He was a strong man in that spot toward the close of the season. Gloyden Stewart, the only man with much experience to report for work at end this year, gave a good account of himself agd was I a steady man at that spot although lacking some of the aggressiveness of some of the others. He carried much of the load on offensive plays. Coming along well after a good showing in the Ahoskie con test last year, Harrell Everett did well this year while Hobby Goff and Wilbur Edwards provided the hulk of the relief work in the line and drew starting assign ments in some of the games. Jack Ross at center and sometimes at tackle on defense, was a steady man this year and one of the most improved of the players toward the end of the season when col lege representatives began to take an interest in him as well as in big [jimmy Myers. Jack is a 209 pound lad who towers over 6 feet. Fellows whose playing improv ed during the season to such an extent that they improve the out look for next years are such youngsters as Buddy Fussell, Jer ry Savage, and Raymond Robert son at ends and Jack Daniels at tackle. Jack Welch, a senior, did not get into some of the tough games at center because of his light weight, but he along with Daniels, Savage, Fussell, Ben An drews, Jerry Nicholson and others did their part in pushing the first [stringers during practice and were a big factor in the training pro gram. The team went through 13 con tests, winning the last 10 straight and making good showings in;the first three against top competition. Merely to state this fact is to say they have had to work hard and diligently. With them all the way makes a wonderful t-Known horn* remedy to relieve miseries or corns i Tll4‘ MARTIN SANDWICH SHOP CURB SERVICE Sandwiches Milk Shakes Hoi Chocolate Ice Cream Brunswick Stew OPEN EVERY Ni l E TIE >12 I Mil.- Out llip'liuiiy 61 Wettl MEMO To Women With Hen On Their Hinds — Whether he‘s sixteen or sixty-six, he appreciates fine things (rum Hu I* luek's, you may he sure. Now uhiie selections are fresh ami full, why not do something about his Christmas before all the other smart girls get the same idea? m\ \ — Pajamas 1 tty Bleelusay ) $3.95 io $5 95 — Robes tty Bark nay $8.95 lo $12.95 Nile Chur Bedroom Slippers By Slipper Craft $3.95lo $4.95 I 1 Buttuck's Men a and Boya' Wear I