Forty Cases Are Called By Judge R. T. Johnson (Continued ttorn page one; a driver's licenses. William A. Mizelle. charged with careless and reckless driv ing, pleaded guilty of operating a motor vehicle with impropei brakes. The plea was accepted. Pleading guilty of careless and reckless driving. Eugene Rawls was fined $50. plus costs. In the case in which John H Beach was charged with hit-and run driving, the defendant plead ed guilty and was fined $25. plus costs. L. D Lamer pleaded guilty of operating a motor vehicle with out a driver's license and was fined S25. plus costs. John Connell, Jr., operating motor vehicle with a permit two days (>ut of date, was fined $25. plus costs, the court later ordering the fine remitted. Charged with speeding 45 miles an hour m a 20-mile zone, E. H. Lilley pleaded guilty and was tax ed with the costs Pleading not guilts of violating the liquor laws, T Taylor was ad judged guilty and was sentenced to the roads for six months The road term was suspended upon the payment of a $50 fine, plus costs He is to violate no criminal law for two years. Charged with operating a mo tor vehicle while his drivers li cense was revoked, S J. Dixon was adjudged guilty and was fin ed $200. plus costs Notice of ap peal was given and bond was re quired m the sum ol $500 Charging with dl*iving 40 miles or mon in a 20-mile zone. Ber man Briley and (on field Manning were each taxed with the costs. George Purvis was fined $25. plus costs, for operating a motor vehicle without a driver's license. Thomas J Simpkins was taxed with the costs in the cast* charg ing him with careless and reckless driving. Charged with drunken driving. Jesse Latham pleaded not guilty. He was adjudged guilty of public drunkenness and was fined $10. plus cost.-, it was brought out that the defendant was riding a bi cycle. Pleading guilty of drunken driv ing and operating a motor vehicle without a driver's license, Sam H FIVE MILLION DOLLARS TO LEND ON IMPROVED TOBACCO FARMS: TERMS—5-2(1 years at low interest. l*ay any amount any time before maturity. No charge for inspection. | No portion of money witli ! held to pay tor stock. (Jnick closing. CAROLINA FARM LOAN ASSOCIATES Box 902, Greenville, N. ('. Illicit <>. Morion. \ 11 \ . Wiliiamston. N. | Whitehurst was titled $125, pirn | costs. V L. Daughtry, pleading guil | tv id reckless driving, was sen I teneed to the roads for four | months, the court suspending the road term upon the payment of ja $50 fine, plus costs. He is to 'violate no criminal law during tin next two years. Charged with an assault, Bos ton Gainor was found not guilty. Charged with operating a mo tor vehicle without a driver's li cense and parking a vehicle on the highway at night without a light, Eddie Johnson was fined $40, plus costs. William Ruffin was sentenced to tin roads for six months for assaulting a female. The cases charging Clelmer Wiggins with being drunk and disorderly and Lazarus Rivers with .in assault with a deadly weapon were nol pressed. The following, charged with speeding, were taxed with the costs; Lester Cotton, RED 1, Oak City: Lee O. Stewart of Sted man, Harvey Baggett of Wil liamston. Win. Robert Peel of Williamston. Alton Frederick Cargile of Pnrrnclc, W J. Miller. Jr., of Williamston, Rudolph P.lavstien of Yonkers, N. Y. Twenty Cases On The Docket For Trial Next Week (Continued from Pane One) is scheduled for trial next week. Chained with bastardy. Booker T. Llovd appealed and will face , Judge Bone next week. Robert Glenn Seott, convicted and lined in the county court for violating tin liquor laws, appeal ed but did not report for trial in September He is booked for trial next Week. Walter Wilson Knight, charged i with an assault with a deadly Wea pon appealed to the higher court and Ins ease was set for trial next week when it was continued in September. ('has. J. Peel ol Norfolk, charg ed with careless and reckless driv ing. appealed from a judgment | handed down in the lower court, j and is to go on trial next week. Rapist-Killer To Be Returned For ; Trial In County (Continued trotn oage one strated with Worsley. he (Wors ley ) attacked him, landing a blow j on the head of Andrews, a semi j invalid, with the butt of a pistol. Andrews died a few days later, an I autopsy arranged by the late Sheriff ('. B. Roebuck, revealing i that the blow on tin head caused l Andrews' death. Impressed by the brutality of the two attacks. Sheriff Roebuck worked diligently on the ease from > angle until his death. The avcragi modern house uses from 7,500 to 10,000 board feet id lumber. rrcI Two seven tool. tff | Treasure board of CCC | flame haired god ^ maned Watussi “LL • ancient gems whose • dess attacked by warriors in death battle radiance rivals the sun' a prowling nmgle leopard VICCAR — Sunday thru Wednesday THE RECORD SPEAKS . . . Motorist on Martin County highways were thoughtful of life and limb, but they surely worked on property, highway patrol reports show Last year a seventh person lost his life on the highways in this county The following tabulations offer a comparison of the ac cident trend: first, by corres ponding weeks in this year and last and for each year to the present time. filth Week Accidents luj'd Killed Dnm'gr 1958 3 0 0 $ 1,750 Comparisons To Dale 1940 <2 f 1 250 1950 17(1 79 3 $38,890 1949 132 (iO 7 29,050 Name Nominees Ai Conventions In Martin Count] tContinueu fium page one i T. L. Roebuck, L. L. Everett. El gene Roberson, Sam Jenkins, . E. Mullins, Ernest Johnson, Most Langley; Delegate: J. K Dank and T. L. Roebuck. Robersonville No. 2: R. II. Tav lor, C. L. Keel, W II. Vanderforc Cecil Rowell, J D. Britton, C I Green, Jr, Johnny Ross, I C Keel, H. II Roberson, Tom Put vis; Delegate: R. H, Taylor an Cecil Powell Junior Order Names Officer! I Meeting Junior Ordei tills Week. the loci leeted officers i'e the coming year, as follows: Councilor, Geo. II. Gurganu; Junior Past Councilor, R '1 Johnson; Vice-Councilor, B I Harrison; Recording Secretary Jesse W. Curtis; Ass’t Recordin Secretary, Edwin Powell; Final eial Secretary, M W llollomai Asst Recording Secretary, V Cecil Brown; Treasurer, Roy Mi Clees; Chaplain, J. M Snea I Conductor, Roy Ward; Wardei Alton VanNortrick; Inside Sei tinel, R G. Harrison; Out.sid Sentinel, J. C. Leggett; Trustee W. M. Baker, Gormer G. Taylo and J. B Bell Delmus Williams In The Air Forci The local recruiting scrgcai for this area announced today th; Delmus Darrell Williams, Rt RobersonviIle, has enlisted in th | United States Air Force Del mi I is the son of Mr and Mrs Thui j man Williams of Roberson villi ! is a graduate of Oak City Hig School The Recruiting Scrgcai said that Private Williams hi ; been sent to Lac kland Air For. Base, San Antonio, Texas Anson I wishing to enlist in the Arms < | Air Force should contact the It i cal Recruiting Sergeant as sou as possible and gel their assign ment at either Fort Jackson, <\ lumbia, S. C or Lackland A Base, San Antonio, Texas seller they will be with mans friend ss ho have recently volunteerc from this area. Former County Resident Dies Mrs. Lucy Baker Ross, former resident of Robersonville Town ship, died at the home of her dau ghter in Dunn Tuesday night. She had been in declining health for j some time. Mrs. Ross was born in Pitt I County 74 years ago. the daughter of the lay Abram and Melvina Hardison Baker. The widow of Lamb Ross, she spent most of her i life in Pitt County and after a ! residence of about six years in Martin, moved to Dunn to live with her daughter about ten years | ago. Surviving are a daughter. Mrs. Louis Jeffries and five grand j children ol Dunn: two brothers, Dr. James Baker of Baltimore and William Baker of Bethel. Funeral services will be con ducted in the Wilkerson Funeral Home in Robersonville this after Hsnoon at 2:30 o'clock by Dr. George Cuthrcll. pastor of Dunn's Hood Memorial Christian Church, f and Rev J. M. Perry. Burial will be in the Roberson family ceme | tery, near Robersonville. The world’s oldest town. Cadi;' ; Spain, has maintained its identity and name for about 3.000 years. 1 .{Wants FOR SAFE: BEAUTIFUL REGIS tered cocker spaniel puppies. I ! Get one for Christmas. One black l and white male, one tan and white ! male, two black females and one j black male Mrs. Victor Brown. de 7 2t j BEDROOM FOR RENT: CONVE nient, well furnished with gas I heat. Breakfast if desired. Call r 2388 or 9KH8, Williamston. d 7 2t WANTED: FARM FAMILY TO , cultivate my farm on halves. One mile east of Hobgood on pav ed road, two good dwellings. 8 3-4 j, acres of tobacco, 15 acres of pea nuts, tiO acres cleared. See J. A. House, Hobgood or write Mrs: • Leon Shields. Kinston. de 7 4t ! NICE ASSORTMENT of CHRfST iiiiis wreaths, blooming plants and cup flowers. York's Florist, pi d 7 2t FOR SALE: ALUMINUM OFFICE ; chair with Duran all plastic up holstery Purchased by error, will sell at cost. Enterprise Publish i mg Company. de1 5 tf I IF IT S BUILDING OR CON } crete sand. Dial 2512. Quick ser vice. Your order will be appre it dated. Jimmy Harrison. d 5 4t it , HUDSON REFRIGERATION Ser (1 vice. Repair all makes and mod s i Is. commercial and domestic. We _ also have some good used refrig . orators for sale. Dial 3084. Wash ,, ington St. de 5 2t ' FOR SOMETHING NEW IN Ch.ristmas toys shop at John Li I - ley's Toy Shop. iUOh N. Haughton Street. de 5 2t FOR SALE: LITTLE GIRLS’ coat with hood and leggings, in excellent condition. Size 6x. Call ; ; 2843. , jFOR SALE: MAN S NEW BU Y , cle. Will sell at original cost for | $32.75. See Jesse F. Roberson at I I lelig-Myers. de 7 2t WALLPAPER: PLAIN OR Washable bv Imperial. B. S. Courtney and Son. de 5 20t BIG DANCE AT WHICHARD'S Beach. Washington, N. C.. every Saturday night Combination round and square dancing by real orchestra music. Admission ladies 50c and men 75c. de 7 5t FOR SALE SATl'RDAY, DECEM hcr Hi: Household and kitchen furniture. Mrs. Pencil Bland, Jamesville, N. C. de 7 2t FOR RENT: 3 ROOM HOUSE with bath. See Jack Dixon at Mickey’s Inn. de 7 2t HOUSEKEEPER WANTED: PRE fer elderly woman to make I home with us. Mrs. John Daniel I Biggs, Williamston RFD 2. d 7 2t FOR SALE: 1940 TWO DOOR DE Luxe Ford. Good radio and heater. R. J. Rogerson. 0 miles south on Washington Highway. de 5 4t I PEANUTS FOR SALE: 5 POUND bags, shelled, with shipping tag attached for mailing. George Rey nolds Hotel, Williamston. n 30 4t FOR SALE: 20 BRED DUROC Sows and gilts. Also 25 pigs ready for the field. Dr. Jas. S. Rhodes, Williamston. n30 tf FOR SALE: THE R. B. BROWN residence and lot, corner Acad emy and Hassell Streets. See Chas. H. Manning, Atty. n 30 tf LADIES, ITS TIME TO HAVE your fur coats remodeled and repaired. Also capes made of old coats. Come in to see me. Mrs. Mattie Hardee, over Key Brown's Drug Store. 5 Points, Greenville, N. C. no 23 4t WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulmber Company, Frank E. Weston, man ager, Williamston, N. C. je 8 tl LOOKING A TOP ( OAT? WELL, we have them, Gaberdines, from 118.95 to $39.95. Not only are they topcoats but they are TOPS in quality and the best values you've seen this season. Darden's Dept. Store, Williamston. oc 28 tf BE INDEPENDENT. SELL RAW leigh Products. Good nearb I locality ope n in Southeast Marti] j County. Write today. Rawleigh' I Dept. NCK-451-D, Richmond, Vit J ginia. N 28 1C FOR- SALE: GENERAL STOR1 Merchandise. Dry goods, shoes hardware, groceries, etc. $18.00' inventory. May rent building o remove stock. See H. M. Avers Everetts, N. C. no 23 4 DEAD AND DISABLED HORSE! Mules, Cows and hogs removei promptly. No charge. Phon' Greenville, N. C., 3101. Norfoll Tallow Company no 8 t FOR SALE: THE J. W. HARD! Home on Ray Street. 3 Bed rooms. Chas. H. Manning. At tornoy. no 23 t FOR TOUR CUSTOM . MADI Venetian blinds, awnings for thi home or store, see us. Wr hav< the famous Flexalum aluminun slats; also beautiful co’ors it wood. Henry Harrison, Williams ton. au 28 t STOP IN AND SEE OUR STOCl of Used Furniture. Williamstoi Hardware Company, Williamston N. C. au 29 t PINE TIMBER WANTED. W1 pay Top Prices tor standing tim her and pine logs. Williamstoi Supply Co. Phone 24C0. je 20 t GOOD USED FURNITURE—Wil liamston Hardware Company Williamston, N. C. au 29 t Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bieyclcs-Tricycles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2384 - FOB RENT: SANDING MACH f ine. Refinish your floors your i self and do a first class job of s sanding and polishing your worn - dingy floors We will rent and t show you how to operate the ma - chine. Its easy and rental costs 1 are low. Worrell Appliance Com • | pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat t teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Lockei no 8 tf i I CLARK’S RHEUMATISM COM > pound for positive relief of ; aches and pains. Guaranteed re [ rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf t VERY SPECIAL: MEN, DON’T buy your fall and winter suits | until you've seen the best values in tovvn. We have good quality suits that range in price from $21.00 to $49.95. We feature Cur 11 lee suits, the best buy on the mar ’ ket. Darden's Dept. Store. Wil i liamston. oc 26 tf f NICE SPECKLED TROUT — 35c up. Oysters and a choice selec tion of fresh sea food. Sanitary Fish Market, located .ehind Mar tin's Bakery. Phone 2204. n 21 8^ PARKER'S SELF -SERVICE .Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. a quick and economical wash ser vice. ie 8 tf V. U S M-G-Ms BIG NEW SPECTACULAR WESTERN! DEVILS DOORWAY starring Watts Theatre \\ illiamsloii, N. C. SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY - LOUIS CALHERN • PAULA RAYMOND MARSHALL THOMPSON • JAMES MITCHELL • EDGAR BUCHANAN Written by GUY 1POSPER Directed by ANTHONY MANN • Produced by NICHOLAS N4YFACK ' METRO GOLC'A'YN MJIYER B!CT|.f»E VICCAR THURSDAY - FRIDAY U 111 OCEAH DRIVE tMirnni liny SATURDAY - Double Feature “Son of Killy llu* KitF’ With I .ash I .a Kue “r.liain Guii);" With Douglas Kennedy and Marjorie Lord Cartoon and Serial awwmwwwwwawwwmmw TRIO Kobt'niouvillc, N. C. THCKSDAY - FRIDAY Dee. 7-8 (A Military Musical! WEST I*OINT STORY With James Cagney, Vir ginia Mayo, Doris Day, Gor don McRae, Gene Nelson, Alan Hale, Jr. Flus: Color Cartoon it Short SATURDAY, Dec. 9 (In Glorious Trucolor) SUNSET FROM THE WEST With Roy Rogers and Dale F.vans Plus: Comedy, Color Car toon, and Serial Sl’NDAY - MONDAY Dee. 11-11 BREAK THROUGH With John Agar and David Brian Also, Cartoon and Short Tl’ESDAY ONLY, Dec. 11 STORMY WEATHER All Colored Cast Musical Plus: Latest News and Short stA/WVWWWWWWWWVI HAMILTON THEATRE TODAY and FRIDAY December 7 and 8 Shows at 7 and 9 LET'S DANCE In Technicolor with Betty Hutton, Lred Astaire, Roland Young and Ruth Warrick Musical Comedy of the Year PI,I S LATEST NEWS SATURDAY, December 9 Shows Continuous 1 til 11 Double Feature Program WYOMING WILDCAT With Don "Red" Barry ALCATRAZ ISLAND With Ann Sheridan and Pat O'Brian Plus Serial SUNDAY - MONDAY December 10 and 11 Shows Sunday at 3 and 9 Shows Monday at 7 and 9 RIO GRANDE With John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara Color Cartoon TUESDAY, December 12 Shows at 7 and 9 THE NEXT VOICE YOU HEAR With James Whitmore Plus Latest News MOVIES An* BETTER THAN EVER Ad nils .‘{Or Children 15c THURSDAY • FK11) \Y "Treasure Island" With llobh) Driscoll Robert Newton Joe MeDoakes Comedy SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE If1 II II Lawless Frontier With John Wayne Also Follow Me Quietly" With Williiim Cnndi^an Dorothy Patrick Chap. No. 11 of the Serial Cody of tilt* Pony Express A Popeye Cartoon SUNDAY - MONDAY 'In Old Missouri' With The Weaver BroP*' rs And Elviry Musical — Western — Sport * TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "Northwest Stampede" With Joan Leslie James CraiR Comedy and A Screcnliner IIMMWMWMMWWWMMWMMWWWMMMMMAMMMAMWWMW rl COULD <a5 OM i^i 1 HOURS TEUJN6 you THE WONDEPrf -V6ES i f ADVANTAGES OF , W OSAUN6WITN jhu £& WORRELL APPLIANCE ' fAP/OS APPL/ANCtS SAL tS\. StUv/C£ uumainm williamuon nc SEE Worrell Appliance Co. for the best in USED FURNITURE FARM LOANS 10-15-20 Tears Prompt ('losing No Appraisal Fee Low Interest Kate Cha*. 11. Manning. Ally. ICS KYPIUMBIN6& EDGE WOOD AVE.* PHONE 210? WIlllAMSTON, N.C. FIXZIT 1 SYSTEM SUNRAY A Finer La* Ratine AT Pocket Pleasing Frier* SEE IT TODAY AT Maytag: Vpplianee Co. Washington St. Williamston THEATRE — WILMAMSTON TIIUKSDVY - FKIDAY "Rio Grande" With John Wuvih* Ylanrrrii (Tllaru Sl’ORT NEWS -- > VH KDAY DOUBLE FEATURE "Outcasts of the Black Mesa" With < Jiarlt** Slarroll Siniloy Kiinii'llr Also "Timber Fury" With l)at ill linn?* Chapter No. 8 of the Serial Dl'SIIITUlloeti of tin* Viol CARTOON SUNDAY - MONDAY TUESDAY "Devil's Doorway" With HoImtI l ay lor Eoui* Callti-rn Anil Tin* Football llrail Eiiw*i> of 1950 W EDNESDAY ONLY "Shakedown" With llmianl Duff t Itrian Donlet y A Rope ye Cartoon and a Featurette ij)jin)YrrnTrf»YYYVvririnrr*******"*"*****"**"***""*"‘‘**"*"*"**"*******vrir BOTTLE GAS SERVICE Williamston Bottle Gas Co. t*houe 2050 116 Main St. W. J. MILLER & SON Office t WESTERN ALTO iiVMVv<VMWvwMWMWM\yri<M\nnfinfYY>nnnnnn(vr***‘‘‘***‘‘**‘***********rirfirTirri'

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