I News As Reported In The Enterprise Forty Years Ago i DECEMBER 1), 19X0 The Board of County Commis sioners met on Monday and the officers elected at the recent elec tion were sworn in and bonds given. The new members of the Boards of Commissioners re-elec ted H. M. Burras, chairman. The present board is composed of the following: M. Burras, R H. Salsburv, B. S. Cowing, J. T Barnhill and H. C. Spruill. J. D Bowen was re-elected superin tendent of the County Home The New Methodist Pastor is Ri'V. Rufus Bradley. He has been assigned to the Wfilliamston and Hamilton Circuit. The citizens of Jamesville think it is a shame that they have to pay a street tax to keep up the streets and yet Elm Street, being the principal street is almost im passable. It is strange that there has been no town election for a number of years. Miss Novel Allen, of James ville. entertained a small crowd last Friday evening. The princi pal amusement was a contest to sei' could bite the swinging apple. Miss Lizzie being the successful one won the prize. Joe Henry Tweedy and Charles ; Roberson me’t in combat in James Iville last Saturday night, Rober son being knocked out in the sec j ond round, i The metal building of Dr. U. Swank Chevrolet Convertible Restyled for 1951 .- 1 1 ■1 —..~~ ' ""TS Chevrolet's sleek new convertible reflects to ex cellent advantage the lower, longer lines of 1W31 models. A major improvement in the convertible is a rear top window of flexible plastic which offers more than three times as much vision as formerly. Leather upholstery comes in contrasting or har monizing shades to ll-ely new body colors. Safe* brakes are another feature of the new models. S. Hassell, in Jamesville. which is under construction is almost completed. Dr. J. E. Smithwick and wife and little son. James, of James ville are spending a few days in Norfolk this wek. The friends of W W. Walters, of Jamesville, are glad to see him out again after a long spell of sickness. Mr. Robert Stalls, a tenant on the farm of Mr G. L. Roberson, of near Robersonville, planted 11 acres in cotton this year from which he ginned 7,559 pounds of lint cotton, or 6B7 pounds per acre. Who can beat that for this year'.’ Honor Roll for graded School Month of November Fifth Grade —Cornnne Smith, Ro land Crawford, Glenwood Filing ton, Fannie B Martin, Sylvia Up ton, Earle Wynn, Carrie Dell White, LeRoy White; Sixth Grade Robert Peel. Clyde Anderson, Louise Upton. Della L Ward, Mil tie Walker, Fitzhugh Roberson, The members of the Afternoon Book Club met at the residence of Mrs Charles 11 Godwin by special request at 11 o’clock Tues day morning The usual business of the Club was dispatched and books exchanged. Then there was pleasant converse and fruits were served by the hostess. There was | no other feature arranged for the hour, which was spent so plea I santly. Mrs. Godwin is one of the , most enthusiatic Club women and this added to her powers to please. Mrs. Goldy Dufall and daugh ter, of Norfolk, are the guests of I Mrs. S. L Wallace this week at her home in Jamesville A. F Stallings, John Allen and Charles Askew, of Jamesville, were visitors in town Monday. J L. Davenport, of Jamesville, is moving into his new residence this week A M Jordan, Superintendent of Schools is appealing for books to be put in the school library -he urges everyone who has books that they do not use or want bring them to the school where they can be put to good use. ROANOKE CHEVROLET CO. On Th<> ** M Completion and Occupancy Of Thor (J NEW BUILDING iM Guaranty Bank & [H [H Trust Company Congratulations and Best Wishes T< Roanoke Chevrolet Company On Their Formal Opening In Thvir NEW BUILDING II r Suji/iliiil anil /*/«<•#'#/ Johns-Manville Rooting l\» W'nTRm’ On llir !\ew I Mant. White's Heating & Sheet Metal WORKS [I \\ illianislon II n f 'll"..V, .V.IV..VU.Vi,V,, V,».vv * iit! 1 8 9 Felicitations n The on llie ronstriirlioii of llieir new litiiMin^. Wi* are lions. Dixie Motor Co w ;u; Roanoke Chevrolet Company m >« # >11; M M M »j >»! >»: E«i jit; k H C B >K; 1 •» i \Jinlfir Declares /Vo Merry :!• i traits SRC l att: -4,— Raleigh, Dec Judge II Ilnyle Sink, of the Superior Court of North Carolina, stated in open court that any person convicted in his court for violation of the Employment Security Law “can expect no mercy from me or from the Court,” while presiding over the November term of the Stanly County Superior Court in Albe marle. I The case was the charge that i Sidney J Ritchie had filed claims for benefits and had drawn $120 1 in overpayments, as a result of \ having been employed while drawing the benefits. He was found guilty and the judgment was that he serve 60 days on the G & W William Penn fatal Prka Pints Fifths •6 Proot Valuable Prizes Being Offered By The Management (Continued trom page one) Cramped for space in their old quarters on Washington Street, the owners purchased right at one acre of land for their new build ing. Now, with their spacious building, the owners have ample room for a used car lot, storage and parking. Work is progressing on the landscaping, but already the property offers an attractive and convenient setting. Constructed in acordance with modern specifications, the build mg is arranged for convenience | and the best possible use. To the : back of the showrobm are the of i flees, rest rooms and parts supply, I connecting with the main service | department. The showroom is un usually large and while it is next to impossible to keep many model - on hand in the face of demand, the company plans to display several j there Saturday and next week. j Jack: What type 01 a person lives the longest? “Don’t you know that 35of a l woman's body is made up of mus ! elo?" "And the othei B5r; is ,iust made i up." roads and pay a fine of $200 and the costs. No provision was made requiring the refund of the $120 overdrawn, as is done in most such cases. The case brought into court by James C. Bradham, ESC claims deputy, stationed in Concord tftui operating in that urea Judge Sink, stating that he was not too familiar with the Employment Security Law, kept Mr Brad luim on the witness stand for half an hour or longer, question ing him and getting explanations as to conditions for eligibility in drawing vnrnlp!ny>nenJ c'iDnen IsgtioR and other details of the operation of the program Judge Sink then gave a lee ture to court officials and atten dants, explaining the advantages of the plan to those who become unemployed and are eligible for | benefits He stated that he as sumed violations of this kind were being committed over the State and commended the field force of the ESC for their activity in trying to curb it Judge Sink gave assurance that fraud in securing benefits would people convicted in his court of be dealt with severly. Things To Watch For In the Future Taste chlorine in your water? A special filter which connects di rectly to the tap will take it out. . If you like to dine by candlelight' I an imitation plastic taper may interest you. It's made with a I wick at the top like a regular I candle, but the flame comes from' burning ordinary lighter fluid, not wax . . . Versatile: new self honing scissors will cut fabric, i paper card board, and even tin. . . . Add two more products to the list of time-savers for house wives: (1) a new home dough nut-maker which turns out the finished doughnuts in less than lf> minutes; (2) a ready-to-use pan cake and waffle batter just open the container and drop the con tents in a hot skillet Visit llriliji mill M('MT8 Williuinttloti for llir “lleti/ Itnys In Furniture” "Let's Dance" At Hamilton Sunday Roasting the exciting talents of Betty Hutton and Fred Astaire, Paramount's tuneful romantic remedy "Let's Dance" arrives Sunday at the Hamilton Theatre. Hailed as the year's top musical, with a hit-packed score bvFrank Loesser, the picture is in color by Technicolor and features Roland Young, Ruth Warrick. Lucile Wat son and six-yeaixdd Gregory Mof fett in his screen debut. Set against a colorful show bus iness background, 'Let's Dance" is the sprightly-paced story of an irrepressible hoofer, played by Astaire, whose ambition is to put away his dancing shoes and tic come a successful business man. This leads to a split with his bom bastic partner. Betty Hutton, and a full cycle of laughs, tears, tunes and terpsichory before the two are reunited. It's difficult to imagine anyone outdoing perfection, but according to advance reports Fred Astaire surpasses even his greatest per formances with seven spectacular dance routines. Betty Hutton shares the spot light with him, and for the first time on the screen demonstrate her hitherto unsuspected ability as a top-flight dancer. In composing the entire musical score for "Let's Dance.” Frank Loesser wrote six new songs in cluding the already popular "Wh\ Fight the Feeling." "Oh Then Dudes." "Can’t Stop Talking,' “Tunnel of Love," The Hyacinth' and "Jack and the Beanstalk ' NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION North Carolina, Martin County Having this day qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs (dell Brown, deceased, this is t< notify all persons having claims inst tin* said estat(■ to exhibit i - =rr=r them to the undersigned within one year from this date or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 2!ith day of November, 1050 Wheeler M winning, Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Idell [frown no lit) de 5 12-19-26 ja 2 Now ts The Time to go to COURTNEYS For FT’RNITCRE 1 Austir^NicKols - CLUB RESERVE ^ BLENDED Hi WHISKEY r~d $3.35 fifth •Undid Whiikty, 16 Proof, 40*/, Whltkof, 60*/, Groin Ntufrol Spirit*. Austin^ichols • Co.mE ll\C. OIOOMTM-MIW TOM To I'lir V ROANOKE CHEVROLET CO. On Thr Occnpaltry Of Thrir NEW BUILDING It is a ilislinrl irrilii to our luii'ii anil roinniiinity. Bulluck’s Men's Clothing Our Friends, The Roanoke Chevrolet Company Upon ihe erection and occupancy ot their new Building. We congratulate this progressive firm. Brothers G*W SEVEN STAR IhuM whltkty. "TV Oral till whltklti 4 MMlWIMIt »I4. I7V4% •tralfhl whltkay. ••viral tpirli* 4UHNA4 %nm train. I •% •tralfh# yrkWkvy 4 r»«ri *14. 11% MrvIflM whltkay • T»W 44 7H% KrfcUfcvy 4 ?*«n •14.'* OOODIRMAM * WO* $040 O 4/s «T« $015 JLn. 90 PROOF t 1IMITI0, MORIA, ILLINOIS Ot It MM I lil Congra tu la tions To Tin Roanoke Chevrolet Company On llir Erection Oi Their NEW BUILDING We an* ilelijjlilnl to liavi* you ill our MYlion, llu* iiiosl |H'o);ri‘ssi\(> develop* incut in Williuiiirilou. Chos.H.Jenkins&Co.