Nat Referendum On December 14 —^— Peanut growers of North Car olina and other states will vote December 14 in a referendum on peanut marketing quotas Per sons eligible to vote include all farm owners, operators, or share- j croppers who were entitled to share in the proceeds from a crop of peanuts produced during 1950, on a farm with a picked or thresh ed acreage of more than one acre G. T. Scott, State chairman of the Production and Marketing Administration, explains that if two-thirds of the votes are favor able, quotas will be in effect for 1he 1951, 1952, and 1955 crops of peanuts unless the Secretary of Agriculture determines that quo tas fin <>ni' or more of these years should be terminated because of increased demand or a national emergency If more than one-third of the growers oppose, quotas will no' be used for the 1951 peanut crop In this case, another referendum will be held next fall for the fol lowing three peanut crops. If quotas are approved, price supports on the 1951 crop of pea nuts must be set at a level be tween 80 and 90 percent of parity as of August 1, 1951, the begin ning of the next marketing year. If quotas are not approved, the law requires that the level of support be let at 50 per cent of parity. Scott says growers will be no tified of the acreage allot ment established for their farms prior to the voting on December 14 In general, he asserts, the 1951 UUUUWUUUUUUUUMAAIMIIMUKi I Johnny's Building More Than i A Bank Balance . . . He's building a .strong, sound future! It's not thr few I cents a week hr saves that will work financial miracles. It's | the fact that lie's developed the SAVING IIA KIT early in life, ' that assures wisdom in handling money when lie's older. Wise i parents encourage their children to save. We suggest that you i ipen a thrift account for VOl'K youngsters, today! Branch Banking & Trust Co. rstft-s tfVt'ot *<*'«$*» » wig. <• red suit trimmed with white cotton, with pillowed midritt, spells success fa your role as Santa Claus. But li she's twenty, or o*er, she ll late >ou! success or lailure depending upon the subtle choice ol your gifts While moat (Bales wait until the last lew days before Christmas, then iruntically wrack their brains lor inspiration, it needn t happen to you Electrical Gifts combine beauty with •feisty They re both practical and pretty And they save while they serve You’ll fend downs ot timely Christmas Gift mg •echoes now at your lavorite Electrical Dealer. With moments so lew and much gifting to do, see him tomorrow! VIRGIHIR ELECTRIC PRO POWER tOHIPPnV Chevrolet Trucks Reveal 1951 Advances Typical of improved 1951 Chevrolet truck* i* thi* braking effectiveness and longer life. Adjustable venl i heav.v-duly ntake model (Seriea 6409). Newly designed pane* for better ventilation and a new spring seat “Twin-Action'' brake* on rear wheel* aaaure increaaed i conatruction ar# among other high apota. Screen's Cleverest Canine Featured —$—. Zero, the Greenland husky ca nine nf “Timber Fury," film ver- , sion of James Oliver Curwood’s thrilling story of the north coun try, “Retribution,” is considered by his trainer, Jimmy Griffin, to be the biggest ham in Hollywood. He loves applause and is ac tually unhappy when he isn’t be fore the cameras or on the stage. He’ll go through his repertoire of tricks a', the barest signal from1 Griffin, and occasionally does a few on an unasked for basis ! when enough people are around to appreciate same. Almost human in intelligence, Zoro can do almost anything. He’ll carry a cigarette to the des ignated person. He can type, growls over the telephone after knocking the receiver off the hook Hi' knows his cues and allotment will be based on the 1950 allotment established for the farm. The State allotment for 1951 is 188,451 acres, compared with a 1950 allotment of 225,202 acres. The decrease reflects the down ward trend in overall require ments for peanuts and will ne- | cessitate a moderate downward adjustment in most farm allot ments from the 1950 level. seems to be complctly camera wise. When a script calls for him to be killed, he'll jump high into the air and fall on his exact mark, well within camera range. In "Timber Fury," which is be ing released by Eagle Lion Films this Saturday at the Watts Thea tre, Zoro plays the pet of a lum ber magnate,’s daughter. In one of many exciting sequences he saves the hero from a murder at tempt by the villain. Smiley Sings In A New Western Two of the three songs sung by Smiley Burnette in Columbia Pictures' "Outcast of Black Mesa,” which also stars Charles Starrett at the Watts Theatre, are of his own composition. They are "Donkey Engine” and “No body Fires the Boss," both un published. The third song, "Just Sittin’ Around in Jail,” is by Frances Clark and also is un published. Will play Saturday at the Watts. The State of Washington was named after George Washingtor and is the oply state named after a President. NOTICE OF ADM INISTR A TION North Carolina. Martin County. Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of .the estate of Mrs J. A. Everett deceased this is ti notify all persons having claims against the said ( State to exhibit them to the undersigned or his at I torneys within one year from this | date or this notice will be pleaded jin bar of their recovery. Ail per sons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate pay ment. , This the 25 day of October, 1950 J A. Everett, Jr., Administrator of the estate of Mrs. J. A. Everett, deceased. Peel and Peel. Attorneys at Law, Williamston, N. C. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of George C. Jenkins, deceased of | Martin County, this is to notify all i persons holding claims against |said estate to present them for payment on or before the 30th day of October, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate are asked to make im mediate settlement. This the 30th day of October. 1950. Mattie L. Jenkins, . Administratrix, no 2-9-10-23-30 de 5 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Martin County. In The Superior Court Before The Clerk W. A. Daniel and Wife, Johnnie Daniel, Julia D. Chesson and hus band Herbert R. Chesson, B. E. Daniel and wife, Velma P. Daniel, Eliza D. Upchurch and husband, Thurman H. Upchurch, John M. Daniel, single, Herman Blount Daniel, minor, by his next friend, R. H. Cowen, and Mrs. Carolina Blount Daniel, widow of \V. B. Daniel, and Joe Daniel and wife, Bettie Daniel, ex parte. Notice is hereby given, that un der, by virtue of and pursuant to an order of L. B. Wynne, Clerk Superior Court of Martin County, entered on the 5th day of Decem ber 1950 ordering a sale of the lands hereinafter described, sub ject to the widow's dower of Mrs. Carolina Blount Daniel, which has been allotted in the first tract hereinafter described, the under signed Commissioner of the Court appointed in said proceedings, will on Saturday the 6th day of January 1951 at the Courthouse Door in the town of Williamston, Martin County, N. C., offer for sale at twelve o’clock M. in front of the Courthouse Door of Martin County, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol lowing described real estate in Martin Countv, to-wit: FIRST TRACT: The Home place of the late W. B. Daniel in the Town of Williamston, Martin County, N. C., on the corner of Biggs and Hatton Streets, adjoin ing the lands of Mrs. Sudie Rob erson and Mrs. W. M. Perry. Be ginning at a point on the South side of Hatton Street where Biggs Street intersects Hatton Street: running thence along Hatton Street S. 55 deg. W. 212 feet to a stake, Mrs. Sudie Roberson's cor ner on Hatton Street; thence North 31 deg. 31' West along the line of Mrs. Sudie Roberson 140 feet to the line of the property owned by Mrs. W. M. Perry; thence North 59 deg. 15' East along the line of Mrs. W. M. Per ry 214.8 feet to Biggs Street; thence along Biggs Street South 30 deg. 15’ East 114.6 feet to Hat ton Street, the point of the be ginning and being the premises occupied by W. B. Daniel at the time of his death and conveyed to W. B. Daniel and wife Emma Daniel by deed from the Trustees of the Williamston Memorial Baptist Church. This tract or lot or parcel of land will be sold, subject to the Widow’s dower therein of Mrs. Carolina Blount Daniel. SECOND TRACT: A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Williamston Township, Martin County, N. C., bounded on the North by the lands of Mrs. Harry Meador; on the East by the lands of J. T. Barnhill; on the South by the lands of W. B. Dan iel and on the West by the lands of Herman Bowen, containing 120 acres, more or less, and being the same tract of land deeded to W. B. Daniel and wife Emma Daniel by Mrs. Bettie Teel by deed dated September 18, 1934 and recorded in the public registry of Martin Countv in Book 0-3- at page 80. THIRD TRACT: A certain tract or parcel of land in Wil liamston Township, Martin Coun ty, N. C., bounded on the North by the lands of Ben Everett; on the East by the lands of J. T. Barnhill; on the South by the lands of W. B. Daniel and on the West by the lands of Mrs. Harry Meador, containing 30 acres, more or less, and being the same lands deeded to W. B. Daniel and wife Emma Daniel by G. W Blount by deed dated Sept. 25, 1934 and re corded in the public registry of Martin County in Book 0-3- at page 89. The last and highest bidder for the above, or any part of said lands, will be required to deposit before the close of sale ten per cent of their bid or bids to show good faith. The last and highest bidder for the lot in Williamston, N. C.. the first tract, which is being sold subject to the dower right of Mrs. Carolina Blount Daniel, will not get possession until the death of the said Mrs. Carolina Blount Daniel. This the 5th day of December, 1950. Hugh G. Horton, Commissioner de 7-14-21-28 SAT, THAT CANY Will K HANDY A ABOUND TNI TABU \] WHIN TVS EMPTY. )l I-711 SDK Will. AND IN TOUB TBACTOB AND TKUCKS, OPALINE DEAD imtCANT PBOTECTS SEANS AND HAKES SNIF7INS EASIEB IN NOT WE A THEN OK COLD. BUT. m rememser dust And orit set me ant HAi set. se SC SURE TO DRAIN THE TRANS' MISSION AND FINAl DRIVE RE9UIARIY AS YOUR TRACTOR MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDS. ■- ■ —i / ■■ '■■> v SINCLAIR N. C. GREEN Agent — — Williamstou, N. I Our Sincere Congratulations To Tin Roanoke Chevrolet On tin* Oeeopaney and Erection of Their New llnildiiifc. Willismston Motor Co. We Built The New Building We take pleasure and pride in the faet that we built and supervised the eonstriietion of the New Building now oeenpied by the Roanoke Chevrolet Co. In Willininston, N. C. We eonsider it the finest building, of its type, in W'illianiston and we eongratulate this progressive auto firm. HUGH WYATT Contractor and Bnilder License No. 2233