Williamston Stores Are Filled With Brilliant INew Gifts — -<4 Sau l a Claus In Town Willi A Full Gift Bag Additional Goods Unpacked Daily By Local Stores Gift i,isls Most l\\K'ii>i\«■ Kv»*r Situ In Tlii Sol-lion itofnro Santa Claus has come to town, his groat gift bag overflowing with glittering, glamorous uni useful things for giving; his -yes 1 winkling a heart warming in vitation for everyone to lose no time in coming downtown to see his wonderful collection of Mid Century Gifts Santa Claus has come to town very- early indeed this year—far in advance of the exciting holi day itself to give everyone the best possible opportunity to choose wluit they will give to their loved ones and friends with care and coiisjderal inn Santa has eoti.e to town early so that none need lark the ehance to make the 19I>0 Yuletide the most perfect in all history for their friends and loved ones A great corps of assistants lias unloaded the Contents of his ov erflowing pack, spread them on gaily bedecked couplers and shelves in stores of our city, u await your admiring inspection. Tonight, show windows scintil late with myriad sue, estions for giving that you will find multi plied ten fold inside the stores themselves tomorrow, when you go down town to see for yourself And this special supplement to your favorite newspaper is brought to you with the coopera tion of Old St Nick and his as sistants to give you a preview of his collection and to help you chart your course through the Christinas gift wonderland that awaits you. There are several reasons, es prcialh important this year, why Christmas gift shopping should fie started without delay. First is the fact that with one out of almost thirty of our men folk in the armed forces this year there is a heap of mailing that must he done early to make sun all gel their gifts on time This means it's wee to shop early. Second, while the vast pr.iduc tiveness of our nation has In-ought us an amazingly bountiful array of exciting, beautiful and practical gilts, there are many more pen pie to give them to than ever be fore. Interest in some of the newer and more exciting gifts is so high stocks may disappear quickly and those who delay their dropping may he unable to get delivery in time for Christmas day Gilt List Longer Third, with alinrst everyone's THE BEST GIFT UE ALE... Your Portrait For those Noll love the liest ...and want to please the most ... give a portrait of yourself, ( '.all or drop in for in appointment now while there is still lime lor "helot e Christinas'" delivery. ROYAL Photographic Coaler WILUAMSTON, N. C. Phoiu* 2876 VO IK CIM’INTMAS DOOKVVAY is .i happy prophecy of llic glad holiday cheer that reigns within. The wreath that can be lighted is designed by Stanley VVesscl. gift giving list longer this year titan ever before, everyone is go ing to need more time to shop for the perfect gilt. And there is so mill'll to do before Christmas day to prepare the home for the won derful occasion. Hotter start Christmas Gift Shopping immediately. The ingenuity of Old St. Nick, aided and abetted by the resource fulness of American industry and liOth Century progress in the de velopment of new materials and tlu' application of traditional ma terials to new uses, has transform ed what once were considered i pn siae items, into glittering lew gifts, and has brought into ox lstencc new de\ices for work sav ing, and entertainment for ihe 1 whole family. There are extra special treats; for all the younsters in toylund i this year, where new plastics have made possible the production of, sturdier longer lasting toys that will mean longer lasting joys for the children. Toyland is characterized this war hy amazingly realistic repro 1 duct ions in minature of almost every device used in the practical world that excites the imagination d' children And they are working models which not only will de light but will instruct young girls and buys Life like Dulls riayland is peopled with dolls 1 that act, talk and actually toddle hue real live babies and many have soft to the touch skin tex tures that will make little girls m|c ■1 with happiness. There are big dolls and little dolls and cha racter dolls and of course western dolls too. There is glamour in gifts for the rirls- the older girls who prize glamour so much and the mature girls who look forward to Christ mas as a glamourous occasion j that will make gifts of beauty as well as gifts that will be cherished > for their usefulness. There is glamour also in the gifts for men this year as well as the essence qf the practical which they prize so highly Wearables, gadgetry and sports equipment furnish endless choices to suit every personality. This too is a year when gifts for the home will be high on the list because they can contribute sn much the year' round to make the occasion a memorable one. This is the year when Santa has come to town early to help you make Christmas gay and happy and lasting for all of your friends and loved ones. Key Itselils Key j To Giving A Car Key to the most exciting way to give a new automobile to someone for Christmas is the ear key it self. Put it in a little jewel box Wrap it as carefully us you would a fine watch Put it under the I tree. I Then, when the surprised re I cipient opens the box, make sure ■ there is a little message, in ad dition to your love, that tells him or her that ‘ this little key will really take you places, if you’ll just step outside the house and j find the door it opens.” Make It A Perfect Christmas For All I)d you want to make this cum in,; Christmas the best and hap piest that you have ever exper ienced'' Then you'll take Santa's advice. Don't lose a single moment. Don't be lulled into careless think ing by a glance at the calendar. We know Christmas is several weeks away yet. I letter .start your Christmas shopping early! Start now Don’t lose any time. As tt mailer of fact you can star! immediately, while you are holding this special section of your favoi ite newspaper in your hands. To help your start Christmas Clift planning list without delay, is why this Clift Guide is being brought to you early by Simla with the cooperation of his en thusiastie- corps of home town aides. Pore over its pages Study the many faeinating gift suggestions you’ll find in if, with thought of your friends and loved ones in mind. Head the announcements of our leading stores as published in j 'this scetion They arc all ready I with their preparations to help you start your Christmas Shop 1 pin ft early. We're till going to need more i time this year to complete out Christmas Gift Giving lists, if we want to make sure that no one is forgotten. Mo;)t families arc bigger this year Ilian ever before. Remember the burn her imps of babies, the greater number of marriages that have taken place (luring the past several years. Many of the babies of yester year are crown children now and you won't want to forget them. More marriages have expanded our Circles of 1>. th relatives and warm friends. We don't want to forget any of them. And very, very important in deed, are the gifts we must choose for our men in the foreign ser vices. Some are in foreign lands, some camps, many are on ships and in in combat, some closer home in the air. No matter where they are we do not, want them to be without a i’il'1 from us for Christmas That I *' : means especially early shopping. The expansion in our gift lists is [ going to put an extra heavy bur j den on our stores this year. The ■ supply of some eagerly wanted j gifts, may be exhausted before ! the late shoppers can get around.' to them. Those who shop early will find i frresh, unbroken assortments of • gifts from which to make their j selections. Those who shop early will find clerks less harried and less hur ried and therefore better able to | help you in choosing the gifts you want to buy. Wise Christmas shoppers will make it a point to be in the stores | tomorrow to look over the win- ! tierful collection of gifts Santa has brought to town. Wise Christmas shoppers will make it a point to select at least one gift a day -maybe more—and tuck them away for giving on Christmas day. This is the way to make sure that for your friends and loved ones, that Christinas 1950 will be bright and gay. SHE'S TUNING IN ON ('HKISTM AS in happy antici pation of all the wonderful tiling's to come on the Great Day. Ilcr Motorola “Itadio l.arm” clock may very well have hern an early gift arrival. ki;i:p :iick warm and phkt TY us a gilt shortie robe she'll wear lor lounge, and (if she's very young) for study. Above, a ouilled knee-length eoat in pastel rayon erepe over inateh ing pajamas by Weisinan. PURSE PROUD she is, indeed, with a Yule gift handbag that makes lor smart accessorizing with every thing, everv day. City Flair handbag in suede by Bienen Davis. I Wrapping Beips Hake Impression It’s not the Rift but the wrap pings that often make the most I important impression of ali as to j whether the holiday token was se lected "especially for you” or hur riedly chosen with nary a feel in;; i for the recipient’s tastes and per j sonality. With the many new papers, rib 1 bons, slickers and tags in ovi-1 dence this year, gift wrapping, can and should be happier, more personalized experience for all giver and receiver alike than ever before. For instance, if you've die men folk’s gifts on hand, keynote their pipe-and-slipper masculinity with simple dramatic wrappings Unit feature broad, yet Christmas-eol orl’ul stripes or monotoe scroll work motifs of green, gold or red all sturdily, in a holiday-mood, tied with wide red or green vih bons. Then, for the ladies, bring thoii fomininty to the fore with tin selly papers of silver, gold or mul ti-hued bubbly prints that have delicate ribbons tied round about with a multitude of bows. Or play up to their appreciation’of whim sy with little pine cone corsages nr tiny dolls you’ve made your self, clipped onto their gift pack ages. THAT Oil) WILD WEST Ml SIC sounds gayer than ever on Christmas morning with this ukulele and minature spinet de signed to delight every young cowboy and girt. AND 'ROUND HER NECK she will wear a nrettv scarf you so thoughtfully give her for Christ inas. Wide or narrow, long or short, a scarf is always a prized gift. The rose printed satin scarf above is by Glentex. HANKERING FOR HANKIES? Then pamper him this Yufe with an entire wardrobe of them. Colorful prints for sport, crisp whites for dress-up occasions, monoKrammed styles to show you had just him in mind. FOK SAFE KEEPING, a bill fold she'll value for its looks and safety aids. By Buxton Exchange Christmas Gifts i:xc H ANGIN’G GIFTS OX CHRISTMAS MORNING means a host of pleasant surprise: and the good feeling that comes only with giving. Here, he offers his tokens of the l>av to a happy and just a trifle curious young lady. Roth are wearing earlier gift arrivals, a weskit for Her, a sleeveless pullover for llim, both made to look exactly like real fur of Avisco rayon. /■ I Sf. 2 & A LINGERING HOLIDAY MEMENTO to send those special peo ple on your list who deserve more than just a Christmas card, is this sweetly scented sachet that tits right into an envelope and serves as a lasting token as well as extendin'? a say holiday greet ing. By Gonrielli. Tlic joy of receiving tvill l>e two-fold for the kiddies when their gifts are wrapped vvitli their happy interests in mind. Ribbons that say “Merry Christmas,” ov erlays of crisp cellophane, papers with Santas and reindeers pranc ing about, all of them can express your loving thoughts of them and insure the younger set a truly joyous Yule Coordinate Wrappings If you'd like to personalize your gifts with patterns identical to these of your Christmas cards, there are coordinated wrappings, stickers, tags and Christmas cards keye d to most every mood of eve ry member of the family. And this includes everything from jolly snowmen scampering about j a sign reading “from both of us" to youngset themed motifs dud . feature Charles Dickens’ Tiny ! rim. Above all, let your choice of wrappings this Yule make that ittle sticker reading “Don't Open Until Christmas” SCt.1* iC SStefA 3H6 I J^SWW* >ees r£l ~xr TTT A CE9AR TREES HOLLY MISTLETOE See Our Selection Of Toys For The Children Lilley’s Toy Shop ||: J. H. Lilley N. llaiighton St. I I i I Legendary Story About Christmas In an old song about the twelve days of Christmas the fifth day is marked by the line "the fifth day of Christmas my true love sent me five gold lings " In many parts of Europe December sixth is St. Nicholas Day. and acord ing to the Jewelry Indusdrv Council, this is the day that he gives presents to the good child ren and a switch for the bad. Af ter this day until Christmas the children go about carrying good luck switches. The idea is to use these switches on their elders and collect Christmas gifts in return. IKUK Sfctt!! Make Certain All Presents Will Be Ready Christinas • *— . . Park anil Address Carefully All Presents To Re Soul By Mail First on every Christmas Gift Shopping list this year should be the gifts that you are going to have to entrust to Uncle Sam for delivery. 1 If you want to make sure that they reach their destine.tic»i be fore Christmas Day, then don't wait until the last minute. Every thing now points t i the heaviest burden of Christmas mail in his tory. One cardinal rule to remember is that, the further the gift has to travel the more time should be allowed for the postman to make the delivery. Best plan is to double wrap the gift. Do it first in gay gift wrap ping, after making sure that the * gift will not rattle around in its box. Then put the "gift wrapped” package into a corrugated con tainer < f sufficient strength and .^•curely enough bound for you to be sure that the package will not be damaged en-route. And finally, have the package weighed carefully and be sure you have enough postage on it. --o-— ♦ It's A Record For This Christmas For music lovers at Christina, time there is a limitless number of gifts to choose from in the form of records, and albums of records Whether tastes run to classical 01 ► popular music, you can’t go wrong Similarly there are special records and albums for giving to children. Since Classical music lovers, us ually lavish their affection -in a single composer or school, be sure ►,-to snegk a peak at the collection before you ntakt your gift choice If yout-.ee a lot of Brahms, you'll be on the beam if you choose more ^ Brahms. Dovers of lighter music often devote themselves to schools of arrangement or execution of their favorite type of music Thus, you may find a lot of Eddie Condon in tin' Dixie-land-enthusiast record library. More of the same type is the rule here. In choosing dance records, also consider the tastes of 1 hi' individ ual, though here, almost every thing is welcome. The field of recorded music for children is specially noteworthy for two facts. Most of it is done on unbreakable plastics. R. C. A has a wide selection also in color ful plastics making them espe cially good Yule gifts Some other companies are making children’s records exclusively, they are now so popular Finally, be sure to find out what type of record player your gift prospect has. If his or hers plays 33 r.p.m. or 45 r.p.m., records, be sure to choose these and vour gift will be distinguished for tone and ease of handling. **.:»«* iw/ I CHRISTMAS FRUIT CAKES I JS Fruit rich cakes made by Bamby and Bell attractively •** ^ packaged for Christmas giving as well as for home use. t HOLIDAY FRUITS I ^ Oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, grapes and apples for ?•* ‘gi holiday meals. * 1 CANDIES AND MIXED NUTS I IP Hard candies chocolates, and nuts of all kinds. Also iN! candy filled stockings for the kids. * I § D. L. Hardy Grocery | ■g. Highway 64 Williamston, N. C. jK MMmmmwmmMmmmwmmm i