Unique Christmas Operation Planned By Pope Field Airmen Santa Claus Will "Drop In" On 500 Orphanage Tots Permission For l «(■ Of Rrimlnr \ir FoiTf Hciicoplcr Pope AFB. Ft Bragg. Santa Claus will literally “drop in" <>n ‘lniost 500 children of four North Carolina orphanages when airmen of Pope Air Force Base stage "Op eration Christmas." Approval has been secured to use a regular Air Force helicopter to land Santa at the four insti tutions. He will greet the boys and girls at the Falcon Orphan age near Fayetteville, the Free will Baptist Orphanage at Dunn, the Colored Orphanage of Ox ford, and the Masonic Orphanage of Oxford. At the latter institu tion Santa will only distribute favors t i the children since the management is in need of no fi nancial assistance. For the other three institutions, ' however, help i needed and S3000 in contributions have been re-i ceived from airmen and officers of Pope Air Force1 Base, il was announced today. This sum is ex pected to lie1 increase d when soiin unreporting units turn 1 their contributions Receipt of $3000 in the "Opera tion Chrt.--ttr.as" ami ha: sitcom aged the airmen's committee, which i.s p; .nni.ng to contribute to the future well-being of the Fal e'on orphans it sufficient money remain: alter toys, candy, hats, gloves, and othc-i gifts arc select ed. The residue will be employed to procure stoves, radios, and oth er items ne • dec! by the orphanage for the c1 nitoi t and e ntcrtainmpnt of the children Meanwhile "Operation Christ mas" is gaining momentum. Pur chasing committees have analyz ed the needs of the three1 orphan ages and are busy buying appro priate gifts. It is planned to haw each child receive an individual gift with his own name on it. Mechanics at Popt Air Force Base are donating their aid in off-duty hem. to recondition On Falcon Orphanage's inis Alter Santa vis"- the Falcon Orphanage on December 21. the voungsters there will be- invited to the aii base1 the following day and will pe guests at a Christmas party tendered in their honor at the non-commissioned officers' club. At that time the reconditioned bus will be pr. sonlcd to them and 1 f THE GIFT AT HAM) is a hand some handbag, of ronrsr. The gift she wants because it's the gift she will always use. Hob Nob handbag in suede l>> Bienen Davis. Ice Buckets Meet Need In the Home There are 1he handsome new ice buckets to think of as a gift to help make entertaining easier for your hostess. They elimmah the need of dashing back and forth from the refrigerator in the kitchen for always needed extra cubes of ice. And they are very decorative And of course there is also the silent butler, a blessing at every party which keeps both hostesses and maid free for their respective duties, and at the same time in sures clean ash trays. To eliminate post party drudg ery, plastic manufacturers have come up with inexpensive and yyilv colored sets of forks and spoons that cun be tossed away after using. Similarly brightly patterened napkins that feel like real cloth but aren’t, are work and time savers and add gay notes t< any patty. These are but a few of the many things from which you can choose to show vour appreciation of the hospitality you have enjoyed at the home of a friend. And remember that mother, the inveterate hostess to every mem ber of the family is as much a candidate for the gilt that speaks appreciation of hospitality as is any other w oman. they will return to Falcon in thoi■ own transportation. The vi hide is used by tlu orphanage to t- port its choir to nearby recitals, a fund raising function, but for some time the bus has been inoperative and in need of general repair. 1 Golden Flowers that bloom in the Fall Canterbury Bell* 4 triumph oj grace m Tailored'Jewelry Each eaquWt* UuW o( golden J^^J^rrifari. blossom • • • V** ’ , of fashion,” has «*•»«» always in tlse l-oregrou jjatimim-hh* Trifaniuin this exr1»nsKese» mg.-Wc ^ ^ textures of Fall. to complement ,I M ‘ H,rtton £Si ri«l* THE I.OM I.II ST U\\ !>i.f VAT <>i \l,l COMES TRUE with Kills dl i warm, cute as i w ink (|iiiltc(1 shorlic robe that’s just right lot opening Kills on Christmas A. M., later gives comfort at leisure I > brunches; and p n.iamas, luxurious to see as they are luxurious io wear, holding promise, of course, for sweet dreams always. The ", pii e T a mv I, shown, by II in v IJerger. NP \ It K I I IN III 1 > I (»• lur n I'klr in In i i-\ (■ sparklf sure In lir llicic Sill lit’ ^1111c 1 in •■»*!.it ft tunic* iou»■ 11"> Ti il i• i eel S> idpliuci\ i- • ■■■ n KIM < • 11(I n with i 'I CIIS if\vr! Il'SI I IK! DAM'S — the Kilt -.'inlir „nv >i she'll love for its Kay easnal ,iir as well as its promise of sniiR warmlli on the coldest of niKlits. I’laid My Knee nn-htKow n hy Dora (iott lieh. I oi; mi. i .’istiwov s m ile I lien- are hainlsnrnc bits ill sha\ inji needs including (reams, ]>owtiers, lotiou ami in the • n stance nl the line shown above Kali ile Cologne. with which llouhigant features Itoyal Fern. A TIIKASI KF ( HI ST tor men's jewelry, runt,lining a set of cliff links and a tie clip, is annul!; tlie main wel come sifts suggested hy Swank this year. A COMPACT GIFT to Rive her Christmas slitter the year 'round. And compacts do spar kle aplenty this year with rhinestones, mtiMi-fareted rose and sapphire-like gems. The twinkling compacts shown are 1 by Elgin-American. •5 4r: r'' ■ ** ■ :* I'KKTTY I’KKPKKS arc slipper Kills, of course, and just perfect to team with her most glamor ous negligee and at-home en sembles. Washable ny Ion faced satin Oomnhies above. (•ire Him Hunting Equipment IIUM'INC; COATS IIITNT1NG PANTS HUNTING C APS HUNTING BOOTS <;i \S HI FITS SHELLS Western Auto Associate Store \\ . J. Miller Son Gifts Of Jewelry Always Bring Glee And Excitement At Christmastime One of the most exciting ways to show your love and thought fulness at Christmastime is with a gift of fine jewelry. For jewelry is truly one of the most precious gifts of all and can be a fitting and flattering gift for any member of the family, offer ing great sentimental worth as well as untold importance as a thrilling Accessory to be valued for many, many years. Remember, too, that jewelry is a most effective expression of whichever sentiment you want your gift to convey, be it func tionalism combined with beauty, romance, personalized thought fulness or classic beauty. Consider Giving Watch So, if the all-important gift you have in mind is one that will com bine functionalism with beauty, consider giving a watch. To a man, it will mean the pleasure of owning and wearing a handsome accesory as well as a prized precision time-keeper. To a woman, it is a gift to be treasured long for its rich beauty as well as for its more practical aspect of time-keeping. And to the younger members of the family, the watch is a gift which will at once make them ft el that this is a "grown up" presentation to be valued for many a year to come. Wonderfully, watches are to be had in styles to please all. There are simply styled watches for the sports-minded, diamond-and-ruby studded watches that provide lux urious appeal and novelty types set right into handbags. Fob watches that can be pinned onto suit and dresses and tiny watches sot into lings and bracelets are' also available. Romance in Jewelry Romance is expressed by jewel ry in many an exciting way. For instance, for a beloved wife, no thing can compare in romantic ap peal to the gift of a new wedding band, sparkling gaily with a row or rows of diamond chips Ano what woman won't revel in the lasting beauty and love expressed . by a diamond brooch, bracelet a' necklace. If your engagement announce ment is still a matter for the fu ture, set the date for Christmas Eve. For when you give this} thrill of being able to twinkle her new lifetime possession pridefully j before all at holiday parties A truly thoughtful and person-, j alized choice is the selection of a1 How To Purchase Milady's Perfume • How can the Christmas shop ping male be sure that his choice of ultra-feminine perfume will be ; something really special just for her? Well, here's an casy-to-fol 1 low guide- to help overcome that "lost" feeling in the perfume de partment and help make the gift fragrance in her stocking rate first thanks. First, by every means try to dis cover her favorite pedfume Hus j bands can check the dressing 'table; beaux can ask her friends. Then, while shopping, describe the woman-to-receive-it, riot in 'coloring luit in personality or in favored piece of jewelry encrusted with his or her birthstone. His birthstone might be set as a ring, a tie or stick pin or cuff links. Hers will delight her in numerous settings—from bracelets and car rings to rings and brooches. Pearls at a Price Ever the classic favorite with women from ages 10 to 100 are cultured pearls. And choosing a gift of these lustrous gems need not mean a great expenditure. For, although thousands of dol- j lars can be spent for line cultured | pearls, they are also available at i prices bclowv twenty-five dollars. | Above all. remember that this! precious gift deserves all the care and patience in selection you cah give it So plan to choose his or her important gift of jewelry ear ly. j mood. And don't be confused by j pretty bottles. It's the stuff inside that counts! Have the salesgirl put a bit of the perfume on a piece of cotton or blotter paper, wait until it dries so y-.iu can get the true bouquet then smell it yourself and see if YOU like it. Most people become confused ; ft< ;■ Eying four scents, so take it easy! One at a time with a bit if conversation in between each “sniff" will keep the perfumes in-; dividualired. Above all. stop worrying! Every woman has so many moods, likes; variety in her life to such an ex-! tent that she'll probably like what ever perfume you give her, for most \ omen wear different scents to accent different moods and dif-, ei ent costumes. PLEASED WILL HE BE if slacks and sports shirt are among his gifts on Christmas morning. The shirt shown is plaid cotton flannel and the slacks are available in flannels, coverts, gabardines or tropicals. Tlie slacks shown “Sleex,” by Esquire sportswear, the shirt by Wilson Brothers. TRAVEL KITS will remind the business man, wherever he may go, of your yuletidc thoughtful ness. This one of leather with waterproof lining is by Yardley and includes the famous shav ing bowl and other grooming needs with room for brush, raz or, etc. Fits in a briefcase. 0 I GIFTS — That Really Warm I | Our Hearts Are Gilts That We | f Can Wear! I For Her • RAINCOATS • SCARFS • KERCHIEFS • MITTENS • BLOUSES • SKIRTS • HOUSE COATS • DRESSES by Martha Manning anil C. King • HOSE • SUITS 9 SHOES bv Connie Jacqueline and N. Poise For Him • INTERWOVEN SOCKS • SUITS by Curlet* • SPORT COATS • SWEATERS • TIES By Van Heusen & Botany • HATS by Dobbs • BELTS • FI R LINED GLOVES • SPORT A DRESS SHIRTS By Van Heusen • SHOES Bates and Portage • TOP COATS I A Lovely Free Gilt Box For Every Item Purchased At Our Store. I Darden’s Department Store i

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