mmiN i.ahuuum ■ r» w I , i i i h Make Christmas Truly Glamorous With Gifts That Glitter --w Fashion Is Your ' Guide To Giving This Christmas <’.uo Your Choice To Her Personality For An Kxeiling Yule -- BY ROBERTA WILLIAMS Every women, whether she’s young in years or wonderfully young in spirit—whether she spends her hours homemaking or at a typewriter—loves an aura of exciting glamour and glitter ’round her Yuletide gifts. And this year, gifts are more exactly what she wants than ever before. They’re luxurious, ready to scin tillate with the stamp of her own personality tind designed to flat ter her every mood. For instance, if rn’lady spends her hours at home there are dra matically simple, yet elegant ac cented ensembles to make her role as hostess of the television or ca nasta party one of unforgettable loveliness. To go with her at-home cos tumes anti peep out from beneath her very best negligees, there are gay, but oh so comfortable slip pers. For shopping sprees and.warm comfort too, a storm coat is sure to be a fashion pride with its hahdosme tailoring and snug mou ,, ton or alpaca collar. And to aerosolize it and other coats exactly right, there are a wealth of striking shoulder-strap handbags in bright plaids and fin* leathers as well as smaller size bags personalized with her own initials f For the gal who makes a career her 0 to 5 activity, there are gilts that are glamorous and smart as • they are useltd. Gaily patterned little scarfs in a variety of sizes will lend striking accent to her (Very costume A golden circlet to keep her gloves from straving from her bag will appeal to her appreciation of the novel. Envelope her in the soft, warm folds of a new furpoat, (-ape or scarf and w-ear a never vafiishing halo of mistletoe. (He inpmber. too, thal precious gift fur is Just us prized be it muskrat ir mouton instead of mink or sable'. Shoiv Her How Much You Love Her, this Yule, Chosen from with Gifts 1 he Many Personal, Intimate t hings that Will Flatter Her Fetnininty THE TELEVISION GOWN STARS at Christmas mid at every telt vision party at which she serves as gracious hostess. The white quilted rayon jer sey gown with gold hell and braid trim, above, is bv Hay mode. For Hate Makers Gilt buying for a busy ytiling date-maker" What better than to -urprisc her with one ot the many joyous, memory-making gilts. A compact encrusted with sparkling jewels will put gay glit ter at her finger-tips. Costume jewelry to bring sparkle and joy to her every day. Choose it be guiling and lovely, be it a rhine stone encrusted necklace or lus trous pearl earrings Fine luggage, feminine as can be in a bright color or pattern will prove prideful accompaniment traveling to busy danco-at-a-dis tance week-ends or on romance laden journt ys. The pieces of precious furs-- a set of ermine GOOD THING IN A SMALL PACKAGE, especially when it’s a Christmas *>ifl of precious per fume to make her feel more glamorous ami tell her you think of her as a thoroughly fe minine person. tails, a diminutive mink ascot will add luxurious appeal to every costume. And what lady who rates top place honors on a Christmas tuft list wouldn’t adore an aura created to he hers and hers alone with pet fumes and colognes and sweet scented bath salts, all selected with a vision of her personality, her own way, then surely exciting and right And surely she’ll adore to have her beauty pampered with little • aids.” Lipsticks and powders, nail polish and accessories, compact in a kit or individually tempting and gala in wrappings, bright as the Christmas Tree itsell, and so be charmingly packaged they ic sine m m0 && v'0jg nylon host', to complement shades and heel styles. Van c iiuiuitpue or u Iran 01 nei lavorue her costumes in fashion's newest Itaalte hose shown above. Till GIFT AT HICK MIT makes for glaiporous comfort : around the house through the year when (he gilt is a pair ol slippers in her favorite luxury style, lahrie anil color. Oomphie slippers above. In win “first opened" privileges. Shi'll love too, lo lie wrapped in glamour in a filmy negligee, mid night hiiii'li or angelic white, that promises to fill each evening with; romance, each morning she wears it, with bright sunshine IMake II Glamorous Assure her sweet dream- the year around with nighties and pa jamas carefully culled to bring the stars right out of the heavens and into her eyes Or treat her with a .V<>od looking billfold that holds her spending money secretly safe land still leaves ample room for a I picture ol "that wonderful gin." a pair of gloves, pert and short or IIANDIiAC. AT HAND to give her a glamorous (In-ill oil Christ mas l)av anil carry with her every evenin': of holiday fun. (iraeeline's hroeade miniature hov hag. Iiandsnnu'l.v long (,r hose with glit ,