Practical Wearables Are Formost Among Gifts For Men i Robes Rate High On The Gift List This Christmas l op Goatf I oo. Oixin Favor for Mawulim* Gift Giving By STEVE MATTHEW Ah varied ah the snowflakes on a ski run are the gift possibilities for men this year, with wearables ranking foremost as desiiable in the practical minds of most of the masculine gender. There is probably only one other classification ot gilts that might coneeiveably outrank the man s interest in practical clothes. It is the all embraceable gadgetry group which may include every thing from a new tangled tie clip to a 1950 model electric shaver To help make selections for the men in your lift try to recall the things they have wanted so badly, but nevei got around to buying for themselves. It's the nature of the male, you know, to talk treely and di little for himself. This therefore is your ehanct to plav a most satisfactory Santa ... to play the type of Santa who knows that while men are glow ing more and more fashion con scious. whatever they want, and especially as a gift, must also have long usefulness And this combination ot fashion and utility is very strongly re flected in everything men weal from pajamas to raincoats Take lounging robes, for ex ample something a man rarely buys for himsell They are lea tured in a wide range indeed this year with a robe available to suit every purse, purpose and person ality. Yes. television has had a lot of influence on the variety available this year, and so has the great lnciease in travel. Therefore we have the flowing lounge robe ill the i age-of-the-sea son patterns and the terry cloth towelling models that clips around the waist, the robe that folds into its own small bag loi easy pack ing. and the distinguished robes to be worn at the home television party Yes. Top ( oats. Too! A surprising trend noted from last year, is the idea ot giving a top coat as a Christmas gift Hon again the range is wide including tweedy models, gabardines and n versibles. and then are of coursi the increasingly populai Storn Coats These deserve special con sideration this year Docs hi havi enough shiits. pa jamas, handkerchiefs, sox anc ties'’ What man ever has" Or what about the muiflers he needs, tin belts, link sets'.’ And when eon sidel ing these things as accessory gifts, icmembei to choose then early so you may plan to havt them monogrammed. Cosmetics for men have lonj ceased to have any feminine eon notation. They an- really shavinj accessories anyway, with specia attention to the needs of the fas tidious man. and they come hand ioniely packaged. * Which reminds us all that th< electric shaver or the line razo always make excelli nl gifts So d Consider His Practical Nature, His Love of Fine Things, and You Will Have No Difficulty in Choosing from Gifts Like These for His Yuletide FASHION ABU INI)FKI> will dad be on ( lil ist mas morning il among His gilts is out* ol t li«* new robes. This one is ol light weight virgin wool in smart and popular Scotch Tartan pattern. I OK BBISI'RKI.Y M'Xl'RY it's loafers he wants. Anti it’s a sure bet that he'll rrin with satisfied Klee when he finds them neath his Tree. \VK \»’ HIM IN A i;<)P>i: THIS vim: and win liis loving thanks on Christinas A !M. and tor many a day to come. II he’s sot an eye for fashion, give him one of the new Tartan plaids. It traveling is his forte, select his robe complete with a compact carrying bag. And if he goes for comfort in a big way, then satisfy his yen with a smart flannel style, personalized with his initial. Kobes above, by Kabhor. KEEP HIM WARM with a smart , all wool muffler and matching knit gloves which can be had as j a set neatly boxed. Those shown are by Wilson Brothers. GIVE GOOD GROOMING in the form of utility kits and he'll love it, especially if he gets | about a lot. The good guy above is pleased with one by t'ourtley done in tan leather and fitted with ready to use shaving and hair needs. HICKK’S HOW TO (ilVK IIIM A HAT lor Christmas. without into a dither about whether it's going to lit or not. Just tell the man who waits on >ou. He'll fix you up with a boxed miniature plus a Rilt certificate that will Rive vour man a chance to choose his own. Smaller miniatures tor hanging on the tree, also are available. I . . magnifying mirrors They Love Leather Browse through leathei goods I departments. Men love leather ; New wallets, key eases, portfolios,! In h I eases, and new travelling bags. Just so they are made of fine leather and handsomely styled. j And. finally, in this brief re sume, we come to the sports and | I hobbies ot the male which offer i in themselves a limitless oppor tunity for much appreciated gilt giving. Here the jackets, shirts and sweater:- fm the sportsman for i wear at play, in the field, or at ( KiAKDli i: l KilUTK with a windshield to help make it as efficient outdoors as it is smart for the indoors, is a gift tlie sportsman will appreciate. This one is a "Konson Whirlwind.” King Carries Out An Old Custom ‘ — Kadi year at Christ mas lime it is the custom id the King of hn aland to present gifts of irankin, gold and myrrh to the ! Chapel Royal in eommemorution of the gifts of,the three wise men ! According to the lewelry Indus I try Council, the Christmas gilts 1 of today include watches, rings, j gold and platinum pens and pen j eils, and other jewelry and sil . vcrware. the club are top favorites, unv fashion plays a most important part. Choose with care beeausi j chance's are your man knows what's right Is he a fisherman? Then faeklt is Itis bait. Is he a golfi r? Any tiling from a dozen balls to a nev 1 bag is par tor Christinas. Maybi ‘ he relaxes by working with wood I The hardware store is a good plan * to shop for tool kits Some mei 1 I make miniature trains their hob [ , by. Others are amateur photogra ; pliers. Nearly all play cards, i Know your man and chousin : gifts for this Christmas will b ( easy. \\ \i(M Ills IIKAltT AT YULE TIDE and kep him warm all- | over Hit Winter through with a Mini; storm jacket or coat. Above. MiMv Milium Jacket of water-repellent rayon with a moil to n collar and milium quilt ed. wool insulated lining by Mc Gregor. Legendary Story About Christinas In Sweden as in Pomerania and oilier parts of Germany it is the custom to enclose the Christmas lift of a ring or other small jew elry m a tiny box. This tiny box 's wrapped carefully and packed into a larger one. The pr icoss is repeated until finally the gift re posts deep within a series of box es According to the Jewelry In dustry Council, this is termed the Yule Klapp and great is the merriment on Christmas Day then the lucky recipient goes through the ceremony of unpack ing until at last the original tiny box is opened to disclose the gitt i PIPE FANCIERS ol whom there .ire e.uny \\ .li welcome this Kuesl set which serves not only as a place to Keep the collection i but makes room for a can o! t: i tobacco in the center. It's by THE COMFORT - MINI>EI> MACK (and what male isn’t?) will ever appreciate a sweater. Whether it's meant lor sport, spectating or just keeping warm, you can be sure it's a gilt he’ll give long thanks for. Fashion Is Your Guide To Giving This Christmas (Continued from page one) with her personality and her fav orite activities in mind and be as sured that it will hi' the perfect gift for 'neath the tree and the | .'Kia days of the year to come. TIE UP HIS CHRISTMAS WITH PLEASURE anrl we do mean "'tie.” Figures show that 85 percent of the ties sold throughout the year are bought bv women which means that no matter what else, that man of yours will be getting from you this Yuletide, his Christmas will be incomplete without some ties. With a hundred thousand color combi lations and forty thousand different patterns available, of which the above are representative, being ‘tied by you’ this Yule will give him pleasure. Hundred Thousand New Choices Assure A Right Tie for Every Guy at Yuletide Neckties are one of the safest bets for Christmas sifts. There is | no size to consider. There are 100,- t 000 color combinations and 40,000 different patterns now on 'he market to choose from. The chan ces of going wrong are slim. Women buy 85 percent of the ties sold throughout the year, ac cording to the Men's Tie Founda tion, but during Christmas holi days the figure hovers close to 100 percent. The holiday collections highlight a new note in ties that have a "Touch of Fame’ and “Picture writing." Among the famous who are now designing men’s tie fab rics are Schiaparelli. Jacques Fath. Molynettx, Tina Loser and Salva dor Dali the surrealist. Well known American artists includ ing Adolf Dehn, Edward Millman, Joe Jones and Edward Chavez al so are designing new ties. Necktie designers have also re-1 vivcd the ancient art of picture writing on tie fabrics. Picture-, writing was the first used by cave dwellers to convey messages to j their tribesmen. These “conversation" ties are : colorful, witty and provocative. 'They literally sing, dance, talk, \ read, write and even "make ! dates.” ! The Tie Foundation's tips to the woman tie shopper are basically the ones she uses in guiding her BKt'SH HIM OFF Handy shower accessories assure s him a Merry Christmas. Little gifts but important-to-good-living gifts, they may include a long handled brush, his favorite scent in soap attached to a cord that ! hangs conveniently around his 1 neck and perhaps, an extra-large si/.o bath towel. m i mm mm mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. m % No Finer Christmas Gilt For Young or Old EASTMAN KODAKS Films, Developers and Supplies ft We also thal you ilrop in ami look j*. over our allraelive seleetion of |sift items for \:ff men, women ami eliililren. 1 DAVIS PHARMACY purchases of her own fashion tems. First, be sure to pick colors that will point up his suits—-greens and dear reds and yellow tones with brown shades, some ol the higher pastels for dark suits. Second, relate the pattern in the tie to the pattern in his suits. Planned bold patterns go better than geometric designs with pro nounced suit patterns. Panel de signs are especially good with any type of suit pattern. Dark double breasted suits, or suits worn with a vest call for bold sharp patterns lie sure his gift tie is of the light tie length. Ties run from 47 54 inches long. If he is tall or wears a large neck size, get him a tie that is long enough. If he wears single breasted suits with out the vest, as most men do, he will look best in a longer tie. The Foundation suggests match ing gift tie colors to his complex ion tones and hair coloring. Good i clear sharp colors will lighten a dark complextion, muted colors and designs will tone down the coloring of a light complexioned . red hed. « f I I ! i a I I # » § |.el BULLIJC'.K'S Ill'll* yon select llir f:ifl llial .0 will please* “HIM/'’ Our stock is l»rimiiiinu & oxer witli the smartest merchandise men ean wear. INalionally Advertised Brands. Jiisl lake a gamier al lliis Oifl List . . . Lei 'Her' Know Your 'Lucky Star', ★ SUITS by Style-Mart ★ SLACKS by Higgins ★ SPORT SHIRTS by Norns Casuals ★ DRESS SHIRTS by Nelson Paige TIES by Wembley SOCKS by Esqnire & Springfooi SHOES by Curtiss JEWELRY by Pioneer JACKETS by Berkray ★ PAJAMAS y Pleelway ★ HATS by Adam if SWEATERS by Lamb-Knit Our stock of the above mciilioucil iiierelian ilise is the hesl assembled in years, (.nine in today anil let “us*’ help “you” select a fiifl for the “HIM” in your life. Bulluck’s m