Williamston Stores Have Great Assortment of Dolls This Year 4 With Skins Yon Will Find Are Nice To Touch Twins iiiid Triplets As Well As Westerners Will * Accompany Santa By MARJORIE BRIGHTON A puck into Santa’s 1950 work shop reveals an exciting new gen eration of dolls so lifelike and talented that they are sure to de light every little girl. From top to bottom and in every corner stores are brimming tj bursting with a wide and wonderful doll selection for this Christmas. Though there is a doll to place under every tree in America, the extra super special dolls are ex pected to be snapped up fastest. So perhaps one of the wisest things mother or dad, or Aunty Mary or Uncle John can do is to take that favorite little girl for a stroll through the departments, and just obserVe her reactions. The one she sighs for most longingly is the doll to "adopt" quickly. 1 Toy makers have completely , captured a little girl's dream and | interpreted it with the aid of! amazing new materials. Toy '■ shelves are peopled with next-to- I real infant dolls who look for all 1 the world like a baby sister when she was first seen at the nursery I window. . There's captivating "Li’l Dull in',” who is accurately scaled to a four day old baby from the in ^ font creases on her face, to her! tiny curl" g toes. And there's chubby "Blessed Event" who faithfully reproduces the facial movements of a three weeks old baby. She puckers her j lips in a kiss, nibbles, whimpers, pouts and even moves her tongue. No picture of the layette set would be complete without "Little Chuckles," fctchingly dressed in a • long embroidered christening gown. Another Weeps Tears There are adorable wetting dolls who exhibit talents that should endear them to tiny moth ers. News comes of an infant D.v Dee doll who in addition to wet ting herself in accepted Dy-Dee fashion, blows bubbles and drinks from a straw. And there’s "Tiny j g Tears’ who after she has emp JUST PRESS HER CHUBBY TUMMY, add Hie new Dy-Dec dull drinks her milk from a straw to the ineffable delight of every lit tle girl. What’s more Dy-Dce blows bubbles from a iii|»c, and comes with a complete Christmas layette including bubble bath and a book on baby doll care. AS REAL TO TIIE TOUC H as she looks, “Li’l Darlin’ ” is a doll (hat even acts like i live Infant. Iler body is made of a soft cud dly plastic that feels as real as that of the little girls who will love her. She has a plaintive cry like that of a hungry baby. By Ef i'nnbee. I led her bottle ami been squeezed,' Dolls are more lovable and .veeps real tears | squeezable because of the new f •f i f f f ( i t This Christmas Give A Gift That’s Different Ki nmiilHT . . the fcrrvirr* ami facilities of thi* Ihuilt arr a^ail «•»!•* •«» assist you in answering dir question: “What lo frive?” We offer the following suggestions. New, Crisp Currency - I la* ideal gift for those who deserve lli<* Im‘mI . . . the gift dial ii> truly useful ami appreciated. A Banking Account : - - Showing a Militantial initial deposit ... a gilt that builds character ... a gift that last*. U. S. Saving Bonds Itriurnihrr your children or grumlchildrcn on lihriMniib morn with IioiuU . . . gifts of lasting valor. Bank Drafts - For sending gifts of money to friends or relative* living out of town. Draft* are safe ami economical. LET OUR SERVICES AND FACILITIES MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING LESS OF A FROIILEM. MORE OF A PLEASURE. \ f Branch Banking & Trust Co. $ > l IN MAKING YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT LIST I f I I t I I I I I 1 £ I I £ CONGRATULATIONS, IT'S TWINS! Santa plays stork and de livers sister and brother, doubling a little girl's glee. Imagine your favorite little girl’s expression Christmas morning as she sees them sitting under the tree, in their gay velveteen outfits. By Roberta Dolls. . PLEASE WESTERN ENTHUSIASTS* this Christmas with Belle Starr and two gun Jessie James, looking as though they just pop ped out of the pages of a history book. Dolls based on char actcrs from real life and legend—including the patriotic—stim ulate imagination and encourage children to read. By Norma Originals. plasties und I'oam rubber which make them us soft and resilient, as real babies. These new compo sitions make dolls resistant to scuffing, trampling and other nursery hazards The current har vest of dooIs make sanitary play mates, because they are easy to clean and keep clean. Just a brief soaping restores (heir shinny ] looks. Nylon hair, another exciting in I novation, is used in popular sub deb dolls. Their hair can be sham pooed and set into elaborate ar , rangoments, a feature which should delight little girls. The latest in news and televi sion is reflected in the new crop | of dolls. Moving along the shelves, lthe eye spots '‘Howdy Doody,” complete from his sprinkling of freckles to his shiny boots. Triplets always make the front pages and the news of triplet dolls in the house should win the admiration of the neighborhood younger set These dolls come as brother and sister or three-of-a kind, dressed alike, and often [housed in the same cradle Revived interest in the ballet finds its way into ballet movies, ballet type street shoes and of course ballet dolls. One of the prettiest wears a whirly net skirt and tiny satin ballet slippers Boy Dolls Popular It’s always been a plump little girl that sits under the tree Rut N V&vSSsV* ■ VS 8 Girls’ and Boys’ jj; | BICYCLES I New Super Ajottern Hypr I 1 Weslef Also SIDEWALK HIKKS TRICYCLES PEDAL CARS PEDAL TRACTORS FIRE TRUCKS POLICE CARS WAGONS Western Auto if' ?! i' ?! I ji I ?! » | jl ?! I ?! i! Associate Store W. J. Miller and Sou ( hristmas l!).r)0 brings a change. Notable in tl>e doll displays are increased numbers of mischievous boy baby dolls, round and ador able in their smart new suits. One little boy doll comes dress id lor traditional Christmas \vea ther in a zippered snow suit and warm wooly cap. SHE KISSES too. Nestled ill pink beribboned blankets, "Blessed Event" nibbles, whim pers and pouts to the delight ot her new mommy and the amaze ment of adults. By Ideal. "TONI” DOLL'S Ions: blonde nylon hair will cause oohs and aahs Ion* after Christinas. Her hair can he shampooed and set with the aid of her play wave kit. By Ideal. OFF FOR A STROLL on Christ mas morn, pretty "Maggie Sun day” simulates actual walking when licr shoulders arc pressed and her body guided. By Paris Dolls. LOOK WHO'S HERE! Why it’s •llowdy Doody" on this side .of (lie television screen. He lias the unmistakable smile and costume of his lovable prototype. I»v Kffanbee. THIS YOl’NCi MAN defies the most active member of the nursery scl. Made of neoprene, be won't damage a dimple if trampled, washed or placed m'4r heat. By tioldbcrger. HARMONICA FOR IIARMONV is .< gift every boy would enjoy. So would many grown up boys. There are many models from which to choose. Not expensive. GIFTS Under $2.00 f * f GIFTS Under $5.00 i 5 m 6 m « HOSIERY i1 Ity || ji MOJIID i{ LAKKWOOO CANNON ii NYLON & SWEATERS | is Suoatern make altrac- 'jji live pft* for the voiin^- ^Sj[ «*r m*I. (iolor selection of (link, blue, yellow ami \\ liite. SCARVES (iivc .1 u.iily printed scarf In wear about Iter throat or as a "liretty-as-can-lir” head cover ing. A iiuiiihcr of Ray colors. SLIPS (!rr|M’n in nil ciw’s. Sclrcl from rlii->ir Ir* nr *li|^ Iii\ i-lil\ Iriinm«‘«l in rililHins iimt lillTh. PANTIES \ NYLON, OK COIJKSK i Ail iilral tfifl to put muler tin- ji ti'**<\ I’lniii or frilly, nil ni/,rs. , PAJAMAS § » St'r «ur pa jama roller lion featuring tailored yf or fiiHPiily feminine ^ style* in jersey, rrrpe ‘jl and onlinu. % S Handkerchiefs W* 1 ft 1)0111 IIIIHtt oiii* roiii* t »rlrcliou of liuml> \ kerrliirfn. 0 o I o rful priuln nml ('inliroMlrr t‘il liiii'iiH. All roloVh. BED JACKETS IIIn«* uml pink liril jarki'th, luxuriously stylril for Christinas £ninp. Lare ami rihliim trim. m PROCTOR SHOP .H X

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