Electrical Appliances Make Life Happier For Mother And All -A- JL I ______ Blank Check Book As Christmas Gift Evere consider giving a blank check book to some one close to you, as a Christmas Gilt" It s far from a giddy idea As a matter of fact, it can well prove to be the most appreciated gilt giving ae lion of youi entire Yuletide. Consider for a moment, a son or daughter just out ol school on Ins or her first job Chances are noith ei lias thought much about how to manage then own finances, vet they now have a regulai income of theii own So what bettei than to initiate them into the thrifty ranks n( cheeking account owners, but ar ranging with the bank to have the necessary cards for signature and a brand new blank cheek book, put into a neat little box with your caret saying that you've made a first deposit for them. The deposit can be as much or as little as you want to make it Cheeking accounts can he started for people for as little as $1 in these efficient days of good bank ing. But better to ne generous of course. And why not think about this as a special gift for mother also, this Christmas, FOR IH’SY M.VIK CTIVi: For that busy executive Christmas-givc him a convenient leathei pocket memo book with perforated pages. Will help him keep track of his doings and dates; tear out memos as they become obsolete. Available in many sizes, styles and prices. Sure to get a Welcome, welcome is a record album of their favo rite symphony, dance band or Pja.v.. HUt RAINY DAY CHKRK! CJay patterns and sunny colors make a silt umbrella Hie «iIt of perfection for the gal who’s perfection in your life. Select her innhrella in the stvle most complement ary to her own ideas on fashion. The umbrella above comes fold- , e<l small within its own matching case and can be opejted t|uick l.v to ward off sudden showers. Ity Marvel. GIFT GIVES TWICE! — Anti will prove a true conversation piece Yule title token, for with the top t>n it makes coffee, with out the top. it doubles as a cof fee server or teapot. Tricolator, shown above. SCARFS FOR HER She’ll love you more every day | of the year when she receives your nift group of scarfs. Select them in a variety of sizes and patterns ,,s well as colors, so you II be sure to add just the right accent to her every ensemble I A PING PONG SET may be chosen for one member of the family bul you can be sure everyone will enjoy it. PadcUes, balls, net and brackets for fit ting to the table available in handsomely sift boxed fashion. FOR COLLEGIANS Perfect gift for a member of the campus-far-from-home crowd, is a tiny reading light that attaches directly to any book. Plugs into wall outlet and provides plenty of light for reading, yet will not dis turb slumbering roign mates. V I Make This Christmas An Electrical Christmas Jl ST \KKIVKD FOK CHRISTMAS i Lurfiv Shipment Of R.C. A. VICTOR RADIOS S24.95 to $42.95 i.mkvi iiirrmc vm.iANdis vkk idi ai. (;ins Srlrrl Infill Our l.urf>i‘ Slock Of Waffle Irons Electric Irons Heat Lamps Electric Clocks Sandwich Grills Toasters Electric Mixers Hot Plates Vacuum Cleaners lino ELECTRIC RLANKETS Heating Pads Foot Warmers Wirromaiic Electric ' Percolator i'.om plotvly Aulonmlir $12.95 GIVE REVERE WARE Sturdy (.oohinyt Wurt> with (.<»/>/>«'»■ Hot tom POTS PRESSURE COOKERS SKILLETS Footballs, Basketballs and Other Sporting Goods for the Children. IT S GIFT WRAPPING TIME AT CHRISTMAS anil there’s a jol ly, heart-warming experience in stpre lor all. For gilts wrapped with a thoughtful feeling for his (or her) personality anil tastes brings the recipient close to your heart and makes wrapping as joyous an occasion and truly, almost as much lun as the giving. Above, “While Candles” wrapping paper from Norcross’s Holiday Ensemble. for THE HOSTESS or the host, a cigarette lighter, urn and tray to grace the cocktail table, or his office desk, in a set that makes a beautiful and useful gilt. This set is a Konson Crown. Chart To Help Make Purchases Know Hit* month of birth of the one for whom you are planning a gift of jewelry and the giving ean be made more personal Use this table as your guide to the proper : birthstone if the gift is to have a previous or semi-preeious stone: . Jan., Garnet Feb., Amethyst Mar., Bloodstone oi Aquamarine Apr. Diamond t May, Emerald ‘ June Pearl or Moonstone [ July, Ruby • Aug., Sardonyx or Peridot ^ Sept., Sapphire Oet. Opal or Tourmaline 1 Nov., Topaz Dee., Turquoise or Lapis Lazuli i Thi* table of birthstones has f. been compiled and authenticated . by the Jewelry Industry Council f after long research. • --o-. I FOR HER COLLECTION Start her off on the road to a I valued collection, this Christmas. '• with two or three unusual gift I plates, an antique pitcher or sev f: oral pieces of early American milk I glass ft COLORFUL CBEKR FOR MOM W- on Christmas morn takes gala rfc form as a graduated set of gaily jf. Iiued mixing bowls. These are 1 of Pyrex. IMAGINE HIS JOY when he spies this handsome football, a real reproduction of those usee on college teams. In genuine grained pigskin it’s sized foi small hands. FOR THE HANDS Warm her heart and her hand with a fur muff, selected in th< fur of her coat or the fur site love best, to go with her "Sunday J3cst cloth coat fashion. INFLATED PLASTIC horses may never gallop around the Christmas tree, but they give Junior tlie fun of playing row boy and can be deflated for storing in a small area. WI1AT A HAPPY CHRISTMAS THIS WILL I5F lor the hovs ami girls, too, who will find a snappy, new 1051 Hike under the tree, fully equipped. Bikes now can he chosen to correct lit anil size of the lucky youngster who is to get one anil most of them "grow with the children. __ Santa Claus Says “Theyll I nnrtift This (lift More Than 100 Tinas Darin" the Your . . . \ et \ on Won't I lore To II #v//> It Oner!" 9 I ft. A fe: It's I lint easy io j:i\e u year's siihseri|ition lo I III.. I. N I I.K I’KISK . . ami your friends will enjoy llie Iasi eopy jnsi as mill'll as lIn* first . . . ami it’s a whole family fiifl! News of Willianislon. Marlin (anility logellier willi I'.ililorials ami S|»orls news makes I lie lMiler|irise tin* ideal and woriliwliile trill. Personal fail'd \iiiionneitii! Your (iifl and Onr f.hrislmus i'.di lioil Will lie Sent Willi Knell (Jifl Snliseri|»lion. M IliT II Ol EH MAKE A MORE ACCEPT iltl.E (.Il l y 1 ss a I . Enterprise Publishing Co. flof* W'tey cooking easier, faster, better *'*,1,lS new FASTEST-COOKING \ RANGE IN FRI6I0AIRE HISTORY! FRIG10AIRE ELECTRIC J RANGE fou can do a lot of holiday (and every day) cooking with this wonderful new Frigidaire Electric Range — and still have loads of time for festivities. Come in — ask to see a demonstration of faster, carefree auto matic cooking on America's most beautiful electric ..... | RNlt ■(( range — Frigidaire! P-ss-s-t-! Drop a hint now. Ask your Santa for this Frigidaire Electric Range. Ask to so* double-oven Model RM-75 -only j5 Mod»| shown Is RM-65 (*'ngl*-ov«n ty»» wuh b'8 warmer dfawer^ $82.50 Glance °°WN Ce on easy term* ' NEW Radiantub* 5-Sp«*d Units f ■™™ cook faster than svsr I is ii | Designed to put more heat into utensils all I over—at all 5 cooking speeds. Cook more ^ evenly, faster, with less curfent. Look at tnese NEW features! drawer' NEW ku*l*-ln fluor#sc8n* lamp NEW hi8her bock Pan*l NEW Automatic Tim* Signal NEW Ny'°"-ro11 NFW oaty-to-road, oa*y-to-r»-'k I**” twitch knobt NEW fno^*rn **y,in° DIXIE MOTOR Wufthingtoii Street jg*v\ ^ 8 modalt of now Frigidairo Eloctric Ranaot startin* at $162.75 COMPANY Williaimlon

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