I f It'll Be A I I Merrier Christmas i & // Voii Soil’d i FOR HER 1 ROBKS GOWNS SUPS PAJAMAS HANDBAGS SGARYES 9i uiir un-iiiimas iIhiiiiiI pifls for lu*r on display. FOR HIM I Sill IMS KOOKS BKi:rs SWKATKKS TIKS PAJAMAS s< k:ks. JACKETS I For The Kids I I 9 I Baby Dolls For The Little Girl I GUNS HOLSTER SETS TINKER TOYS TOT’S TELEPHONES BLOCKS DOLL HOUSES BALLS Also Christmas I Fruits - Candies - Nuts I Martin Supply Co. 0. Williamson, N. C. 3 3 Gifts of Jewelry Are Treasured for Life Legendary Siory About Christmas There are many legends about St. Nicholas or as we call him. Santa Claus. One of the happier ones is that he is the protector of all humble and small folk and' the special guardian of unmarried girls. It is said, according to the Jewelry Industry Council, that at one time he learned of three young women who had no suit ors because their father was too poor to provide them with a dow ry. So one night he filled three hags with gold and threw them into the windows of the rooms ocupied by the young women and they soon were happily married Unexpected gifts thereafter were said to come from St. Nicholas. Monbgraming and engraving, so essential to many gifts which gain in sentiment when these personal ized touches are added, take time. This should be carefully consid- I ered in working out your gift list, ! and should guide you in making , your gift shopping schedule. If it is linens or stationery or j similar gifts you have in mind, frequently handsomely mono gramtned items, with a single ini tial, are to be found in the fresh Christmas stocks. This is indeed a time saver. But if you want a combination on initials in a special design to distinguish your gift as for the giver alone, give the people from whom you buy it a reasonable amount of time before Christmas in which to do the monogram. 1 Similury with inscriptions that are so much desired on jewelry, ' watches and silverware. These j will take even more time in antic { ipation of the holiday season, for' I many people will want to take ad ! vantage of the service to person alize their gifts and the work the engraver will have to do "will be in a “first come first served” bas is. It’s best to keep inscriptions simple, such as “with love from J. G.—Christmas 1950 “ TOO GROWN - IT for baby dolls? She’ll love “Maggie Christmas,” a teen-ager, who conies with a complete fashion able wardrobe for sports, class and dates. By Alexander. THIS CHRISTMAS mMIS: JANET Give Her The Kin# She’ll Be Proud To Wear. Peek's - Jewelers SINCE 1899 121 Main Williamston FOR FINER CHRISTMAS GIFTS MOST PKECIOt'S OK Al,l. GIFTS, the Diamond, plays an im portant role at Christmas time. Three times as many cngage ment rings are now purchased in December than in the next highest month of April, giving eloquent testimony ol the growing popularity ot the Yuletide betrothal. The sparkling diamond, above, is a brilliant cut stone in a prong setting and is today’s most popular type of betrothal ring. Diamonds also are much lavored as luxury Christmas gifts from husband to wife in many interesting settings, cocktail rings, brooches, bracelets and neck laces. PEARLS MULTIPLY — -<». — A miIt of jewelry is a joy for ■vor, particularly if that stilt mul iplies by the year. Give her a me strand of cultured pearls this 'luistmas and follow il up each rear with another strand 01 pearl ewelry piece. FOR THE PEDESTRIAN There’s ;i new gadget on ihe market for the footsore guv who has so much walking to do. It's a mochanieal device for powdering the feet with or without socks on, when he comes home It sells for about $2 and would make a clever Christmas gift. »*"S A :M \T('HKI) SMT and a most glorious, glamorous gift that ! will give her pleasure lor many a year to come. The set includes , a jeweled bracelet, earrings and necklace and as an extra special grand surprise, a genuine Gotham watch concealed under the center stone of the bracelet. And it’s less expensive than you might think. IT’S A TWO W AY (ill T! He’ll wear it on his wrist, for all prac tical purposes, as an accurate lime-keeper. Then when he wants a glimpse of his loved ones, lie'll snap open the ease and presto! There they are! A Hulova Photo-Watch, Tuck away a gift a day. Make this Christmas bright and gay. Shop earli ! Mail early! I SI’ORTSMAN OR AVIATOR lie'll really appreciate the sharp accuracy of this Gothameter. For elose timing, lie’ll push one hiitlon to start the larue sweep hand around, press the other to stop the hand at any second he wants. The three dials keep close count of seconds, minutes and hours, tty Gotham. vOU'LL BE PROUD TO SAY it came from Peele’s—Jewelers AND hi:re s WIIY YOU’LL i»e I*HOLD YOU MAY REST ASSURED THAT IT'S THE FINEST (111 "I OK FIS KIND TO RE HAD, AND PEELES-JEWELERS !>1 YEARS OE SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE OF MARTIN IS BEHIND THE GIFT TOO IF LI'S FROM PEELE S .JEWELKRS. IT'S A NATION ALLY ADVERTISED PRODUCT, SOLD TO YOU AT THE ADVERTISED PRICE AND YOU'LL, HE PROUD OF THE GIFT PACKAGE WELL DO FOR YOU. THERE IS NO CHARGE (AND NEVER HAS BEEN) TO WRAP THAT GIFT IN A MAN NER THAT WILL PLEASE YOU AND THE RECIPIENT ALSO OUR EXCHANGE POLICY ASSURES YOU THAT YOUR GIFT (IF A DUPLICATE) CAN BE EXCHANGED O.t i, YOU WISH — A REFUND, CHEERFULLY DROP BY SOON - (Gorham Melrn.se pattern (in hand) price s shown urn) (lor one place setting and include federal tax. ) PEELFS - JEWELERS 121 Main SINCE IHW Williamson “FOR FINER CHRISTMAS IHITS” TOYS \ isil (>ur Tuvlund loiliiN and Sclccl Irom Our Lurj'c ( ollrclinu of Toy** for (iliildmi of Ml Nerry - Go - Round Holster Sets Electric Trains Wind-Up Trains Typewriters Telephones Wagons Tricycles Bicycles Pedal Cars Jeeps. Tractors Fire Trucks Wheel Barrows Baby Dolls Carriages Strollers Pianos Electric Organ Ranges Refrigerators Washing Machine Pool Tables Erector Sets Doll Houses Garages i Air Ports Airplanes Blocks ; Zylophones Cowboy Suits Cowgirl Suits For the Woman Of The House ELECTRIC TO A STER S V. R I I. I. S IRONS W\FKLE IRONS PKRCOLYTORS M IXKRS Western Auto Assoc. Store VI. J. Miller & Son