There’s a Lot of Fun In Exciting New Toys For Girls and Boys Almost All Of Them Put Accent On Realism Now Plaything Vir Taking line From Vrls. SririHT*; They'r«- Instructor -1 The world of 1 ys Christmas 1950, follows young America's ac tive interest in the arts, science: and industries New plaything: are offered that help reveal apti furies and foster natural leaning toward careers Though the new crop of toys and games is instructive, the main function is to provide an enlei - taining pastmn Tots who might shatter a toy before the close of Christmas day find that gay plastic toys are near ly indestructable. Older children, who often tire of games that offer no challenge to the imagination, lind this Christmas' choice of games en grossing. They give the child an opportunity tor creative expres sion and avoid talking-down, a feature children can always spot. Old favorite games and toys are polished up and expanded. New ones, made possible by new ma terials, show exciting features never before included in toys Playthings makers show that they are in puce with .science and in dustry’s striking new advances A peek around the Chrislmas toy world leaves the onlooker amazed and delighted What ideas are chocked into these new items! Put a word of caution; shortages r YES---! NX «■ 11111>i-i111 CHHIS I'M VS C \IU>S !\ Vl’KINS HOOK M V I CIICS srv noM:in 2 t Hour Srrcici (Items Wo Soil Only) PEELES • Jewelers SINCE | SO?) 121 Mam Williamston Play land Offers the Answers to Every Child’s Most Ardent Gift Wishes For this Christmas with Toys that Will Win Full Parental Approval JR I'l S N Ot li MON’I-.! Hatch the young folks go iiito action with (treat gIce on Christmas l)a> when packages arc opened to reveal the newest in engrossing games. The variety is great. Added to the old lavorites are many new ones from which you can choose games to suit the special interests of any child. HOMEWORK'S UN when Junior receives a toy typewriter fur Christmas. It’s swell lor class newspapers and and dub bulletins, too. in favorites arc anticipated be cause <>! tlx increase in chil dren of toy aK*' Accent on Realism I in accent in toys is realism • he world faithfully detail for detail is brought to chil dren. I'lieri arc four burner toy elec trie ranees that really- cook ant. Hat irons that heat sufficiently ti 5* ta tfc iCm s & s & I & g? & »>■ ■ v ^ \nr. .<5 w^a ;$ Santa Has Arrived it LINDSLEY’S xt I ft; Hi inj; llx*«> in t<, ||„. fj,„. (ovs |,.f,. THJCYCI.KS w \<;<>\s IIORSKSIIOKS i*i\<; pom; sk i s HOI.STKK si: I S inil Many (hin t s a % % % "a % 1 w «?: i ooiballs, Helmets and Football Suits ior the Kids Basketballs and Goals i 3k | Lindsley Ice Co. ft It_ Purina Stun* NN a«liiiii.Mon Sil t'd ^?* VtR 5s»-»e a. 11 "ii ctoll cU>thes And when a doll i has a now bathinette1, it must in elude a safcte strap! Thorn is an cli't'trioally operated pop enrn ma chine that makes tasty pop corn. The last word m realism is reached in a minalure doll's teed in« set which includes a sterlizcr, • i*a»*k. of bottles and bottle washers. Pop as well as junior, is geiing to pet a heap of fun from the new truepto-lite toys Theresa tiny ro | ta ry press that really prints It's, swell lor school newspapers and small printing assignments A small town shopping center is amazingly duplicated in plastic And there is a trieght station with I barrels, eases, and a tiny fleet of, trucks, and a super service sta tion. Juniors scientific lab in the | cellar is equipped for tracking down atoms this Christmas A I new atomic energy lab set m t I titles a workable Cleiger counter Pike many others, this set cm the use of science for peace. And that very important young man has new means of transpor till it in and communication There are telephone sets that carr\ voices and electric trains that stait with realistic slowness and demonstrate .spectacular ability, tricycle That (trows There is a tricycle that expands as the child grows and finally dis cards the third wheel A nnnature carpet sweeper actually draws up dust. Games Grandpa played as a boy are stepped up to 1950 versions. lluee dimensional stereoscope' come with travel and fairy talc slides. Ami hoop rolling is back. 7 5^ '!& Sfcuffi sat 'to. xs. 'zenv ? E • —*• • ***•- aww mm. mm mm mm. mm. mm sn-m * Make His Gift A "Praciical Gift" 1 I Remember Him This Year II HI, V Hue Sri of I.oilier Wearing U. S. Royal Tires -a T1 ■ l»' "# d, ••JO tei nil up | Hi | in j me & W. TIRE COMPANY iliflikii ktl.. tui on pe bu an IIIJIvi; S TO A MKKKY GO ROl XI) ( HRISTMAS with a gift M,,re In app-al to every young heart. It s a miniature Merr,v-Go* Round just like the one she rides with sueh glee every Summer and here now as a wonderful sift she’ll never tire of plavins with. This say model operates just like a real carrousel and plays live ly tunes as the horses whirl and gallop. Above gift by Wolverine. SI K\K STATION UKE DAD S! Inline Juniors irrepressi Klfe (hrKslmas morni11* «■*'»'» he sp««s this miniature serv Ue Sl!,t,on """ t,li“ P«»'P and dials that register Ifs P1" ‘ “le tr‘‘,,d toward saints and toys seen this Christ mas P"n« bails, water pistols with vis ible reservoirs, pistols with suc tion-tipped darts. Toys ;intt games offered this ( hrislmas are so exciting and durable that they hold a child’s interest and hold up for Christ nuiscs to come. 1*1 1.1. Toys dial squeal and qil l\\ k like this loose .jointed do.-; and amusing elephant should charm the nursery group. lIM VITItK OKGAN makes an I xeitiiis -;iH lor Hit* musically icliurd. Molded of Hakelite j laslic, it is available at budget | rices. By Magnus. c new hoops arc constructed to , rtorni acrobatic tricks iattlc girls interests in home j ‘ ■orating arc recognized and fos cd vvith minaturc plastic fur- j ure And this furniture has alii* -to-date additions. There arc i Ilywood bathrooms with built- . tubs and television sets with i cable screens, refrigerators 1 111 deep freeze units. Faucets j ■n and drawers swing out. ! iVhen Junior wants to zoom ' »und he can have a station wag- I police car or fire engine to • ial. And for defending the I ■kvard from snipers there are I !i-tank guns that shoot ping j CREATIVE GAMES, like this magic coloring set make thrill ing gifts. They give children an opportunity to show their artis tic ability. TOMORROWS ENGINEERS want junior construction and chemistry sets for Christmas. These new sets reproduce parts in amazing detail. WORK ON THfC RAILROAD? He will, indeed, when he receiv* es a much-to-be-prized Kilt of equipment for his miniature railway system. By Schilling. to. % tot It’s Hospitality Time§ Hi 6 ^ //«<’!• ) our I-rirnds In lor Sumo Dolicious ft I Taylor’s Dairy * EGG NOG no<; mix kc;g nog ice cream Telephone 3188 x & % & m m % fl r II Doliror Hi phi To \our Ihtor •cm Ion II Need An m 3*‘ Extra Supply Of I IceCream I Wlii|>|»iii|£ Cream ||[ In 1*2 Pint* Milk I I Also Chocolate Flavor-10 rd milk. ?5L 1 ■mmmm - ■ ■ ■ hi .u iibuu j.. NEW TOIS THAT EXPAND as the child grows oilier make a smart gilt that will provide lull tor Christmases to come. This gay roller toy with clicking beads can be transformed into a pull toy when baby begins to walk. In lightweight wood. By Childhood Interests. HUSBAND WIFE Itf SUtU iil Verj Thin Veuice 17 jewels t;old filled Snake bracelet •55.00 BROTHER &V.4R il '1 i J^aniliomt l Autowind Princeton Self-winding 17 jewels Gold-filled >71.50 SWEETHEARi L I Striltinyl Curvex Ballerina Writ! -curved IT jewel* p old-filled Matching bracelet *71^0 IIUDUKT TKIWS AHit w;i;n Peete's-Jmtm Since 1R99 121 Main Williamsiou "FOR FI1KER CHRISTMAS CUTS”

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