Difficult Time Making Picture Africa, at least in its remote parts along the equator, is just as primitive, dangerous and exciting as it was twenty years ago. de clared M-G-M star Deborah Kerr, on her return from a five-months safari across the Dark Continent •for the filming of the spectacular drama, ‘ King Solomon's Mines,” which is now showing at the Vic car Theatre. Before leaving Hollywood for the adventurous trip which was to cover 25.000 miles of Equator ial Africa, the actress took a se ries of inoculations for cholera, yellow fever, typhus, smallpox, typhoid and paratyphoid. She al so viewed the picture, “Trader Horn,” filmed in Africa two de cades ago, and congratulated her 1 self at the thought that her loca tion trip wouldn't be as hazardous as the one on which the earlier film was made. Her congratulations proved to be premature. "We saw a native tribe almost go berserk in front of our eyes, raining spears all around us, .states Miss Kerr, in recalling some of the high points of the trip. “Our white hunters, ^who were always with us. killed -~ I i two rouge elephants that had smashed a native village right next to our camp. At Murchison Falls we worked in the unbe 1 lieveable heat of 152 degrees! At another point we had to carry all our own equipment because the tsetse fly was so bad that horses or mules couldn't survive. There were times when I wanted to sit down and cry and felt that I couldn't continue another min ute. Somehow, we all managed to keep going, but 1 can truth fully say I wouldn't dream of trying it again.” The picture, showing here for' the last time Wednesday night! of this week, has attracted thou-1 sands in the large cities recently. | Only last u'eek, it was held over j several days at Lowe's in Norfolk. 'Rocketship XM' 'Out of the World' Hollywood's films have finally gone out of this world. This fact has long been expected both literally and figuratively, but it remained for "Rocketship Ex pedition Moon," new thrilling sa i ga of five scientists and their] flight into space abroad a huge] rocketship, to make it an actulity. It was considered a foregone ] conclusion by the Lippert organi iSEiSE£2feiflll^Bi5E2 CORN & SOY BEANS WANTED MARKET PRICES PAID W r Ar«* Paying $1.40 IVr BuxliH for Corn. MARTIN FEED MILL Trlr|>liou«‘ 2(>09 t zution that a film of this typo would have a tremendous appeal in these times. The exciting Lippert Produc tion opens Thursday at the Viccar Theater, with Lloyd Bridges. Osa Massen, John Emery, Noah Berry Jr. and Hugh O'Brian portraying the scientist-space explorers. Zooming aloft from the guided missiles proving grounds in Whit* Sands, New Mexico, the five head for the moon at the fantastic speed of 25.000 miles per hour, the speed necessary to break away from the earth's gravitational at traction. An incorrect fuel mixture "blacks out" the crew and the locket veers off into space at an ever-increasing speed. When they finally awaken, they discover they are a mere stone’s throw from Earth's nearest planetry neighbor. Mars. After landing, the five discover evidences of a superior civilization that at one time flourished on the planet, only to be destroyed by an atomic blast in the evereonstant attempt of man to destroy him self . . . the survivors reverted back to the stonge age, making an interesting' and terrifying re flection of today's events on earth. About 2,000 wooden crossties are needed for every mile of rail road track in the U S. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION North Carolina, Martin County Having this day qualified as Ad ministrators of the Estate of the late Joseph R. Harrison, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of Nov ember, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 13th dav of November 1950. _Norman K Hii'tkmh 20th At 10 ji jw (>!S T«* F4»u _ *”■ 11 H. d 5J«,I,,,,1K ( ft’ fVrlho of an order passed bv the r Board of Commissioners of the Town of Williamston at a special meeting held November the 15th. 1950, and by virtue of the Gener al Statutes of North Carolina, see tion lfi0-5fl, the undersigned at torney will on the 15th (lay of De cember, 1950, m front of the Courthouse door in the Town of Williamston at 111:00 o'clock noon, offer for lease for the term of one year, beginning January 1, 1951, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following de set ihed traet of land All that certain tract of land ly ing and being just South of the David Moore farm, beginning at a point where Martin Street inter sects Gurganus Street and run ning South 411 degrees West to the canal, thence along the canal to the David Moore line or corner, thence along the David Moore fAOL I nnb!' line or corner. thence along the David Monro line North 34 de crees 30 minutes East to a point where Martin Street would inter sect t.hi David Moore line if the said Martin Street extended ir. a straight line, thence a straight line to the point of beginning, same be ing the lower end of the Halber siadt Farm in the Town of Wil liamston. This tract of land has on it. one tobacco barn. The successful bid dei will get all crop allotments. These allotments for the year 1950 were as follows: Tobacco 4.4 acres Peanuts 2.9 acres This the 15th dav of November 1950. Board of Commissioners Of The Town of Williamston Chas. 11 Manning, Attornev No 21-2!! de 5-12 BOTTLE GAS — II Cooks —Ii Heals Courtney Gas Co., Inc. SERVICE ♦ — It Makes Ice — Dial 2572 Your Car Deserves The Best! it will set right here! Regular check on radi ator, battery, oil, tires at no extra charge! . . . Anil that's what AUTOS THRIVE on oi k service: Sinclair Service Station | :OOOOBCC-3COCO««-:-MC««C(! ' This is Ilu> happiest, invitation we Itave ever extended — an invitation to you to come in and see the finest, most beautiful, most, desirable 1'onlines ever built. These are 1’ontiae inasle rpigeus, new inside and out, with a quartor centurv of thorough goodness built into every one. I'Ian to drop in soon. Sil wiwi%aa aa iirrsan u/u/ IVaiurc for IVaiuro you caul IksH a lVuUia^ Aow on display at your Poi 11 iac I)l‘iJ(T 1. The .VI on I llenutifiil Thing on Wheels 2. Ami-rim's I iiHi'ol-l’riml Straight l it-lii :i. l.oHi-nl-l’rlml I »r w ith ll.« ilrn-AInf ii- llrive* I. VIonI I'oMorfnl I'onliur Tiiginos Kvrr lluill 5. I lioire of Sllier Si milt linginos—Tight or VU If. Smoolli. Flushing Silver SI milt I'erforninui-e 7. Ini|irnt ril. Sinoolhrr lit lirn Vlnlit- llrltr4 H. Hist ini-live \e» l.nll-V\ ing Nltllnl II. Slronil. Ilnggeil HihIIos lit KUhcr HI.' I.n various .>#•*» lolrrior I olor II ii i* in o n les 11. llee|i-|losl Seals Milli I onifiirl I oiilonml Cushions 12. I.ong-Flev s|tri n gs for no Cvlrn Smoolli IIfill* HI. Vi'H Swee|islmini Tender with Viediillioii IIlulililtli* II. Swee|ivlew. F\t rn-VV iile l uricil VV indslili-lil 1.1. W Ido. Fust Art-ess lloorit HI. Silver Slur InNlriinirnl I'mirl 17. Ilauili-Uri|i I’urking Hrnke on IiinIi*nini-iil l*u■■ I-1 III. Plug.. Sinning HI. T» In-llui'l. tl|ien-\ir Tealllal* ing mill llrnliug System 20. I niiNiinllv Cargo. I nllt I sable ■ runIt Spare 21. Cow Pressure Tim oa Kvlra Willi- IlilllN 22. Front mill Hear Arm Meals 2!l. <|ualily Moor I overlags 2 1. I iiiiinioheil Hei-ord l«hr Lang, Trouble.free l.lfe 21. Ilnill 10 l.aal 100.000 Allies Chas. H. Jenkins & Company WILLIAM SK>\ — AllOSKIi; — ALLAMJLU — LDLMO.N — <4