Left Friday For El Paso Mr. J. E Pope left Friday from Durham by air for El Paso and New Mexico where he will spend Christmas with his son. Warren. He spent one nignt en route with his niece, Mrs. B D. Critcher. in Durham. Business Visitor Hr re Senatoi Sam Campon of Pam lico County was a business visitor here yesterday. Visited In Greenville Mrs. J. Ki lly Gay and son visit ed Miss Jane Gay in Greenville over the week-end. Here From Ahoskie Mrs. J. D. Woolsrd and son, Jodie, of Ahoskie are spending this week here with Mr and Mrs. J. D. Woolard. Si anc! M s. Clyde Waters. DUE TO COLDS % For soothing reliet. rub ou... W VAPORUB Eye (ila*M> Hroken? We maintain a com; lete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. Peele's — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 Visited Here Sunday Mr. and Mis. Luther Taylor! and daughter. Dorothy, of New Hern visited Mrs. Taylor's sister. t Mrs. Jesse Mt Ison, here Sunday. j Here From Washington Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Walker of j Washington were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Williams Sundae, I Here From Kdenton Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Law renee and daughter' were guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hardison here over the week-end. Here From Texas Mrs. W. G. Vanstor.v of Lub bock, Texas and Mr. and Mrs. J. S Shaw. Miss Lib Shaw and Mr. Boh Renigar of Statesville spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. B. Sire lol l Receiving Treatment Mr. Onward Robertson is re-! reiving medical treatment at Park View Hospital in Rocky Mount today. He was accompanied ; b\ Mrs. Robertson • s _ i Visited in Sinithlield I William Manning. Ill,, spent the week-end with Bobby Farmer in Smithfield. Spending Leave Here Storekeeper 2 e and Mrs. Win, K Davenport of Charleston are spending a 311-day leave here with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs Kelly Davenport. Visited In Kielimond Mrs. Velma Coburn and Miss Mary Taylor visited in Richmond last week-end. Announce Kirth Assistant County Agent and Mrs. D. W. Brady announce the birth of a daughter, Danette Eli/ abeth, in a local hospital on Tues day, December 12, 1950 -<• Confined To Home Mr; R. P. Nan on, popular mern her of the State Highway Patrol, . onfincd to I:i U ith a bad case of mumps. Visited In Newport Mrs J D. Holiday and son, Joe, VIrs Russell Biggs and daughter, fudy, Jean Peele and Paul Mobley ■i si ted in Newport News Sunday , . --*> lere From Wilson Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Darden of Vi Ison visited Mr. and Mrs. Di ed Darden here Sunday. * - lere From Virginia Mrs. K. D. Worrell, Sr., Mrs icroy Dail and son, Joe, and Mi lobby Worrell of Newsome, Vir inui and Mrs. T. J Livsie of 'ranklin, Virginia were guests of Ir. and Mrs. K. D Worrell Sun lay. ■-ir > V i 11 Attend Meeting In Norfolk Mr Lewis Pippin will spend oda.v and tomorrow in Norfolk itteriding a Westinghouse meet ng. 'isited In Stokes Sunday Mi and Mrs Ira Harrison and laughter visited friends in Stokes Sunday. 'isited Here Sunday Mrs. Oscar Davenport and Mrs luclali Leesort of Jamesville were nests of Mr and Mrs. II. O. i ‘eele Sunday I The delightful selections he made and gift | wrapped, warrants his jubilant smile. •* K A Quality Gift For All The FAMILY and Hundreds of Practical Gifts to Choose from — At % i % % % fkwtfo&isBtotiim m. m Williuiit&lon, N. C, m m Bear Grass Club Installs Officer! The Bear Grass Ruiitans me Monday night, December' 4th aru installed new officers for 1951 President, Clayton Revels, Vita I President, Ralph Mobley, Secre tary. Clifton Malone. Treasurer |Virgil Wobbleton, Sgt-At-Arms 1 Delnius Roger son, Chaplain, El Bowen and Reporter'. Pete Rogers Pi srdent A. B. Ayers gave ; resume of the work performec during 1950. Donations were rnadr to the following: $20.00 to Agee '“,Vi/oi-o. cJT.Uu r'xiniiies wirosr horn* were burned, $10.00 to 4-! Club Livestock Show. They re organized the Boy Scout Troo[ and sponsored the purchase o tents for them amounting to $130. 00. Aid was given to four people entering college. The club ha: taken much interest in sponsoring a better road program and Mr' 11. G, Shelton Highway Commis sioner'. met with us at one of our regular meetings. The club is pro viding recreation equipment for Bear Grass school and has been a strong support in the community. Spent Week-end In Norfolk Mrs. Dean Speight spent the week-end in Norfolk with friends. ——- Spent Week enk In Richmond Mr. and Mrs Francis Vaughn and daughter, Jane Ellen, spent the. week-end in Richmond. Visiting Here Prom Troy Mrs Dave Armstrong and child ren of Troy arc here visiting her sister'. Mis. C B. Clark, Jr., who is improving after having been quite ill Business Visitor Here Mi. Perlie Holliday of James vilie was a business visitor here Monday liirtli Announcement Mi and Mis. Jordan Benjamin Hopkins announce the birth of a son, Ronald Benjamin Hopkins, at then home. 104 Biggs Street. 6:30 j. m., Thursdiiv. December 7, 1950. Mrs. Hopkins is the former Miss Helen Little of Gri envilie £ Try (fur } 1*1 KS ■ 's.v !j~,. ^ Enjoy one ot our oven - fresh pies t o d a y ! Rich, flaky melt - in - your rn o u t li ei lists l ull I la vorod filling. Mart in's Hnkery Roy Scouts Report Their Activities Troop 27 I The regular meeting of Troop 27 I B. S. A , was called to order by : Jerry Savage who took up dues. • Every boy who was present paid. Joe Clayton. Apache Patrol leader, read a chapter from the Bible to the hoys of the troop. Billy Thornton led us in the Lord's 1 Player. . 1 Jerry Savage gave us a thor ough map sketching demonstra tion, with Joe Clayton helping. I After Joe had finished we wel comed a new boy, Jimmy Caira way, who did a campsite for us. The Green Bar Patrol will not 1 have another meeting until the first of the year. We have not yet set a definite date but we are going to draw names and have a Christmas par ty. We are also going to deliver baskets to some of the needy. We closed with the Scoutmast er's Benediction. Scribe James Pittman. Patients In The Marlin General The following were listed among the patients in the Martin General Hospital here this morn ing: Mrs I). W. Brady and infant i daughter. Mrs. Dean Andrews and infant son, Mrs. Howard Har kov and infant son, Mrs. S. J. Ward of Route 1, Williamston; Mrs. Jimmy Keel, Little Miss ■ Nancy Goltrain, {laughter of Mr and Mrs. Hoyt Coltrain of Route 1 j2, Williamston: Mrs. Paul Which- ' ard and Mrs. Marvin Coburn of < Williamston, Mrs Richard Baker * of Hamilton, Mrs. Lillian Gardner 1 HI RED 3, Williamston, J. D. Ward ' of Bear Grass. 1 Colored: Ora Lee and Jean La- ; I nier, Thafrbit Moore of Beaufort ! County, Clara Pitt and Lucille 1 Land. it • - i LONG-HARDISON ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert James 1 Hardison request the honor of f your presence at the marriage of I their daughter, Sallie Elizabeth, I1 to Mr Sherman Edgar Long on * Friday, December 22, at twelve ‘ o'clock noon in the Holly Springs j ^ Methodist Church near Williams-,1 ton, N. C. F No invitations will be mailed ’ locally. h In hr! l)»‘f>rt‘t‘s At (- rrt‘iu'illt‘ In Mn y ' -<*- * J Recently completing all requir ed courses, Mrs. Varo Hairr Dav enport of Jamesville and Miss a Martha Leggett of Williamston are ^ now eligible for bachelor of sei- 1 cnee degrees at East Carolina 1 Teachers College, Greenville, it * was announced this week by the ottice ol Dr. J. K. Long, registrar. * They are to receive diplomas alone with fifty-one others who also recently completed their eour-j ► ^ . srlUiUWwM aMl '««>