Paving Projects In Martin County 1 hi oe additional miles of new paving were finished in Martin County during November under the Highway Commission's $200, 000,000 bond issue program. The completed project runs from US 6-4 near Darden to the Pulp Mill. During November the Commis sion also finished grading and paving nine miles on NC 171 *10171 the end of the pavement 5 miles southwest of Jamesville to the Martin-Beaufort County line. By the end ot 1950 the Com-, mission estimates that from 45 to 50 per cent of the 12.000-mile bond issue program will be fin ished. Unless war conditions in I tervene, the remainder of the pav ing and stabilization program should be completed within the next two years. As of November 1, the Commis I sion has spent $57,998,374 of the $200,000,000 bond issue fund. An additional $04,000,000 is either al located to specific road projects or will be allocated shortly. -o Under forest management, it is possible to take harvest from the woods and still leave a growing i forest. Christmas Gifts i Is Still (iomplrlr. Trirvrlrs .111ooi-s — I :im«| (, Oi. WE Alt-EVER COOKERS Aladdin Lamps — Lamp Supplies Christmas Tree Lights f Shop Now. While Our Stork j| f I v i i II; WOOLARD Hardware Company c & li; Gl CASUALTIES CATCH LAST PLANE AMERICAN WOUNDEt) BOARS the last plane to leave Allied-evacuntcd i Pyongyang before :J. S engineers blasted everything of military use to the Communists. Litter cases were previously flown out of Pyongyang as British units covered the withdrawal. (International Hitdiophoto) ! | IN WAR THKATKR }\ S.---/ CpI. Mack Griffin, ,s<>n cl Mr nd Mrs Don Griffin of Williams an Route 1, has seen u lot of ae ion since he reached the Far last u short time ago Stationed t Japan, he is with California's ght bomb wing, and participated i raids along the Yalu River In a letter written just before te United Nations forces revers d, the young man expressed the ope that war would soon be >v r, that during the meantime tie ■ould receive mail from friends t this address: Cpl Mack Ruffin, 452nd Romb Wing (Id, 52nd Motor Vehicle S'|tln„ Al‘(j 29-1, Can Postmaster, San Fran isco, Calif .iixcm hour# Si<{iis I'avl To Toil Slava Traffic Lake Success, New York— • uxenmbourg has signed the U. Convention for the Suppres on of the Traffic in Persons and I the Kxploitation of the Prosti jtion of Others Other- which have signed this invention are Ecuador, India, jSJfc A* “ •'v* ***7 ‘.AS § i t t7 8 f IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME IN TARBORO laihoro merchants have hern working for innath* to make larhoro the Greatest Shopping Center in Kustern Carolina. /Inytrs have com Inti the Northern Moil, els for the (Greatest l allies yon hare ever nilnesseil! a § f § ff. & t \ IT VMM, PVY YOU TO SHOP IN TAIHIOIIO Kegardless of the distance. Stores, Srtrls and Homes ItcanlifnlU Dn'oralnl I*or Thi» Holiday Season. Shop EARLY - - - Bring the Entire Family 200 Stores Welrome Yon! Merchants Association and Chamber of Commerce 2 i Promote 'Model Mile' Contest | First place in the State wide i Model Mile Roadside Improve ! merit Contest for 1950 has been awarded to the Sheltontown com munitv of Sorry County, where a number ol outstanding projects in community improvement were completed this year. The contest is sponsored an j nually by the State home demon stration organization and other1 State-wide groups with the help of the Carolina Motor Club, which provides the prizes. The Sheltontown Home l)em onstration Club had long wanted; to make the highway running j through the community more at tractive, t>ut somehow they had I not had the proper incentive to! get started When Mrs Grace Rope Brown, county horn.. State Extension Service, told the group about the Model Mile Con test, the club members saw an op portunitv to approach the people of the community with a definite program. ji Mrs. Alvis Love was named j i leader of the project. She proved to be a “natural" for the job Mrs. h Love says, however, that success j i Time For Some To Get New Licenses The cycle *is about complete and many.of those who wore first to yet them are now findim; it neees sat y to renew their operator's li eenses. It has not been quite four years since the new type of licenses were issued, but since the licenses expire on th owner's birth date, some were not good for four full years. All license*"holders will find it advisable to examine their licenses and determine the expiration date 11 is to be found in the right-hand corner. II ones license expires say the Inst of next February, he can yet it renewed without taking a road test by reporting to the examiner any time between the first of next month and the iirst ol February II he waits longer he will have to take the road test, and. at the same time, be liable for prosecu tion in the courts. --o-» Taking Pari In Doner Drntna On ('.allege Stage Students oi the modern dance at Fast Carolina Teachers College, Greenville, will present a dance drama, "The Juggler and the Fatly." at the annual Christmas program in Austin auditorium on Thursday evening of this week at 11:00 o’clock. Miss Edith Rogerson ol YVil hamston will take part in the pro gram, it was announced. was achieved through the cooper alien of all the people in the com munity. One of the goals reached by the ■ bib was to have each home own ?r clean up and haul away all rubbish and trash from the prem ises "Unfortunately." :,a.vs Mr hove, "the rubbish reappeared al most its last as it was hauled i way." The owner of an auto garage mil "graveyard" became so in lerestrd m what was being done hat lie not only removed the au o parts In truck and bulldozer I >ut also removed his entire place I il busine , to a less conspicmus ocytion. Cleaning up and rclandsrupiiu* hurih grounds ami painting Un ocal were among the! ither accomplishments of the tub The community raised the j noney to buy paint for the school abiding, and the county furnish j -ft the labor Tfefe T RAILWAYS thru *m:chan6hs buses FROM WII.LIAMSTON TO: ROCKY MOUNT 5 Trips WASHINGTON. I). C. Via Rocky Mount, Richmond RALEIGH 5 Trips DALLAS. Trxuei 4 Trips, Express from Raleigh ASHEVILLE Only 1 Change enrontc One-Way Round Trip S I.CS S 2.10 2.20 21.60 I0.33 LI.) ! 1,30 I 1.60 (Pius Fed. Tax) WILLI A MM ON R| S ST VI''ION Main Slrepl Rhone 216 1 k i MI 1 V/AYi Modern Living Dangers Cited The Iti'tnrn of "hig war" jitters lias alerted the home front attain to the dangers of modern living It found expression in the past utek m top-level thinking about the industrial plant of the future 1 he factory of tomorrow will look like a concrete box Tt will be designed to give protection against the dangers of atomic en ergy from without and within. A number of plants tire beginning to use radioactive molecules in their manufacturing and this calls for the utmost in precautions Simplicity in design and free dom from ornamental gee-gaws will be the keynote of industrial Plant engineering But the cost of construction will be greater many times than the cost of put tmg up a convent Iona I plant. Any factory using radioactive molecules must asure the Atomic Energy Commission it is fully equipped to protect its workers against exposure to radioactive activity Safety measures are be ing adopted which will establish KIN DOW M HINT i in s n it v in <: i; Helps toil To SilM M O N I ^ w. -mi ir i*i:i 11: Manager Tin: i h i: l\'S|t|t;\N('i: COMPANY Ol \IKHINI V WIII.IAMSTON patterns for the plant of tomor row. In one large plant X-ray technicians are supplier! with “Minometer pencils" which indi cate when they are getting too j much dosage from radiological hazards. These pencils which are clipped to the worker's pocket un checked h\ special laboratory in stillments each eight hour work mg day. Carelessness at home could kill ^ more of our civilian population ' i rti#r, run than enemy bombings, safety ex perts say, and proper precau tions on the home front are vital ly necessary. — -«—— - North Carolina's recent annua! report on farm training disclosed that during the past year, trainees raised 1,023,000 purebred pullets, 4,401,000 certified baby chicks, 1(14,000 acres of adapted hybrid corn, 70,000 hogs and 5.000 pure bred bulls. NOTICE OF Subscription Price Increase Effective January 1,1951 t in* Subscription I’ricc Of THE ENTERPRISE Will Be Advanced 50c Per Year, From $2.50 to $3.00 Subscribe MOW or ir-iicw your present sub scription at the old rale of S2..v0 and save the dillrmicc. Mail subscriptions, mat or renew* al. w ill lie reeeived al the present rale of $2.50 |»er year until January I and this noliee is giv en in order that all subscribers may have the opporliinily to renew their present snhserip* lions before the advance becomes effeelive. I he inerease in mail subscription priee has heen made necessary to rover the inereased eosls ol all laelors that j»o into the publishing and printing of “The l.nlcrprisc. These inelnde the incrcas e«l eosl of newsprint, taxes, labor, print in'; supplies and editorial feature serv iees. V Itlie present lime there will he no inerease in the single new stand priee of 5c per eopy, nor newsboy earner de livery. Itelow is a eomplele schedule of new mail siiliseripl ion rates, effective Jannaiw I. \ ear. Ify mail, in Marlin (ionnli : One N.'J.OO; six months, Si.75. Outside counties named above and within INorlli (Carolina and \ ir^inia: One vear, SS.H.SO, six months, $2.00. THE PUBLISHERS BUY YOM DODGEM! A Better Deal Than Any Time This Year present ear mV Jf orobabty more than , cover the * downpayment i on a great f> blew Dodge. Shore in our success! Greatest Dodge soles in history mean the deal of the yeor for you! Bigger Value DODGE •Just a few dollars more than the lowest-pricedears/ Costv IN' TODAY . . . find out liow easily you can own a big new Dodge. Your present car will probably more tlian cover the dim n payment. Immediate delis cry-your choice of model anil color! Don’t wait—Share In Our Success! Come in for a gr.uid money-saving ileal today! You’ll be miles and dollars ahead! sissS '**'SZ5ue'J ,fogm GET PROOF! SPEND 5 MINUTES WITH USI DIXIE MOTOR COMPANY, Inc.