WUliamston Lists Schedule oi Play —$— The complete basketball sched ule of Williamston High School has been released. It shows but one game prior to the Christmas holidays, largely because the foot ball season ran so late that no time was left for practice until the past week The opening game will be with Oak City in the Williamston gym. The second game will come on January 2 when Farm Life travels to Williamston and on January 5 the Green Waves play away from home for the first time when they go to Robersonville to meet the Rams on then home court Although its schedule is heavy because of games within the Albe marle Conference and the regular Conference Tournament, the Wil liamston teams have scheduled at least one game with every team in the county for the regular sea son play this time Jamesville, JIWMWWMWWWWWWWWWt I and Robersonville will be played twice. The first conference game will be played on January 9 when the Hertford Indians come to Wil liamston. The schedule: Dec. 16—Oak City here: Jan. 2— Farm Life here; 5—Robersonville j there; 9—Hertford here; 12—Ply i mouth here; 16-—Jamesville there; 19—Columbia here; Jan. 22, 23, and 25 Exams; 26—Hertford there; 30—Bear Grass here; Feb. 1—Rob ersonville here; 6—Ahoskie here; 9—Columbia there; 13 Plymouth there; 16—Ahoskie there; 20— Scotland Neck here; 22. 23 and 24 —Albemarle tournament; 27— Scotland Neck there; March 2— Jamesville here. While Ahoskie and Williamston were the class of the Albemarle circuit last year, Hertford is ex pected to be a strong contender this year as they have some tall and experienced players reporting back this season. Scotland Neck is expected to improve along with Plymouth and Columbia. wwwwwwwwwwwwwy. ^VlNC&V Johnny's Building More Than A Bank Balance . . . . . . lie's building a strung, sound future! It’s nut the few cents a week he saves that will work financial miracles. It’s the fact that he’s developed Ihe SAVING II \HIT early in life, that assures wisdom in handling nionev when lie's older, Wise parents encourage their children to save. We suggest that you •pen a thrift account for VOl'K youngsters, today! Branch Banking & Trust Co. 'lOMMMMMWHMMMMnMWWWWWMMMWMMMWMMWIIMMM Team Members Kiwanis Guests Members of the Green Wave Class A football champions were guests at the Dec. 7th meeting of th< Kiwanis Club of Williamston. Stuart Maynard, coach of the team and also a guest of the club, introduced the squad to the Ki wanians at the request of Club President C. B. Clark. Jr. Clark then recognized as guests, Princi pal B. G. Stewart of the local schools and A. J. Abdalla, assis tant coach of the football team. Another guest was introduced to the club during the evening by Garland Woolard, Club Vice President. C. E. Mangum, member of the local Lions Club, mistaken ly thought that it was the night of his club meeting and was re warded for his prompt appearance by an invitation by Woolard to meet with the Kiwanis as his guest. The visitor was seated at the head table and was introduced by Woolard as a tamed Lion. Drawing for the attendance prize was made by the co-captains of the football team. By special ruling, two prizes were made available, one for a Kiwanian, the other for a member of the Green i Wave team. Herbert Whitley wasj the winning Kiwanian, while Ward Perry was the lucky foot ball player. Tribute was paid at various times throughout the meeting to the football team for its achieve ments of the season, and hope was expressed that the coming year might be equally successful. The next meeting of the club is scheduled to be held on Dec. 15. He; So Hilda’s broken i1 off with Bobby. 1 wonder if she still keeps his letters? She: As a matter of fact, they're keeping her now. A meat market in Nashville displays this sign: "Try a Yard of Pork (Thre* Pig’s feet)." RELIEF AT LAST For Your COUGH Creomulsion relieves promptly becaus* it goc*» right to the scat of the trouble j to help loosen and expel germ Uden phlegm and aid nature to soothe And heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion hit stood the test of millions of users. CREOMUCSION r.li.v.t ri|««> r,.t<t» Atilt. ttl»^->lit.. NOTICE! 1950 TAXES ARE NOW PAYABLE AT PAR Pay Now Before Interest Is Added % THE TOWN OF WILLIAMSTON i EATING AGAIN | 1 -- The members of the 1950 Class A State champion foot ball team of Williamston High School are still eating as they ride the banquet cir cuit being provided by their friends and supporters. First the Green Wave boys and a few of their friends en joyed a turkey dinner at Hotel George Reynolds by courtesy of Manager Chas. J. Brady. A few days later they ate with the Kiwanians at the Wo man’s Club. Last night they were guests of W. Harvey Ross at a steak supper pre pared and served by Mrs. Ef fie Sparrow at Roberson’s Cafe. After enjoying the delicious steaks, the boys and a few of their friends beard a record ing of the F. M. broadcast of the game direct from the athletic park booth at Bes semer City and got a big kick out of kiding one another on various plays in the contest. The recording was played back by Efnest Mears who re ported that it was through the courtesy of Horace Ray. It is understood that the team will get another “feed” tomorrow night (Wednesday) as Roy Ward serves them bar becued chicken. Williamston Tops Nnrir'sboro 67-54 — —■0-r Fared by Jerry Forehand, for mer member of (he Williamston High School team, the Williamston Martins last night won over the Murfreesboro team in Goober Belt play, 67 to 54. in the local gym. It was the first victory for Williams ton after dropping their opener to Jamesville. Forehand dropped in 10 points in the first half and added 14 in the second half for a total of 24. Bobby Taylor also made 10 in the first half but managed only 7 in the closing half for a total of 17. Junie Peel was third high with 15. David Carson and Charles Sice loff made four each and C. T. Rob erson scored 3 points. High rn«n for Murfreesboro was Britt with 22, 16 of them being put through in the last half. Liverman was second high with 11 while no other visitor managed better than 6 points in the entire game. The Martins travel to Murfrees boro for a return game on Wed nesday night. The team is operat ing on limited man-power this season, only six being out for the game here last night. ----S. ■ Jamesville Wins At Edenion, 49-29 The Jamesville All-Stars won another game in the Goober Belt Basketball League last night as they defeated Edenton, 49 to 29, in a rough and tumble affair. Spit Martin was top man for James ville with 25 points while Edward Brown and Buddy Gardner were outstanding in defense. Bussell Wheeler, former high sehool player, led Edenton with 9 points. The Edenton team got b.ut one point in the last quarter. Elsewhere in the Goober Belt League Plymouth stopped Lewis ton 38 to 34 and Woodland out scored Conway 87 to 50. Accepting Men With Dependents The local Army and Air Force Recruiting Sergeant announced today that United States Air Force has relaxed its restrictions on the enlistment of men with depen dents. The recruiting service further stated that men who are veterans and eligible to enlist in the Air Force in the grade of sergeant or higher may be enlisted now with out regards to the number of de pendents. In addition, men without prior service and men with prior ser vice not eligible to be enlisted in grade of sergeant or higher, may be enlisted now if they have no more than two dependents. The recruiting service also stat ed that any man who had applied for enlistment in the Army or the Air Force in the past several months and who was not eligible at that time because of the facl they hud dependents should re contact the local recruiting ser geant located in the post office building to determine their eligi bility under the new regulations Visit your local post office ti find out what time and date youi local recruiting sergeant may b< ! contacted tor further information Changes Made In Cage Rules in '50 Quite often officials at athletic events are given a rough time by fans because, the fans do not un iderstand the rules of the game I being played, especially when the | rules have been changed since fhe 1 previous season. A few; of the important changes involving bas ketball rules for boys are listed below' with some comment by an official who will call a lot of con tests in Eastern Carolina this sea son. Rule 2, Section 9 (b): When a team is entitled to a throw-in. If the throw-in is fro.n the throwing team's front court and including out of bounds at mid court, the official shall hand (not toss) the ball to the thrower. Rule 3, Section 3. The manner in which a substitu tion may be made has undergone an important change so that a sub stitution may not be made for the purpose of stopping the clock. The sequential steps may be summar ized as follow's: 1. The substitute shall first re port to the scorer, and be ready to enter the game. 2. The scorer's horn shall be sounded only after an official has signaled a time-out. 3. The substitute shall remain outside the boundary until an of ficial beckons him in. 4. The substitute may be beck oned in by the official only when the clock is stopped for some pur pose other than the substitution. Note: The scorers should be warn ed that (1) The ball must be dead, and (2) Time shall have been de clared out before they are pei mitted to signal a substitution. In other words, a substitute may enter only when the ball is dead and the clock is stopped. Such as. when a foul is called, when a team ! takes time out, when an official declares a time-out for any reason,1 or when a jump bull is declared. I Rule 5, Section H. Time-out occurs and the game watch shall be stopped when an official signals: (a) foul; (b) jump ball; (e) unusual delay in'getting a dead ball into play; (d) grant ing of a players' request for time out; (e) si,.'•pension of play for an injury, ->.• f,,:- removal of a player; or a conference with other offic ials'. Perhaps the most important change in the rules appears under (b) of this reference. It provides for stopping the clock each time the official signals a jump ball throughout the game. But it also provides for uniform timing from the beginning to the end of the game. This change eliminates the three (3) minutes in the fourth quarter and a young football game. It should be emphasized, however, that the clock will be stopped on every jump ball dur. ing all four quarters of the game. Rule 6, Section 1. When does the ball become alive? The ball becomes alive when it leaves the official’s hand on a toss for a jump, or When a throw-in touches a player who is inbounds or when it is placed at the disposal of a free thrower. Rule 6, Section 7. When does the bail become dead? a. Any goal is made when a livi ball enters the basket from above. b. It is apparent that the ball will not go in the basket; on a free throw for a technical foul, or tor a double foul or a free throw throw which is to be followed by another throw. e. Wild ball occurs. d. Official’s whistle is blown. e. Time expires. f. A foul occurs. g. Any floor violation. Austin^Nichols CLUB RESERVE BLENDED ^ WHISKEY i v tn tel taM Mite. I ; AustiitoNichoIs i 1 ! tCaW Itet- I 'Simple Rules For Christmas Safely 1. Use extra care for the extra hofiday hazards. 2. Put the Christmas spirit of "good will" into your attitude to ward drivers and pedestrians. 3. Don't let Christmas packages obstruct your vision when walk ing. 4. Don't drive if you drink — and vice versa. 5 Start in time and take it easy. Allow for winter weather and ex tra holiday traffic. HOME 1. Check your home for any thing that might cause an acci dent. 2. Keep your Christmas tree in water and away from flames. 3. Use electric tree and window lights — no lighted candles ever. Don’t leave tree lights on when you arc out of the room for a con siderable time. 4. Check your electrical connec tions for shorts and wornout wires. 5. Keep flimsy Christmas dec orations and wrappings away from the fireplace. WARD PERRY WINS PRIZE IN FORECASTING FOOTBALL -« Ward Perry, RFD 2, Williams ton, a member of the Williamston High School Green Wave football squad this year, was the proud winner of a Heritage Table Light er Set it was learned today, for being one of the country’s top forecasters of football scores in the Red Barber Poll contest which closed midnight, November 7. The prize was awarded Perry because he entered a highly accu rate scorecard of predictions for 10 college football games which were played November 11. The Red Barber Poll contest ran concurrently with the famous sportscaster’s football telecasts over CBS-TV this fall and garner ed over 110,000 entries from all over the Eastern United States, j The Esso Standard Oil Company 1 sponsored the college football TV series and backed the contest. Perry was among the 250 prize winners. North Carolina veterans, lor ex ample, constructed 15,000,000 feet of terraces for the purpose of con serving the soil, reforested 0.000 acres of land, and limed 105,000) acres—all in the period of one year. ! Bear Grass Cage Schedule Listed The basketball schedule of Bear Grass High School was announced this week by Principal H. V. Park er who coaches the girls' team. The boys work under the direction of Professor Jas. W. Sawyer. The opening game saw the Bear Grass teams easily defeat those of Bath and last night they played Belvoir high there. Tonight they are hosts to the teams of Oak City and on Thursday night are "at home to Pantego High. The rest of the schedule: Jan. 5 — Farm Life at Bear Grass: 9—Oak City at Oak City; 12—Stokes at Bear Grass: 16— Bath at Bath; 19—Jamesville at Jamesville; 23—Robersonville at Robersonville; 26—Oak City at Bear Grass; 30—Williamston at Williamston; Feb. 2—Farm Life at Farm Life; 6—Open; 9—James ville at Bear Grass; 13—Enfield at Enfield; 16—Stokes at Stokes; 20— Robersonville at Bear Grass; 23— Farm Life at Bear Grass. BEAR GRASS SPLITS WITH PITT COUNTY CAGE TEAMS — '— 1 An improved Bear Grass boys' | team defeated the Belvoir-Falk : land five last week 35 to 27 but the Beivoir-Falkland girls handed Bear Grass' girls' team its first I setback of the season, 54 to 29. Few details of the games were [available at press time. Oak City plays at Bear Grass tonight. Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY’S For FURNITURE (Im first doyl .T auction Decern bet 13* o« roort»« . •» -...tin i»l»a ___tss sc Ti»U »• ei,oo^#l1 t V«» 1“°' , .\„,t 0»i* »•* lU (or N«\e. lU‘?v „„„a f»\aut n |rllihf«»y "ll-. l f t\u- eotintry i.uy»'« ejSV .»><■ r «•>»»' l‘ I ilit' m ttoi'tt*1' . you ""'sir,.-.. J.'»’ l’“'u ,"t..... »' ”',.,,1 tor rl\ V °r " Uo.ljjer*'* i..',.»• ;i Hi**' 1 •m* r r u.«r. * •»:...v V- > **** l>“, k " , ... »•"' | (or «..•• <•" F*~.r • ',,anW ,M» ■ ;„rr. « »• »“SV >" A'1. *ia*>' ...... -«-» ...... Doo'l *'* ---- EXSV TEWS coon nOT . „ Reol fcwte m Roanoke * rnmr"nV Ruction WOT |»Vio»e \ 15 2077 Main Sueei Henry joWn*>«»»’ Wgr

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