Seven More Road Wrecks Reported In Martin County (Continued from page one) and ditched tin truck to avoid striking her The truck turned j o"er, causing about Si-iuO damage, according to Patrolman John T. Rowe who made the investigation -o Handle F ew Cases In Superior Court During First Day (Continued Trom page one) j calling the breaking and entering and lareem case against Van R Page next, and then is some doubt if the criminal docket will be cleared this alternnon. The grand jury completed its work at 10 ■ o’clock this morning. Elect Committees At Polls In The County Thursday (Continued trom page one) Rogers M Luthei Peel John Whitley. Villa M. Modlin; lor del egate and alternate, John W. Cui - kin and Luther Peel Cress Roads: Community com-J mittec. G. 11 Follies. W L. Aus bon. J F. Bailey. J Marion Grif fin. Geo. W. Tayloi. Reuben Bail ey. H. M. Avers. Oscar Ayers. J. W. Peel ; nd J. C. Bullock; for dcl egate and alternate. Geo. W. Tay lor end W. L, Ausbon. Hamilton: Community commit tee. W. E. Purvis. Roy Beach, J. H. Lilho d. J L Etheridge. G. A. Oga sby. G W Ayi'i's. W. C House and E K.‘ Edmondson; for dele gate and alternate. R. 11 Salsbury. Ro\ Bi aeh and J Clinton Ethe ridge. Goose Nest 1: Community com mittcc. Julian L. M:?.clle, Sidney Mallory. Jasper Whitfield. J A j Everett. Jr.. Robt. Bryant. Milton P Bennett, Melvin Harrell, John nie Sledge. Russell N. Turner, and .Milton Roberson; for delegate and alternate, Sidnev Mallory and J. |l. Mi/.elle. Goose Nest 2: Community com mittee. Jack Smith. Minton Beach, J;.. H. H. Worsley. W. B. Cannon, Jr.. James Hardy Council. R A Haislip, Jr., H J Piland, Haywood Crisp. N. L. Hyman. Hurtlord Smith; for delegate and alternate. H H Worsley and N. L Hvman. Plan Full - Scale Operation Within The Near Future (Continued from Page One) apartments, but several are still searching for living quarters for their families. Other members of the plant personnel include, Mr W J. Bridgen of Staunton, Va., Mr R, W Earles of Danville, Va., and Messrs W (J. Stallings, C II. Harrell and M. J. Whitley, all of Elizabeth City Four other mem bers of the operating personnel are expected here this week and still others will follow. Things To Watch For In the Future More light from an ordinary bulb is promised through a new plastic filter-magnifier that blocks out red and yellow light from an incandescent bulb and sends a whiter light, with nearly double its original intensity ... A new liquid silicone water repellent de signed to ported unglazed ex terior masonary and stone build ing materials; it "waterproofs" without blocking the pores of stone and masonary, and is ap plied with spray or brush . . . . Perfumed bills, sent out by a New York department store, to advertise a new scent and to make a sales promotion piece out of the "bad news." FOR SALE 0-KOOYI HOI SK Willi 2 BATHS ilso MI I l\(, STATION AM) GAKAGI on lli^;livsa\ (» I al I'Arrrtt*. lalna and J. B. Barnhill. Jr. G*W SEVEN STAR wkl»kry. "71m ■fcralflit whliklat mru 4 |Mn »r mar* al4. J7V1R a*al«ht whltkay. **T»lr«l spirits 4lttiWa4 frawi f ral*. 11% itr«lfht Wrhiskay 4 year* *14. 11% (tralfkt whitkay • fNrl *14. 7HH «tr«l«ht arklikay 4 yaara *14.** OOODIRMAM A WORT! i $040 s) 4/s «r. *2VL 90 PROOF LIMITS*, RIORIA, ILLINOIS I II PRESENTS INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT NORTH CAROLINA I HUNTING Thorp are approximately 450,000 a ups <4 game refuges in North Carolina, and almost every type of game in the country ran be found in Urn Stale. There ate heat, deer, wild turkey, geese, duck apd quail. Their is aldi much fox and opossum hunting. The be^ grounds for dink goose and brant are at Currituck iound and Lake Mattaing, Guaranty Bank & Trust Company Member oi Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation if WAR DOG GETS FIVE-STAR PA1 IT'S A GREAT MOMENT for an unidentified lieutenant and a dog mascot as Gem Douglas MncArthur stops, during his recent visit to the North Kor an front, to give the pooch an affectionate greeting. In the back ground, standing on jeep, is Dt. Gc'n. Walton Walker. {International) I Backs Into Hono • ' r • K PLEASINGLY coveted spine wJni he title of “Miss Perfect Back” for Dolores Ruth Medlin in a Miami, ria.,contest. Seventeen others com H’led against Dolores for the honor nestowed by tlie Florida Chiroprac ie Association during its annual ■onvention there. (International) Special Care For Highway Systems Immediate precaution that is necessary, as Far Fast and Euro pean tension mounts, is in the care of our highway system. ' Much heavy traffic moves over our highways from East to West and the physical job of highway rehabilitation, as well as the ex pense involved, is staggering. The worst tears of engineers that giant trucks are breaking up na tion's highway system appear to tie confirmed by a halt-million dollar road test in Southern Mary land. Conducted by federal gov eminent and highway depart ments of the I 1 states and the Dis trict of Columbia, the test has re- i suited m extensive damage to i tin1 most heavily burdened see- j ( lions of 1 1-mile concrete road, i Each lane tested a different truck weight category 111,000 and 22,400 pound single-axle, 32,000 I and 44,000 pound tandem axle loads. The six-months' experi ment w as launched on a round-| the eloek schedule June 211 Early m October the test lane for the 1 44,000-pound tandem axle was 1 destroyed to a point where ettgi- i net i s found it necessary to sus , pend operations for this weight category Well before its comple- J lion, the test fully substantiated i ■ warning of highway engineers ' that the nation's road system was not designed or constructed for 1 the vastly greater volume and ' weight of today's truck traffic. 1 A suburbanite sitting at his window one evening casually call ed to his wife: "There goes that woman Charley Jones is so ter ribly m love with." Ills wife, lit the kitchen, drop ped a plate she was drying, burst ed through the door, knocked over a lamp, and craned her neck to look ou» the window "Where, where?" she panted. "There," he panted, “that wo-1 man in the gabardine suit on the corner.” "You idiot,” she hissed, “that's his wile.” “Yes of course ” he replied. Deieciion Center Saves Thousands .—<s>— By making every doctor's oi lier a cancer detection center we an save 100,000 otherwise doom 'd men, women, and children, all nver the United States in the next twelve months. This is the state ment made by Clive Howard in a current article This scientific estimate was made from evidence in actual ex perience Hillsdale County in Michigan began a campaign Jan lary 1, 1948, to remedy their ugh cancer mortality rate. Dur ng the first two years, the Hills iale doctors examined 1721 pa ients, and found 05 cases of can ■or. One-third were m the early .tagc; another 29 per cent were j mly moderately advanced. They iiseovcrcd that* they were finding wire as many eases as formerly mil soon enough so that treatment s almost always successful. The article continues by saying hat m Hillsdale County, fear of aneer has been replaced by i mow ledge It has become mu me for citizens of the county to; lave examinations for cancer,; ind their doctors stress the mi- j lortance nt repeated checkups at ax months or one year intervals.! The most effective way to save -uHTrers of cancer is to detect the lisease in its early stages. This ■an only b<- accomplished if eve r.v man and woman will cooperate ay asking for periodic cancer ex aminations. and if doctors will be .in the alert for early and cura ole cancers. Cancer detection centers at Elizabeth City and Rocky Mount, have been in operation for a lit lie more than a year. Examine lions are given without cost and ire available to all women thirty five or over, all men forty or ov er. In addition, those who are un der thirty five are eligible for ex imination if they have any of the recognized "Danger .Signals if Saucer." Upon request the clinic will he glad to send booklets ex huming cancer symptoms Ad dress your requests to Cancer Clerk, Health Center, Elizabeth, Rocky Mount. Army Calling For Nurses-Specialisls j • I The Army has issued a second | all for volunteer nurses and comen medical specialists to meet [ xpandcd needs, ll wants 3,000 | mi seas and 250 women medical | corkers by June 30 A first call,' ssued in August, brought in 477 curses and 17 specialists. Wants '(lit Ql lt K SALK: 1*148 FLEET line Chevrolet, radio and Iceat ■r. new tires and seat covers. >750.00. C. B. Allen. Route 3, Wil iamston. de 12 lit OK SALE SATl’RDAV, l)KCCM bee tti: Household and kitchen urnitui e Mrs Pencil Bland, bunesville, N. C. de 7 2t . , Vi$it llcili" ii<I Moyers Williaimton for tin* “BmI ffuya In Furniture” ' FOR R ENT: ANYONE INTER < ted in renting a Santa Claus suit <t having Sant:: Claus visit in their hem- f. r a short period of time call and make arrange ments between 7:30 and 8:15 a. m. or between 6 and 7:00 p m. Tele phen 2284. "'f.jfHHI WANTED TO RENT: HOUSE i i- family of three, preferably in d< liable section of WilJiams I ten. Excellent references. Write I O. Box 387. Williamston. N. C. de 12 3t STRAYED FROM OUR HOME IN Williams Township six weeks ago. female hound with name of owner on collar. Finder, please notify Oscar Jones RED 1. Wil liamston and receive reward. FOR SALE: HOUSE AND LOTS ir, Jamesville. Sec Bill Man ning Jamcsvillfc N. C. de 12 4t C ROP WANTED: TEN ANT WITH ten in family desires crop on good farm. Write or contact Mrs. Eddie Hardison. RFD No. 1, Wil liamston. de 12 3t WANTED: C ASH RENT OR TEN ant with equipment. Approxi mately 25 acres of tobacco and 27 acres of peanuts. 128 acres crop land. 1-2 mile from Hassell, N. C. See Mrs. Leontine D. Manning ol Bethel, N. C.. or Ernest Edmond son of Hassell, N. C dt 12 4t FOR SALE: ONE PRACTICALLY new Massey-Han is 30 tractor and cultivator at liberal discount. Less than 30 days eld Sec Mrs, Jasper Everett at Gold Point oi dial 2048, Robei sonville. . _ APARTMENT -* OR II O M I S wanted by men and their fami- I lies who are associated with the Texas Company which recently j constructed a large ti rminal here, j If you have either available please 1 contact The Enterprise de 12 3t FOR SAFE: BEAUTIFUL REGIS ten d cocker spaniel puppies. ! Get one for Christmas One black j and white male, one tan and white male, two black females and one black male Mrs. Victor Blown. de 7 21 [ BEDROOM EOII RENT: < OWE me rit, well furnished with gas heat. Breaktai-t if desired. Call 2388 or 9880, Williamston. d 7 2t WANTED: FARM FAMILY TO' cultivate my farm on halves. One mile east ol Hubgood on pav ed road, two good dwellings, 8 3-4 acres el tobacco, 15 acres of pea nut: . tit) aei I S clean d. See J A. House, Jlobgood or write- Mrs, Leon Shields. Kinston. de 7 ft NICE ASSORTMENT of CHRIST mas w maths, blooming plants and eup flowers. York's Florist. d 7 2t FOR SALE: ALUMINUM OFFICE chair with Duran all plastic up hoistcry. Purchased by error, vviJ1 sell at cost. Enterprise Publish ing Company. de a tl II IT’S BUILDING OR CON crete sand, Dial 2512. Quick see- ! vice. Your order will be appre ciated. Jimmy Harrison. d a 4t j SLAB W OOD FOB S\|j; CHEAP. Dial 2160 Williamson Supply Co. || ( mi ihcixtn "Clean Flame" RADIANT HEATER Oil Burning V- Low As S I 7.9.1 Now On Display At Vlaytag Vppliaure Co. Washington St. Williamston •6 Proot ■■ nu M4U NkHKIY, IIIMMT WMfKITl IN THI1 rtOOWCI 4 YtAIS 91 MOM OlO. 19« ITIA'OMf r. MS NiurtAi truuri mum letaD Prico $1.95 Pints WALKP \PER: PLAIN OR W. habit* by Imperial. 13. S. Courtney and Son. do 5 20t FOR UK NT: 3 ROOM HOUSE with hath. See Jack Dixon at Mickey’s Inn. de 7 2t HOUSEKEEPER WANTED: PRE f'o: elderly woman to make home with u- Mrs. John Daniel Dill;.- William ton RFD 2. d 7 2t FOR SALE: 1940 TWO DOOR DE Luxt Ford Good radio and heater. R. J. Rogerson. fi miles south on Washington Highway. de 5 4t FOR SALE: 20 BRED DUROC Sows and gilts. Also 25 pigs ready for the field. Dr. Jas. S. Rhodes Williamston. 1130 tl WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells Oates Lulmbei Company, Frank E. Weston, man ager, Williamston, N. C. je 8 tl LOOKING A TOP (OAT? WELL, we have them. Gaberdines, from $18.95 to $39.95. Not only are they topcoats but they are TOPS in quality and the best values you've seen this season. Darden's Dept. Store, Williamston. oc 26 tf BE INDEPENDENT. SELL RAW leigh Products. Good nearby locality open in Southeast Martin Count .'. Write today Rawleigh's Dept. NCK-451 -D. Richmond, Vir ginia. N 28 lOt DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C, 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company no 8 ti FOR »OUR CUSTOM - MADE Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store see us Wr hav? the famous F'exalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Wiiliams ton. au 26 tl STOP IN AND SEE OUR STOCK of Used Furniture. Williamstor Hardware Company, Williamston. N. C. au 29 tf PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Tup Pi i. <tor standing tim ber and pine logs. Williamston Supply Co. Phone 2460. je 20 tf GOOD USED FURNITURE Wil liamston Hardware Company, Williamston, N. C. au 29 tf Austin^Nichols $1.85 I pin! I The Straight Whiskeys in this prod uct are 2 years ar mar* eld, 30% Straight Whiskey, 70% Groin Neutral Spirits; 20% Straight Whis key 2 years old, S % Straight Whiskey 4 years old, 5% Straight Whiskey t years old. 84 proof. Austing&NichoIs s eco SSK Uvc. I HC«aik-iM row " AArwwwwwnwvuwMAMi; TRIO Kubcmtuvilli’, IN. C. TUESDAY ONLY, Dec. 13 sroiun wivvniKK All Colored Cast Musical l*lus: Latest News and Short WEDNESDAY. Dec. 13 (Double Feature) BORDER BADMEIN With Buster C'rabbee and Fuzzy iightim; staecion \\ ill) Kill Edwards And Serial THURSDAY - FRIDAY Dec. 14-15 Technicolor Musical LETS DANCE With Betty llutton and Fred Astaire Color Cartoon and Short BIG DANCE AT WHICHARD'S Beach, Washington, N. C„ every Saturday night. Combination round and square dancing by real orchestra music. Admission ladies 50c and men 75c. de 7 5t YORK RADIO SERVICeT FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Lockei no 8 tf CLARK’S RHEUMATISM ^COM pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tl VERY SPECIAL: MEN, DON’T buy your fall and winter suits until you've seen the best values in tovvn. We have good quality suits that range in price from $21.00 to $49.95. We feature Cur lee suits, the best buy on the mar ket. Darden's Dept. Store, Wil liamston. oc 26 tf NICE SPECKLED TROUT — 35c up. Oysters and a choice selec tion of fresh sea food. Sanitary Fish Market, located behind Mar tin's Bakery. Phone 2204. n 21 8t PARKER’S SELF -SERVICE Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. n, a quick and economical wash ser vice. je 8 tf Men’s Dress and Work Shoes f or Less. WILLARD’S SHOE SHOP res * ~ c MYPUJMBING& - DGEWOOD AVC.*PhoNC 230? V WIUIAMST0N,N,C. FIXZIT SYSTEM ] ,'«WMWWWWWWWWWW/WW HAMILTON THEATRE LAST TIMES TODAY Shows at 7 anil 9 THE NEXT VOICE YOl HEAR With James Whitmore Plus Latest News THURSDAY - FRIDAY December 14 and 15 Shows at 7 and !) FANCY RAM'S With Boh Hope and Lucille Ball In Technicolor Latest News MOVIES A it BETTER THAN EVER tXMMMWWWIHIWWmWMMMMMMMlK MARCO Adult* 30c Children 15c TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "Northwest Stampede" With Joan Leslie Janie* Craip Comedy and A Screenliner THURSDAY ■ FRIDAY "The Flame and The Arrow" With Hurl Lancaster Virginia Mayo Novelty And Cartoon PEANUTS FOR SALE: 5 POUND bags, shelled, with shipping tag | attached for mailing George Rey | nolds Hotel, Williamstun. n 30 4t FOlT RENT: SANDING MACH ine. Refinish your floors your self and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf FARM LOANS 10-15-20 Years Prompt Closing No Appraisal Fee Low Interest Rate ( line. II. Manningi Ally. Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bicycles-Tricycles. Harlev-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2384 Showing Today ami ^ nl. “KING .SOLOMON'S MINES" In Technicolor Deborah Kerr — Stewart Granger j LLOYD BRIDGES • OSA MASSEN i JOHN EMERY • NOAH BEERY, JR. hUOH O'BRIAN ' Morris Ankrum \ 1C(;\K — Tluirs.-Friday jWflTTS THEATRE — WILLIAMSTON TUESDAY "Devil's Doorway" With RoIiimT l av lor I oui~ ( .allirrn Anil riu* Foolhall llrail Liiiert* of 1950 WEDNESDAY ONLY "Shakedown" With I loss aril Duff llrian l)oiilr\v A I’opeye Cartoon and a Featurette THURSDAY - FRIDAY "The Good Humor Han" With Jack Uarsim Lola Alhrip'lil News — Leon Errol Comedy

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