Trace Wrecks To Youthful Drivers involved persons in the 11> through 24 group. A study of 64 fatal accidents in August—an average number for any month revealed that persons under 25 were drivers of vehicles involved in 26. oi 41 per cent, of fatal accidents Eight of these in volving young drivers occurred during a four-hour period be tween 11 p. m and 3 a m Thus, during a period covering one sixth of a day, when traffic nor mally is light, one-third of the fatal accidents, involving persons under 25, occurred. Some of the worst traffic ac cidents of the year, resulting jn multiple fatalities, also have in volved drivers of this young group and have occurred late in the eve ning or in the early morning hours. Although the usual causes for Persons under the age of 25 hold 30 per eent of the driver's licenses in North Carolina but are involved in 53 per cent of the at cidents on the State.-' highways, a study completed today by the Department of Motor \ chicles re vealed By examining 375 drivers li cense applications at random from each of the eight alphabeti cal licensing categories, the De partment determined that 447,500 drivers, or 30 per cent, of the ap proximately 1,500.000 drivers in the State are below the age of -t5 A study of 2.400 accident reports in a typical month—August—re vealed that 1.282. or 53 per cent.1 Brings DEEP-ACTION relief from coughs, stuffiness with every single breath! BOON 7n MOTHERS! Mow . . . discover how millions of mothers relieve miseries of nagging colds this special way . . . with the very same Vicks VapoRub that brings such grand results when you rub it on. It's so eissy ... so effective! Just put 2 good spoonfuls of VapoRub in a vaporizer or bowl of boiling water as directed in the package. Then ... breathe in the soothing, medicated vapors Every single breath carries VapoRub’s famous combination of time-proved medications deep inio eoici congcsteil large bronchial tubes. Brings relief in a hurry! To keep vp ( the relief for hours, rub Vapoliub on throat, back/jfj and chest, too. In WORLD S BEST-KNOWN HOME REMEDY TO RELIEVE MISERIES OF COLDS! can still Ci«it-lyp< steering—easier handling; you ran turn in « 38-ft. circle. Big 96-h.p. Dodge truck engine "■/nh-Knlrd" for economy and loop; life — wiih chrome-plated lop pinion ririj;, extra-capacity cooling system, pressure lubrica tion and other outstanding features. Moittureproof electrical system —more dependable bad-weather starting. Cyclebond brake linings-smoother, saler braking ■rilon, longer lining life. Independent parking brake—operates on the propeller shaft for greater safetv accidents—unsafe speeds, care less and reckless driving, driving intoxicated and mechanical fail ure—are listed as contributing to many mishaps involving young drivers, the Department believes that the underlying reason tor these accidents is improper driver attitude. While not confined to the young driver group, improper driver attitude usually stems from meager driver education or the. lack of it and overconfidence in ability, the Department believes. To date, no examination has been developed to determine dri ver attitude, the Department pointed out. “The young driver usually makes a better grade on his driver tests than his parents,” Commissioner of Motor Vehicles L C. Rosser stated. “His mind is' more alert and less crowded with other problems. He studies our Driver Manual: he learns the an swers to the questions: he retains them better. When he takes his road test, he’s on his best behav ior His reactions generally are! quicker than those of his parents: | his driving is excellent; he passes' his test with flying colors." Commissioner Rosser saw traf- i fie education in all schools of the State from the first through 12th grades and possibly on into college as the most effective means of cor recting the traffic situation as it relates to the youth of North Car olina. “From the time a six-year old starts walking to school through the time he gets his li cense to drive, he should be taught' safe traffic habits,” the commis- | sinner stated. “Of course any pro-i gram which will improve the pre-1 sent traffic situation will take | time and money to develop but! still the cost will be less that that j spent as a result of highway ac cidents, and certainly a great deal of heartache and suffering, which cannot be measured in time or money, will be eliminated,” he concluded. Turpentine Drippings Compiled By Bill Sharpe Employment Law Violator In Courts Raleigh, Dec.—Judge H. Hoyle Sink, of the Superior Court of North Carolina, stated in open court that any person convicted in his court for violation of the Employment Security Law "can expect no mercy from me or from the Court," while presiding over the November term of the Stanly j County Superior Court in Albc-1 marie. The case was the charge that Sidney J. Ritche had filed claims for benefits and had drawn $120 in overpayments, as a result of having been employed while drawing benefits. He was found guilty and the judgment was that he serve 60 days on the roads and pay a fine of $200 and the costs. No provision was made requiring the refund of the $120 overdrawn, as it is done in most such cases. the din of merrymakers. I let out to crying, and a friendly cop got me. The moment I spent in his irms seemed like an age, as 1 uffered and sobed. He held me oigh so they might see me or me ihem. Soon we found them. And no greater solace has ever come to a human being than that. I wanted to go home right then. And I didn’t care to go to fairs any more. To me they were mon strous, hideous things, where children got lost And nothing could be more dreadful. I am still thankful every time I hear a public address system blaring at a fair. There was mo such thing then. BOYS ARE THAT WAY (Darlington incws and Press) I went to my first fair at about i3 or 6. It is one of the earliest things I ean remember. And its impressions are still fresh. We boarded the 4 o'clock train at White Rock, stopped to take on wood at the Metts woodrack, and got to Columbia, 18 miles | away at 5 p. m. We took a hack I to my aunt's house, ate early, and then walked the one block up to Main Street where the fair was held then. The lights and the crowd quite overwhelmed me. And the con fetti they w'ere throwing was beautiful stuff, 1 though. It was thick on the sidewalk, and I scraped it up and packed my pockets with it when my folks weren't looking. Later they notic ed it and made me empty the un sanitary stuff from the street out. I cried and then they bought me a nickle package of that shredded bits of bright paper. Hut I didn't throw mine. It was a treasure that j J kept. The snows and concessions] were along the side streets, and j Main Street looked to me like! a moving mass of humanity. 11 didn’t know there were so many folks in the world. I couldn't see out, except when I looked up there was a wall of merry-makers all around me all the time. I hung on to my mother's dress. Once I | changed hands with my confet ti package and turned her skirt loose for a moment. When I reached back for it a man had moved in there. I was panic striken and huriedly worked my way through the crowd. I started calljng her, but my small shrill voice could not be heard above Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY’S For FURNITURE FOR AND ON LI i DOWN MONTHLY It's the BEST BUY in a BIG WAY! Yes, indeed, you can still get a big Dodge '■Job-Rated” H-ton pick-up on mighty easy terms. With a small down payment you can get a dependable Dodge pick-up, "Job-Rated” for years of economical service on your job. Come in and let us show you how easy it is to own this low-priced pick-up! Dodge gives you more load space! You get the biggest body of any of the three leading 1 j-ton pick-ups. And you get the biggest windshield and the widest seat. You get more room for payload and more room for driving comfort. More visi bility, too! In every way, you get more truck for your money. g Dodge gives you all these extra-value features EQUALLY EASY TERMS AVAILABLE on all Dodge "Job. Rated’* Truck*—from Vj-ton to 4 tons capacity VUIf ^ -an axdutiva feature available on all V4-, v*. and 1-ten Dads* "Job-Rated'’ truck*. Dixie Motor Company, Inc. — Williamston, N. C. i The case was brought into court by James C. Bradham, ESC claims deputy, stationed in Concord and operating in that area. Judge Sink, stating that he was not too familiar with the Employment Security Law, kept Mr. Bradham on the witness stand for half an hour or longer, questioning him and getting explanations as to conditions for Eligibility in draw ing unemployment compensation and other details of the operation of the program. Judge Sink then gave a lecture to court officials and attendants, explaining the advantages of the program to those who become un employed and are eligible for benefits. He stated that he as sumed violations of this kind were being committed over the State and commended the field force of the ESC for their activ ity in trying to curb it. Judge Sink gave assurance that pepole convicted in his court of Neal Slaughter Gains In Stale cent above the 13,782,000 pounds produced during October a year ago. Compared with September, the number of head of calves and hogs increased while cattle slaughter declined and sheep and lambs showed no change. Production in the State during the first/ten months of 1950 at 135.240.000 pounds was an increase of 7.7 percent commercial slaughter in North Carolina totalled 16.156,000 pounds during October — slightly more that the 16,063.000 pounds produc ed during September and 17 per fraud in securing benefits would be dealt with severely. Martin County’s Largest Personal Property Sale We Will Sell At Auction Dec. 20th At 10 A. M. ON THE FAKM OF W. H. MANNING deceased. Located 2 mill's from Tlusscll on lln* llusscll-Kobcrson till*' road. Personal properly as follows: I Case Tractor; 1 Massey-Harris Tractor; 5 2-horsc wheel plows; 5 2-wheel earls; 3 1-wheel wagons; 2 Lime Spreaders; I Log ('.art; I set Tractor Cultivators; 1 Hay Baler (Turner); I Peanut Picker (Turner) ; 1 Tobacco Sprayer; I Tobacco Duster; I Tractor Mow ing Machine; 1 Horse Drawn Mowing Machine; 2 Fertilizer Distri butors; 2 Smoothing Harrows; I Horse Drawn Disc Harrow ; I Trac tor Drawn Disc Harrow; I Bushing Bog Disc Harrow; I Hay Kake; 15 Tobacco Trucks; Approximately 26,000 Tobacco Sticks; 7 Col ton Plows; 7 No. 2 Turning Plows; 5 I-horse Turning Plows; 2 Drain Ditch Galvanized Pipe; 3 Drain Ditch Concrete Pipe (large); 1 Stalk Cutter; I Bean Harvester; I ton and a half 1916 Ford Truck; I I sets of Harnesses; K Tobacco Oil Curers; Hoes. Shovels, Pitch Forks, Shrub Blades; 1 P«i Weeder; 1 Large Oil Tank; 1 Car ’Trailer; 2 'Transplanters; 1 Oliver Tractor Drawn Turning Plow; 2 Peanut Planters; 3 Corn Planters; 3 Bench Vices; I Roll Barb Wire; 6 Bags Soda; 1 Tractor Cut-off Saw ; 1 Hummer Mill; 3 Horse Drawn Scoops; 1 Tractor Slulk Cutter; 2 Peanut Points; I VI ire Stretcher; 5 Horses; 6 Mules; I J.4 Keg Nails; I Seed Sower; I Flume Thrower; 1 Extension Drop Cord (Rubber); 1 Electric Mule Clipper; I Set Colton Scales; 6 Oil Burner Units; 5 Post Hide Dig gers; 1 l-t'Case Dynamite; 2 Wheels and Tires; I Bag Colton Seed; 81 Pieces'Tile Small Pipe; I Grind Stone; 2 Row Markers; 2-Piece Carl Body; 1000 Bales Peanut Hay; I Corn Shelter; 1 Fertilizer Dis tributor; I Water Hose; Brace Bit; Handsaw; Farm Machinery; 'Hand 'Tools; Pipe Wrench; Wirccuttcrs; 1916 Tudor Ford; 300 Barrels Corn; 1 Scalding Vat. This Property Must Be Sold For Division. X. E. Manning H. D. Manning, Executors C. W'. Everett. Atlv. Bethel. N. C. SALE AGENTS Roanoke Real Estate And Auction Company Henry Johnson, Manager uittl Auctioneer Phone 2077 Williumston, N. C. Don't Forget The Time and Place

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