Odd Accidents In The U. S. During The Current Year Doatl^ from Burn* NiiiiiImt About 1.000 a Month \l Tlii' Sra-011 By PAI L JONES National Safety Council So you think flying saucers are fantastic? Then just take a look at what the National Safety Coun cil has dug up this year in its an nual search for odd accidents' You may have suspected that some accidents are caused by monkey business. But it remained for Alice, a trained chimpanzee, to clinch it Riding her mot >r scooter before an $*fithusiastic crowd at the St Louis zoo. Aim zipped off the stage in a -hoa y : exit, ran down Trainer William; Rogers and banged him up. but j good. It is relatively seldom that boats and automobiles run into each other But it happened at Mays villc. Ind., when Emmett Holsap ple's motor boat, with the throt tle open as it neared shore, leap ed out of the White River and crashed into a ear parked 20 feet in on dry land If autos can be struck by boats on land, fish ear, be run over by autos while swimming J V Short was driving along the flooded Street in front of his home in To ledo, Ohio, when he struck and killed two fish that had migrated from a pond in his yard when high water caused it to overflow Hurl Bv Collar Button State Budget Director John II Bradford, of Richmond, Va.. has pulled out of some mighty tight squeezes- but none as tight as the collar he tried to button one night in dolling himself up for an im portant party. Director Bradford fought so fiercely that he had to go to the hospital for emergency treatment of severe finger bruises inflicted by the collar button. pTfcouamn dji&vxje, IMITATION BANANA Pint $2.20 Austir^icKols fcC«. Inc IIOOIKN n I w IQH CLEAN FUN ~T\ DON'T WORRY, HONtY SEnID TOUR soiled dress to THE CLEANERS THEY W't_L RETURN IT TOTOU ) LIKE NEW f --s ‘ . r~r ASKXIAMD BLUE STAR CLEANERS .Martin fuuntr's Largest and Most Modern ('trailers I.x/htI lilt ration anil Ityriiift - /»//£.’ I Irani nit SVI ISI \( TIO\ <;i Mi\MI I I» Washington Nm l —:— Trlc|ilioiu'2.'».12 1 III l.lotlirs Insnrttl l^ainst I'ira anti I lirfl 9) OLDSMOBILE1Y1IAMATIC y Eleven Years Ahead in Automatic Driving / Fully proved—constaatly Hydia- Mafic sVfl leak the way I Hark iu 1W), O'| tin.fiction H\*4f’A fir* IuIIn automaiir ti ausniisMou! \ii,| r\«*r him*#* thru even <1 in i»i^ tIn* war a<l\ ant rmrnt aflrr ad\ atimnrnt lias been hmlt into 11 ydra- \! alit* l)vi\c*. j o<ia\. when von buy a JI n <h a*Matir Ohi-aii*.iiilr. \ou hu\ the most popular of all lnll\ automata traii!»ini»ioiiH. a /utfell [milnor far " Rinkpl'% I nui/it [mm i! So ■ ii\ ol in II \ earsol en "it leering leadership — 'Roil.'! ahead auh Ol.bS MOIIIII. II) DRA-MAl ICT SEE YOUR Chas. WILLI AM STUN — A GENfctA MCfOtS VAIUI NFACEST cldsmobile dealer - — H. Jenkins & Co. AHOfcklh — AULANDtK — tUtM'ON — WINDSOR TROOPS JAM TANKS WITHDRAWING FROM PYONGYANG AMERICAN EVACUATION OF PYONGYANG is <«'Uipleted unit in leave the burniii;-. former Korean Red capital United Nations forces, who traveled snuthv, :ird iri nrdr UI ir.i-nll'K lachoH fit 1hf» liilltPS liVf-M which l}'(* AlliOS ;iS (Iicm, la .vily clothed Gis cling to tanks of the last Hordes of Red troops moved in behind withdrawing V : !non. Ahead of the GIs, infiltrated Communist iov.lv moving. (International Radiophoto) Gary Wilnier, Jr., of Atlanta, [.ia., hope.-' that he make., out but ler ; . a real angel than he did m his pilm run. Playing n am.el m an ameteur theatrical, Mi. Wil nei came down to earth with a bang when the cable supporting aim abouve the stage snapped as he floated in mid-air And in Glendale, Calif.. ex-Cit\ Manager Charles C McCall has applied for state compensation with tie. claim that he swiveled so vigorously in his swivel chair that lie hurt his back. Find Seat of Trouble Phillip Burrows, age 2. who lives in Hollywood, Calif . where I hey do things more spectacular ly, got his head stuck in, of all lungs, a toilet seat. Even the fire nni, accustomed to this type if ■risis, were impressed as they I .vent to work with a saw to de- ! hrone him Embarrassing describes the c.v beriencc of Policeman Donald Of ■ n of Detroit. At the young patrol nan was strolling with his girl i lend on Ins night oil, his scr rice pistol let go and shot off the icat of his pants The last thing in the world j line \ ear old Themri Eongley >f How, N II., expected as he wound ip a hot cadenza on Ins trumpet aiis that he would blow out four i cth But that's what lie did! inhaling prodigiously for a final numphant blast to a stirring. : nurch, Trumpeter Thcron sw. I owed a denture he had been wearing since an automobile ac- | :ident two years before. What’s In a Name? In January the towboat Frank I in D Knsevclt rammed and dam igcd a piei on the railroad bridge iver tin Illinois River near Pek ' \ III; ( I IK Kit BY I III-; BA(» I l i. i* this three-piece set ot m,itched handhai; accessories. It includes a pocket secretary, a wallet and a ziparound key ease. The s;ilt is recommended by the Luggage & Leather Goods Association. in, III In September another tow boa) struek the same pier and fin ished tin job of demolishing it. I The name of the boat? The llurrv ' S. I rumanl And in Yankton, S. I)., Farm! Reporter Cn . !!. German of j radio station V’NAX, enthusiati l rally supporting National Farm] Safety Week, derided to make | trails'ribed interviews on the Chick Production At Record Figure North Carolina's commercial j hatcheries produced 4.570.0001 chicks during October. This was! th< largest October hatch of roc- j old and is about 3 times the Oe-i tuber 1949 hatch of 1,584,000 [ chick' The October hatch repre sents the highest monthly out put el chicks since the May hatch of 5,400.000 chicks. Hatchings during January through October 1950 totaled 48, 033.000 chicks as compared with 40.193.000 during the same period in 1949 an increase of 19.5 per danger of falls in the farmyard. Arriving at a farm in a driving rain, .the safety crusader leaped front his car, slipped in the mud, fell and broke his ankle. Men’s Dress and Work Shoes For Dess. WILLARD’S SIIOK SHOP CORK & SOY BEANS WANTED tlYKMT I'KICKS l*AI|) N\ r Yrr i\t\iiiii SI. K) IVr I(nfor (iorn. FEED MILL IVI<-|ilion«‘ 2<»0'J People Give Four Billion Annually A report by the Russell sage Foundation has disclosed that in the past twenty years gift to philanthroy rose form $1,200,000, 000 to $-1,000,000,000. The survey by the foundation, conducted by F. Emerson Andrews revealed that people in the low income brackets gave more than 00 per cent of the total. Mr. Andrews pointed out that families with in comes under $3,000 gave more than 00 percent of the total given by individuals in 1943. Families making less than $5,000 con trib utes.! 82 percent of the total, he said. Mr. Andrews also said that families whose incomes were be tween $10,000 and $20,000 showed the lowest rate of giving. These cent. Across the Nation commercial hatcheries produced 72.189.000 chicks during October — 13 per cent more than last year. This was! the largest October hatch of rec-! old. It is 80 percent above the 1944-48 average, and about 3 1-2 times the 1940 hatch eeuiV* u m riTS GOOD FRESH MILK OF TAYLORS DAIRY THAT CHASES POOR HEALTH OUT OF THE PICTURE EVERY TIME . MB; \ PIC fMt AMSfUOAM IVMPlCA'k. | Fresh Country Hotter 73e IVr I'oiiikI I'^iiop Ire Cream I Mi\ TAYLORS DAIRY Grade'A PasteunitdDairy 'Products DAIRY BAR Tf PLANT Houghton St. SCENT WITH LOVE, the two perfume or toilet water scents she prefers, packaged to go where she goes in a gaily color ed plastic kit. Above, Houbi gant's Eatix de Toilette kit. high income families gave only 1.9 percent of their income where as the low income families gave 2.4 percent of their income to philanthrophy, according to Mr. Andrews’ report. Christmas Program In The Jamesvillc School The Jamesville high school glee club, under the direction of Mrs. Magnolia R. Hopkins, will give a Christmas program ^Sunday af ternoon. December 17th at 4:30 o’clock. The program will be rendered in the high school auditorium and the public is extended a very cordial welcome. A man may fall several times in the battle of life but can't be con sidered a failure until he starts saying somebody pushed him. To Relieve ^ CT Misery 4^ £$666 Attention Farmers We Buy SOY BEANS AM) PAY TOP MARKET PRICES If you ilrHirc m'll ciiIIitI and Imi> *ny Immii* \l Your Farm. Jui>l (.all Phone 2578 Al Koaiiok<‘-l)ixic \\arrlioii8«. Jack Manning NOTICE! 1950 TAXES ARE NOW PAR Pay Now Before Interest Is Added THE TOWN OF WILLIAMSTON

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