Many Candidates For Places On Cage Teams Here C.oacli Maynard Forrcd To (ait S«|iiail Because Of Crowded Conditions With nearly three dozen candi dates out for each team. Coach Stuart Maynard this week was forced to cut both his girls' and boys’ basketball squads back to a dozen and a half and a further cut ® is almost certain in a week or so because of the crowded athletic facilities here. The first game of the season for the two teams, and the only one before Christmas, is scheduled for the Williamstnn gvm at 7:30 next Tuesday night. December 19. with Oak City supplying the opposition. The swarm of candidates was very nice except for the fact that there was little experience among them except in the girls' division Only one starter is back for the boys team, Raymond (Jockey) Davis, while in the girls’ div’-ioo there are some starters returning and several other experienced players are back. These include Alice Peaks. Jean Bailey. Edna Coltrain. Priscilla Roberson. Veil.: Leggett. Jean Mobley, and Louise Corey. Add to these experienced players is a transfer. Nancy Koonce. who is reported to show promise as a player. Dnnncth Bailey, a substitute last year, is also back along with Rhoda Faye Peele. Others reporting for prac tice include: Ann Raynor, Ann Peele. Sarah Everett. Evelyn Roe buck, Patricia Wynn, Wanda Jones. Dorothy Cherry. Doll. Wynn, who remain with the squad and Pauline Lillev, Barbara P'-erk Angeline Davis. Betty Sue Clark, Lee Handy, Janet Ross. Betty Mobley, Barbara Edwards, Geral dine Williams, Marie Peal, Sybil Goddard. Jackie Harris, Gloria Taylor. Gerel Lamm, Jean Ed wards, and Betty Jean Mizell. Tn the boys' group those with some experience include Reginald Coltrain. Gloyden Stewart. Har rell Everett. Watson McKee!, John Rogers, and Bobby Clayton. Clay ton probably will not play any until after the first of the year be cause of a foot injury. Others re maining with the squad after the cut include David Davis, Wilbur Edwards, Buddy Fusselt, Bill Las siter. Billy Harris, Herbert liar Another Big 1 IK SOCIAL GAME NIGHT [Ml At The [K] AMERICAN LEGION HUT f Willium*lon, <1. Ill « Next Tuesday 8:00 P.M. a Door Prize - Christmas TurkeyM 20 Big Cash Surprises A l.ivniim itf Enlertiiinnirnl FOH 81.00 PKH SEAT unnssun ihee « |[K] * i i * f Christmas Omner Only a Few Days Remain In Which To Purchase Your Christmas Fruits Vegetables, Nuts, Candy and Groceries Moore Grocery Co. A Delirious! And perfect for (.hri-lmas dinner! ^ A fresh, tender turkey, traditional cranberries ijjj and other siieenlent vegetables, juicy fruits and assorted nuts — ordered earlv. of course. ■Ji from our wide choice of food values! 1 I HI m % ■a % % w & % % w '8 % - % IMioue 2561 > I J. PAUL SIMPSON G on oral A pout SECURITY LIFE AND TRUST CO Dial 217 1 — William I ROMANCE_Don Barry and Wendy Lee in a tender scene with little Henry Marco in Lippert Pictures *'I Shot Billy The Kid,” exciting western now showing at the ....... WATTS THEATRE SATURDAY Bear Grass Wins Over Oak City The Bear Grass basketball! teams won a doubleheader over teams from Oak City High Tues day night in the Bear Grass gym. The boys won by 4.1 to 28 while the score in the girls' game was 39 to 26. Lib Cherry with 1!) and Nalher Lee with 10 paced the Bear Grass girls' victorious attack in the open er while M. Bland with la and .1 Harrell with 7 paced the visitors in the scoring lin* Defensively' A. Bunting was be t for Oak City while for Bear Grass the work of Joyce Mendenhall and Louise Moore was outstanding The Bear Grass boys, sh wing improvement with eat h game, re tained their undefeated status by leading the visitors all the way Briley was high man for Oak City with 1H points while Bear Gra s' scoring was led by Sammy Biggs with Hand Jimmy Terry with II Defensively MeLawhorn. a big h i low who gave (ink ('ity the advan tage under tin baskets as he con trolled rebounds pretty well,1 was the leader for Ins team ,1 B. Roe erson played a top defensive name for Bear Gi n In Sammy Biggs, a lanky Beat Grass forward who appear- to he rell, James Coltrain Bobby Mob ; ley, Don Fai son , Jack Edwards, i Hugh LindsleV and Jack Ho- In eluded among the early ratio-dates were: Joe Williams. Ben Andrews. Billy Ray MeKrel. Billy Glover, i Wilber Stewart. Jacob Zi'tnun, Melvip Mc Kei |, Russell Robe] Mill, Wayne Roger.sop, Enoch Crisp, Norwood Keel, Krne-t Can away, William Bailey, Fletcher Thoma . Ernest Goddard and Calvin Clies son. Praetici essions between now and game timi Tuesday will de termine tin tailing lineups but right now it would appear that Raymond Davis will start at cen j ter fin tin- boys with Harrell Kv jerett and Reg Coltrain at foi - wards, Watson McKee! and John ! Rogers at guard i For the girls Alice Peaks Edna Coltvm and Nancy Knonce may I start at the forward positions with I Jean Bailey. Verb- Leggett and | Priscilla Roberson at tlu- guard j spot s. Frequent substitutions may be expected for both teams until the I coach ha a chanct tu see most of I i the play ei s in action. ! I UlltlSTMAS BATONS . . . YES . . . YES Ki Idie Size I .'V) Medium Si/e _ 2.7ti\ Regulation Size .'i.StT (Spiral Balanei'd) (t.)x inc.) SINCE 1K00 121 Main Williamslon •for FINER Christmas GIFTS” BLOODSHED BOXSCORE ON N.C.HI6HNATS Killed Doe. 8 through December 11 14 Injured December 8 through Dec. 11 1 fi!) Killed through Decem ber 11 this year 904 Killed Ihrnugh Decem ber 11. 194!) 795 Injured through Decem ber 1 1 this- year 1 1.41 fi Injured through Decern her 11, 1949 9,098 rinding .himself this season, and McLawhorn, the game presented what are perhaps two of the most improved hall players in the coun ty this year. Bear Grn had a game cancell ill b\ 1’antego for this Ki iday or Thursdtiy night and today wn» looking for an opponent to piny during the remaining days before the Christmas holidays begin on the 20th. Edenton Guards At Jamesville The Jamesville All Stars with Spit Martin back in the fold this si ason, will be at home tonight lor a game with a strong Edentnn Ns tional Guard team. The lilt starts at 11:00 itj the Jamesville gym. The Jamesville team has not been stopped this vein and has won both IP stalls in the Goober Beit League Besides Spit Martin the all st;u have a deadly shot in Edward Lee Martin while defen lively, Edward Brown, Buddy Gardner .and Henderson Mizelle provide a handicap to scoring by their opponents. Reviews Patrol Work Last Month The month of November found North Carolina highway patrol men traveling approximately 10!) miles per day per patrolman while peil'oiming their duties, tin North Carolina Department ol Motor Vehicles reported today The patroman totaled 1,380,10!) miles traveled during the month and averaged approximately 10 hours on duty per day per patrol man. In addition to ,14.,070 courtesies, extended, the patrolmen weighed 328 vehicles and found 125 over loaded They issued 2,088 equip ment ticks ts arid 574 light ticket. A total ot 79,580 vehicles were inspected and lights .corrected n 25,858 vehicles. The Patrol investigated 1,873 accidents irt which 70 persons were killed and 874 injured A total of 0,727 warning tickets were issued and 7,258 complaints were Investigated During the month, patrolmen made 5,885 arrest: Driving in toxiealed was charged in 577 eas es. Of persons brought to trial, 5,558 were found guilty and si n teneed to 02 years, three months and eight days Four hundred and eighty-four were found not guilty First aid was rendered in sev en cases and fire; extinguished m three. The Patrol assisted in the re covery of 71 stolen vehicles Val ue of cars arid property returned to individuals following thefts was estimated at $70,511 Fines in cases brought to trial totaled $ 152, 815.22, vvhich was turned over to county school funds Costs amounted to $71,153.45, which went to the county general funds in counties where cases were tri ed. Highway revenue collected on over loaded vehicles and vehicles with insufficient licenses totaled $1,236.11. * North Carolina's apple crop this year is estimated at 1,184,000 bushels, 21 per cent greater than average, and 104 per cent larger than the short apple crop of 1040 The nation's crop is expected to be 11 per cent below the 1040 crop. One of the history's greatest un derwater demolitions was the blasting of the nine acre Flood Rock, near Long Island Sound, in 1858. The South mar weft -find • it possible to support a profitable livestock industry three times as large is it now has Dr. Robert Salter. NOTICE Ol' SALE North Carolina. Martin County Under and bv virtue of the power of stile contained in a cer tain, deed of trust executed to the undersigned Trustee for Reuben I. Rogers and wife. Kh/ahethe Rogers, on the 5th day of May, 1950. and of record in the Public Registry of Martin County in Hook V 4. page 504, said deed of trust having been given for the purpose of securing a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, default having been made in the payment of said note, and the stipulations contained in the said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the owner of said note, the un dersigned Trustee will, on Fri day, the 12th day of January, 1951, at 12 o'clock noon in front of the courthouse door in the Town of Williamston, offer foi sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to wit:__ [ All that, certain tract or parcel < f land and improvements there on lying and being near the Town of Williamrton, bounded on the Southwest by the Prison Camp ftoad, bounded on the Southeast by the Bailey property, bounded on the East by the C. II Godwin land, and on the South by the Tvner land, same being the house and lot and also Ihe adjoining lot described by deed of record in Book X-4. page 440 This the 12th dav of December, ! 950. Elbert S Peel, Trustee, de 14-21-28 ja 4 BefcTylers _2l_ i Home of Rotter Values It's Sensational! It's Stupendous! ♦ Just In Time For Christmas ♦ THE IDEAL GIFT FOR MEN BEXK’S FAMOUS 100% DUPONT NYLON SHIRTS Boxed For Gifts! Regularly $8.95 and $9.75 SALE PRICE '6.85 WHITES, SUPERB QUALITY / COLORS IN MIST GREEN, BLUE, TAN, GREY! Just think of it! Belk's super-line ARCHDALE Shirts ol 100% DuPont NYLON - the kind he has always wanted—now at an exceptional saving. These Shirts are noted for comfort and long wear . . . need no starch or ironing ... wash easily and dry in a jiffy! izes from 14 to 17's.. .sleeve lengths 32 to 35 RUSH DOWN TO ^ELK-TYLER'S EARLY TOMORROW.. BUY PLENTY AT THIS LOW PRICEI ♦ BELK-TYLER’S ♦