Arrives Home This Week-end bobby Harrison student at Wake Forest College, will ar rive home this week end to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Harrison Home For Holidays Guy Carrow. student at State College, is here to spend the hol idays with his parents, Mr and Mrs L T Carrow Visitor Here Tuesday Mrs. C D Caraway of Kober ponville was a visitor in town Tuesday. Attended Funeral Mr. and Mrs George E Rob erson, Mrs Myrtle Harris, Mr. John E. Manning, Mrs F M. Manning and daughters, Sarah and Mary Ann, and Mr W. C Manning and daughter, Jane, at tended the funeral of Mrs. Mittie Barnhill in Richmond yesterday ] Returned To Henderson Miss Virginia Vinson of Hen , derson. court stenographer, re turned to her home yesterday. To Arrive Home This Week-end Bill Bob Peel and Pritchard Lindslcy, students at Virginia Episcopal School, will arrive this week-end to spend the holi . days with their respective pa rents Return Home Today Mrs G. H Harrison, Sr and Mrs G. H Harrison and dau ghter. Velma, will return home today after spending two days in Norfolk. _—♦-*— Attended Court Here Attorney Fremont D Donley of Newark. N. J attended court here this week. Will Attend Meeting Miss Irene Tettcrton will leave today for Charlotte where she will attended a Chevrolet dis trict meeting. Visited Here From Ahoskie Mrs. Clarence Whedbee and daughter, Lucy Anne, of Ahos kn visited Mr and Mrs Charlie Mobley here yesterday. -<$, Moved To New Home Mr and Mrs. Jim Critcher and infant daughter, Charlotte, moved into their new home on Liberty Street last week. Here From Norfolk * Mrs. H. E. Mason ar>d daughtei^ of Norfolk are here visiting Mrs,1 j Clyde Harrison this week. .1 —«—. Home For Holidays ^ Lundy Griffin, Rush BonduS* rant, Billy Edwards, A1 Ward, Frank Wynne, Ronnie Levin an® Kenneth Lindsley, students ajt Carolina, are home for the holijJ days. f Here On Business Mr. Vance Roberson of Robert sonvilie was here yesterday atf tending to business. Visited In Norfolk Over Week-ea# Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Myers ah<| Mrs. BoTjby Taylor and childrem Eddie and Annia, visited relah tives in Norfolk over the week* end. I Visiting In Suffolk and Norfolk/. Mrs. J. Sam Getsinger is spend ing a few days with relatives in Suffolk and Norfolk. ^ -*- ^ Announce Birth •*." Mr. and Mrs. J. Beach announce the birth of a son, Donnie Lynn* at their home near. Everetts 09 Saturdav. December 9. Spending Leave Here ...' Bennie Davenport, U. S N., is spending a thirty-day leave heri with his parents, Mr. and Mrs': Kelly Davenport. He is off tho U. S. S. Helena. NEED GLASSES? Christmas GIFTS For All The Family Davis Pharmacy Come lo Margolis Brothers and do your Christ masshopping I Needless to oiler suggestions through the f press. Hundreds oi practical gilts ior every f member of the iamily available and gift wrap For pleasant shopping and quality merchan dise come to Williams tun, N. C LEGION AtllUAIT ' The regular meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary of the John W. Hassell Post . 183 was held Monday evening, December 11, gt 8 o’clock at the new home of lfrs. Raleigh Harrington on Lee Street. Mrs. Harrington called the meeting to order followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Devotional was.given by Mrs. Cerlylf Langley, _ Chaplain. The members sang one stanza of “America” and then stood in si lent prayer for 30'seconds in love ahd • memory-of the War dead. The Preamble to the Auxiliary Constitution' was repeated in un The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secre tary and approved as read. Mc Arthur White, Treasurer, gave her report, which was accepted. Mrs. White reported that a do nation of $5.00 has been given to the Jaycees for their Christmas Cheer Fund. One dollar bills have been sent to 14 boys in the vet erans hospitals. These bills will be enclosed ih Christmas Cards for the boys. Mrs. James Bullock.. Rehab Chairman, reported that cookies had been donated to a local hos pital and asked every one who contributes food, clothing or toys to needy persons during the Christmas Season to please report it to h^r in order that the local work can be reported as person al rehab worjf in the Unit’s Re habilitation Report. Te response to the request that all Holiday Coin Cards be turned in at this meeting was good, al though there are quite a few still outstanding. Each member who has not done so, is asked to send her card to Mrs. Arthur White, or to the secretary, Mrs. John A. ^’ard, Jr. This has been a fund raising project for. the past year. The meeting was adjourned fey Mfs. Harrington. The next, meet ing w'ill be tyie second Monday night in January. . As a surprise housewarming for Mfs. Harrington, “the members of the Unit showtfed her with many lovely gifts. Mts. HarHngton ex pressed her gratefulness- and ap preciation to each member for the presents ink. for the Unit’s kindness in' femtaihering her in such a nice way. The' members enjoyed delightful ■ refreshments served by Mrs. Arthur White, Mrs. W. O. Oriffin; and Mrs. James Bullock, hostesses. Leatiag For IA a 1st aha Mr. and Mfs. Harvey Ross and son, Jack, are leaving Saturday to spend the, holidays, with rel atives-in Natchityches, Louisana. SM4- ' Attended We&dihg. Ampni the out of town guests attending the marriage of Miss Mary Lou Coltrain to Robert Nor man Hales here last Saturday evening were Mr. McDonald Hales, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hales, Mrs. Mack Hales and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Jenkins, all of Dur ham; Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Harri son and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Har rison of Rocky Mount and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison of Tar boro. Improviag 111 for the past few weeks, Mr. C. B. Clark, Sr., was able to be up town yesterday tor £ short While. Attended Fttaeral Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Roberson and Mr. Oscar Wiggins attended the funeral of Mr. Roberson’s sister, Mrs. Mittie Barnhill Richmond yesterday. in Here Fiid Norfolk Mr. Roland C, Cra\yford of Nor folk is spending a few days here with his mother. Visited In Richmond Mesdaincs Wheeler Martin, Sr W. K. Parker and Howard Con visited in Richmond yesterday. Attended Rnirinem litre Mr. George Leggett was hei yesterday from Hassell attendir to business. Hero Fr*m Virginia Reach Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bailey Virginia Beach visited here tl week. Retamed Rett* Ttoaday Mrs. J. ,W. Andrew’s return home Tuesday ifter visiting h daughter, Mrs. J. L. Spencer, ai family in Portsmouth. Mrs. Spe cer and daughter, Miss Mai Morton, accompanied her lion for a short visit. Attended Rnstnes Here Judge Marvin Wilson of Ede ton attended to business he Tuesday. Viattol ftor* From Mamlftoa Ur. and Mrs. Harper Peel > Mr. P. P. Peel visited here j terday. Mary lou coltrain weds Norman hales Miss Mary Lou Coltrain, daugh ter of Mrs. Mary Hardison Col train of Williamston and Mr. C. B.. Coltrain of Norfolk, and Rob ert' Norman Hales, son of Mr. McDonald Hales and the late Mrs. Hc|lcs of Durham, were married last Saturday evening at eight o’clock in the Williamston Christ iajl Church. The Rev. John L. G<jff, pastor of the bride, officiat ed! at the double ring ceremony. ■f’rior to the ceremony a pro gram of nutial music was pre sented by Mrs. W. K. Parker, or ganist and Miss Marie Peel solo ist who sang "Through The Years”. At the close of the cere mony Miss Janice Manning sang “The Lord's Prayer” as a bene diction. The bride and groom entered thfe church together, unattended, and spoke their vows in a setting of. palms, and white gladioli in t^fspered with standards of scv eif branch candelabra. -Miss Coltrain wore a navy suit o^ wool gaberdine with navy and w^iite accessories. Her shoulder corsage was a white purple throat ed orchid. The bride's mother wore a snhoke blue dress with matching accessories. Mrs. Wilson Jenkins of. Durham, sister of the groom, wore a dress of brocaded blue, taffeta and gray accessories. Both I wpre corsages of pink roses. I Mrs. Hales is a graduate of Wil- j liamston High School. Before her marriage she was a student nurse J at Watts Hospital in Durham. Mr. Hales, a graduate of the University of North Carolina, is employed as underwriter for Southern Life Insurance Cpm pany. Immediately following the cere mony Mr. and Mrs. Hales left for a short wedding trip after which they will be at home in Durham. Prior to the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Harrison entertain ed the wedding party and friends at a buffet supper at their home on Marshall Avenue. On Friday evening, Miss Col train was honored at a miscel- j laneous shower given by Mes- ! dames George Peel, D. B. Rog erson, B.< F. Lilley, Ralph Hunt, Martin Quinn and Pete Lilley at the Macedonia Club House. During the evening Christmas contests and bingo were provided for the entertainment of the guests. The hostesses served lime ice, party cakes and salted nuts to the fifty guests attending. Miss Qoltrain received many lovely gifts. CHANGE MEETING HOUR The Farm Life Ruritan Club withhold its next Tuesday meet ing at 6:00 o'clock to avoid a con flict with another event scheduled there later that evening. COLORED NEWS Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones an nounce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Mildred Jones, R. N. Negro County Nurse, to Rob ert Floyd, band director of Wil ltainston Colored School, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Thomas of Wil mington, N. C., on Friday, Decem ber 22 at 4:30 o’clock at Bethlehem A M. E. Church. No invitations | \Vil! be mailed. ---A i Grammar School | Plans A Program Students in the 4th and 5th grades are presenting a Christ mas program at the Grammar School tomorrow night at 8:00 p. m., it was announced today by Miss Ann Royster, public school music instructor. The program includes songs, narrations, dances and other special numbers. Scripture, The Christmas Story, will be read by Roger Mobley and prayer by Mary Lynn Pate will follow. Part I closes writh a song,' Joy to the World by the Chorus. Carla Reese narrates The Cele bration of Christmas for Part II of the program. Part III is devoted to the cele bration of Christmas in Europe. Lou Godwin telling about Ger many while Silent Night is sung in German and English by the chorus and the audience will join in singing the last verse. The Christmas Tree will be presented by Constance Chesson, Ronnie Reese and Leona Coltrain with a song The Christmas Tree. Carols, Customs, etc. of France will be described by Vivian Sission and a song will follow. Italy, Russia and Holland will be the subject of the story narrated by Nancy Wynne and Marion Cobb. Part IV covers the celebration of Christmas in Great Britain as Beth Spivey tells the story. Ire land and Scotland get the atten tion of Carlyle Brown and Danny Manning Part V covers the celebration of Christmas in the Americas, customs and legends of Mexico, South and Central America told by Betsy Davis while Billy Bow en tells of Christmas in the Unit ed States and the singing of O Little Town of Bethlehem will follow. After a dance, It Came Upon a Midnight Clear will be* sung with the audience joining in. Part VI finds Roger Mobley as the narrator for the finale. Members of the chorus: Sybil Adams, Sally Gray, Mattie Jones, Tommy Parker, Rachel Cherry. Georgia Jones, Jjmmy Cook, Gail Margolis, Faye Abernathy, Fran- [ ces Johnson, Joe Goddard, Dianne | Cherry, Roberta Harris, Billy Tay- j lor, Guy Thomas, Ann Woolfprd. I Sandra Letchworth, Linda Thorn- ! ton, Lillian Johnson, Betsy Hedge peth, Linda Stephenson, Victor Mizelle, Billy Carstarphen, Sher wood Coltrain, Ernestine Smith wick, Doug Abernathy, R. J. Har dison, Jeannie Glovtr, Sandra ENGRAVING Of Course, Same Day Service Lighters, Jewelry, Foun tain Pens, Hatches, Sil ver and Identification Bracelets. (Sorry, Only Items We Sell Can Be Engraved before Christmas) PEELES Jewelers SINCE 1S99 121 Main Wllliamston Marlin, Kenneth Gurganus, Roger Mobley, Sue Eubanks, Mary Claudia Cherry, Fannie Martin Carstarphen, Roy Rogerson. Mel vin Price, Betty Frances Griffin, Becky Forbes, Betty Marie Keel,; Winifred Tayior. Betty Jo Miller. William Ross, Christine Roberson. Gerald Stalls. Paul Roberson, | Frosty Hardison, Jean Woolard and Larry Pate. Dancers are: Peggy Stephenson, Carolyn Holliday, Betty Rogerson, Shirley Casper, Esther Liley, Lois ; Williams, Ora Whitaker and Irene Moore. ‘ Ushers are: Wade Rogerson, Pa- j ran Wheeler, Morgan Vick and Donald Meeks. Guard Plans To Hold A Dance -<*> Bob Lee and his ECTC orches- ! tra wjll play for a dance here i during the Christmas holidays ; with the proceeds being used for the"b6IIPTlt 'of the National Guard i armory site fund. The dance is to be held Friday night the 29th of December from , 9:00 to 1:00. Admission will be; $1.25 per person and proceeds will go toward the purchase of | a site for the proposed National \ Guard armory here in Williams- I ton. ! Hill-Griffin Mr.and Mrs. William Orlando i Griffin request the honor of your ! presence at the marriage of their daughter, Mary Louise, to Mr. Frank T^ent Hill on Tuesday, the twenty-sixth of December, at three thirty o'clock in the after noon, Williamston Christian Church, Williamston, N. C. Reception immediately follow ing the ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Roberson, 92C West Main Street. No invita tions will be mailed in Williams ton or R. F. D. Entered Hospital Mrs. Fannie Crawford entered Brown’s Hospital yesterday for treatment. District Scoot Meeting Held The regular monthly Martin County District meeting of the adult Scout workers w’as held at the Employment office. The fol lowing were present: J. B. Hogarth, Scout Field Ex ecutive, Kinston; K. P. Lindsley, District Chairman, Williamston; J. Kelly Gay, Williamston; Tim Malone, District Commissioner, Williamston; E. C. Harrison, Com mitteeman. Bear Grass; Clayton Revels, Scout Master, Bear Grass; W. E. Thornton, Neighborhood Commissioner, Williamston; H. F. McKnight, Neighborhood Com missioner, Williamston; C. B. Burroughs, Scout Master, Has sells; George Ayers, Committee man, Hassells; E. R. Stewart, Scout Master, Hamilton; James Stewart, Hamilton; Harry House, Hamilton. Martin County District and East Carolina Council have plans for a good program in Scouting for the 1951 year. Mr. Charlie Hamilton has ac cepted the job as interracial chair man an improved program will be worked out for the colored Scouts. Continues III Suffering an attack earlier in the week, Mr. Bill Baker continues quite ill at his home here. How ever, he was reported slightly improved this morning. Continues 111 Mrs. C. A. Harrison continues in Durham with her mother, Mrs. Blanche Anderson, who is crit ically ill in in a hospital there. Eye Glasses Broken? We maintain a complete optical aervice. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. Peele’s — Jeweler* . 121 Main St. Tel. 2211 Suggestions for Christmas YIAGOHS baby ROCKERS A toY CHtStS WK1CM. BMffiM ' »Mt MULS . «S. Court** Open Vr»d»y Esenin* 1914 ’til 9t00 CttU&L')4lvct JUNIORS YOUNC HARMONY. Colorful rayon crepe combines rftk wool jMMy for dramatic effect. Sweet notes in its subtle lines... staccato accents in its rhinestone buttons and rhythm in its boa-pleated skirt Sizes 7 to 15. »12»5 Otker Car*k Kin,g Juniors from DARDEN’S Department Store

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