Tobacco Slocb Drop Slightly Stocks of all types of leaf to bacco totaled 3,(172 million pounds (farm-sales-weight) on October 1. 1950. This is slightly lower than on the same date last year when 3,090 million pounds were repori ed by dealers and manufacturers in the United States and Puerto Rico. Higher stocks of most types did not compensate for the lower holdings of flue-cured leaf. During the third quarter, July September 1950, approximately * 800 million pounds entered stocks through purchases and deliveries compared with 810 million for the same quarter last year. The mar ketings consisted of around 180 million pounds of flue-cured to bacco with the remainder compos ed of Maryland and cigar-leaf. For the southern types, hold ings of flue-cured decreased around 4 percent from a year ago, as contrasted with increases of 2 percent in Burley stocks, 5 per cent for fire-cured tobacco, and 8 percent for dark air-cured. For the cigar-leaf types, stocks of the filler types were 5 percent larger than a year earlier, binder types increased 10 percent, and shade-grown was up 5 percent. The auction sales for the 1950 flue-cured tobacco crop began in July, and producers marketed around 780 million pounds dur ing the quarter- slightly less than was marketed before October 1 last year. Stocks of flue-cured leaf in the hands of dealers and manufac turers totaled 1,857 million pounds compared with stocks of 1,941 million on October 1 a year ago. Slate College Tips . To the Housewife The velvets, velveteens and corduroy's, being worn so much this year, need special treatment to keep fresh appearance and wear well, say clothing specialists. Velvet, whether silk or rayon, is a more delicate fabric than cotton velveteen or corduroy, and marks or crushes more easily, especially • when damp. Dry cleaning rather than washing is recommended for velvet. Many corduroys and some velveteens may be washed at home, but it is safest to test a sam ple in advance to see if it is fast ■ in color or shrinks. Steaming velvet is the easiest ; way to smooth wrinkles and life | crushed places. Hang velvet gar- j ment on a hanger in a steamy bathroom for an hour and then let it dry. Be sure it hangs free—per haps from a shower bar -so that nothing touches it until it is en tirely dry. Small garments or vel vet pieces may be steamed over the spout of a tea kettle. Corduroys may be pressed on the long side when slightly damp to remove wrinkles. Velveteens also may be pressed but they take a little more care. Here s how: Lay a strip of velve teen right up over the ironing board. Then press the velveteen j oil the wrong side after dampen J ing slightly. Press until nearly dry, then brush the right side to' lift the nap. The strip of velveteen over,tlie ironing board takes the place ot the “velvet hoard" used by dressmakers and tailers Im pressing napped fabric. It is es pecially helpful to prevent mash ing seams, hems, or other double thickness of velveteen. ---„ Interesting Bits Of Business in U. S. Soap sales hit the skids during I950's first half, slipping 11 per cent from 1949 peaks. Meanwhile, ;i synthetic detergent "clean-up" balanced the loss, resulted in an industry-wide sales gain of nearly 4 per cent . . Columbia Records has wound up its two-year disc war with RCA Victor. The com pany that opened up the long playing field with its 33 1-3 rpm’s has at least decided to experiment with a few of the "45’s" which Victor has been plugging. Victor started making LP’s a few months ago. . . The trend to supermarkets shows no signs of slackening. Ap proximately 58 per cent' of Super , Market Institute members are readying plans to build this year; another 37 per cent have remodel ing projects in'the works. . Man- ■ power woes arising from the Ko rean crisis are already pinching many firms. And the unemploy— ■ ment total on Aug. 1 was estimat ed at about 3,200,000 - down over a miHid/1 fAim the peak early in I 1950. . j Married men are considered to be the best listeners. It’s prob- i ably another case of practice ] makes perfect. ! j U.N. Home Rising A UNITED NATIONS blueprint for building it studied by rivet fore man Joseph Jones as he balances on a girder of the new General Assem bly and Security Council structure in New York. The completed U.N. secretariat office on East RtTCr site looms behind him. (International). THE RECORD SPEAKS . . . ! Accident record figures, al ready far ahead of previous records, continued to climb in the 49th week of 1950, ac cording to highway patrol re ports. At least one of the re cent accidents were caused by glaring headlights, it was re ported. The following tabulations offer a comparison of the ac cident trend: first, by corres ponding weeks in this year and last and for each year to the present time. 49th Week Accidents In.j’d Killed Dam’ge 1950 6 1 0 $ 050 1949 1 0 0 75 Comparison/) To Date 1950 182 80 3 $39,540 1949 133 00 7 29,225 County Hoy Evacuated From Kofira To Ja/xm A cable, reaching here this week, stated that Set. Redden L. Leggett,'Jr., had been safely evac uated from Korea to Japan. The cable was sent by the young man to his parents near Williamston. Comic Books Not So Bad Aiier All Publishers of comic books, es- I pecially those dealing with crime, ! are breathing a little easier as a result of a survey conducted by a j Senate Committee investigating th< n effect on children Nearly 100 public officials, publishers and child guidance experts were asked I if they thought there was any re- 1 lationship between reading comic | books and juvenile delinquency. I The answers, including one at-1 tributed to J. Edgar Hoover, were | preponderantly "no." In the hands , of an unstable child, the FBI ! chief said, horror comics might prove disturbing. The majority advised restraint in presentation of comics and guidance or con trol by the parents of children overly excitable. Wants GOOD SERVICE STATION FOR rent on Highway 64 near un- ' derpass See Harrison Oil Com- j par.y. de 14 2t j PAINTING AND PAPER HANG Ing. Best materials used and prices very reasonable. When you are in need of anything in my line, see me. I would be very glad to I show you my new 1951 wallpaper ! samples. I carry the Imperial j line, washable and sun resisting. Van Respass, 304 N. Sycamore St., ' Willigmston, N C. Telephone:, 2806._ de 14 9t j | NOTE OF TliA4$iifs<~ •“ • j We wish to sincerely thank all of out neighbors and friends for every act of kindness shown us during the recent short illness and death of our husband and father. The response by Dr. V. E. Brown to our call for help is greatly ap preciated and will long be remem bered. We want to thank each and every one for the beautiful flowers, cards, letters, telegrams! and visits. They meant so much ! to us in this hour of trouble. The tender feelings and loving expres sions will never be forgotten Mrs. Julius Thomas Barnhill j and Family. CHINESE'"CHESTNUTS—Bright*- j resistant. Early-bearing. Deli cious, sweet nuts. Trees make beautiful shade trees and bear the second or third year after being trnasplanted. Successfully grown from Maine to Florida, Two 2 to 3 ft. trees — Special Offer No. 17-0! —$4.75, Postpaid. Free 56-page j Planting Guide on request. Sales- 1 people wanted. Waynesboro Nurs- \ eries, Waynesboro, Virginia. WAITRESSES WANTED: Ex perience not necessary. Apply j Hotel George Reynolds. de 14 tl BARGAINS IN USED CARS, IF looking for a better car begin looking at Griffin Motor Com pany. We have for your approval: 1949 Ford—overdrive, heater, ra I dio, plastic covers, really a clean cur; 1949 Plymouth, clean, priced at a selling price, financed; 19411 De Soto, radio, heater, comploteh overhauled; 19411 Packard, as line a used car as in town; 1947 Plym outh, radio, heater, guaranteed to be right; 1947 Chevrolet -tudor, radio and heater, a nice car for the money; 1946 dodge 4 door, excel lent buy; 1946 Ford, priced to sell; 1947 Studebaker, guaranteed to be in good condition Several pre war cars to choose from. For Bar gains in used cars try at the .Do Soto place. Griffin Motor Com- ! party. de 14 2t FOR QUICK SALE: 1948 FLEET* line Chevrolet, radio and heat er, new tires and seat covers. $750.00* C. B. Allen, Route 11 Wil liamston. de 12 3t WANTED TO RENT: IIOI'SE for family of three, preferable ! in desirable section of Williams- ' ton. Excellent references. Writcl P. O. Box 3117, Williamston, N. , C- de 12 3t | FOR SALE: HOUSE ANI) LOTS | in Jamesvilie Sec Bill Man | nmg, Jamesville, N. C. de 12 4t j CROP WANTED: TENANT WITH ten in tamily desires crop on good farm. Write or contact Mrs .! | Eddie Hardison, RFD No. I. Wil 1 liamston. de 12 3t APARTMENTS OR HOMES j wanted by men and their fami lies who are associated with the Texas Company which recently constructed a large terminal here. If you have cither available please contact The Enterprise do 12 3t FOR SALE: ALUMINUM OFFICE chair with Duran all plastic up-! holstery. Purchased by error, will sell at cost. Enterprise Publish ing Company.. ‘ ' de 5 tf WALLPAPER: 1* L AIN OR Washable by Imperial B. S. Courtney and Son. de 5 20t J WANTED: ( ASH i ant with equipment. Approxi i mately 2!) acres ot tobacco and 27 ; acres of peanuts. 128 acres crop | land. 1-2 mile from Hassell. N See Mrs. Leontine D. Manning of i Bethel. N. ('.. qr Ernest Edmond son of Hassell. N. C. de 12 4t FOR SALE: 1940 TWO DOOR'DE Luxe Ford. Good radio and heater R. J. Rogerson. 8 miles south on Washington Highway. de 5 4t WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all types of l igh quality hard wood logs. v'-’ells-Oates Lulmbet Company. Frank E Weston, man ager. Wiiliamston, N. C. je 8 t( BE INDEPENDENT. SELL RAW leigh Products. Good nearby local it v open in Southeast Martin | County. Write today. Rawleighs Dept. NCK 4.71-1'). Richmond, Vir ginia. N 28 lOt DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone j Greenville, N. C, 3101. Norfolk | Tallow Company no 8 tl FOR YOUR CUSTOM . MADt | Venetian blinds, awnings tor the home or store, see us. Wr have the famous F'exalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wot/d. Henry Harrison, Wiiliams ton. au 28 tf STOP IN AM) SEE OCR STOCK of Used Furniture. Williamstor Hardware Company, Wiiliamston j N. C. au 29 tf PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Top Prices lor standing tim ber and pine logs. Wiiliamston | Supply Co. Phone 24(50 je 20 tf GOOD USED FURNITURE Wil liamston* Hardware Company, ! Wiiliamston, N. C. an 29 tf [big dance at whichard's Beach, Washington, N. ('.. every i Saturday night. Combination i ' ound and square dancing by real |orehestra music Admission ladies I 50c and men 75c. de 7 fit YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat tei ies. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Loelect no 8 tf CLARK'S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money buck. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bicycles Tricycles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2304 Cnihcrsoii "Clean Flame" KAIHANT HKATLIt Oil llurning As Low As $17.95 Now On Display At Maytag Appliance Co. Washington St. Williamston 1 BIRCH 3 SPEED Record Players With Built-In Amplifier. Portable Cases In Many Colors. This portable phonograph is designed to plav the three conventional records 7H. 1.7 anil 33 1-3 R. P. M. I 3 Speed-$39.95 1 Speed (78) - - $24.95 WorrellApplianceCo. Main Street [»' V Willianislon BOTTLE GAS SERVICE Williamston Bottle Gas Co. Phone 2050 1 16 Main Si. W. J. MILLER & SON _ Office: WESTERN AUTO MMMMI>WWMMWWWMVXWWWMW»Wm« 'VFANrTKiJf FARM FAMILY TO cult i vate my farm tin ’’halves. One mile cast of llohuond on pav ed mail, two good 'dwellings ft 3 4 acres of tobacco, 15 acres of pea nuts. 60 acres cleared. See ,1. A House. Hobuood or write Mrs. Leon Shields, Kinston. do V -It ! NICK SPECKLED TROFT — 3ac | up. Oysters and a choice selec tion of fresh sea food. Sanitary Kish Market, located behind Mar tin's Bakery. Phone 2204. n 21 ;!t PARKER'S SELF - S E R V I ( R Laundry. Hours 8 it. m. to 5 p. tn. Monday through Friday. 8 a. in. a quick and economical wash sec ie 8 ft vice. SEE Vi orrcll A|»pli:nu*»* Co. for the host in I’SED EI’RNITI'UE j I.Ookl^i *\%>|£ 4’OAT? H EM,, : vvo liuvr them, Geherdiiu from $18.05 to $39.!);». Not only art; thev I topbut tlu-y an TOPS in quality and the la st values you've seen this season. Harden s Dept Store Wniiamston. no :!fi tf Vl ltV SPIN l \l,: MEN, DON'T but your fall and winter suits until you've seen the best values in to,vn We have good quality suits that range in prior front S2I.00 to $49.95 NVe feature Cur lee suits, the best buy on the mar ket. Durden's Dept Store. Wil liamston. or 2(1 tf IK IT'S Hril.DING OR < ON t 11 It ;incI. Dui| 2*i12. Quick ser vice Vour order will be appn einted. Jimmy Harrison. d 5 4t KOK HINT: SANDING MAI II ine. Hefinish your floors your self and do a first class job o' sanding and polishing your wor u dingy floors. We will rent and show vou how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low Worrell Appliance Com Dany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf k#OPEV PLUMBINGS CD6EWOOO AVE.*PHONE 2)09 WIILIAMSTON, N.C. FIXZIT \ SYSTEM r\?i\r i ■ *' \s 10-15-20 Lears Prompt ('losing No Appraisal Fee Low Interest Rate riism. II. \li\. g'jonv Santa’s W\ % jumbo Savings r Own n s/fra f/ f ru a hi>ratj SAUCE WHOLE OR 16-Oz. £ STRAINED Cans CS TIN \ I lAlllll Clil.I.N LIMA BEANS 17-Oz. Can 25 CS l.lllin OK II' I MONTI' II VIA I II Ol; SI.K I D PEACHES YELLOW CLING r.u. 2! Can 29 c s n:\in ini.i.v i i:mh:k TINY PEAS 17 Oz Can 25 i.iciiv s in: VInn l i ft invwnKSrtiN»; 4' , - TOMATO juice 25 l.lisiivs i.i s< tops i iti s111:i> PINEAPPLE No. 2 Can 25 sot tmi:kn manok tiikii i v iiit.k iors FRUIT BAR 15 Oz Size 39 < S Mi:i.mIVV ITIIK Dili.It IOI s APPLE SAUCE “ 14 23* 27* CS ItKI) SOCK PITTKII CHERRIES PACKKR'S I.AHKI, HKAI.THPI'I, ORANGE juice 4<°: STANDARD It Cl I KICK TOMATOES 13c mini; i v im; kmh.isii uvnv WALNUTS 37* KNRICHKII CV AIM IK V I CII C S MILK 2 “ 23* Item; VI K TRNIIKK (IT GREEN 2 . ; 25* 16 Oz 10* 20* item; \ 1e kick hi; viuv PORK & beans l.KI \ i iik; TcmiKit re vs GREEN GIANT V! Vltt; VltCI HOI.Vies SN VI'S AMI FIELD PEAS c! 14* MOTH KICS ( It I- V M V SMOOTH Mayonnaise 37* < S I.I S< IOI S I Kl IT COCKTAIL c.f 37* I- DIM IM I C SIIKCIIIIKH coconut 23* I hum l0huisimt hanv EXTRA FANCY WASH STATE WINFSAP APPLES 2 Lbs. SVVKKT .11 l( Y M.OItlllA ORANGES i I KKSH IT 1,1, “O" JI M K COCONUTS “* Cranberries, 1 lb. Cello 19c 25c 31c 17c U S No 1 Kiln DriHd YAMS 5“- 41c Fancy Green Christmas TREES 3>*C 5 6MI 1 7 8 Ft { 9-10 Ft 75< C 01 n e.. - 4* * STopr.1 S2.25 (»/onirr/\ Monts ARMOUR'S STAR SMOKED PICNICS ■ ih WHOLE OR HALF, 6 8 LBS AVG WT E5c Tit AY PACKKIl IHtC VKI AST BACON ARMOUR S STAR TKNDKR I.OIN KNII _ PORK ROAST 45c ( UK I- S I’KIlie SAUSAGE ^ ’“<• litesii (,koi mi BEEF Lb (Mr M VItKKI STYI.K BACK Bnna Lb lie ( HIT'S ritlDK IIKVIKKI* CRABS i* 20«* ( III I S ntlIIK POTATO SALAD Lb. 29« FILLET OF Haddock Lb , Mi fillet OF SALT Mackerel Lb i;i< i Ocean-Fresh Seafood Medium KOCK, lb. 39e < l.fje Speckle TKOI'T 49c * PEKC'H l iei.FT. lb. 45c / JUM80 SAVINGS moumuTTH vtm m ih»iiriints Svrwit IV ith Tuvlivii or f 7iiVAr»ii FOK SALE: >0 RUED DI'ROf? Ss*and idts. AI