Van R. Page Goes To Supreme Court In Robbery Case (Continued from page one) cast' in which he was charged with cruelty to animals, was sentenced to the roads for sixty days. He was allowed to give bond in the sum1 of $250 until January 2 when he is to surrender himself before noon to Sheriff M W Hoioman. Pleading guilty of non-support, Thomas Kirkman was sentenced to the roads for six months, the court suspending the road term upon the payment of $10 a week for the support of his family, a $14!! med ical bill and costs. The case charging R L. Sikes with issuing a worthless check, was continued until the March term on account of the defendant's illness Charged with an assault with a deadly weapon. Walter Wilson Knight was found not guilty by j jury. General Columbus Freeman, charged with drunken driving, i pleaded not guilty. Convicted in i the county court on lh< charge, I Freeman, was fined $200, plus costs, and he appealed After the evidence was heard. Judge Bone 1 explained to the defendant's at- i torney that if the jury found ms ! client guilty a road sentence Marco Theatre WIIJ IAMSTON Sunday - Monday i CLAIRE DODD SU1CH o?UDOT DICK FORAN g Ct'NDOSBJOTHMjl j [could be expected. The plea was I (. hanged to one of guilty, and the [judgment of the lower court was i upheld. Linwood (dummy) Speight, charged with burglarl.v, was found not guilty by jury. Speight, rightly or wrongly convicted on numerous other occasions for breaking and entering and lar ceny, had his interpreter but no attorney. he litteraily skid ed out of the charge that he en tered the Mad White home in Williamston on the night of Sep tember It). He maintained that he had been keeping compary with one of the occupants in the room ing house, that he went there while she was away to get some of his clothing. Speight, released by directed verdict for allegedly breaking into a Williamston fill ing station, was arrested for the alleged boarding house crime af ter gaining his freedom a few hours before. He had been in jail since that time. At the conclusion of the evi dence in Ha ease in which Roht. Savage was charged with break ing and entering and larceny, the court directed a verdict ot not guilty. Disease Resistant Seed For Tobacco Needed In County (Continued from page one) disease may not bo in all fields or on the farm in question. Two vt ars' experience has shown that the yield and value per acre of Dixit Bright 101 are an improvement over many of. the non-resistant varieties being j grown at present. Thus, say Ben nett and Nusbuam, a grower may j may not have to sacrifice any-i thing in switching to this variety and thus reducing his chances of heavy loss tin first year a disease appears. Deaths from Loons are dost to I a thousand a month in December, i January and February, National j Safety Council figures show. The principal reasons are defective ’ heating appliances (or improper use of them) anti defective chim neys In summer months the burn toll is nearer 300 a month. Watts Theatre k f \\ illium»toii, IN. (.. THURSDAY - FRIDAY Watts Theatre WilliuiiiMoii, IV (!. SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY Farm Marketing Income Increase Farmers' cash reccpits from marketings in November art es timated at 3.1 billion dollars. 14 percent less than in October but 8 percent more than a year ago. The expected decline from Oc tober is a reflection of seasonally smaller marketings, as prices will probably average about the same. Higher prices, however, will ac count for any increase in cash re ceipts over last year. Receipts from livestock and products in Novembei may total about 1.6 billion dollars, It per cent less than in October but nearly Hi) percent more than in November ol 11)41). Both market ings and prices may bi down slightly from October, but ih< v will be considerably above those of a year ago. November receipts from meat animals may be as much as 30 percent higher than last Novem ber, though somewhat below the October level. Ri eeipts from dairy products in November may he about 8 per cent less than in the previous month because marketings will be down seasonally, but they will probably be about the same as last November. On the other hand, receipts from poultry and eggs may he about 15 percent above October as a result of seasonally larger sales of eggs and turkeys, and probably about the same as a year ago. Crop receipts in November are I estimated at 1.5 billion dollars, | 10 percent below the seasonal i peak in October and probably j Close to those of a year earlier. —-% --- mi Four-II Club hoys, attending a tractor maintenance school in Ra leigh recently, met "Jim Care less." a straw-stuffed dummy. "Jim" had left off the safety guard covering the power take-off shaft on his tractor, as many far mers do. As the hoys watched. “Jim" got his pant leg caught in the shaft, was quickly pulled down and spun around, scattering straw in all directions," This could happen to you." the boys were told. About 40,000 turkeys are being i produced in Pamlico County this year, according to turkey special lists at State Collegia f«a« ANKERS ELLISON uf usst s Mm ton WHITKT ■ MCI HUM Imm MUNflU PKMkS NU'.dAK — SiiikIuy •!Moii<lu> 'vwvwwwvvvvvvvvHwrj ! VICCAR THEATRE WILLI AMSTON TODAY and FRIDAY ‘IUM.KETSIIII* \ \t" Lloyd Bridges Osa Ma»M*n SATURDAY Double Feature IIOKDCK TREASURE Tim Holt RAIDERS OK TIIK desert Maria Monte/. Andy Devine SUNDAY and MONDAY "THE TEXAN MEETS CALAMITY J ANE" In Uineeolor Evelyn Ankers ’ .lames Ellison | «WW¥WW*MWWWMVMWWWWMVVt Clayton Roberson Joins Air Force Corporal Bryant of the United States Army and Air Force Re cruiting Service stated today that Harry Clayton Roberson of Rob ersonviile has enlisted in the United States Air Force for a period ot four years and has been sent to Lackland Air Force Base. San Antonio, Texas where he will receive his Basic Training before'pelting his individual as signment. Private Roberson is one of the many men of this area re cently volunteering in the Air Force to receive the many bene fits of a volunteer. Private Rob erson is the- son of Mr. and Mrs. Waiter F. Roberson of Roberson villc and attended Robersonville High School and was a member of the 1948 graduating class Any Robereonville, N. C. THURSDAY - FRIDAY Dec. 14-15 Technicolor Musical LETS DANCE With Betty Hutton anil Fred Astaire Color Cartoon and Short SATURDAY, Dec. 16 OUTLAW TR AIL With Boh Steele HITES MUSTEK With The Bowery Boys And Serial SUNDAY, Dec. 17 \ MODERN MARRIAGE With Margaret Fields and Reed Hadley Our Gang Comedy and Christmas Color Cartoon: JINGI.E BELLS MONDAY - TUESDAY Dec. 18-III (In Technicolor) TRIPOLI With Maureen O'llara and John Payne ^ilest News and Short rMM«MIMMMWWIMWWWWWWWA II Adults MU Children 15c T IHIRSDAY • FRIDAY "The Flame and The Arrow' With Hurl Laneasler Virginia Mayo Novelty And Cartoon SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Wild Hill Kllioll In "Taming of The Wesl" "He Walked By Night" With Scull Heady Chapter No. 12 of Serial Cod\ of tin* l*oii\ Express CARTOON SUNDAY - MONDAY "In The Navy" With Ahliolt and Costello Comedy and Cartoon TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ii Beau Gesie With Gary Cooper Hnhert Preston Cartoon II one in this area desiring to enlist and get their assignment either at Fort Jackson Columbia, S. C. or Lackland Air Force Base, San An tonio Texas among many friends from this area may do so by con tacting your local Army and Air Force Recruiting Sergeant. ' _« Thomas Edison, during his life time. produced over a thousand patentable inventions. HAMILTON THEATRE TODAY and FRIDAY December 14 and 15 Shows at 7 and 9 FANCY PANTS With Bob Hope and Lucille Ball In Technicolor Latest News SATCRDAY, December IB Shows Continuous 1 til 11 Double Feature Program STAGECOACH KII) With Tim Holt JUNGLE STAMPEDE With Tom Neal 1st Chapter of FLYING DISCMAN OF MARS SUNDAY, December 17 Shows at 3 and 9 LUST FOR GOLD With Glenn F'ofd In Technicolor Color Cartoon MONDAY - TUESDAY December 18 and 19 Shows at 7 and 9 OUR VERY OWN With Farley Granger and Ann Blythe Plus Latest News MOVIES Arc BETTER THAN EVER 1 WATTS THEATRE — WILLIAMSTON THURSDAY - FRIDAY "The Good Humor Nan" With Jack Curpoii Lola AI Isri^rlil News — Leon Errol Comedy SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Doii Rcil Barry "I Shot Billy The Kid" "Kill Or Be Killed" With Law mice Tierney George Coiilouri* Chapter No. 9 of Serial Desperadoes of the Went Cartoon SUNDAY - MONDAY TUESDAY Color by Technicolor "Let's Dance" With Fred Asia ire Belly IIulIon NEWS WEDNESDAY THURSDAY - FRIDAY Color by Technicolor 'Kansas Raiders' With Andie Murphy Brian Donlevy March Of Time and Sport FREE GIFT Wrapping Service Give Luggage - a Lusting Gift! For mom, for <la«l, for sis or broilin' — mc have tin* hcI or imliviilual piece of fine In^apc sure to please his or her own taste. fiomt' in early —- choose from our Hide •’ifl-llicmcil selection. FOR HIM: FOR THE KIDDIES Use Our Lay-A-Way Plan Other Gift Suggestions For The Entire Family FOR HER: Bathrobes, Bedroom Shoes, Gowns, Slips, Panties, Luggage, Costume Jewelry, Hosiery, Hankies, Scarfs, Gloves, Handbags, Pajamas, Etc. g|* Arrow Shirts, Bathrobes, Pajamas, | k Bedroom Shoes, Ties, Sox, Cuff * w Links, Tie Clips, Sweaters/Gloves. | & Slacks, Sport Shirts, Florsheim Shoes i* s and Many Other Items. | Wagons, Carriages, Dolls, Electric Irons, Tea Sets, Wagons, Tricycles, Pedal Cars, Holster Sets, Cowboy Suits, Mechanical Toys, Footballs, Basketballs and Numerous Others. Shop With Confidence — Wear With Pride

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