Plan Long-Range F oresiry Program Wananish, N. C.—Timberland ciwneis, wood-using industralists and other interested persons will in the near future have an op portunity to help formulate re commendations to be made to the 1951 General Assembly concern ing a long range forestry pro • gram for North Carolina,/it was announced today by W. S. Ed munds, Executive Director of The North Carolina Forestry Associa tion. This statement was released by Edmunds along with an an nouncement that the Board of Di rectors of the Association will hold an open hearing in Raleigh on January 4th to diseuss the mer its of recommendations contained m a report recently compiled by the North Carolina Forestry i Council. The Forestry Council is a group of professional foresters repre senting all governmental, educa tional, and industrial organize ft MORE OIL BY PIPELINE. Faced by an unprecedented public demand for petro leum products, Sinclair, Refining Com pany is going all-out to increase deliveries Ito motorists and fuel oil users. As part of Its great $150,000,000 expansion pro gram, Sinclair is adding hundreds of miles of.pipeline to.iti already existing lines. BEAUTY FOR A BEAUTY may come in a small package but it means a lot to the beauty who travels or prefers her beauty aids compactly at hand. The kit may include everything from cologne to powder. Yardley’s Beauty Kit, shown above. tions concerned with forestry ac tivities within the State. Its study of the state forestry program, re cently completed, was made at the request of George R. Ross, Di rector of the N. C Dept, of Con servation and Development, Cop ies of the report were distributed • ^ m" |**>rtr.iit—in miniature—just the cheerful, per son,il touch you want in your holiday greeting cards, i l-c price is low, and the results beautiful. - —• K you phone, we ll he pleased to explain our plan. DYAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CENTER I'linur 2H~(t W illittiiisloii. N. (^. at the recent annual meeting of the State Forestry Association in Raleigh. Edmunds said recommendations submitted indicate that very careful study has been made of the problems involved and agreed that recommendations appear to be well-foupde-d. He stated, how ever, that certain recommenda tions may be more or less contro versial and inasmuch as several points require legislative action and will have far-reaching ef fects, the Board felt that non members of the Association as well as the members should have an opportunity to register their opinions. He added that Director Ross and representatives of the Council concur with the Board's decision to hold the open-hear ing. The hearing will be held in the Raleigh Room of the Sir Walter Hotel at 10 A. M., Thursday , Jan uary 4th. In the meantime any persons desiring a copy of 'The Long Range Forestry Plan" for study may obtain it without cost by addressing the N C. Forestry Association, P. O. Box 14, Wana nish, N. C. (99) The early shopper will get the best choice of gifts this year. i: i> i) <: a i ion \ i. i n s ii k \ n <: i: fo it v o n it c II i l i) it i: N | w. “mur pkixk MiuiaKrr tiii; i ih; INHUItANl li (OMI'ANY OFYIHUMA W1LU AMSTON N. C. SINCLAIR BUILDS NEW PIPELINES TO HELP MEET RECORD OIL DEMAND SomenewSinclair lines'are already speeding gasoline and fuel oil over the all-weather route from refineries to key delivery points. Moreover, Sinclair is also enlarging its refining capacity and inten* sifying its search for new crude supplier In the future as in the past, look to Sinclaif for Better Products. Better Service. N. C. GREEN, Bailee WILLIAMSTON, N. C. BROADWAY AND MAIN STIiffT Professional Blind Man Plays The Game to the Very Finish -By BILLY ROSE Last night, in a mood for malt and malarkey, I stopped in to chin with Sammy Fuchs, proprietor of the Bowery Follies and hon orary mayor of that unwashed neck of the Manhattan Woods. “What's new and gruesome ir. your baliwick?" I asked mine host. “Nothing much," said Sammy, “except that Faker Kennedy died last week and 'eft his eyes to a bartender down the block." "Come again?” I said. According to Sammy, the Faker was a professional blind man who nad Dcen raining a tin cup on the Bowery for as long as he could remember. In spite of his calling, however, It was a standing joke around the flophouses \tat the(cane tapper could shoot off a bug’s ear at a hundred paces. stuff;' said the thug. 'You guy.' always got a roll on ya.' “The Faker made out as If he was fumbling in his pockets, and then suddenly made a grab for the gun, yanked it away from the hood and bopped him over the head with it. Then, using the body as a sort of shield, he pointed the gun at the other punk. “ 'Drop yer pistol,’ he said, 'or I'll shoot the cigar outta yer mouth.’ “Well. It so happened Ihe thpg did have a cigar In his mouth, and when he heard the blind man's on-the button reference to it he got pan icky and dropped his gun. A dozen guys jumped him, and a few min utes later he and his pal were in the precinct house. "After that, of course, everybody on the Bowery was sure the Faker was a fake, but he never owned up. 'They got me all wrong.’ he once told me. 'The stick-up guy was smokin’ an Italian stogie and ya can smell them things a block away. And I guessed it was in his mouth by the way he talked.' "A couple of weeks '/sgo," Sammy went on, ffiaher Ken~ nedy got pneumonia, and the day altei his body uas tailed oil to Potter's Held a package shoo ed up in G organ’s mail still) a pair of glass eyes.” "Sounds like the old man wAs tellmg the truth after all," I said. “Nobody Is convinced, one way or the other," said the Mayor of the Bowery. “Maybe the eyes came out of the Faker's head, and then again maybe he picked them up in a hock shop. You know, you never can tell about these cuckoos—he might have uented to play the gag out to the end * “We used to km. Kennedy about his blindness,” said Sammy, "but h e never let on it was an act—if it was an act. And we were never sure because no one ever saw the old coot without his smoked glasses. ‘‘Down at Gar- Billy Rose gati's Bar where the Faker used to hang out after hours,” Sammy continued, “the proprietor had a kind of running gag at the bum’s expense. “ 'When you die,’ he used to say, 'will me your eyes. Mine are get in’ pretty tired from lookin’ at die sawdust.* “ Til leave ’em to ya, Gargan,' was the Faker's stork answer. ’And .hey’ll come in handy if ya ever want to play marbles.’ "That's about how the talk went until one night not long ago when a couple of stick-up-men walked into Gargan's and lined the cus tomers up against the wall—all ex cept the Faker who didn’t budge from his usual place at the end of the bar. "After the punks had cleaned out the register and what little was In the customers’ pockets, one of them walked up to the l aker and jabbed • gun In his ribs. "'You u nullin'' hike pennies from a blind man, would ya?' mid Kennedy. " 'Don't gimme that pennies Largest Oil Pipe - Line Now In Use S/u-cial Christmas Program In Pinny Crow Church A .special Christmas program is in the making and will be given at the Pitley Grove Baptist Church | Sunday night at 7 o'clock. In ad dition to the special program a Christmas Tree and gilts will he provided for the members of the Sunday school Built by United States interests, I it Cost an estimated $250,000,000 and took 523,000 tons of steel. It : taps one of the world's greatest ! oil fields, Tin: wi ld's biggest oil pipeline lias been completed and now is being filled, with oil. The 1,068 niile line runs from the rich Unit ed States-owned oil fields on the Persian gulf in Saudi-Arubia to the ancient town of Sidon on the Mediterranean coast. It was built to eliminate a 7,000-mile tanker haul through the £uez Canal 7 still time to ' make this a /Hwowvo CHRISTMAS I Ml PWtClSION WAIlM ✓maune the thrill you’ll give your special someone when I hey open your (pi t . . a beautiful Gruen Watch' See their eyes light up as I hey fasten (his magnificent I line piece on their wrist There's a Gruen styled just for your heart's desire in our splendid selection, priced Iroui $2!).7.r> including federal tax. ItiiilfjH 'fVrnih Arrungcil ?4tU's-Jewetw Since lim 12J .'lain WillimiMon "FOR FINER CHRISTMAS GIFTS” Nation's Forests Being Exhausted From the Secretary of the "In terior came a a ire not recently on how America is running j through its priceless forest re- j serves. "We have made great progress in saving our forests," said the secretary’s anual report. "But we still are using up our valuable timber resources faster than we are replacing them. At our pre sent pace, the nation will have a desperate shortage of saw timber and pulp within a generation or two.” Here are the background facts on a situation to which the sec retary called the nation's atten tion: When the first settlers landed, fully half of the nation was cov ered by forest. There were 1,072, 000,000 acres of forests on 1,905, 000,000 acres of land. Now 042, 000,000 acres remain. And of these, only 45,000,000 acres are comparable to the originald for ests. G & W William ,r,, Penn '' ^ Blended Whiskey Prool m m< Ml« rt Cwn, m*NHT wmiikiyi in wn n 4 YIAII 01 MOM OLD IIS IN MS NIUTIAL Ml MOM 04 AIK fstal Pries 0.95 Pint* *3.15 Fifths The steadily worsening situa- I tion has brought into being a new' science—sylviculture—the sci- > ence of the forest farmer, He rais-1 cs and harvest trees as a crop. His tools are chiefly the axe and fire fighting equipment His science is a baby, dating back in the U S. to about SO years ago when the ! first attempts at forest conserva tion were made. Almost half a billion acres of commercial forest land lies in the domain of the silvicultrist. Of these acres, about 80,000,000 are federally owned or managed; 27, 000,000 are state, county and municipally owned; 130,000,000 are farm woodlands; and 208,000. 000 are privatch owned by in dustrial and lumbering interests. The first free library in Amer ica was started in Charleston, S. C. m 1695. (mv SametAina pgjer/M/ Welcome ELECTRIC wate* UeoUt! • ••0$ Oh WELCOME as a Christmas check, but much warmer in thought (and in tact) la a practical present which all the family will enjoy, an Automaba Electric Water Heater Morning, noon and night 365 days a year it will provide them with a cheerful yearful of comfort and convenience, upetairs and down. It is so completely automatic there is nothing to remember or forget. At Vepco's low oft-peak water heating rale, it will heat lour gallons of piping hot water lor a single penny. That's another reason why over 55,000 families wha live in Vepcoland have switched to an Automaba Electric Water Heater Such a practical present is a slick tnck for St Nick, so see your Electrical Dealer or Plumber now! Feane her it s a gift that makes itself at homut '♦S3*' / UIRGlIUn aeiiwt nnn mimm wmpnny L CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my friends for the kindness shown me during my re cent stay in the hospital. I want to especially thank Dr Drown and his fine staff of nurses for the wonderful service they rendered me. I 61so want to thank each and everyone for the gifts, cards and flowers. J. G. Peele. The lightest wood in the world is believed to be tano. It is found in Siam and the Malayan Pen insula. SLAB WOOD FOR SALE CHEAP. Dial 2160 Williumstou Supply Co. MAT *1 McLnwhorn Furniture Compuny