Ncivs As Reported In The Enterprise Forty Years Ago DECEMBER 16. 1910 Hubert Morton, of Jamesville spent Sunday in Robersonville. L. E. Corey spent Monday in Jamesville. Johnnie Anderson, the clever collector of the City Furniture Company was in Jamesville Tues t day. G S. Williams and J. W. Dar den, of Jamesville, returned home Saturday from New York and other Northern cities where they have been on business. Miss Roland Moore and Miss Mamie Taylor, of Everetts, have returned home after visiting in the home of C B Harrison. Gideon Barnhill, of Roberson ville, spent Sunday in Everetts with his brother. Nathan Roberson, of Bear Grass was a visitor in Everetts Thurs day. Last week the Mid-Winter de bate between the societies in the Freshman Class at the University occured at Chapel Hill. The ques tion was the all important one. "Ship Subsidy." Elbert Sidney Peel, the young son of Prof. R. J Peel, who entered as a freshman, this term, won for himself the distinction of representing his society, taking the negative side. With gift of mind and speech, he easily won over his opponents and was awarded a prize of ten dol lars. The many friends of Miss Lizzie Roberson ,of Robersonville, are glad to see her out again after a long illness. Misses Helen Congleton, Fannie Belle Roberson and Willie H. Crofton, of Robersonville, return ed from a visit to Ay den Monday. Jamesville is the principal point in an important part of Martin County and has within is some very prosperous and progressive citizens There is located an im mense plant of the Dennis Sim mons Lumber Company and sev eral other mills. But for some un known reason it is lacking in ed ucational advantages. It is now the purpose of the people to start an Institute there Mr. Alexander Corey is preparing folders with application blank attached, which will be mailed to people in dif ferent sections of the country. It is hoped to get stock subscribed to the amount of $5,000 to which will be added a like amount, mak ing a $10,000 equipment Each share of stock is to be worth $10,000 This is a worthy under taking and will mean much for that section of success is attained. At the residence of the officiat ing clergyman. Rev. George H. Spooney, pastor of Monumental Church, Portsmouth, Va., Mr. Jes se T Price and Miss Minnie Man ning were married on December 13th Mr. Price and Miss Manning left for Norfolk on last Tuesday, presumable for holiday shopping .in that city, but their purpose was to be wedded in the popular ro mantic style. Rumor had it, how ever, that the young people in tended to unite their lives in that manner, so the marriage was not h surprise to many friends. The bride is one of the County's at tractive young women and be longs to the Manning family which has produced some of the best citizens of the county. She has, for years, been a successful public school teacher, and the groom is to be congratulated upon his winning her. Mr. Price is well known as the chief clerk in the post office at Williamston, where he has been for years. He is a young man of sterling worth, and enjoyes the respect and esteem of all who knew him. He has made a home for himself and mother for several years on West Main street, to which he will carry his bride. * After years of successful man agement of a large grocery, Jo seph A. Mizell has sold out to J. D. Gurganus and will retire to his farm about three miles from Williamston. Mr. Mizell has made many friends by his courteous manners, and by catering to the wants of his patrons. He retires with the good wishes of a large number of friends who will miss him. \ The newly inaugurated Board of County Commissioners at their first meeting this week elected Frank Hassell, Esq., county at torney. The selection is an admi rable one and also quite an honor to this gentlemen. The Town Commissioners have forbidden the shooting of fire works from Academy to Haugh ton Street on Mam and from Church to Railroad on Smithwick street. Mrs. P. H. Brown and little daughter, of Jamesville, were in town Sunday. « Messrs E. B. Darden and Robert Baker, of Hamilton, were in town Sunday. W. H. Crawford killed nine porkers on Tuesday which were, good to see. They everaged 200 lbs each and were in fine condi tion. Mr. Crawford is one of the most successful hog raisers in the county ‘'Calamity Jana" Ihia it The I irrar On Sunday ^ "The Texan Meets Calamity , Jane," Columbia Pictures' new | jCinecolor release, opens Sunday i at the Viccar Theatre. Evelyn An- j i kers and James Ellison head the cast, which also features Lee ’Lass es White, Ruth Whitney, and Jack j Ingrain. The film was written,1 I produced and directed by Ande J ! Lamb. NOTICE OF SALK iNorth Carolina, Martin £ountv In The Superior Court Before The Clerk W. A. Daniel and Wife, Johnnie Daniel. Julia D. Chesson and bus-1 band Herbert R. Chesson, B. K. Daniel and wife, Velina I*. Daniel, | [Eliza I). Upchurch and husband, I Thurman II. Upchurch, John rtf. | Daniel, single, Herman Hlnunt Daniel, minor, by his next friend,! K. II. Cowen, and Mrs. Carolina Blount Daniel, widow of W. B. Daniel, and Joe Daniel and wife, Bettie Daniel, ex parte. Notice is hereby given, that un Ider, by virtue of and pursuant to I j an order of L. B. Wynne, Clerk i Superior Court of Martin County, entered on the 5th day of Deoem I ber 1950 ordering a sale of the I lands hereinafter described, sub ! ject to the widow’s dower of Mrs. Carolina Blount Daniel, which has been allotted in the first tract 1 hereinafter described, the under signed Commissioner of the Court I appointed in said proceedings, will on Saturday the Oth day of i January 1951 at the Courthouse Door in the town of Williamston, Martin County, N. C., offer for [sale at twelve o’clock M. in front of the Courthouse Door of Martin I County, at public auction, to the Austin^NicKols GREAT OAK » i BLENDED WHISKEY $1.85 | pint I Hit Straight Whiskeys in this prat ed art 2 years or mar* aid; 10 % Straight Whiskey, 70% Grain ' Naatrtl Spirits; 20% Straight Whis key 2 ytars aid, S % Straight Whiskey 4 years aid, 5% Straight Whiskey 4 yean eld. li proof Austin^NichoIs j £Co1R Inc. ^ ■tUN&esrff/msk & I m M fbt % .1 % s I I i MARK I I AN ELECTRICAL GIFT AND YOU WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR YEARS - ■ - II m » Sunbeam Mixmaslers Toastmasters II aler Heaters Electric Ilian L ets Heating Pads Automatic Toasters llair Dryers Hot PI ales Electric ('.locks Hadios — S/y.9.) to $600. Electric Ovens ami Htuislers Sunbeam Irons II estinfilumse Electric Irons Electric Pop Corn Poppers Cacunm Cleaners Sun Lamps Electric Square Water Heaters Apartment Size Electric /fanfies % 5 % 6 I WorrellApplianceCo. MR. FARMER ' ✓ I YOU CAN'T TRUTHFULLY SAY Thai Yon Received Top Money For Your CORN OR SOY REANS I util you liavr smirpd our priro. My ail inrun* roittnrt u* before you sell. Dial 4491 for Top Prices Robersonville Shelling Co. JAKE MOBLEY Rohersonville, IV C. H. T. HIGHSMITH t DRIZZLE FAILS TO PUT DAMPER ON TRUMAN SMILE UNMINDFUL OF THE WEATHER, President Truman waves a hearty greeting to a passerby as he strolls with a group of Secret S' -vice n ^n in San Francisco. A few hours later, the Chief executive was to address the nation from the \\. r Me, jrial Opera House concerning Korea and U. S. foreign police. (International) highest bidder, for cash, the fol lowing described real estate in Martin County, to-wit FIRST TRACT: The Home place of the late W. B. Daniel in the Town of Williamston, Martin County, N. C., on the corner of Biggs and Hatton Stieets, adjoin ing the lands of Mrs. Sudic Rob erson and Mrs. W M Perry Be ginning at a point on the South side of Hatton Street where Biggs Street intersects Hatton Street; running thence along Hatton Street S. 55 deg. W 2111 foot to a stake, Mrs. Sudie Roberson's cor ner on Hatton Street; thence North 31 deg. 31' West along the line of Mis Sudie Roberson 140 feet to the line of the property !owned by Mrs W. M I’err.v; thence North 59 hog. 15' Hast along the line nf Mrs. W. M Per ry 214.11 feet to Biggs Street; theme along Biggs Street South 30 deg. 15' East 114.0 feet to Hat ton Street, the point of the be ginning and being the premises occupied by W It. Daniel at the time of his death and conveyed to W. B. Daniel and wife Emma j Daniel by deed from the Trustees of the Williamsten Memorial | Baptist Church. This tract or lot or parcel of land will he sold, subject to (he I Widow's dower therein of Mrs Carolina Blount Daniel SKCOND TUACT: A certain I t ract or parrel of land ly ins am I bring in Williamston Township, Martin County, N. C , bounded on the North by the lands of Mrs Harry Meador; on the East by tlie lands of .1 T. Barnhill; on the South by the lands of W B Dan il l and on the West by the lands of Herman' Bowen, containing 120 acres, more or less, and being the smile tract of land deeded to W. B Daniel and wife Emma Daniel by Mr Bettie Teel by deed dated September 111, 1024 and recorded in the public registry of Martin County m Book 0 3- at page 80 THIRD TRACT A certain 11 act i r parcel of land in Wil Hiamston Township, Martin Conn Ity, N. C., bounded on the North by tht lands of Ben Everett; on before the close of sale ten per cent of their bid or bids to show good faith. The last and highest bidder for the lot in Williamston, N. C., the first tract, which is being sold subject to the dower right of Mrs. Ca.otinr. Bio..-' Daniel, will not gi; no. ' the death of the sain «. Carolina Blount Daniel. This the 5th day of December, 1950. Hugh G Horton. Commissioner fie 7-14-21-28 WANTED CORN AND SOY BEANS hitc or Mixnl SHELLED CORN 11 <7low CORN SHELLED SOY BEANS - - - - $1.40 Bn. - - $1.45 Bu. - - $2.60 Bn. \Y<* \ri* IV<‘|*:ir«'il To I’irk l'p \l Your Farm. MARTIN FCX I America's largest and finest low-priced car ! I The Smorf New Fleelline De luxe 4-Door S»Jon Smart New Styleline D« Luxe 2 Door S*Han in# ^9} our choice for *51 REFRESHINGLY NEW • • • THOROUGHLY RELIABLE ! Of ;ill cars, here’s your choice for 1951—the new C hevrolet America's largest ami finest low-priced car! It brings you all the new things, all the pleasing things, all the proved things you and your family arc looking for . . . including fleet, powerful Vaive-in-Head engine performance. Anil it brings you these things at lowest cost! Come in-see and drive it—todavt NEW AMERICAN REAUTY DESIGN NEW AMERICA PREFERRED IODIES IY FISHER Brilliant new styling . . . featuring new grille, tender moldings and rear-end de sign . . . giving Chevrolet that longer, lower, wider, big-car look. With strikingly beautiful lines, contours and colors . . . plus exliu sturdy I isher I ni steel construction, with Curved Windshield arid “anoramic Visibility. MOM PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! NEW MODERN MODE INTERIORS With upholstery and ap pointments of outstanding quality . . .' and with extra generous seating room for driver and all passengers on big, deep "bivc; boot Seats.” IIPIII SAFETY-SIGHT IIlW |N^TRUMENr PAHEl Safer, more efficient with ovefhanging upper crown to eliminate reflections in wind shield . . . and with plain, easy to-read instruments in two large clusters. CHEVROLET A.rill M0RE 'OWERFUl NtW hIMRO-ORUM IRARES (with DuU-Lift rlvatliu brakt liningt) Largest brakes in the entire low-price field . . . giving maximum stopping-power with up to 25% less driver effort-arid longer brake life. yrill IMPROVED CENTER-POINT STEERINk (and Ctnltr-Paint OtH$n) Making steering exlru-trtisv. just as Chevrolet’s famous Knee-Action Ride is com fortable beyond comparison in its orice raiw* PLUS TIMI-PROVID POWER 0Ude AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION —proved by more than a billion mile* of performance in th hands of hundreds of thousands of owners. Optional on Do Iwao n»oJo/| of on fra / Roanoke Chevrolet Company — Williamston, N. C. 11 A the East hv the lands of .1 T Barnhill; on the South by the lands of W. B Daniel and on the West by the lands of Mrs. Harry Meador, containing 30 acres, more or less, and being the same lands deeded to W. B. Daniel and wife Emma Daniel by (.» W. Blount by deed dated Sept. 25, 1934 and re corded in the public registry of Martin County in Book 0-3- at page 89. The last and highest bidder for the above, or any part of said lands, w , 1 he required to deposit