PRICE CONTROL CHIEF TAKES OFFICE , AT A SPECIAL CEREMONY in Washington, Michael DiSalle (right), former mayor of Toledo, O., i5.sworn in as Price Administrator bv Asso ciate Supreme Court Justice Tom Clark. (International SounrinhoM Lum N' Abner In Hi-jinks Here Thrill seekers get their fulfill ment in "The Bashful Bachelor” : I for its stars, Lum and Abner, en gage in a series of spine tiekling episodes that keep audiences on the edge of their seats. For example, there is Abner tied to the railroad tracks with a fast express hurtling at him; Lum dodging bullets as he rescues Ab ner from kidnappers ;an exciting horse race which Abner wins ^ from the field by a nose; a runa way fire engine; and other fast moving action to excite the thea tergoer that is coupled with the funniest comedy produced in I Hollywood in years. , Jack Votion produced the film, j showing at the Viccar Theatre Tuesday and Wednesday. • Week-end With Jam Powell claims that her latent M-G-M musical, "Two Weeks With Love," might just as easily have been called “One Weekend With Water." The singing star arrived at the studio on a Saturday morning * considerably dampened from an unusually heavy concentration of California dew. She spent all but two hours of the day doing a cry ing scene for the new Technicolor tuner. The remaining two hours were devoted to a sequence in which she is dumped into a lake by Kicardo Montalban Then, for a publicity shot, a prop. man drenched her to the skin with a ** pail of water. Came Sunday. Jane and her husband, Geary Steffen, went water skiing! Coming Soon to the Vicear Theatre. NOTICE OF RESALE Notice is hereby given that un der and by virtue of an order of re-sale entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin; County on the 16th day of Decem ber 1950 in that certain Special Proceedings entitled "Daniel Peel and wife, Rose Peel and others -vs- Abram Peel' and wife Ethel Peel and Ralph Peel and wife, ' Gladys Peel, the bid at the first ! sale having been raised as the law provides, the undersigned Com missioner will on Saturday the I 6th day of January 1951 at 12 o’clock Noon in front of the Court House door of Martin County at: Williamston, N. C., offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following de- I scribed real estate, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land IN AIR FORCE \ v.. - , ... . ✓ Higgs Air Force Base, Tex as. Dec.—Pfc Joseph F.. How ell, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Howell, Route 3, Williams ton, N. C., has been assigned to duty as a radio mechanic with the 97th Maintenance and Supply Group at Higgs Air Force Base, Texas. He is now a member of the | 97th Bombardment Wing .part of Strategic Air Command's j 8th Air Force. Pfc Howell is a graduate of Jlobersonville High School, class of 1949. in Griffins Township. Martin County, North Caroliha, bounded | i on the South by Smithwicks • Creek Hard Surfaced Road; on the West by the lands of J. G. Peel; on the North by Smithwicks I Creek and on the East by the H B. Peel Home Place, and contain ing SEVENTY-FIVE (75) ACRES, more or less, excepting |. the Peel Family Grave Yard and the right of ingress and egress to and from same. ■ The last and highest bidder at i, said sale will be required to de- ! posit the amount of ten percent of < said highest bid to show good . faith. ] This the 16th day of December, < 1950. J Hugh G. Horton, Commissioner. ' Hugh G. Horton, Attorney. 1 de 19-20 ja 2 I ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE j North Carolina, Martin County. Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of L. C. Brown, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present same to the undersigned or her attorneys within one year from the date of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This the 1st day of December, 1950. Mrs. L. C. Brown, Administratrix. Peel & Peel, Attys., Williamston. N. C. de 5-12-19-26 ja 2-9 l Attention! LAST MINUTE SHOPPERS Hive SPORTING GOODS CHRISTMAS We still have a large anil complete selection of hunting equipment, fishing e<|uipment, football ami hasketbull needs ami a number of toys ami sporting goods for the ehihlren. Also a Fine Selection of CHRISTMAS CANDIES FRUITS AND NUTS Lindsley Ice Co. Williaiuslou SHEER NYLONS FOU CHRISTMAS FROM BELK-TYLER'S Thousands arc savins, make mine a Belk-Tylcr silt this Christmas because (her know that when a silt comes from Bclk-Tylcr's then it is the ultimate in style— and best of all it doesn't matter whether you are sivins the sift or getting it von can always rest assured that satisfaction is suarantccd. So do as thousands are doing make Bclk-Tyler’s in Williamston your Christmas Shopping Center this year. 4ft % 4ft S IT; I 4ft % 1 4ft # 4ft fi m % m r OPEN EVENINGS TIL % 9 H'EUlMiSliAY through SATURDAY § n Made by sueli nationally advertised manufacturers as humming bird, and McCrary. 51 guage and 15 denier. We also have 60 gunge. These stockings command ad miration at a glance. Altogether luxurious—the most wanted stocking—the most welcome gift. Huy them by the box. , $1.00 $1.25 $1.35 $1.50 $1.05 m i I % ft k ft n ft % ft GIFT PANTIES l «l» pantich in all sian, anil « olni>. Ueatiliful pa* id «nlm> llial you Mill love. g Them* eome in the brief I g style Kith luee trim ami *' flare hand*. I li<‘color* arc pink. blue, vcIIoh ami «liilc. 39c 48c i *** ism ism mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm. mm mm mm. mm. m % LINGE RIE GIFT SLIPS n r» "A & v <;ut iioiisk smoks These lovely house shoes eome In assorted colors. Brown, two toned, etc. Kids, and I'elt. Leather and padded soles with slide or closed heels or toes. We also have them with lur liiiing. 98c to $3.98 LACE TRIM GOWNS \ slip is snmrlhin^ a unman rail al "H.v.i in‘, Slu* liner has loo mam. I lirsr slips ure lari' trimmnl anil lail nrril. Slraijilil ml, I hr mini's are |iinlv anil uliilr. Sliml. mrilinni anil lnn«. Ml si/.rs. $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 % .I5t % % W • •« GIVE HER A ROBE V The i«l«*aI frifl for your wifi*. Tailor oil ami lure Iriininril. (!repi> ami Haling. All kijboh ami lifflil color*. $1.98 $3.98 $5.95 Make her happy with a rolir from Ilelk-Tyler"* for Clirinlinar*. have them in ehenille, flannel. *ilk. HUliiiM, ami erepew. All i*r/.o* ami col or.**. $5.95 $9.95 $12.58 $16.50 OF WILLIAMSTON