Visit At Fort Jackson Mrs. Hershel Miller. Mis Ann Carson and Mi Frank Manning visited Pic. Rufus Manning at Fort Jackson, Columh:- S. C.. last work-end. Spending Holidays in Florida Miss Evelyn Hancock, home ser vice riireetot tor tin Vn ginia Elec tric and Powoi Company, left last week-end ti spend the holidays with'relatives in F nsaeola. f Return To Winston-Salem Mr. and Mrs Robt W By id and children have returned to tilth home in Winston-Salem i.ft* r spending a h 1 days with Mr. and Mrs. Simon 1. Her m ai heu Visiting Son During Holidays Mr. W. J Hodg. - left Sunday to spend tin Chi. t> t> season with llis son. Wii'. P Hodges, and lam ily. in Falls Clan eh. Virginia Spend Day in Belhaven Mrs L T K.-W'drn. Sr.. Mrs L. T. Fov. " >, J: . : no Misses Anna Crawfo Mild I Purvis vis 3ted in Belli ivtn Sunday . Move To New Home Mr. and Mi- Win lor . ’-.nnin” and daughte n ved into their new home on Selvol Drive last Saturday Here for H eddim; Among thus from Roberson ville attnviiru: the 1.! tts-Carrow wedding i n Sunday afternoon Were M ha h , Johnson and son, Russell. M Mi- D R Ever ett. Mr and M Mayo Little. Mr. and M.- Sherwood L Roberson, Mr. May < Little. J: . Miss Yernida Roberson. M Lin wood Thomas and Mi Ji. om Taylor Eye Glasses Broken? We maintain a com; lete optical ■ervice. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service Peele’e — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel 2311 -----\ on \> min v. _*_✓ i V. I»r. rmiI llnrees* - lia* op ened an office for .' the prac tice of - chiropractic in the building formerly occupied by l)r. tV. II. Gray nest to the Marco Theatre on South Hau l’ll ton Street. Attend Wedding Here Mi and Mis, C. K Bowers, Mr. and Mi - Dirk CH< rr> of Washing tmi attended thI. Batts-Cariow wedding here Sunday afternoon Attend Wedding 'Here Miss Janice Johnson, daughtei 111 Mrs. Lillian Johnson.-Mrs. Buck James, and Mrs. Geneva4 Weaver of Robei sonville attended the Batts-Carrow wedding here Sun day. Here Sunday Mi and Mrs. Bill I’rivette of Kdenton attended the' Batts-Car ! i\\ wedding Here Sunday, after noon. Spend Week-end Here \1: and Mis Vasco Green, ol Ahoskie spe'nt tin week-end here with Mr. and Mrs I). MeLaw horn and attended the Balts Vtu low wedding hen Sunday. ' Spend Day In Norfolk Mr. and Mrs Abner Brown spent Sunday in Norfolk and Portsmouth. Return Home Mrs. Ben D Courtney and sons. Ben and Bill, returned home Fri day from Candor where they spent a few day.- with relatives. To S|iruii Holidays Herr Mr. Charles Brady. Jr., of Nash ville. Tennessee, will arrive here Wednesday to spend the holidays with his parents. -<*, Here From Greenville Mrs. Maud Sumrell of Green ville spent the week-end here with relatives and attended the Batts Carrnw wedding. Oul Again Gail Margolis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Margolis. is out again after having been ill at her home for a wet-k. Visit In Raleigh Mesdames H. O. Peel and Paul Jones visited in Raleigh Friday. 1 Visits Here Mis. J K. Smith of Windsor vis ited m town Saturday morning. Business Visitor Here Miss Isabelle Davenport of Col umbia was a business visitor here Saturday. --. Attended Husiness Here Mr. Henry Ha is lip was here yesterday from Hassell attending to business. Spends Week-end in Kdenton Little Miss Sandra Bufflap spent the week-end in Edenton with her grandfather. Recuperating Mrs. Earl Roberson, who has been a patient at Martin General Hospital, is recuperating at the! home of her mother, Mrs John, Wobbleton. near here. -» Home for Holidays Mr. Reginald Manning of U. N. C. is home to spend the holidays with his parents. , Herr From Hamilton Mesdames Roseoe Donnes. Ger trude Thomas and Don Matthews of Hamilton visited Mrs. J. E. Ed mondson here Thursday evening. Spending Holidays in Florida Mr and Mrs. Jack Butler will leave this week for Florida to spend the holidays. Spend W>ek-end Here Mr. and Ivtrs. Stuart Criteher of Raleigh spent the week-end here with relatives Here Saturday Moruiiig Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson of Virginia Beaeh visited friends here Saturday morning. Here Frida* Mi. Fil'd Eason, principal of Elizabeth l it\ Mil’ll Sehool, and Messrs. Bob Brooks and Honey Johnson of the high sehool coach my staff were visitors here Friday. — j — Here From Raleigh Mr Max Fuller of Raleigh visit ed here Thursday and Friday. I'ndergoes Tonsillectomy Miss Norma Fagan ol Durdens, student at Meredith College in Raleigh, underwent a tonsillec tomy m Martin General Hospital Saturday morning. -—• Visit Friends Here Mr. and Mrs E. I* Cunningham ol Southfield visited friends here Thursday — f.-. Spending Holidays Here Mr Whit Purvis of Chapel Hill is spending the holidays here with his mother. Mrs Daisy Purvis • Here Saturday W. T. Stillman, newly installed register ol deeds of Washington (. ounty, was a visitor here Satur day. Business Visitor Here Howard B. Gaylord, of Janies villo, president of the Martin C ounty Baseball League and re eentl.v elected member of the Mar tin County Board of Education, was a business visitoi here Satur day. -* ll»nte Km Holidays Asa Manning returned Sunday i from Mars Hill College to spend | the holidays here with his par- I | ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Manning. I l ) ’"L WHAT HAVT YOU GOT THlt(. PINO --fXr ~ir 5 f A HAHVY. MW 9TIIITY rV fi<V Of smtAtK OWAUM a At I llttlC A NT SAY, THAT CAN WILL tl HANDY AROUND INI IAPM WHIN IT S IMPLY ~~\r SUVf Witt AND IN YOl/f TfACTOf AND TRUCKS. Of AUNT (Mf IMP 1C ANT PPOTICTS NfAfS AND MAKfS SNITTIN6 fASIlf IN NOT WlATNff Of COLD fUl. 9UT tlNHMtlR DUST AND 6TtIT CtT INTO ANY it ATT DOT SO U SUKl TO DBA IN TNT TWA NS' MISSION AND UNAl DRIVt BlCI/tANlY AS YOUR TRACTOR UANUTACTURTR WTCOMNXNOS. > we DtLtVIR DIRiCT TO 'AKMS-PHONt O* WRITS US N. C. GREEN Bail**** — — William»ton, N. (I. ".-. 1 m Local Gridders Still Dining Out They're still eating out—those much feted Williamston State Class A Football champions. Last week they held to an every-other night schedule as Harvey Ross got them started with a steak dinner, Hoy Ward followed on Wednesday night with barbecued chicken and Friday night the Baptist Church came through with its banquet for the laris, Further clippings on the game are coming in. Last week Ross Froneberger came by with a copy of the column-long story that ap peared in the Gastonia Gazette under a banner headline. While it naturally leaned to the Bessemer! City side of the picture some of the paragraphs are worth noting: "In losing a heurtbreaker, 19-13, to the much larger Williamston team, the gallant Bessemer lads fought right down to the wire, holding at bay boys who could make any AAA team in the state. "Although it was a bitter pill for Coach Frank King and his young crew to swallow, nevertheless, praise came in from all sides on the brilliant stand the Yellow Jackets put up against an almost hopeless situation,” "Apparently fired up about the freak play that endangered their lead. Williamston came right back to score before the half ended." "Coach Fiank King was proud of his boys in defeat. '1 thought they played their hearts out. and I am really proud of them.’ "And. of course. Coach Stuart Maynard of the Williamston Green Wave was a proud man." Bondurani Wins Honor ai U. N. C. Rush Bondurant. Jr., freshman ;il Carolina, won two trophies for athletic activities there this fall. His most important one, won all In himself, is the championship in intramural wrestling in the 137 Hr. class In reaching the title lie won six matches including one over last year's winner. The other was won with the help of his team , mates on the volleyball team which took the campus champion ship. Rush was a standout in the local backfield last year, doing his best job against Almskie. and also did a lot of shooting for the basket-' ball team of last season. He also is a mighty handy little fellow on the tennis corn ts. SOMETHING FOR THE BOYS’ WHO KEEP SCRAPBOOKS — -« — Hail To Williamston It isn't often that the subject of sports reaches our editorial pages but on the other hand it is a very rare occasion when this section can claim a State championship in any sport. So rare, in fact, that our memory fails to recall such sporting glory falling on any of the high school teams in our neck of the woods. Hut times have changed and now our nearby county of Martin can rightfully claim the State Class A championship in football lor ItlaO. As recorded in our sports pages, the Williamston Green Wave, after starting off the season with three straight defeats, wound up In winning the State Class A crown Friday night when they downed Bessemer City, 19-13, on the opponent’s Iield. Williamston earned this right but right now and here tins newspaper wishes to offer its con gratulations to tin1 Williamston team and its supporters for their comeback during the regular seas on and the achievement of the State championship. "The glory and praise is due the town and team but they don’t get ;,h of it because the honor, they have gained reflects throughout this entire section. It shows the rest of the State that we, down here in the East, have some pretty lair high school football teams. In particular it shows the strength of the Albemarle conference and in the future State sports writers and high school teams will un doubtedly pay a little more at tention when a conference team is mentioned. I’he Green Wave has done an outstanding job. They deserve and have our commendations’’ - The Hertford County Herald of Ahoskie. Here from Jamesville Mrs. Herbert Sexton of James ville visited friends here Saturdav. Coal sometimes ignites spon taneously in a shaft, the pheno menon being called a "gob fire” Greyhounds can average more than 35 miles an hour for more than a quarter-mile. Miss Garrow and Mr. Batls Wed In Baptist Chureh Here Sunday The marriage of Miss Thelma Louise Carrow, daughter of Mr and Mrs L T. Carrow of Wil liamston, and Cecil Rhodes Batts. Jr., of Robersonvilie, son of Mrs John Gotten Tavloe of Washing ton, was solemnized at a candle light ceremony Sunday afternoon at fotn o'clock in the Memorial Baptist Church in Williamston. The pastor, the Rev Stewart B. Simms and the Rev. J M.'Berry, minister of the Christian Church m Robcrsonville, officiated at the double ring ceremony. Prior to the ceremony Mrs. James Ward, organist, and Miss Jean Ward Mobley and Mr. Hilton Forbes, soloists, presented a pro gram of nuptial music. The bride, entering the church with her father, wore a wedding gown of white satin, ballerina length, fashioned with a net yoke appliqued in satin. The long tight fitting sleeves were fastened at the wrist with tiny satin buttons and her full skirt fell into a deep irregular band of imported French lace. Her fingertip veil of im ported French illusion fell from a satin helmet featuring rows of pearls on matching imported lace. She carried a prayer book center ed with a white orchid and rib bon streamers Her only ornament was a strand of pearls, a gift of the.’ groom. Girl Scout News The Girl Scouts and the Brown ies will be guests of honor at a Christmas Stocking party which is scheduled to be held Tuesday night, December 19, at i! o'clock m the club building. An interest ing program will be given. - -..-i Attended Court Here Mr .1. B Whitfield of Oak Cifv attended court here yesterduy. -<*> Here From Kobersonville Mr. David Grimes, Jr., of Rob ersonville, was a business visitor here yesterday morning. Receiving Treatment Suffering with a heart condition, Mr Kader Lilley continues in Brown's Hospital here for treat ment. Attended Court Here Mr. D. A. Roberson of Rober sonville attended court here Mon day morning. Attended Business Here Mr. Ashley Manning, new coun ty game protector, was here yes terday from near Purmele attend ing to business. — -<*> Visits Grandparents Mr. Warren Crofton of Norfolk visited his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. George Crofton here last week. Visits Sister Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Thornton visited Mrs. Thornton’s sister, Miss Edna Talton in Winston Salem over the week-end. Miss Talton is seriously ill in a Win ston-Salem hospital. Miss Jeanette Andrews <>l Wil liamston was maid of honor. She wore a ballerina length gown of dark coral antique taffeta with matching mitts and headdress. She carried a nosegay of yellow carnations. Donald Everett, cousin of the bride groom, served as best man. Groomsmen were Guy Carrow, brother of the bride, John Gotten Tayloe, Jr., step-brother of the groom, Hugh Horton, Jr. and Claude Wilson Mrs. Carrow, mother of the bride, wore a blue teal dress and black accessories. She wore a pur ple orchid corsage. Mrs. Tayloe, mother of the groom, wore-a dress of sapphire blue, matching accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. Immediately following the cere mony Mr. and Mrs. Batts left for a trip to Florida. For traveling the bride changed to a brown suit and matching brown acces sories. She wore the orchid lifted from her bridal bouquet. Mrs. Batts, a graduate of Wil liamston High School, is empjov led with the Carolina Telephone I Company in Williamston. Mr. Batts is attending the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and will resume his studies upon | their return. Haptint (,7u<r<'/i«*tf /*/«n (.hrislma* I* martinis Rev. E. R. Stewart, pastor of the Hamilton and Everetts Baptist Churches, announces there will be a Christmas tree and program at the Hamilton Baptist Church on Thursday, Dec. 21 at 7:30 p. m. (Clifts will be distributed. On December 22, Friday night, a joint service of the Everetts Chris tian and Baptist Churches will have a Christmas tree and pro gram at the Baptist church at 7:30 p. m. A splendid program is be ing planned. The public is being invited ot "take the family and come with the children and enjoy" the pro gram. t Hamilton Church Plans A Christmas Program There will be a Christmas pro gram Thursday night at seven o’clock, the pastor, Neil Puckett, announces. The Sunday school Christmas tree and confection eries for the children will be held Thursday night also. Bible school begins at 10 o’clock Sunday with T. F. Respass as sup erintendent. Preaching services begin at 11 o’clock, conducted by Neil Puckett. The public is invited to all these services. Christmas Program At Bethany Sunday. i A special Christmas program will be given Sunday evening, De ! cember 24, at 7 o’clock by the Sun | day School of the Bethany Pente' Icostal Holiness Church. The pub lic is cordially invited to attend t|.ie program. Christmas Pappunt At Maredon ia ft edn osday A Christmas pageant entitled. ‘The Three Candles.” will be pre sented at Macedonia Church Wed nesday evening. December 20th. at seven o’clock. "Through the long centuries of our knowledge of the Story of Christmas, three candles have il lumined the hearts of all who told and of all who listened." the an nouncement of the pageant states. 'The three candles represent the candle of Prophecy, the candle of Fulfillment and the candle of Disci pleship." After the pageant there will be a Christmas tree with gifts to be distributed to members of the Bi ble School classes and their teach ers. --o-— Attended Busines Here Mr. J. A. Everett of Palmyra attended to business here yester day. _— Home For Holidays Mr. B. B Carstarphen is home for the holidays. ——<*> Here From Gold Point Mrs. Harry Roberson and dau ghter of Gold Point visited here last Saturday. IN KOREA Dick Rawls, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rawls of near Wil liamston is in Korea, according to a letter received from the young man about a month ago NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION North Carolina, Martin County. Having this day qualified as Ad ministrators of the Estate of the late Joseph R. Harrison, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of Nov ember, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 13th dav of November, 1950. Norman K. Harrison Herman C. Harrison, Administrators. R. L. Coburn. Attorney, no 21-28 dc 5-12-19-26 NEED GLASSES? .%• I Merry Christmas § It's kern a busy Christmas, dispensing jjifl items t« ail and sundry. But not ton hnsy In pause in wishing one and all a Merry Christ mas and a Happy New Year too! LAST MINUTE SHOPPERS You'll find many appropriate gifts in our wide seleetion of DRESSES SKIRTS GOWNS SCARVES BLOUSES SWEATERS SUPS HANDRAILS 6 | Harrison Shop 1 t § CHRISTMAS GIFTS for while storks are complete. HUNTING EQUIPMENT Remington Aiitomalir Sliotpims Remington Aiitomalir Rifles W. % We still have a large selertion of ^ift items L ■ every member of tin* family, dome in iiou fishing equipment Glass Fly K‘>«»* Casting K«mIs Automat!** Soulhbeml Gust imp Pflueger tUisling Kt*»*ls FOR the HOMfc R C.A. und Silvanin television SETS Basketballs Footballs iir Rifles i S "u “ J ^ and a ttide selection of toys for the children. ■¥ | - • * K J 1 Thrower Hardware & Appliance I I C COMPANY Williamson I I

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