Importance And Luck Big Factors One’s luck or his importance) will determine whether service- j men in this country will spend * Christmas at home or at posts of duty, according to reports coming out of Washington. A poll of the services brought these answers: I Army—Commanders may grant leaves to personnel “who can be spared.’’ Training at army instal lations will be suspended inly on Christmas and New Year’s Days. Navy -District, base, or ship commanders may 'grant leaves “according to their own dictates, hid it is assumed leave will be granted wherever possible but i not at sacrifice of operations sta ins of ships and shore stations." i In general, the air force and : the marines have the same policy as the army and navy. : Railroads have granted reduced) fares for round-trip tickets to ! servicemen on holiday leaves. The question of whether there should be an exemption of the federal lax on such tickets is still being discussed. . Ocean Explorers Find Deep Boltom Copenhagen. -Danish explorers probing the lowest levels of the world's oceans have reached a depth of 13,500 feet with iheir ’instruments, the Danish Admiral 1 v has announced. The explorers are studying ma rine life in the deeps from the ® Danish -hip Galathea. This was their first test in the Bay Guinea, off the west African coast. The instruments, which men- I su're the magnetism of the earth, were sent down in a special metal [ sphere Results of the test were j not announced. About one-third of the' area of jjjho United States is forest land. • >1 this, an urea of approximately 461,700,000 acres grows, or is cap- j able of growing, commercially , valuable timber. To Sing Here January 3rd Donald Dame, noted tenor, will appear in the second •of a series of community concerts in the Williamston High School auditorium Wednesday evening, January J GIs Bounce In, Are Bounced Out Horstein, Germany Four American Ills entered a German inn here and offered to take On all comers Four Germans accept ed the offer and tossed the sold ! iers into the street I Not until they were arrested ! h> American military police did the GIs learn they had walked | into a meeting of the Hol stein ] Wrest ling Club • The tallest living tree in the . U. S is a California coast led wood, 364 leet tall, located on I North Ryerville Flat, Humboldt [State Redwood Park, California. DR. PAUL BURGESS cmuoritACToit \nnonnt cs O/iPH/iif; Of llis Office for PKVCTHE OF nilKOI'K \ctic SOI I II IIU ONION STIIFKT (lt\ \lar<*o Tliralrr) \\ illiainsloii Horn*: 9:(Ml — 12:00, 2:00—,1:00 Daily 0:00—11:00 Tiirsdav ami Friday Kvriiin#* Ollier Times Ity 1;. minlmenl PHONE 3170 Taylor’s Dairy House Customers Notice Oi CHANGE IN DELIVERY In Order Our Employees May Have Christmas Day Off, Our Regular Monday Delivery Will Be Made Sunday, Dec. 24. Taylor’: Phone 3188 1 Turpentine Drippings -<} C ompiled IU Kill Sharpe TRICK CM! TIC I \T (Goldsboro N"W Argus) Funniest thing happened :it one house. A child knocked on the door about 11 p m Scon s had done so earliei tnd asked "trick or treat." The harassed house wife, looked frantically for ;omething else Found only a couple of magnesia wafers. Handed tin to the hot saying They should lie pi 1 the thing if you have eaten a- much as my ho> who has j ust con a in 1 The husband had nvci heard. He hurried to the kitchen Found a couple of apple Called the lad from the coiner I a hall .block away and witched I rents. i:\T K MM I (('uniden Chi onielc) A psychologist says that boys and girls an attrai ted to < aeh oth er almost from mfnncv Well you’ve heard about the young writer who v. a Interviewing (Jene 1 Kelly, the movie tar. It was ap parent the aetm wa- in a hurry so the write) proposed that he ask the qui lions and Kelly an swer. So for quite a time the questions and aii.-wei - flew hack and forth rapidly. Finally the writer heat, ted There are just , two more questions Mr. Kelly, and I hope you don't mind answer ing them," he said. Kelly nodded. "Do you really like the girls?" the writer asked. "You-bet I do," an | swered Kelle “And when did you first stai t liking them'.'" the w i itei j asked. K 11 y smiled I started hk irig tin girls the nimuti I found out the> Wei rut hov ' he an swered. v\1 im: thriving; (Spriilf! Hope Enterprise) Would you believe there are IS4 two cal lamilii s in Sprint* Hope" .and not tied it makes liny difference, but there an more people living elsewhere and work mg in Spring Hop than there are living here and commuting to places to work NUT .11 ST KKillT ! K I(dh‘ Loomis, R e hmond County Journal) Wednesday I went to Greens boro to take my two older girls to the circus. N.of com e they both want ed t i go, hot for some reason or other, if seemed to me that they should have wanted to go much more than they seemed to. I guess I should have just let the news chop e; -ually that there would be a big circus in Greensboro and let them take it from there. 1 should have appeared lukewarm about the v. hole idea and hard to get. Then they would have begged and pleaded and begged some moie. And they would begged so piteously and would have been s i doggoned persistant that finally 1 would give in. Then they would diagged me off to the circus in a triumphant mood.' We didn’t do it that way, though. We just did it straight. I was so delighted to find out that Ririgling Bros. Barnum and Bailey would be in my ol(f home town I jumped for joy and asked if the big girls wanted to go. "Sure.” they said. "Will 1 have io miss school?” the \r ll ROUND-UP I Only four persons were rounded up mil temporarily detained in the county jail la*l week-end. officers declar ing that crime was about fro zen up. The officers expressed the hope that crime would disappear during and after the holidays. A warning was again issued against the firing of fireworks, including pop pistol caps. Three of the four arrested last week-end were charged with assaults, the other, for public drunkenness. All four were colored, and their ages ranged front 18 to 43 years. I oldest asked. ' J The upshot of it was that I j seemed to di ng the children to the circus and that didn't seem right at all IIAM' PAST SOMITIIIM. (Camden Chronicle) Another one ol life's oddities is that when you wake up at night wonder what time it is the clock always strikes just once so you | don't know whether it is just 1 o'clock or half past something and finally your eurosity gets the best of you and you get up to see what time it really is. BROTHERLY ( RIME (Morganton Pocketbook) At the trial, the judge was ques tioning thi' prisoner, says Volta Review. "Have you ever been in trouble I>cfore?’ he asked "No sir, ' essei'te'l the prisoner. vigorously. "Amf all I did this tune was loh my kill brother's bank." The judge was about to dismiss him. when thi^ district attorney held up his hand. "Your honor." he cautioned, "the prisoner forgot to explain that his kid brother is cashier of j the Security National Hank " VICK VERSA (Sanford Herald) The terrible condition of the Arabs te.da\ in Palestine remind ed the .Congressman of a story about two Negroes who were sta t loned in that count i y during the I war. i They Went to Hethlehelli one day and were walking around looking over the city when all of a sudden one of them stopped and exclaimed "Say, there Negi o, does you know where you is standing?" "I sho’ does,' his friend replied Tse standing where Christ was born, but I wish to Christ 1 was standing where I was born.' ANOTHER REASON (Winston-Salem Journal) The fellow who rats a large meal "is gorging himself in order to have a sense of security and power," according to David Rice, psychologist. Maybe so, but mere ly being hungry enneeiveably might have something to do with it CARD Ol' THANKS 1 wish to express my thanks and appreciation to our many friends and neighbors for their kindness during Mrs. Coburn’s recent stay in the hospital. I also wish to thank her doctors and nurses and others in the Martin General Hospital. Your willing assistance and remembrances have provided a great deal of comfort. We es penally would like to express our appreciation to the blood donors Many thanks. Mr Marvin Coburn NOTH i: OC ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Adminis Irators of the estate of Julius 'I' Harnhill, late of Martin County, llus is lo notify all poisons having claims against the said estate of said deceased to exhibit them lo the undersigned Administrators, or either of them, at their homes m Williamston, N. C , or places of business on or before the lillli day of December 1951 or this notice will he pleaded m bar ol their re eovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment Tins the liltli day of December, i 950 Julius T Barnhill. Williamston, N C. Administrators of the estate of 11 L. Barnhill and J T. Barnhill, Hugh G. Horton, Attorney, de 19-28-.ja 2-0-lfi-23 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTH I: Having this dav (|Uahfied as ail mini I rail i x i .f tin' i talc ■ • I the lair Ren I1' Roberson, deceased of Marlin County, thr; is In notify ;ill persons holding claims against said estate to present them for payment on or before thp 23rd day of November 1951 or this no [tire will be pleaded in bar of I their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will plea s ] make immediate settlement This 'the 23rd dav of November, 1950 1 Mrs. Irene Roberson. Administru | Iris. Clarence Griffin. Attorney ! no 28 de 5-12 19-20 Ja 2 NOTH If OK SACK [ .viorth Carolina. Martin County Under and by virtue of tin I povvei of sale contained m a cor | tain deed of trust executed by C C. Rawls and wife, Martha M IhAvls, on the 31st day of Ian nary, 1950, said dol'd of trust be ing of record in the I’uhlie Rege, I try of Martin County in Book 1,-4, page 590. said deed of trust hav mg been given for the purpose >f securing a certain note of even date and tenor, herewith, default I having been made in the payment of said note, and the stipulations contained itt said deed of Iru t , not having been complied with, ] and tit the request of the ownet of the said note, the undersigned Trustee will on Friday, the 12th day of January, 1951, tit 12 | o'clock noon in front of the court 'house door in the Town of Wil hamston, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described real estate, to wit: A certain house and lot lying and being in the Town, of Hamil ton, beginning at the corner of Main and Union Streets, and rim rung along Union St Ilf; I 2 ft to Mrs .1 M Kdinond.on'. corner, thence along her line parallel to Main St to l.i/zie feel's line, them *■ along tier line to ,1 I. fiat chard's line, thence along his line to Main St., thence along Main St 07 feet to the beginning, being part of lots 56 and 57 in the plot of the Town of Hamilton, contain mg 1 /3 of an acre, more or less. This is the same house and lot deeded to Martha M, Rawls by ,1. II Rdrnorulson and wife. Ruth fid mondsoit by deed dated Septem ber 21, 1045. recorded in Hook M 4. page 5l This the 12th day of December, 11)50 11 I) HATKMAN. Trustee feel & feel. Attornc > at, Williamston, N (' dee I!) 20 ja 2 0 XDMINISTR \TRIX’ NOTICE North Uarolma, Martin County Having, this Tlmrsilu) - I'riday Saturday