Janesville Edges The Marlins 40-38 Jamcsville's All-Stars edged the ; Williamston Martins in Jamesvillc j Saturday night. 40-38. to take then fourth victory without defeat in Goober Belt plav this season. It was the second loss foi Williams- j ton against a like number ol wins. Both loses have been villc by close margins. to James- 1 Spit Martin was high man for the winners as he scored 20 points to move his total for four games to 95. Edward Lee Martin followed with a dozen while Mizellc and Brewer scored 3 apiece and Gard ner 2. Elwood Brown was best defensively fo1 Jamesvillc Bobby Taylor was high man for Williamston as he poured in 12 points while David Carson was not far behind with 10 and Rush Bon durant scored 0. Jerry Forehand \ and Charles Siceloff each scored |( 4 points. It was a close contest all | the way. Jamesvillc holding its , widest margin at the half-way , mark when the score was 23-18. , The game was played in the . gym at Jamesvillc after being , moved from the Williamston gym. • It was a postponed game ol De- , eeniber 7. 'I Am Christmas' I Am Christmas People tell me that my origin runs far baek into a heathen festival. My roots, they say, lie in pagan life. So be it! I accept the charge—and glory in it! * For my pagan practice has been redeemed at the touch ol Christ. My heathen ancestry | was never the same again once His Name and Spirit blissed it. And such is my mission, al ways, to the soul I touch self-seeking, and it gives place to good will. I touch the warlike plans of men and they hide their bat tlements with holly, knowing that they are out of harmony with His Spirit 1 touch hard faces, and make them tender 1 touch saddened children and make them laugh i touch the cynic, and give him faith. J touch people like you and they are not the same again. I Am Christmas. —P. R. HAYWARD, in Bulletin. 1 SINCLAIR DRILLS 2 MILES DEEP TO HELP MEET RECORD OIL DEMAND 2-MILf CORKSCRltt. Drilling as deep at twb miles into the earth, with ultra-modem equipment and new scientific metis* ods, Sinclair is tapping new oil pools to help meet the record demand tot petroleum products; This intensified devel opment of new crude od sources is but a small part of Sinclair's $150,000, 000, expansion program. Sinclair’s program also includes, new pipelines and new, improved refin ing facilities. In the future as in the past, look to Sinclair formatter Products, Better Service. N. C. GREEN, Bailee WILLIAMSTON, N. C. I! Could Be Done, So He Did the Job In a personal note to Bill M-.. mng of The Enterprise. Josh Horn of Rocky Mount reveals his pride in the determination of the young man who handled the FM broadcast of the Williamston-Bes sember City State Championship football game and tells of some of the difficulties faced by the lad— Ray Thompson. Thompson took over the job when the regular man was not available. Telling about it the letter states: x x x so Thompson went to Wil iiamston, caught the enthusiasm of your community and sold the amc "Then when he ordered the hive from the phone company they said the service wasn't available and, they had only limited phone ser vice to Bessemer City and knew they went nowhere near the school. Thompson then called the coach, principal or somebody and found that they had a line to his office, and he not permission to use the line for the duration of the game. Then the phone company, still indifferent, said that they were 4.000 feet from the field, and "no soap." Then he explored the use of our remote, purchase of a walkie talkie between field and superintendent's office and said he wanted the lease from the sup erintendent's office to tlie radio station. He then gathered in a mile of two span insulated wire and with the Sports Announcer and tlu janitor set out for Bes semer City even though the phone people said he would have to cross streets with the wire, etc. But he finally got help from somebody who could climb poles and got a wire on the field, with the results it was broadcast." Williamston fans, arriving early | for the game, found the fellows i out working on the line and noted the difficulties being surmounted. George Harris, Jr. quarterback of the Green Wave team until he sus tained a shoulder injury, acted as spotter for the broadcast. The Red Sea was important in Egyptian seaborne commerce as j early as 2,000 B C.. LOST: SATURDAY Afternoon between Alpha Cleaners and Cab stand, 1 pair of men’s pants. Kinder please return to Alpha Cleaners Belong to Collin Smith. NOTH OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere appreciation to all those who were so thoughtful and kind to me dur ing my recent illness. Wyotna Allsbrook i Organization Furnishes Hospital Room The S. P. M., Negro civic and social club, recently furnished the colored waiting room in Mart in General Hospital here with costly furniture and equipment, the donation being one of the organization’s good deeds that have been maintained annually since it was established in September, 1937. The formal presentation, pictured above, was made by the'club president to Dan Sharpe, the hospital’s administrator. Pictured left to right, standing: Mrs. W. V. Ormond, Mrs. W. C. Bunch, Mrs. J. H. Faulk, Mrs. G. T. Hyman. Mrs. N. W. Slade. Mrs. E. L. Owens, seated Mrs. Ruth Downing, Mrs. J. O. Buffalo, Mrs. J. Coffield, Mrs. L. M. Jackson, Mrs. C. D. Wooten, Miss E. V. McCloud, Mrs. A. C. Rober son, Mrs. J. M. Tyner, center, standing, Mr. Sharpe and Mrs. T. K. Slade. A Christmas Prayer tty Famous Poet "Help us to remember rightly the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the sheperds, and thi' worship of the Wise men. Close the door of hate and open the window of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and good desire with every greeeting. Deliver us from evil by the blessing that Christ brings, and teaeh us to be merry with elean hearts. May the Christ mas morning make us happy to be Thy children and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus sake. Amep.” —Robert Louis Stevenson. WANTS VERY SPECIAL: MEN DON’T buy your fnJ1 and winter suits suits that range in price from $21.00 to $49.95. We feature Cur lee suits, the best buy on the mar ket . Darden's Dept. Store, Wil liamston. oc 26 tf GOOD SERVICE STATION FOR rent on Highway 64 near un derpass. See Harrison Oil Com pany. dc 14 2t, I FOR SALE: LARGE CUSHMAN motor bike with 2 speed trans I mission. Just overhauled and in perfect condition. A real bargain. | See D. V. Clayton. de 19 2t I CEMENT. 1.3# BAG: FINISHING i Lime, Red Press Brick, Cream I Press Brick, Insulating Plaster j Lath, Insulating Wool, and a com • plete line of Building Supplies. J. D. MeCotter, Inc., Washington, N. C. de 19 3t RED/WHITE AND BLUE GRAPE collection — 2 each Red Bright on, White Niagara, New Blue Fre donia. Total Six 2 yr. Grape Vines —Special Offer No. 5-0—$3.35. Postpaid. Write for Free Copy 56-page Planting Guide in color, offering complete assortment Fruit Trees, Berry Plants, Grape Vines, Nut Trees, and Ornamental Plant Material. Salespeople want ed. Waynesboro Nurseries, Way nesboro, Virginia. FOR RENT: ANYONE INTER ested in renting a Santa Claus suit or having Santa Claus visit in their home fof a short period Of time call and make arrange ments tyetween 7:30 and 8:13 a. m. Or between 6 and 7 p. m. Phone -2284. /•■■_ ilXSToR WOMAN FOR WAT kins dealership in.cjty of Wil liamston. Want someone who is determined to be a success and is willing to follow.simple but prov en success plan. .Do not apply if you would be satisfied with profits less than $40 weekly to start, or $75 weekly after becoming estab lished. Small investment prefer red, but we also have a credit plan. Write J. R. Watkins Co., Dept. S-3, Richmond, Va. PAINTING AND PAPER HANG ing. Best materials used and prices very reasonable. When you are in need of anything in my line, 1 see me. I would be very glad to show you my new 1951 wallpaper samples. 1 carry the Imperial line, washable and sun resisting. Van Respass, 304 N. Sycamore St.. Williamston, N. C. Telephone 2806. de 14 9t WAITRESSES WANTED: Ex perience not necessary. Apply Hotel George Reynolds. de 14 tf BARGAINS 1N USED CARS. IF looking for a better car begin looking at Griffin Motor Com pany. We have for your approval: 1949 Ford—overdrive, heater, ra dio, plastic covers, really a clean car; 1949 Plymouth, clean, priced at a selling price, financed; 1948 De Soto, radio, heater, completely overhauled; 1948 Packard, as fine I a used car as in town; 1947 Plym-1 outh, radio, heater, guaranteed to! be right; 1947 Chevrolet—tudor, j radio and heater, a nice car for the j money; 1946 dodge 4 door, excel lent buy; 1946 Ford, priced to sell; 1947 Studebakcr, guaranteed to be in good condition. Several pre war ears to choose from. For Bar gains in used cars try at the De Soto place. Griffin Motor Com pany. de 14 2t WANTED~TO RENTHOUSE for family of three, preferably in desirable section of Williams ton. Excellent references. Write T. O. Box 387, Williamston, N. C. dc 12 3t croTwanted: tenantwith ten in family desires crop on good farm. Write or contact Mrs. Eddie Hardison, RFD No. 1, Wil liamston. de 12 3t APARTMENTS OR HOM E S wanted by men and their fami lies who arc associated with the Texas Company which recently constructed a large terminal here. I* you have either available please , contact The Enterprise. de 12 3t FOR SALE. ALUMINUM OFFICE chair with Duran all plastic up holstery. Purchased by error, will sell at cost. Enterprise Publish ing Company. de 5 tf WALLPAPER: P L A I N OR Washable by Imperial. B. S. Courtney and Son. de 5 20t wantedTcash rent or ten ant with equipment. Approxi mately 25 acres of tobacco and 21 acres of peanuts. 128 acres crop land. 1-2 mile from Hassell, N. C. See Mrs. Leontine D. Manning of Bethel, N. C., or Ernest Edmond son of Hassell, N. C. de 12 4t FORdSALE: 1940 TWO DOOR DE Luxe Ford. Good radio and heater. R. J. Rogerson. 8 miles south on Washington Highway. de 5 4t WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOB j all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulmbcr | Company, Frank E. Weston, man-j agcr, Wiiliamston, N. C. jc 8 tf BE INDEPENDENT. SELL RAW-1 leigh Products. Good nearby locality open in Southeast Martin County. Write today. Rawlelgh’s Dept. NCK-451-D, Richmond, Vir-1 ginia. N 28 10ti IK IT'S BUILDING OR CON - Crete saod, Dial 2512. Quick ser vice. Your order will be appre ciated. Jimmy Harrison. d 5 4t FOR RENT: SANDING MACB inc. Rcfinish your floors your self and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. Wc will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs arc low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C.t 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company. no 8 ti FOB TOUR CUSTOM . MADE Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store, see us. We have the famous Flexalum aluminum Rats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison. Witiiama *>n. au 26 tf STOP IN AND SEE Wr STOCK of Used Furniture. Wiiliamston Hardware Company, Wiiliamston, N. C. au 29 tf PINE TIMBER WANTED. 1VE pay Top Prices lor standing tim ber and pine logs. Wiiliamston Supply Co. Phone 2460. je 20 tf GOOD USED FURNITURE—Wil liamston Hardware Company, Wiiliamston, N. C. au 29 tf FOR SALE: 20 BRED DUROC j Sows and gilts. Also 25 pigs j ready for the field. DT. Jas. S.1 Rhodes. Williamston. n30 tf NICE SPECKLED TROUT _ 35c up. Oysters and a choice selec tion of fresh sea food. Sanitary ' Fish Market, located behind Mar tin’s Bakery. Phone 2204. n 21 8t PARKER’S SELF-SERVICE Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. tn. Monday through Friday. 8 a. n. a quick and economical wash see- j vice. ie 8 tf LOOKING A TOP COAT? WELL, we have them. Gaberdines, from £10.95 to $39.95. Not only are they opcoats but they arc TOPS in quality and the best values you've seen this season. Darden's Dept. Store, Williamston. oc 26 tf CLARKS RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf WANTED: FARM FAMILY TO cultivate my farm on halves. One mile east of Hobgood on pav ed l oad, two good dwellings. 8 3-4 acres of tobacco, 15 acres of pea nuts. 60 acres cleared. See J. A. House, Hobgood or write Mrs. Leon Shields. Kinston. de 7 4t FARM LOANS 10-15-20 Years Prompt Closing No Appraisal Fee Low Interest Rate (Jlias. H. .Manning, Ally. BIG DANCE AT WHICHARIVS Beach. Washington, N. C.. every Saturday night. Combination round and square dancing by real orchestra music. Admission ladies 50c and men 75c. de 7 5t YORK RADIO SERVICE” FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bai .erics. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Locl*ci no 8 tf FOR SALE: MEDIUM SIZED pony, just right for about a 9 year old boy. Very gentle. Sad dle and bridle. All for $50. H. H. Roberson. Gold Point. Telephone. Robersonvillt. 5043. de 19 2t VERY SPECIAL: MEN. DON’T buy your fall and winter suits until you've seen the best values in toA-n. We have good quality PRESENTS INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT NORTH CAROLINA STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE The North Carolina Hospital for the Insane is at Raleighand is called "Dix Hill." The insane, a hundred years ago, were treated more like beasts than humans. They were confined in cells and dungeons or locked in cold, filthy rooms of poor-i houses, but qn March 5, 1856. seven years after its authorise-; tion, a hospital was established through the untiring efforts of Dorothea L. Dix. Miss Dix selected the site on which tho)i Hospital, stands..' Guaranty Bank & Trust Company Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation | Make This A Sparkling Xmas I With Gifts From J. L. Peele’s I i Here Are A Few Gift Suggestions si I I * I For Him Cuff Links Knives, Tie Sels Wuleiies, Kings Fountain Pens For Them Rings. Watches Necklaces, Bracelets, Baby Pins, Pen & Pencil Sets. For Her | Necklaces, j£ Bracelets, Kings ^ Watches, Ear I fm Bings, Easy | Washers, Pearls If g I I I 1 Re sensible anil praetieal . . . give un Rasy Washing Marliinr for Illiristinas. It Mill lw* belief ieial to every member of tbe family ami iudispensible for many years to come. Remember we eat, sleep ami even batbc in our store. We eau serve you any time day or night. J. L. Peele Jewelry Company 1 l s s