Green Wave Meets Oak City In Season Opener Here Local Boys Tearn Has Poor Offense _ Oak City's Boys, Williamston Girls Favored To Win Kxliiliilion Game Against Oli! Grads Proves De fense To Be Strong With basketball already off to a fixing start in all the other high schools of the county, the Green Wave cage teams of Williamston High School go into action Tues day night, (Dec. 19) against a county foe. Oak City. Odds over the week-end appeared to favor the Oak City boys and the Wil liamston girls although there is not too much to go on in making comparisons. Boys’ teams at Bear Grass, Rob I ersonville and Jamesville are ex pected to be strong this sec in fact, their records to date cate Jamesville and Bear Grass in front while Robersonville's small er but fast-breaking team a close runner-up. Oak City has played steady ball and is rated over the Williamston five on the basis of more practice and experience and better shooting. Williamston ap pears to have a good defensive t* team but is woefully short of point-makers if early practice is any sign. In a practice game with last year's graduates the Green Wave boys' team failed to score in the first half and Jack Ross, a football player with little cage ex perience did all the scoring except for a free throw by John Rogers. No news has been given this department from any of the coun ty teams except Bear Grass but it is understood that the girls teams at Bear Grass and James ville are slightly under par this season while Robersonville is also a shade weaker. Oak Ci#y lost in its defensive department last year but has scoring punch left. Williamston has perhaps the most experienced girl’s team in this county but how they carry on this year remains to be seen. They had a good record last year and will be tough again this year. Year before last Coach Stuart Maynard lost his entire starting five of Guy Carrow, Bobby Rog ers, Bobby Taylor. Landy Griffin, land David Carson and it looked i'kc curtains but he came back mg when Jerry Forehand and i Raymond Davis reported here last year and Rush Bondurant, Charles I Carver and Asa Manning develop ed rapidly after playing second fiddle to the classy five the year [ before. This year, however, a lot j of work will be necessary to get close to the class the Green Wave | teams have had for the past two years While Maynard started Ray mond Davis at centei against the | grads, Harrell Everett and Regi 1 nald Coltrain at forwards and John Rogers and Watson McKeel FOR DECEMBER BRIDES OR \ December "Wanl-To-Be'' Brides MISS JANET fngog«ment A Wedding ting Set. $49.50 MSS RITA kngogement'4 Wedding ting Set. $74. 50 DUCHESS MARGARET Engagement A Wedding , _ « "9 Set__$190.00 PRINCESS PAULA Engagement A Wadding Ring *»» $195.00 FREE to BRIDES Coll today for your copy of 32 page book on how to plan your wedding II >ou ca'i’i ionic in mail coupon for Bride's Book. | tone m 32 Mao arid, look titled "It | • roil art aoiaa to dot .orntd I tatlaat a I >w Mttodi mi kaadlla*. s, • *«• ___________ ! ! A dart. . J Peek's-Jewetm Since 1R99 121 Main WilliaiueloH "FOR FIXER CHRISTMAS GIFTS'* * FLOOD OF KOREAN REFUGEES STREAMS SOUTHWARD THE THIRD DESPERATE TREK STARTS for South Korean civilians along the railroad leading rearward from Seoul. Hundreds of thousands, who fled ttie city beforethe Ileds captured it last summer, returned with th« U.N. forces. With the Republican capital again menaced, the refugees flock over the same escape route. In the foreground, a British vehicle lies abandoned from the earlier lighting. '*■tcrnational Soundphoto) In Courtroom Scene FIGURES IN a custody drama, screen actor Franchot Tone and his former wife, Jean Wallace, cross paths in a Santa Monica, Calif., courtroom where Jean is fighting for posses sion of their two sons. At the time of their divorce, the children were given to Tone who voluntarily Agreed to share them with his e\ wife. (IuU’inulioual Houndultulu) at guards, it was indicated that substitutions in the early games will be heavy Jack Ross, despite his lack of experience, was easily one of the best prospects on the 1 floor and made a good impression j on some of the experienced grads with his work undei the basket. The tall boy played center on the football team and may sis a lot of action at the same spot for the | Green Wave live this season. He I is the best shot on the team at i present and likely will be until Boby Clayton is able to join the J team after Christmas Some subs handled the ball pretty good bm showeu tnen lack of practice with ragged play In this group was Jack Edwards, Gloyden Stewart, James Coltrain, and Ross The Williamston girls arc also showing lack of practice but they have a more experienced squad. Five ol last year’s six starters are back again. Jean Bailey, Verlc i Leggette and Priscilla Roberson are certain to get their starting assignments again at guards while Alice Peaks and Edna Coltrain are buck ;it their forward positions, j Who will take the place vacated j by Nancy Roberson depends on i practice sessions prior to game time. It appears to lie between I three of last year's top subs Jean Mobley, Rhoda Faye Reel and Dannette Bailey. All three have shown improvement this year and 'the race for the odd forward spot i is close. Miss Harnett Tucker, li j brarian at the high school, is as sisting Coach Maynard in handling ! t he girls' team. There are at least three new ! coaches in the county this year— Carroll Blackerby at Jamesville, Bob Lee at Robersonville for the boys' team and Frank Harrell at Robersonville, coach of'the girls' tea m. High-power engines furnish as much horse power as ever in this country, but too many folks who 1 control it have no horse sense. Jamesville Stars Defeat Edenton Jaincsville's All-Stars ran their victory string to three in Goober Belt play last Thursday night by handily defeating a visiting Eden ton five, (it) to 45 as Spit Martin scored 30 points to run his total to 75 for the season. Edward Lee Martin hit the hoop hard in the last half to pile up a total of 22 points. Spit's scoring was steady as he made it in each of the first three quarters and six in the final period. A. Martin scored five, El wood Brown 4 and Henderson Mizelle and Buddy Gardner 2 each. E. E. Brown got one point while ('. Brown failed to score. Defensive standouts for Jamesville were Elwood Brown, Buddy Gardner and Mizelle. For Edentnn Russell Wheeler Austir^Nichols CLUB RESERVE rf1l BLENDED Mli WHISKEY ' i • ■ i KmM ■Muyf M rtMt. ' M% Irai* Iwinl ifirtta., 1 Austin^NichoIs i tCoWK Inc 8 ;/i You can’t match a FRIGIDAIRE Yes, you can see lots of pioof when you, look outside, then inside. There's new beauty in the lustrous Ice-Blue interior trim, new convenience and storage capac ity, new value and dependability in Frigidaire's sturdy cabinet construction. And here are some of the features; • Full-width Super-Freezer Chest • One-piece, ocid-ratitling porcelain food compartment • Rust-proof, aluminum shelves • New Porcelain Hydraton • Sliding Basket-Drawer • New plastic Chill Drawer • Powered by Meter-Miser Dixie Motor Co. Wiifcliington Street Willinnifcloii Yulelide Party At Orphanages Pope AFB, Ft Bragg.—Plans of j Pope Air Force Base airmen for “Operation Christmas," a yule- j tide party for 500 North Carolina orphans, were expanded today when it became known that con tributions totaling $3500 plus do nations from cooperative Fayette ville merchants exceeded the drive’s goal. With the additional funds the flying Santa Claus, who is trading I his traditional reindeer and sleigh for a United States Air Force helicopter, now intends to give radios for the children's cottages at the Oxford Masonic Orphan age when he alights at that in stitution. He will also present candy to the boys and giri.;. Santa's plans for visiting al most 300 more orphans in three other institutions the same day, December 31, remain unchanged. At that time his helicopter will land at the Colored Orphanage at Oxford, the Free Will Baptist Or phanage at Dunn, and the Faleon was high man with 111 points and Andnson and Keeter scored 8 •each. Anderson was the only play i er on either team to foul out. , Jamesville led at the quarter, 12-0, at the half, 23-Hi, and at the three-quarter mark, 39-30. Orphanage near Fayetteville, dis-! tributing toys and gifts of warm apparel to the youngsters. The next day the children of the Falcon Orphanage will be trans ported to Pope Air Force Base for a gala Christmas party in the non-commissioned officers' club, highlight of which will be the presentation of their bus. This vehicle, used to transport the in stitution’s choir to fund raising recitals in nearby communities, had been inoperative for some time. Pope Air Force Base me chanics, working in their off du ty hours, reconditioned the bus from the inside out and made it roadworthy again. “Operation Christmas" began as a dream of two airmen. They quickly found others who wished to help orphans, and enthu siasm for the project spread rap idly Various committees visited the orphanages to analyze then needs, accepted contributions from personnel at Pope Air Force Base, purchased candy, toys and Shortage In Coal Troubles Commies A report from Vienna on No vember 20, announced that the so called oeople's Democracies are having difficulty with production due to a coal shortage and a re fusal of miners to meet the quo tas desired This coal shortage is reported to be particularly severe in Romania, Czechoslovakia and Hungary. The authorities are re ported to be asking for a more | stringent discipline to make up for the deficit in administration j and production. It was announced i that a bonus system had failed j to produce the expected output. ; gifts from local merchants, wrap ped packages, arranged for trans ! portation, and repaired the Fal con bus So far, 1950 has been a slow I year for those who are interested in commemorative stamps. DA*AY T41W I CAN'T HELP IT, 515- THE ^ (WILLTASTING Mil K fpom TAYLORS DAIRY C|YE5 ME SO MUCH PEP I OUST NATUPALLY MAVt xTO SLIDE UP v-i BAMI5TEPS INLT £AD OF iDOWM t£>\THEM I <0 1HI ^YNDiC*TI 1'rrsli Country Butler 7.)!' I’l'l' 1*01111(1 Ice Creiun I'^^noy Mix TAYLORS DAIRY Grade, A PasUumed Dairy Products DAIRY BAR Tf PLANT Haughton St i TliryVe Chiiatmaawrapping > jOO |U N pi ae aura cliarga.p,*^ IP* I (MilX CHOCOLATE COVMUOf i NUTS —^ f " ckoira aelanioa’ $ Ji5 |^j C fc KQMgtrt TODJl^iNO!grAXiiyo/'^stiiKaaitiM»' -* ^ DAVIS PHARMACY j liAvin ri Jt Give Her a RANGE For CHRISTMAS YOU’LL BK GLAD YOU BOUGHT A G A S K A IN C K 9 OVEN Gas Range Specially-Priced For CHRISTMAS You'll really be glad when you the new beauty thu Detroit Jewel" will bring to your kitchen! |The get range that hai the evtra large oven! Specially priced at HAS ALL THISI FIATUMS:! This Wnk ONLY! $11‘>.r>0 lit SIW.30 Small Down Payment J Large baking even ? Brewer type breillng even, ^Utility Cempartment, • Large entity drawer „ • Lamp aiaembiy la baekj t Automatic teg lighten. WILLIAMSTON BOTTLE GAS CO. W. J. MILLER AND SON p