News As Ueported In The Enterprise Forty Years Ago DECEMBER 23. 1S10 The little son of Mr. and Mrs. J S. Griffin, of Gold Point has I been quite sick with pneumonia ( the past few days, but is improv 1 ing now. # The residence of J. J. R. Whit field, near Gold Point, was burn ed about sunset last Thursday evening. Very little was saved ex cept nine beds, a trunk contain ing $150.00 was lost. Clyde Griffin, son of Simon D and Margaret Griffin, died at the home of his parents in Griffins Township, Wednesday morning after several weeks of suffering from typhoid fever. The Roberson Guano Co., at Robersonville, is now ready for business, as the machinery and the bulk of material have been placed in the building. Grover Godw-in came home from Oak Ridge Institute last week to spend the holidays. Haywood and Edwin Ward came home from Chapel Hill Tuesday for the holidays. Wheeler Martin, Jr., and Luke Lamb are at home for the holi % days._ Tense, Thrilling | Action, "Furies" One of the most exciting out door epics ever filmed. Para mount's "The Furies" literally op ened at the Marco Theatre Tues ! day Crammed with pulse-pound ing action from start to finish, this | Hal Wallis production, directed by Anthony Mann, has enough | spine-tingling entertainment for two feature pictures. Starring Barbara Stanwyck, Wendell Corey and the late Wal ter Huston, in his last screen ap , pearanee, "The Furies" is a roar ing saga of the turbulent South Mrs. Lucy Andrews announces the marriage of her daughter. Em ilia, to Mr Barsill Daniel, on De cember the twenty-ninth at 8:30 { o’clock at Holly Spring M E. j Church near Williamston. The 1 bride-elect is a young woman of charming personality and is a fav Lirite among a host of friends and acquaintances. Mr. Daniel is the {oldest son of W E. Daniel and a young man of industrious habits, who has the esteem of those who know him. Mr R, D. Jones will wed Miss j Martha Perry on December the | twenty-eighth, 1910, at Fair View | Disciple Church, Martin County. west just before the turn of the century. It is the story of a ruth less cattle king, Huston, whose ranch empire was born in violence and nurtured on treachery. It is the story also of his beautiful but self-willed daughter, Barbara Stanwyck, who precipitates a bit ter family struggle when she I marries a handsome gambler, j played by Corey. Comedy, Music In Bowery Boys Hit There is an excellent blending | of comedy and gay music in Mon- ' ogr;\nVs “Blues Busters," newest j | in the Bowery Boys series, which | j opens at the Marco theatre Sun-i day. The fast-moving, sparkling pic ture, starring Leo Gorcev with I ! Huntz Hall, Adele Jcrgens and! Gabriel Dell in the top supporting roles, unfolds against the fasci nating backdrop of a dazzling night club. In this comedy, the 20th which Jan Grippo has produced for Monogram, Huntz is the focal cha racter, from whom many a laugh stems. The point of the story centers directly on Hall, us Sach Debussy Jones, and his tonsils or to be more exact, where his tonsils once were. A tonsilectomy leaves Sach with an ineffable voice, a voice which puts him into the milliun dollar-a-year class, and Gorcev. as Slip Mahoney, and others if the Bowery Boys arc quick to | commercialize their pal s new, I land pleasing, vocal chords. "Pirates 01 High Seas" at Viccar Modern buccaneers operating I from a submarine, a vast treasure 1 hoard of diamonds cached away by a ruthless war criminal and the fighting exploits, on land and i sea, of Buster Crabbe, are but some of the action elements serial fans can anticipate with relish when Columbia Pictures "Pirates of the High Seas" gets under way at the Viccui Theatri Saturday Subsequent episodes of the serial thriller will be played every Sat urday thereafter. Crabbe, famous Olympic swim ming champion who scored so im pressively in "The Sea Hound," returns to the serial screen in another remarkable demonstra | tion of his athletic prowess. I Crabbe swims like a fish and dives through the air like the pro verbial man on the flying trapeze in what is reported to be an awe i some display pyrotechnics. Be I sides, he engages in numerous ! hand-to-hand combats and has j many narrow escapes from dis j aster before the final defeat of his ! antagonists. The story of "Pirates of the High Seas," brought to the serial ' screen by the same company that gave you "Superman." is replete I with lusty action as Crabbe, dash ! ing commander of the schooner ; Viking, sets sail for the South I Seas with a mixed complement of I passengers. On board his ship arc a war criminal masquerading as a solid citizen; a prosperous adven turer who secretly operates the pirate submarine which continu ally plagues Crabbe. and Lois Hall, beautiful blonde sister of Tommy Farrell, operator of a small Pacific freight line who has asked Crabbe to come to help him fight off modern-day bucca neers. Crabbe eventually discovers the prize at stake is a priceless col lection of jewels stowed away by the war criminal. Harrowing dan gets are many and hairbreadth escapes frequent as Crabbe roars into action to overcome seemingly insuperable odds! North Carolina's foresters have found that farmers make more money bv having their timber marked than il the timber is sold on a diameter limit or clear cut ■ basis. | NOTICK OF ADMINISTRATION I North Carolina, Mfu tin County. Having this day qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Idell Brown, deceased, this is to | notify all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit | them to tin undersigned within i*nr* vciv frnwt th»< nr this »■'<» j tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to the said estate will please make | immediate payment. This the 28th rin\ of November, i 1950. Wheeler M. Manning, Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Idoll Brown. ! no 80 de 5-12-li)-2t> ja 2 EXKCt’TRIX' NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County Having this clay qualified as ex ecutrix of the estate of Nome Kuif fin, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned within one year from this date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate arc asked to make immediate set tlement This the 22 dav of November, 1950. Millie Outlaw . executrix of Nonie Ruffin, no 20-00 de 7-14-21-28 NOTICE OE SAEE In accordance with Section lie 07. N C School Raw, the Martin Counts Board of Education will offer for sale to the highest bid der at the Courthouse door in Williamston, on January 9th, at 12 Noon, the following properties: The Old Jones Colored School house and site - 1 acre. The old Rear Grass Colored School house and site 2 acres The old Coreys Colored School house and site -1 1/22 acres land. The old Manning s School site, near Fairview Church 1 1-2 acres (no building). The old Oak City White Teach crane Site consists of lot (15 ft. by 140 ft. The terms of the sales will be one third cash and one third 1 year from date of sale, and one third 2 years from date of sale The highest bidder will be re quired to make a deposit of ten percent of the bid, to be deposit ed with the Clerk o( Superioi Court until the bids are confirm ed or rejected, 10 days after date ot sale. The Raw requires the bids to be left open 10 days after sale. The Board under the law reserves the right to confirm the sale at that time or to reject ill bids. ,1 1). Woolard, Chairman Martin Counts' Board of Education. di e 14-21-21! NOTICK OF SALK North Carolina, Marlin County In The Superior Court Before The Clerk W. A. Daniel and Wife, Johnnie Daniel. Julia i>. Chesson and hus band Herbert It. Chesson. It. K. Daniel and wife. Velma F Daniel. Kli/.a D. I'peluireh and husband. Thurman II. Cpehureh, John 51 Daniel, single. Herman Itluunt Daniel, minor, by his next friend. R. II. Cowen. and Mrs. Carolina Itlount Daniel, widow of W. It. Daniel, and Joe Daniel and wife, Bettie Daniel, ex parte. Notice is hereby given, that un tier, by virtue of and pursuant to in order of 1. B Wynne. Clerk Superior Court of Marlin County, entered on the 5th day of Deeem her 1D50 ordering a sale of the | lands hereinafter described, sub ieet to the widow's dmver of Mrs Carolina Blount Daniel, which jhas been allotted in the tiist tract I hereinafter described, the undcr | signed Commissioner of the Court appointed in said proceedings, will on Saturday the (ith day ot January 1951 at the Courthouse Doer in the town of Williamston. Martin County, N C . offer fur sale at twelve o'clock M in front of the Courthouse Doot of Martin County, at public auction, to die highest bidder, for cash, the to! Inwin:; described real estate in Martm Count v, t- wit FIRST TRACT The Home place of the late W I! Daniel in the Town of Williamston, Martin County, N. C.. on tile corner nl Biggs and Hatton Streets, adjoin : mg the lands of Mrs Sudie Rob risen and Mrs W M Berry Be I ginning at a point on the South idc of Hatton Street when' Biggs Street intersects Hutton Street; running thence along Hatton Street S 55 deg W 212 feci to a stake, Mrs Sudie Roberson's coi ner oil Hatton Street; thence North HI deg 2F West along the line of Mrs Sudie Roberson 140 foot to the line ol the property owned bv Mrs W. M Berry, thence North 551 ucg. 15' Fast tilong the line of Mrs W, M Per ry 214.)! feet to Biggs Street; thence tilong Biggs Street South JO deg 15' Fast 1 feet to Hat ton Street, the point of the be ginning and being the premises occupied by W B Daniel tit the time of his death and conveyed to jW B. Daniel and wife Kmma Daniel bv deed from the Trustees |"f tlu1 Williamston Memorial j Baptist Church This tract <*r lot or pared of land will be sold, subject to the (Widow s dowci therein of Mrs. i Can lina Blount Daniel. SECOND TRACT: A certain tract or parcel of land lying and I bring in Wiljiamston Township, i Martin Counts'. N C . bounded on I the North b.\ the lands of Mrs Hitrry Meador: on the East by the lands oi .1 T Barnhill: on the (South by the lands of W B. Dan iel and on the West by the lands ! of Herman Bowen, containing 120 acres, more or less, and being the same tract ot land deeded to W B. Daniel and w.fe Emma Daniel by Mrs, Bettie Teel by deed dated September lit, 1104 and recorded in the public registry oi Martin Counts in Book 0-2- at page 00, 1 THIRD TRACT A certain tract i r nnreel el land in Wil ! 1 ir, ms ton 'I v. 11 hip. Mart i.i ('nun 'tv, N C, bounded on the North 1 by the lands of Ben Everett: on the Hast hi' the lands of .1 T Barnhill; on the South by tht: lands ot W B Daniel and on the Wi si by the lands of Mrs Harry Meador, containing 30 acres, more or less, and being the same lands deeded to W. B. Daniel and wife Kmma Daniel by G W Blount by deed dated Sept. 25, 1934 and re corded in the public registry of Martin County in Book 0-3- at ■page 89. The last and highest bidder for the above, or any part of said lands, will be required to deposit, before the close of sale ten per cent of their bid or bids to show good faith. The Iasi and highest bidder for thr- lot m Williamston, N. C.. the first tract, which is being sold subject to th' dower right of Mrs. Carolina Blount Daniel, will not get possession until the death of the said Mrs Carolina Blount, Daniel. * This the 5th dav of December, 1 950. Hugh G Horton, Commissioner do 7-14-21-28 Peace on Larlli . . . (ioml will Inwarii men . . . may these blessings return lo llis children, I lie world around, in •!»«* New War so soon lo conic. Let ns |»ray ilia! this liopc In* ordained %*ilh ful* fillinent. hy attend in;: clinrcli for Christmas services. Harrison Oil Company Brings DEEP-ACTION relief from coughs, stuffiness with every single breath! ! ^ x*gr/ BOON TO MOTHERS! Now . . . discover how millions of mothers relieve miseries of nagging colds this special way . . . with the very same Vicks V a poll ub that brings such g i and results when you rub it on. It'* so easy ... so effective! Just (nit 2 g®od spoonfuls of VapoKub in a vaporizer or bowl of boiling water as directed in the package. Then . . . breathe in ' lap sootrung, medicated vapors Every single breath carries VapoRub's I'nmous combination of tune-proved medications cicep mm cotci consested large bronchial tubes. Brings relief tn ( a Unrrii! To keep up ( i e relief for k the hours, rub V a po K u t) o n throat, back//' ^ and chest, too.Jr—; WORLD S BEST-KNOWN HOME REMEDY TO RELIEVE MISERIES OF COLDS! I America's largest and finest low-priced car \ I he Sm<n > Nr w Styleline I'e lune 2-Uooi Sedon PLUS TIME-PWOVIP POWER tfUdz AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION* proved by more than a billion miles ol' perlornianee in the hands ot hun dreds ol thousands ol owners. All the things you want* IN THE NEWEST NEW CAR FOR *51 ! (.'boose Chevrolet and you’ll own the newest new cat for '51 ... the car that is refreshingly new, inside and out .‘ . . with that longer, lower, wider luxury look’’ whicn stamps it as most beautiful in its field. You'll own the only car that offers you your choice of the jinest, time-proved no-shift drivings or slumlord driv ing, at lowest cost. You'll own the car that gives the lop-llight combination of thrifty Valvc-in-Head engine performance, riding-com fort and safety. Come in . . . see and drive Chevrolet for '51 . . . America s lurgest ami finest low-priced car! AMERICAN BEAUTY DESIGN Urilli.mi new styling Icatui mg entirely new giille, lender moldings and iear-end design imparling that longer, lower, widet. hig-eat look, which distinguishes Chevrolet products. AMERICA-PREFERRED BODIES BY FISHER Willi new anJ even more strikingly beaut11uI lines, con tour!* and colors . . . with estra sturdy I isher Unislecl construction . . . < urved Windshield and Panoramic Visibility MODERN-MODE INTERIORS — With apholstery ami appoint ments of outstanding quality. m heautilul two-lone color hanuo with cstra generous seating room for ilrivci ami all passengers on hig. Jeep "I ivc I out Seals." anil MORE POWERFUL JUMBO-DRUM BRAKES Iwilh Dubl-Lite rivetless blake linings) I argext brakes ill iow-price held . . . with both brake sillies on each wheel sell-energizing . giving maximum stopping-power with up to 2.>rr less driver elfort. SAFETY-SIGHT INSTRUMENT PANEL more cflicient with overhanging upper crown to eliminate reflections in wind shield from instrument lights . and plain, easv to-read instruments directly in Iron! ol driver. IMPROVED CENTER-POINT STEER ING land Center-Point Design) Making steering even easier at low speeds and while parking . . . just .is Chevrolet's iainous Knee-Action Ride is comlortable beyond comparison in its price lar.gc. Optional on Or I tt\r nuulrly at extw to ' MORI PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! Roanoke Chevrolet Company — Williams ton, N. C. m

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