Spending Holidays Here Mr. and Ms>. W E. Malone and son M.ke. ot Edenton and Mi and Mr.;, E, T. Malone and sons and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Malone of Coats will spend the holidays here with Mr. anti Mrs, Ellis Ma lone. Here From Make Forest Mr. and Mrs Joe Wynne of Wf,;. For. -1 art here visiting their respcetiv. parents. Mr. and Mis. E. G. Wynne arid Mr. and Mrs. Eli H Bowen, over the holi days. To Spent) Holidays Here Mr. and Mrs. Larry Darden and family of Eureka will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Died Pardon over the Christina- holiday - Spending Holidays Here To Spend ll'diii..'-- m Plymouth Mi's Ella Ballard will pend tin holiday- in Plymouth w ith he. daughter, Mr«- ,1. (/. Smith, and i.unih To Spend Week-end Here Mr. Evan B Smith Of Wades btii'6 val! need the- end hen with friends. < iookeil In: i *<iun !■: Throw il H> !><>< One 1 ii.-.'d t- t!i: i>■1 her own dinner fi1 11st ■ i.> - : ■!,:-( iif tiif tiin It nv (Ip ht : : J: ist ti look lit food. She was ( .nil--il with gas. full of bloal. fell wm n-iiut Finally sh ■' ' F.HTA-V1N and says she me is everything .in :ehi :■ (.1 i 1. , 1 ■ ; r f < i 11 y This is the new medicine that i helping si ti-.' stiiinach ‘vic tille " he! ■ I'i ..in !1 help:' you die i ,i 'ii 1 e. lei and bettor. Taker. !.» ' ■■ es :■ i n i !;• with your food. G. p: ms e 1 Inches I of bloat vanish t'neti.in; herbs and vitamin H I wifh Iron to cn-i rich tiie 1 ( ■ i ;l-.a nerves' Stronger. Weak inisei able people soon feel ddhvont . h < ■, i • Si • don't go oil sulieiit e Get ('EH-; l'A VIN Davis D si Store Mi and Mr- Ray Ferns of Nov elty, Ohio, an- here to spend the holidays with Mrs Ferris' mother, Mrs Mi > B Gurganus. Mr*and Mrs. Finley Hatch and Mi Eli Gui.nanus of Norfolk will arrive iatei this week to visit Mrs. Gor geous over Christmas. » iimiim Home 'I odav Mr. Joel Muse will arrive here! i:,.in l'ai-T.'. Kentucky, to spend Christmas with his family. He : ill be accompanied from Ra leigh tonight by his daughter. Miss 1,; !>. bet Mils' ami Mi Reginald Manning. E\peeled llonic I his \\erk M Millei Harrell of Elizabeth ' x pi ■('[■’ i home this Week • poll i (*li! it: i with his I'am To Visit Sister In Dunn Mis iviith Stallings will visit iiri sistoi in Dunn over the Christ ■ mas holirlavs. II i This U>ek Mi Gt‘iirge IInward K :.t lit Houston. Texas, are visit 11 VIt . and Mr- M S Moore hero i.r.ivim: t'oi Darlington Mrs. , M-ji! \ Boll Osborne will j i'SV' Sunday foi Darlington. S. C\.! to spend tin holidays with her. is 1 hti'i Mi.- 1! D. Simpson, and family. spending Holidays in Weldon Mrs. Pat Crawford will leave I' a is.' liif Weldon to spend the iiohda\ - with the Seldons V isit In Hii liinond Mi I, |; W\ nne and Mrs Hen Griffin \ i si ted in Rieli mond ■Tuesday Here Monday Mrs Grill l;i Mat'd re and Mrs.'I'. B Sittei hi nl' Windsor visited’ here Monday. >|)('iul> Vi eek i nd Here Me Ann Woolard of New Bern! : I la Wei k end here with! M - Harriet Ward. fine I or Holidays M i’ in lierriott and Mr ! ‘ 1 I’ ns ol Virginia Beach are . -! <e i n;| 11111 tin holidays at then homo here Vi-itini; Sislei Herr Mi I It lily Dalhsten of Norfolk • the holidays with! Ii> i i.-M Mi- 11:1 Harrison, and' !t«i Spend Holidays Hero Mr. and Mrs, Collins Peel of Clayton will spend the Chnstrrs: ! holidays hero with Mr Peel mother. Mi s Collins Pi el. and I family To Visit Here Mi and Mrs Rex Fo n-i of No: folk are expected to arrive here i this week to spend a few dev with Mi Fosters patents. M and Me- flick Taylor. To \ isit In Danville Mr Kupeiv. Rice will leave Sun das for Danville, Virginia. when he will visit relatives over th< Christmas holidays. Expected Mere This Week Sj41. ;im<i Mi,- Calvin Sludci of Camp Belvoii near Washington, D C.. arc expected to arrive here this week to spend the Christinas holidays wi1h relatives Visiting In Missouri Mi s Van Leroy I’ndr. Ji loft Tuesday morninu to spi-nd Christ m;i: with hoi husband, ft C T. Vance L. Peele. Jr., who is station ed at Fort Leonard Wood, iMo sou i Spending Ucrk i ikI Here Mr. and Mrs. Bob Olmsted of Portsmouth and Mr and Mi>. W. K Smith el New Bern will visit Mr. and Mrs Bob Taylor over the week-end. In Spend Holidays in JamesvilU Mr and Mrs. K. N Middlebrooi ol Dahlgren, Virginia, will visit Mrs Middle-brooks' parents, Mr. and Mrs John K Sawyer in ,1 ana svil k' ovei the holiday - To Spend Holiday s m S. ! , Mr and M is (D. I ’it 111 n n ; 11. son James, will spend the Christ mas holidays in Anderson and Charleston, S. ('.. with relatives. In Visit Children Mrs Paulino i.rtrhworth on, James, will visit ho ehil find relatives in Charlotte I lew days during Christmas i it lie Here ( hristm.is Day Mr. V\’ H. Adkins and Mr. Mrs Robo t Adkins of Rnbo villi1, will spend Christmas hot" with Mr and Mrs John r\ Edwards and dren or a and son day Hon Returns To Norfolk Mi' •lame 1. Baldwin ul No> lolk has returned to her home aft ei spending a few days here with her son, Mr Jana s Bulluek. and family. Home l or Few I\ s | Dick Levin nf Stole College, at - I nved Tuesday to spend a few day; ! "'ith his narents hei e lie \va ae | emepanied by Miss Charlotte Mo.. eov.it/ el Tui\ who will be the : house guest ot Mr and Me Levin lor .1 lew rlnvs 'Bend Weddint; Here Among those attending the j Batt.- (.'arrow weddmg hon- lost! Sund;i\ afternoon wore Mr. and! Mrs. R. I1 MeKenxie. Mrs Snllie Elliott. Mr. and Mr.- W [i Con, M's. Elizabeth Williams, Mi and Ml.- Sam Bowie, Jr.. Mi and Mrs. 1' rank Bowers. Mi and Mrs Klovd ! * ox. Mi Gin Swindell and Miss IB'an Swmdi II, all ol Washington, •'nd M i , and Mi - Dick Tarkinr.ton, i , Mi.- Marsh and Et Commando: W S lh ivott all el Edenton. IIOI l)i\(. OFK\ not SI Mi and Mr.-. I). C, Peel .'.ill ■j hold <>pfc»n house Sunday, Deeem | bc r 124. from 4 until (> o'clock at | 1 hei: " I.■ ■ ,c . i Ferrety- The,' j rn-.tc ail 'heir friends to attend • i j To Spend Holidays Here . ( Mi arid Mr Albert Forman and I daughter. Diane, of Philadelphia. I, nd Mi Herman L. Wagner oi I Atlantic fitv, New Jet -:ey, are ar j rivine. Honda t" .-n< nd tic hole I day: '.'.illi the'! • sister and brother j in law. Mi and Mrs. M. M. Levin. To Six iic) Holiday* Here Mi Bill. M.vfi nl Newark. New Jersey, will arrive today to spend C'111-1 t m; here with his parents. Mi and Mr W. M. Myers. Sppndin: Holidays Here Mr, arid Mrs Oscar Andersop, ,Ji. and son Osear S., IJI, and R* die it Mu’ tin. of Washington, D. ('. -i i spending the holidays here with Mr. and Mi Wheeler Mar tin. Home I hi Holidays Mi s Elizabeth Whitley is home In hi Si Mary's Haleigh, for the holidays. Here from Henderson Mis. Joanna Martin end daugh ters. Missis Caroline and Vicki, of; Hendersonville are spending the I holiday -■ hen with Mr and Mrs ! Wheelei Martin. , Spending t hrisiin.is Here IA Ma r! in A ndi ' >n. - tatinned | .it Scot! Field. Illinois, is spending! i Chris'mas fieri with Mr. and Mrs. j Wheeler Martin. Visited In Columbia. !■ ('Ik : Edw :H (is and ; Boyd .■pent la.-'t week Imnhia. S. ( Lin wood nd in Co Home l or Holidays Mi F:lith Rio;.-i - in. studont .. 1 K T ('., Greenville, is spend ing the Christinas holidays with jlioi pan i Is Mr. and Mrs. Noah i Uuuerson . Here Tuesday Mr Billy Clark of Greenville visited la I at i ii .. Mi (' B Clark, here Tuesday. To Spend Holidays lien Mi and Mis James L Bell and lamilv nl Chm lott< \\::; spend the holiday;, here with Mi. Bill's pai - red; Mi and M J B. Bell Cxpeeled Here This Week Me Ruth Norton of Raleigh is expected here this week to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. H ('arstarphen. Visiting in Il irrisonliui'K Mi and Mi H; il»>v Willough l)> and son an- in Harrisonbui u. Virginia to sp,< tid the holidays v ll ll l l'lilti Vi s. Ill M Home Here Mi W I! Watts is ill at his ! hi ni in Ni ■ th Jlaughton Street with hat k irtjui \ 1 eeoived in a I all'last Saturday opaht He was j tiaateri is Brown'-- (Community! Hospital following the aeeident. < < >iii:. I'd I Itii Kl.t I’lotessoi and Mrs. Jack Butler h o Krirl :y night tor Jackson ville. Ha W iii'io they will spend 1ht hnlidnvs with relatives. Home Koi Holiday s l‘ oh Mi 1) ni. 1. Jr , student at Pivsbytei tan Junior College at Maxton, N is spending the Christmas holidays with his par outs neai hoi r lit re I nr llolid.n s Rev King White ol Holmes Bi ble College, Greenville, S, C . is >pending till holidays here with his pai out.-. M. and Mrs Palme' White ; j Horn* From Virginia Beaeh Mi.- ( iiiii' 131[■ s Murnson is ’ | I'i’ii ' ! . .'in \ n i ima Bondi !■ n- the ; holidays. , Attend Wedding In Kinston ,| Amon.ii tiu.r. at tending the! ; j Wool.;i d-Heath wedding in Kin-1 ! stor I uesdav wi ly Mi' and Mrs 1 ( . i hind Wmdat’d Mrs. Leman iB.nnhili. Bill Hob Heel. Johnnie W -olaid. Mis. Hi an Speight, Mrs j hr V : V; j Mi - I ‘ 'i H' i 111 Mr. W (). Griffin. ! 1 M'-s la 11/a lie-t li (> i it | in, Rev John j : h. tl a di li, \ Griffin, Mr. J < ) j j Ma; aim. Mi Henry Harris n, I Mrs I I) Woolnrd. Mi and Mrs | j J. O, Wooiard. Ji . and Mr. Jim ■ Hem 1 To Visit Mother : lv. dieth I 'a: ki. 1. home • [ ■■ ’eiil ill spend Christmas with j [ hi , moli.ei in Sunburv ■ | Id \ isit Here • Me aim Mis. Clifton Moore of | Wil. 01 and Mr. and Mrs. Robert . S Man am of R.deii.h will spend | t Friday and Saturday here with I f Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mangum. * neeb $$$e$? Pint $2.20 Austh^JNichols t. Ci Irvc. Mt'OufN N » W rtoo {proof Something From Peeie’s — Jewelers 121 Main ran SINCK I }{•><) FIXER CHRISTMAS CUTS" ^ illiumslou •i * ‘A I.»>v«-l> Stifle Jergcns is the romantic admirer of Hunt/. HaH, the Kotven I brush, in Monogram's "Blues Busters" at the Marco Theatre. l,o Gareev is starred in this latest Bowery Boys comedy which is scheduled lor Sunday and Monday. Plastic Tableware For The Mess Hall j A now type of plastic tableware | dr vi loped by the Army Quarter ! master Corps may replace the i liras \ whit< ehinaware now being | used in mess halls. The plastic tableware developed a, a re ult of extensive tests is to : 1 )< made of cotton rag-filled phen "Imelainine formaldehyde. The r.v enutent is chopped cotton ci Mi chiefly from shirting mater ial, which increases durability. The pla. Me plates, saucers, and otliei pieces are the results of nan than throe years of field aia labia alm s' tests. Testing of the tableware was based on ac ceptability by soldiers, meeting of! mi 11 Wiry requirements, and annual replacement cost. The tableware was subjected to the rigors of; climaU from tropical heat to] beep free/e and to various durability tests. In (.rrcnsltoro Today l.rndy Griffin was a visitor in (in ensboii’ today To Visit In Wilmington Mr a ad Mis. Talmadge Selby and daughter. Deborah, will spend the holiday,- m Wilmington with M1 Selby's mother They will be ns omp; nied to Wilmington by M: and Mrs Gilbert Wynne of ilh/dbeth City Spending Holidays in Ay den Miss Hu by Lee Spencer! assist ant bee agent, will spend the w'lelsN.. with her father in A.vdon. Spending Christinas Here Mi and Mrs. .1 1) Woolard, Jr., ano son, of Ahoskie will spend J Christina heie with Mr. and Mrs. I J 1) Woolard, S; . and Mrs. Clyde ! Waters Cumin" llcr*- This Week-end M> M J Norton oi' ChesaningJ Michigan, and Mr. Worthing Nor | <on oi Detroit will iin ur here [ i this week-end to spend Christinas! | with then daughter and sister, I Mi W H. Cnrstarphen, and other . relatives. . | ' isilins Here Mi and Mrs. Chester Phelps • nil daughter of Richmond are vis- 1 'tmt: Mrs Phelps' mother. Mrs j] I' .nmi Wynne, over the holidays. • Home For Holidays , Minn bli/aboth Parker arrived ) liei. ; Tuesday from Woman's Col- ^ I' ■ i to visit her mother. Mrs j Lea s! p ker, over the holidays. 1 Supper and Dance On December 2Sfh Plans are practically completed 'for the bis Holiday Dance to be presented by the local National Guard unit the evening of Decem I bar 29th from 9:00 p. m. to 1:00 a. m Bob Lee and his E. C T. C orchestra will play for the affair, ■ from which the proceeds will go i toward the sum of $3,000 needed | for the purchase of a site for a! ! proposed National Guard Armorv ! .m Williamston. It,L hoped that ; public spirited people will help i promote th( dance in order that public solicitations for this cause may be kept at a minimum. The members of the unit are planning a supper and Christina party before the dance. A commit Ice is planning the menu and ' making all arrangements Mem bers will be notified by postcard j when and where the supper will he held as soon as possible Mti/tlr (,roi o (Jirislnuts Pntftram lliiirsihiy Mijtlit There will be a Christmas pro grain Thursday evening. Decern her 21, at seven o'clock in the Maple Grovi Church, To Visit Parents Christmas Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Mangum will spend the Christmas holidays with Mi. Manguin’s mother, Mrs.! W D. Mangum, in Peter sburg, I Va„ and with Mrs, Mangum .- par ents, Mr. and Mis A. R Bowen. ' in Ahoskie Officers Installed By Oak City Club ! The Oak City Huritan Club met j sn regular session Thursday Dec | 14 at 7 P. M. in lunch room of the I school building. | Officers were installed as fol | lows President B. F, Sloan. Vice ! President Dallas Cox. Secretary ; and Tr easurer H. M. Ainsley, i Treasurer of Charity Fund Jack Smith. Chaplain Sidney Mallory. Sgt at-arms Tom Pearson and .new Director J.'F Crisp. A deli cious chicken dinner was served I by food committee, Sidney Mal i lory, Dallas Cox and Bill Mallory. The delegates who attended the (District Convention in Elizabeth ! City December 7th were: J. L. Hassell, Jack Smith, Sidney Mal [ ory and H. M. Ainslev. About two hundred were present for the banquet which was held in Cen tral High School dining hall The Oak City Club was presented with a plaque for the best atten dance for year 1900. Reports were given ol the District meeting by j J L. Hassell and new objectives j named for the coming year. A pic ture was shown of the prospec tive Fire Truck to be considered , jointly by the Club and the Town of Oak City.— Reported. HAMILTON BAPTIST 10 a. m„ Bible school. H. S. Johnson, Supt. 6:30 p. m., Baptist Training Un ion. Willie Knox. Director. 7:00 p. m.. Monday, Boy Scouts meet. 7:30 p. m.. Wednesday, prayer service. Filth Sunday night “Special ser vices.” Christmas program will be giv en Thursday night. The public is invited to all ser vices. EVERETT* B/UT1ST 10 a. rn., Bible school. Ci. H. Forbes. Supt. 11 a. m., Worship service, ‘Christmas Message." 6:30 p. m.. Baptist Training Un ion. Paul Bailey, Director. 7:30 p. m.. Evening worship ser : vice. 7:30 p. m„ Friday night, joint | Christmas program of Everetts Baptist and Christian churches at the Baptist church. 7:30 p. m.. Thursday night, pray er services. Fifth Sunday 11 a. rn. preaching | services, at 2:30 p. m. "Fifth Sun i day Sing. " : . The public is invited to ail ser vice: Home from School Jimmy Leggett is home from 'dental school for the holidays. hye du88«‘g Broken? W,> maintain a corn; lete optical j service. Lens, temples and * frames replaced and repaired j Quick service IVelr's — Jcweleri ( •’’I St. Tel. 2311 . j t«taO Pries *1.95 Pints Fifths 86 Proot |j h i i i ii i i i i < i » i h ! *. GIVES FAST RELIEF when COLD MISERIES STRIKE W eleome. Friend . . . . . . anil blessings to all of you ami to all of yours, on this joyous holiday. May the hos pitality olf'ooil fortune always he open to you. Branch Banking <K Trust ( lo. m M ft; HOLIDAY HOME Decorating Contest Tin* Williainston Bmislers, Ini*.. is sponsoring ;i eonlesl for Ili«* 1950 Holiday Season. Am borne eligible. Prizes will be offered as follows: home deeorating ill W illianiston is Grand Prize, Most Original Idea si \ri;a i automatic pop-up toaster— Coiii'les) \Y 'orrell Appliance Company • Best Doorway or Housetop Decoration - $15.00 I • Best Outside or Lawn Decoration-$15.00 i Judging Mill take place Sunday evening, December 2k. «n until 10:30 P. M. Leave lights Sponsored ty The Williamsion Boosters, Inc. I w. >ik

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