Film Craftsmen Pnl Corset on Star In 1900 a corsetless female was a censorable object Today, a cor seted young lady appearing on the screen even for a dream sequence calls for a final oka,'’ from the Hollywood censors The censorable object in this case was none other than Jane Powell, a young lady who needs a corset about as much as she needs two heads A scant five-feet tall, tipping the scales at ninety pounds, getting Jane into a cor set for a scene in M-G-M's new Technicolor musical, “Two Weeks With Love," required no less than fifteen people The trouble was that she was too little Inspired by a corset ad appeal ing in a 1900 issue of Harpers Magazine, the costume, of course, was originally designeci to be worn underneath a dress But this would not be the stuff of which Hollywood dreams are made The story point was that the heroine I of “Two Weeks With Love” long led for a corset with the passion that today’s eighteen-year-old ; feels for a yellow convertible. The I dream corset had to become a reality, censors or no. Coming to the Viccar Theatre Sunday. Monday and Tuesday "Skid Row" Gels Visit From Star It cost Dana Andrew s a pocket ful of money to spend a week in Los Angeles' "Skid How," on lo cution during the shooting of Sam uel Goldwvn’s "Edge of Doom,” distributed by RKO Radio Playing a priest and wearing his clerical collar and subdued double-breasted black serge suit, Dana willingly became a .soft touch. Curiously, he found that the denizens of the “Row" did not panhandle him because he was a film star; they actually thought he was a priest. As far as he knew, none of the hand-out tribe guess ed his identity Each addressed him as “Father." The "Edge of Doom” company worked throughout th" area and aroused no particular interest from the inhabitants None of the other members of the troupe, in cluding Farley Granger and Joan Evans, who co-star with Andrews in the picture, and Director Mark Robson, was ever given a “pitch” for a piece of change. "Something else puzzled me," Dana recalls. "Nobody ever want ed more than $2. Usually it was two bits or four bits. Generally 'Father, I'm down on my luck.' The last night of shooting the company finished with camera work at midnight. Dana doffed his priest’s garb, put on slacks and a sport jacket, and took over a neighborhood resturant for din ners to all the area's denizens who could crowd into the place. Coming to the Viecar Theatre soon NOTHING FREE NO MORE 1 (Rockingham Post Dispatch) i i The Biller circus was here I | Sept 12th; hundreds of passes I distributed all over town; sound- ! ed good to have a “pass" but j ■ the catch came at the circus door i ! when you had to fork over sixty ! cents “tax". Austin^NicKoJs CLUB RESERVE BLENDED WHISKEY HmM Wkilkiir. It fro»l, 40*/. Mlliby. 10*4 (Kin ktuiral Spirili. $3.35 iiilh $2.10 pint Austin^ichols 6 Co SB Inc. CORN WANTED PRICE PAID $1.35 ling Special Don’t Wait... • . . until x oti iiaxr to take Milr-tiluic itcmti ill BUY NOW . . . "Iiili* our block io ad«M|iialr and prico arr clashed. Vi r lia\i* juts! irn unl fix*- trailer truck* l«adb of hcddinp. bpriii^b. mat I recce*., inner springe and Irix cpi'in^c. oolardFurnitureCo. “‘Marlin Leutling Furniture Store” <*:'H&Sr : The Origin Of Santa Clans Old Santa Claus, without whom no Christmas would be complete, is a subject of traditions running back hundreds of years, in fact to the fifth century. The name it self is a variation of Saint Nich olas, who was an Archbishop. But from this part of fact the Saint has been a wanderer. He firs* ap pears in Northland as a figure re sembling our modern fancy of death, riding a white horse. He was followed around on Christmas Eve by the souls of little children, supposedly those slain by Herod in his attempt to kill the Baby Jesus. So at Yuletide children placed their wooden shoes full of oats beside the door, for the white horse, and in the morning there! would be, in place of the oats, I nuts and fruits. Later, in Germany, he was seen,j or pictured, as a tall, thin fellow wearing a peaked hat: his pockets filled with sugar plums for the | ;children. It was not until he came! ! to America that he became the' ' fat round, beaming elf that every ! one pictures him. He was first ! made immortal in "The Night Be fore : h> :: ., Al..g v.jui Santa Claus came • the stocking-hanging custom. It I was believed that when girls. about to be married whose lathers were to provide for them the downeries that were needed. Saint Nicholas would present them. The only stockings that were hung by young girls were long purses, but they later changed to stockings and it became a tradition Sweet Juicy t'ieritlu ORANGES 8-LBS. MESH 45c 10 LBS. BULK 59c ‘ 20-LBS. MESH I 99c t * t ; MESH $1.95 FULL BOX $4.29 APPLES APPLES APPLES Extra Fancy Wash. State Double Red Delicious EXTRA FANCY VIRGINIA WINESAP WASH. STATE DOUBLE RED WINESAP 4 • 49c :uo« $4.79 5“ 49c Z $3.95 4 “ 47c Z $4.39 ' TO!’ QUALITY YORK COOKING APPLES u s N° 1 . EXTRA FANCY JUICY FI. \. 1 GRAPEFRUIT I GF. < RISE CALIF. ICEBERG LETTUCE 4 Lb, 39c 5 f., 29c 2 hji. i 33c # tin rtf In iff i risp Flnritla GOLDEN HEART i CELEJtY 2 STALKS 33c FANCY SNOW WHITE CAULIFLOWER " 21,1 FANCY ( AUK. EMFERfJR RED GRAPES 2 - 25c 1.ANCY HKD KITE CRANBERRIES - 19c FANCY FIRM RII'E BOSC PEARS 2 - iic FRESH FULL “O” Mil K , _ COCONUTS «•* l7( So Little lime . . . So Much To Do! Only three more days to get the foods for your joyful Christmas feast! Heap the table high — you’ll find a complete variety at your friendly Co lonial Store, at prices that arc low today, tomor row, every day. Shop at the sign of the C S Rooster and serve the finest for your Christmas feast! LIBBY'S Ll'SCIOl'S CRl SHED PINEAPPLE <>< KAN SI’KAY DELICIOUS CRANBERRY CflVTflF WHOLE OR llil V VL STRAINED CS TKMHT1MJLY TENDER TINY PEAS 17 Oz Can LIBBY'S HKALTHFl L REFRESHING • TOMATO JUICE SLICED OH HALVED—LIBBY. DEL MONTE OR C S PEACHES CS TINY TENDER GREEN LIMA BEANS So 24 17 Oi GOLDEN LORN NIBLETS ,2 °* c*n 16c KANO EVAPORATED APPLES < oi 23c FANCY EVAPORATED PEACHES ’O' 35c CS DELICIOUS FRUIT COCKTAIL no 23c SUNMAID SEEDLESS RAISINS - o, 29c CS MELLOW PURE APPLE SAUCE <7-o*. c*n 14c SWANSDOWN CAKE flour 44.0, 41$ McCORMICK'S VANILLA OR LEMON EXTRACT o, 23c PACKER'S I,ABEL RED RIPE Tomatoes 2 a 25c MUELLERS ELBOW MACARONI <°- 12c IV/|*H fruit Shrrddrd COCONUT 8 Oz. Cello 23* LIBBY'S SLICED PINEAPPLE no : 29c PLAIN Oli IODIZED SALT MORTONS >6o, foe out VIR01N1A TASM MINCE MEAT 9 0, 23 c MOTHER'S SALAI) DRESSING p 31c MOTHER’S CREAMY Mayonnaise p. 37c ARMOl RS MISS M ISC. CHEDDAR CHEESE «o, 35c LIBBY'S TASTY PUMPKIN o, 13c PACKER'S LABEL ORAMiE JUICE 46 Oz Can 27C CS RED SOCK PITTED CHERRIES ho ,23c OCR PRIDE OLD FASHIONED BREAD ’6 Oi 14c OCR PRIDE SANDWICH BREAD <6 ox 14c 16 Ox COFFEE SILVER LABEL GOLD GROUND TO SUIT YOUR TASTE! kLU HENS -10-16 LBS AVG WEIGHT TOMS —12 18 | LBS AVG WEIGHT I I * TOMS -18 24 LBS AVp_ WEIGHT HAMS HAMS HAMS HAMS HAMS FRANKS BACON ARMOUR S STAR WHOLE BUTT OR SHANK END - 12-16 LBS AVG WT. POPULAR BRANDS 10 12 LBS AVG WT. SMITHFIELD VIRGINIA OLD CURE LUTER GWALTNEY OR JORDAN FRUITED AND BAKED PACKERS 10 12 LBS. AVERAGE WT SKINNED FRESH PORK 10-14 LBS. AVERAGE WEIGHT ARMOURS STAR SKINLESS ARMOURS BANNER BRAND TRAY-PACKED Lb Lk Lb Lb Lb Lb Jellc Lb £ FRESH GROUND beet POTATO SALAD Lb CHEF S PRIDE Lb Cup 55c i 59c 1 89c j 79c ^ 53c 61c i 53c | 65c 1 29c ^ Plump Tender DRESSED & DRAWN Dressed and Drawn LONG ISLAND DUCKS u>. 69c Ocean-b'rc*1' Seafood j Fn*«li S<>ul«*tl 1‘inls. OYSTERS SlandurtU, tt(k Selccts, l*inl» 85r Cliiinii'ias Candies! CHCBBICS “ «* BE1TKKVKT CHRISTMAS BARD crndv u 17 THIN HUNTS “• m a Southe,,, Manor !*f» cuke s... *l*f8 Vb **■«• nn**^lhril,f *«UIT BAR is o, 39, Holiday Nuls! srCANS'" “■ 49« WALNUTS “ «* I'L LL-FLAV obku MIXED niits ik