Twenty Cases In Monday's Session Of County Court (Continued from page one) guilty when charged with larceny Adjudged guilty , they were taxed with costs and directed to pay $25 damage done to property. They appealed to the higher courts, but latei the appeal was withdrawn and the defendants were released from the S200 bond Nathaniel Roberson, pleading guilty of violating the liquoi laws, was sentenced to the roads for six months The road term was suspended upon the payment of a S1G0 fine and costs. The defendant is to violate no liquor law during the next two years. Pleading not guilty of vagran cy. Harry Jones. colored. was found guilty and was sentenced to the roads for thirty days, the court suspending the road term on condition that he leave the county for two years. Charlie Wee Lowther pleaded guilty of operating a mo tor vehicle without a driver's li cense. and was fined $25, plus costs Charged with violating the li quor laws. Chas. Thompson was) sentenced to the roads for six months, th•. court suspending the road term upon the payment of the costs and on the further con dition that he leave the i >unty for two years. A defendant in four cases, in appealed to the superior court. Marlin Farmers Seed Permanent Pastures In 1950 (Continued frun pay*1 one) of fescue; 15,030 white dutch do- ! ver and 437,658 of ladino clover. ; ‘Assistance provided under the Agricultural Conservation Pro si'iim. Scott said, “has proved the most effective and efficient means ot getting essential conservation work done on the land of individ ual farmers." ‘this method ol assistance does not require the farmer to pay. in the initial outlay, the entire cost of seeding or improving pasture acreage .and therefore, has been an incentive for many farmers, financially unable to bear the en tire cost at seeding time, to take advantage ol the pasture prac tice. Scott explained “The share ot cost prov ided un tier the AC’P also represents the public interest and in const rva tion ot the soil , lie added. The Agricultural Conservation*! Program is available to all far I mers in Mar'tin Counts With the 1951 program already approved, farmers are urged to visit their county PM A office at Williamston North Carolina to discuss their conservation needs for the coming i year. Group Will Neel December 28 And Arrange Schedule (Continued from Dage one) Chas 1. Daniel; Griffins Town ship. J. Lester Griffin who suc ceeds S Oscar Peel, resigned be ] cause of his health: Bear Grass. Wheeler Hogerson; Williamston, j O. S, Anderson; Cross Roads, iGordon G Bailey; Robersonvilie. 'll S Everett: Poplar Point, Le Roy G Taylor: Hamilton, LeRoy Everett, and Goose Nest, J, F. Crisp. A schedule of dates and places where properties and polls are to be listed will be announced short ly, Supervisor Peel stud. 'Life Oi Our Lord' By Chas. Dickens Is A Moving Story (Continued Trotn pace one) Dickons: "Everybody ought to know about Him. No one over lived who was so good, so kind, so gen tle. and so sorry for people who did wrong, or were in any way ill or miserable, as he was. "And as He is now in heaven, where we all hope to go, and all meet each other after vi e are dead, and there be happy always to gether. you can never think what a good place heaven is, without knowing who He was and what He did." Reactivate the 7th Army In Germany Tint- is tin first United .States Army headquarters to be set up up in Germany The command ing general, Lieutenant General Manton S. Eddy. will have an armored division and the First Infantry Division under him. Tin Eighty second Airborne Division and other units are expected, also. General Eddy, who commanded I Ninth Infantry Division during! the war, will have the title of I'nmmandmg General, U. S. Ar- ! my, Europi The lust scheduled radio broad east in history was on November 2. 192(1 over KDKA. Pittsburgh. Total Of $5,516,922 Spent For Liquors Since July In 1935 I (Continued from Pajje One) the .stores were opened in July, 1935, through last September 30. follows: | Quarter Ending Sept., ’35 $ Dec., ’35 Mar., ’3(i June, '36 Sept., ’30 Dec. '36 Mar., '37 June, '37 Sept., '37 Dec., '37 Mar., '38 June, '38 Sept.. '38 Dec., ’38 Mar.. '39 June ’39 Sept , ’39 Dec., '39 Mar., MO June, '40 Sept., '40 Dec., 40 Mar., Ml June, Ml Sept., Ml Sales 22.249.35 37.379.29 25,274.90 21.584.05 27,804.59 44,727.00 29,771.20 31 040.98 30.259.05 56,179.40 33,325.62 26.908.35 32,502.15 40.710.30 25.407.05 24.174.25 30,539.58 48.481.05 31.719.25 25.625.08 27.561.82 46,283.10 35,124.75 29,043.65 40.601.90 Profits $ 2.743.11 9.887.9! 5.100 24 3,425.70 5.619.92 11.661.14 6,563.07 4.484.77 2.854.43 16.224.85 7.694.35 5,853.82 7.730.45 1 1.605.38 5.768.68 5.456 41) 6.727.00 10,809.60 7.703.77 5.987.35 6.194.68 12.729.11 9.089.93 6,643.22 1 0.862.05 41 Min., ’42 'June, ’42 j Sept., '42 ' Dec., '42 Mar., 43 June, '43 Sept., '43 Dec., 43 i Mar., '44 | June, '44 Sept.. '44 J Dec., '44 Mar., '45 June, '45 Sept., '45 Dec, 45 Mar., 46 June, 45 Sept.. '46 Dec., '46 Mar.. '47 June, '47 Sept., '47 Dec., 47 Mai-., '48 June. ’48 Sept., '48 Dee., '48 Mar. '48 June. '49 Sept . ’49 Dee . 49 Mar., '50 June, '50 | Sept. '50 05.754.75 53.152.95 53,607.45 80,357.25 137.476.80 101.665.30 87,011.20 81.148.30 83,330.40 77,100.15 81,098.50 108,752.55 172,826.25 115,984.40 102.806.80 146.804.95 217 071.65 182.421.70 155.624.20 181.380.15 279,578 80 192.829.45 157,994.75 161.769 25 216.903.30 167.936.60 128.296.45 149.140.60 190.892.05 134.146.70 102,906.10 120.378.60 $ 153.889 10 98,260.55 81.448.30 105,996.50 19.145.70 14,178.95 14.635.34 23,177.89 36.750.70 22.476.36 19.572.81 23,301.93 23.050.91 18,913.72 17.975.35 22.260.39 41.479.42 25,438.60 25,374.01 34.445.75 48.249.98 45.081.22 34.415.39 41.301.41 65.803.37 49.498.22 38.291.46 33.562.99 49,944.28 39,109.69 27.060.14 33,835.08 41,864.53 30.384.14 22.375.63 25.535.64 32,557.10 21.764.23 15,330.31 17.439.76 $5,516.921.65 1.284,650.95 Fifty - Six Called For Trip To Fort Bragg Wednesday —<*>— ■ (Continued Horn page one) igms of RFD 3, Williamston, Jas per Woolard of’RFD I, Williams | ton, transferred to Washington, D IC.: Wilbur Johnson Chance of Parmele, transferred to Franklin, iGa.; Russell Bennett Griffin of j Everetts, Johnny Lee Andrews of | RFI) 1, Roberson villa, and Lalay lotto Hopkins of Jamosville. The first English language daily : newspaper the Daily Courant i was established in London in 1702 CARD OF THANKS | 1 wish to express my sincere thanks to all my friends for the . kindness shown me during my re cent stay in the Martin General 1 Hospital. I want to especially thank the doctors and their fine : staff of nurses foi the wonderful service they rendered me and alfo each and everyone for the gifts, cards and I lowers Mrs. S. J. Ward. FOR SALK: LARGE CUSHMAN motor bike with 2 speed trans mission Just overhauled and in perleet condition. A real bargain. , See 1). V. Clayton. rie 19 2t FOR SALK: I CAP COOK STOVE in good condition. Lester Rog ers, Route 3. Williamston, N. C. I PARKER’S SELF - SERVICE laundry will bo closed Monday and Tuesday. December 25 and 2ti. FOR SALE: ESKIMO SPITZ puppies See Mis. A. F. Lillev, j Fairgrounds. Williamston. N 0 SANTA (LAI'S WILL MAKE his last trip in the county this J year at Sunny Brook Store in 1 Poplar Point Monday night, De cember 25 at 9 o’clock. Come i bring the children. Mrs. Zeno Beddatd. VERY SPECIAL: MEN, DON’T buy your fall and winter suits un’il you've seen the best values :n town. We have good quality suits that range in price from <21.00 to S49.95. We feature Cur lee suits, the best buy on the mar ket. Darden's Dept Store. Wil lie mslon. 20 tf APARTMENT FOR RENT— Ideal apartment for working -ottpie, close in. J. P. Hedgepeth, Phone 3192. de 2) 2t RIG SATI RDAY NIGHT DANCE Whichard’s Beach. Washington, i M. C , December 23. Music by Bob Jones and His Bobcats. Ad mission: Ladies 50c, and men, 75c. PAINTING AND PAPER HANG ing. Best materials used and I prices very reasonable. When you are in need of anything in my line, 1 see me I would be very glad to show you my new 1951 wallpaper samples. I carry the Imperial line, washable and sun resisting. Van Respass. 304 N. Sycamore St., J Williamston, N C. Telephone j 2li()(>. de 14 9t WAITRESSES WANTED: EX perienet :><>t necessary. Apply Hotel George Reynolds. de 14 tf FOR SAFE: ALl’MINEM OFFICE i-hiiir with Duran all plastic up* holstery. Purchased bv error, will sidl at cost. Enterprise Publish ing Company de 5 tf, WALLPAPER: I’ L A I N OK Washable by Imperial. B. 8.; Courtney and Son. de 5 20t WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulmbei Company. Frank E. Weston, man ager, Williamston, N. C. je 8 tf BE INDEPENDENT. SELL RAYV leigh Products. Good nearby locality open in Southeast Martin County. Write today Rawleigh’s, Dept NCK-451-D. Richmond, Vir ginia. N 28 lOt FOR RENT: SANDING MACH- , ino. Rcfinish your floors your self and do a first class job o1 sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C, 3101. Norfolk j Tallow Company no 8 L j FOR SALE: MEDIUM SIZED J pony, just right for about a 0- I year old boy. Very gentle. Sad- J die and bridle. All for $50. H. H. j Roberson, Gold Point, Telephone. J Robersonville, 5043. do 19 2t 11 WANTED: ( ASH RENT OR TEN ant with equipment. Approxi mately 25 acres of tobacco and 27 acres of peanuts. 128 acres crop land. 1-2 mile from Hassell, N. C. See Mrs. Leontine D. Manning of Bethel. N. C.. or Ernest Edmond son of Hassell. N C. de 12 4t FOR FOUR CUSTOM M ADt Venetian blinds awnings for the horrie or store, see us. Wr have the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood Henry Harrison. Wiitiams ton au 2B tf STOP IN AND SEE OUR STOCK of Used Furniture. Williamstor Hardware Company, Williamston N. C. au 29 tf CEMENT, 1.30 BAG: FINISHING Lime, Red Press Brick. Cream Press Brick, Insulating Plaster Lath, Insulating Wool, and a com plete line of Building Supplies. J. D. McCotter, Inc., Washington. N. C. de 19 3t PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE J pay Top Prices }or standing tim- j j bor and pine logs. Williamston | ' Supply Co. Phone 2460 jo 20 tf GOOD USED FURNITURE—WiT liamston Hardware Company, Williamston, N. C. au 29 tf BIG DANCE AT WHICH A RIFS Beach, Washington, N. C., every Saturday night. Combination round and square dancing by real orchestra music. Admission ladies 50c and men 75c. de 7 5t YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at [ Freezer Locl*ei no 8 tf PARKER S SELF - S E R V I cTi Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. n. a quick and economical wash ser ie 8 tf vice. LOOKING A TOP COAT? WELL, we have them. Gaberdines, from $18.95 to $39.95, Not only are they topcoats but they are TOPS in quality and the best values you've seen this season. Darden's Dept. Store, Williamston. oc 26 tf CLARK’S RHEUMATISM ^OM pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re fheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money baqk. Clark Phar- | macy. m 22 tf | ' BIG CHRISTMAS DANCE, ! Whichard's Beach, Washington, j N. C., Monday night, December 25. Music by Bob Jones and His Bobcats. Bring your friends and visitors out for an evening of good entertainment. Ladies, 50c. Men 75c. SAVAGE SUBMARINE RAIDERS HUNT FABULOUS DIAMOND \ HOARD IN THRILL , RAGING X SEA SERIAL! rs\ SENSATIONAL ‘ ” 'SUPER SERIAL EXCITEMENT fROM THE COMPANY m SUPERMAN BUSTER CRABBE LOIS HALL TOMMY FARRELL • '.hi by JowpM P;, *iw- Dai,{ MbtlWM Pl.'l'pioy *1(1 f.h,r , | arflo* ► lodged by SAM AAT/MAN l)'htfd by SnNCiR (vNNtl . i .d< InOMAS CAM f - A COLUMBIA SERIAL - Beginning Saturday at the Viccar pun. —-—- -- _ _ _ BOTTLE GAS SERVICE Williamston Bottle Gas IMioue 2050 W. J. MILLER & SON Office* WESTERN ALTO Co. 1 16 Main Si. SEE Worrell Appliance Co. for the best in USED FURNITURE t I I < < < < UYPUIMfilN6£ FIXZIT I SYSTEM Watts Theatre Williamson. N. C. Sunday - Monday - Tuesday FUN FILLED,, SONS' \ SPICED. spree! MILKMAN »ith PIPER LAURIE • JOYCE HOLOEN . **?}, i, ALBERT BEICH **) MS O'HAIM* MARTIN RAGAWAV wd ItflNtfC '■1RN D **: ■ »Mlf$ ’ MS'ON -«. k . T£D R >»W » rvwvwvw HAMILTON THEATRE TODAV ONLY Shows at 7 and 9 I KAIL OF ROBIN HOOD With Roy Rogers In Color Cartoon and Serial THURSDAY - FRIDAY December 21 and 22 Shows at 7 and ft TRIPOLI In Technicolor Witji John Payne and Maureen O'Hara SATURDAY. December 23 Shows Continuous 1 til 11 Double Feature Program ACROSS THE BADLANDS With Charles Starrett ONE NIGHT IN THE TROPICS With Abbott and Costello Plus Serial SUNDAY. December 24 Shows at 3 and 9 HIT PARADE OF 1951 John Carol, Marie McDonald Musical Color Cartoon MONDAY - TUESDAY December 25 and 26 Shows Monday al 3, 7 and !) Shows Tuesday al 7 and 9 SO YOUNG. SO B\l) With Katherine McLeod And Paul Henried Bugs Bunny Cartoon and Comedy WEDNESDAY, December 27 Shows at 7 and 9 CAPTIVE WILD WOMAN With Buster Crabbe THE MISSOURIAN With Monty Hale Plus Serial THURSDAY - FRIDAY December 21 and 22 Shows at 7 and 9 SHORT GRASS With Rod Cameron and Katli.v Downs In Technicolor With Latest News MOVIES Arc BETTER THAN EVER Guiberson "Clean Flame" RADIANT HEATER Oil Burning As Low As $47.95 Now On Display At Maytag Appliance Co. Washington St. Williamston Wails Theatre WILLI AMSTON WED. . THCJRS. - FRIDAY !)«•«*. 20-21-22 UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL plvsentt KANSAS RAIDERS as* 3 *»•«*»*’ Slo'y and Screenplay by ROBERT l RICHARDS Directed by RAY ENRIGHT • Produced by TED RICHMONI TRIO Rolicreouvillc, IN. C. GIVE THEATRE COU PON BOOKS X-MAS Mow on Stilr al Box Office, #1.00 up THURSDAY - FRIDAY Dec. 21 - 22 TO PLEASE A LADY With ('lark Gable and Barbara Stanwyck Color Cartoon & Short SATURDAY, Dec. 23 UNDER MEXICALI STARS With Rex Allen FEDERAL MAN With William Henry Plus: Serial Come Down Today and Get Your FREE Color Photo of REX A ELEN SUNDAY, l>ec. 24 HOLIDAY FUN FOR ALL Bud Abbott and Lou Costello In WHO DONE IT Plus: Cartoon and Short MONDAY. Dec. 25 HIT PARADE OF *51 With John Carroll and Marie MacDonald Latest News and Cartoon TUESDAY. Dec. 26 CALIFORNIA With Forest Tucker and Adele Mara Plus: Cartoon and Short WEDNESDAY, Dec. 27 TRAIL OF ROBBIN HOOD (In Trucolor) With' Itoy Rogers Our Gang Comedy & Serial THURSDAY - FRIDAY Dec. 28-29 I HE MINIVER STORY With Walter Pidgeon and Greer Garson Cartoon 4k Short IWVWWWWWWWWtfW FARM LOANS 10-15-20 Years Prompt Closing No Appraisal Fee Low Interest Rate (’lias. H. Manning, Ally. Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bicycles-Tricycles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St.. Dial 2384 V Sun. ■ I C <; A K Mon. - Tim**. * Jane Powel! j (Ricardo V * Montalban CfrMHtnf LOUIS CALHERN-ANN HARDING THEATRE — WILLIAMSTON WEDNESDAY THURSDAY - FRIDAY Color by Technicolor 'Kansas Raiders' With Audit' Murphy Hriitii Donlev) March Of Time and Sport SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Allan Roek\ lame In "Gunmen Oi Abilene" "I Killed Geronimo" Starring' James Ellison Chapter No. 10 of Serial Desperadoes of the West CARTOON 1 SUNDAY - MONDAY TUESDAY "The Milkman" Starring Donald O’Connor Jimmy Dnrunte FOOTBALL SHORT CARTOON — NEWS WEDNESDAY THURSDAY - FRIDAY Oec. 27-28-29 Color by Technicolor 'Wyoming Mail' Starring Step I ten McNally Alexis Smith SPORT COMEDY VICCAR THEATRE WILLI AMSTON THURSDAY - FRIDAY "Where Danger Lies'* Robert Mitehum Faith Domerque Cartoon and News SATURDAY Double Feature Program ■'Litjliliiiiiju: Guns’* Charles Starrelt “Flying Willi \fiisie” Marjorie Woodworth William Marshall Cartoon And Dick Tracy Serial No. 12 Pirates of The High Seas Serial No. 1 Sl’NDAY - MONDAY anti TUESDAY “Two WVrkf W ith Lo\ i'” Color by Technicolor Jane Powell Iticardo Montalban Cartoon and Latest News WEDNESDAY ONLY ‘Tii«l\ Take* a (lliaiifp"' John Wayne Jean Arthur AM