'Wyoming Mail' j Authentic Story -9- ! Universal-International's Tech nicolor “Wyoming Mail ” vividly showcases an exciting era in the developing of the American fron tier—that period when the Unit ed States Railway Mail Service was seriously endangered by the threat of outlaw raider bands op erating against the postal system. The new film opening Wednes * day Dec. 27 at the Watts Theatre, with a starring cast headed by Stephen McNally and Alexis Smith, supported by Howard Da Silva, Ed Begley, Dan Riss, Roy Roberts and Whit Bissell. The screen story is dramatical ly constructed around the career of General George Armstrong to work as an undercover agent for the railway mail service. While tracking down the mur derer of a telegraph operator, Mc Nally makes the acquaintance of Alexis Smith, cast in the role of j a frontier entertainer. Their' friendship blossoms and when the undercover agent succeeds in be coming a member of the robbery gang, after a number of serious setbacks which almost claim "his life, he is shocked to discover that the dance hall girl is actually a top member of the gang. Suspense mounts in the film as * Miss Smith is faced with the prob lem of having McNally done away with or warning him that his real identity has become known to the gang leader. -——•-_ "Now, Johnny," said the teach er, "ean you tell me what a hyp ocrite is?’ 'Yes, Miss,' replied Johnny "It's a boy what comes to school with a smile on his face."—Ex. FIVE MILLION DOLLARS TO LEND ON IMPROVED TOBACCO FARMS: TERMS—5-20 years at low interest. Pay any amount any time before maturity. No charge for inspection. No portion of money with held to pay for stock, ((nick closing. CAROLINA FARM LOAN ASSOCIATES Box 002, Greenville, N. — Or See — Illicit Ilorlon. Ally. Williamston, N. The Spirit Of Christmas —*>— By Chaplain W. G. Weiss The happy Christinas carols an nounce the advent of another Christmas season. The contageous spirit of kindness and charity are in evidence on every hand. In cheerful anticipation of Christmas Day. many pleasant moments are spent in extending the season's greeting to friends and loved ones. As the days hurry by. Christmas trees, large and small, appear in ever increasing numbers. With painstaking care the tree is trim med with shimmering tinsel, orna ments and multicolored lights. And the gifts to be placed under the tree are selected and wrapped with the same careful considera tion. When Christmas Day finally arrives, and the gifts are opened in tile presence of friends and rel atives. the happiness of the mo ment knows no bounds. The spir it of Christmas is one of gaiety and rejoicing around the glittering Christmas tree. But the real spirit of Christmas is more than sending greetings, purchasing gilts and decorating trees. It is more than the momen tary pleasure derived from open ing the gifts received. Then cen tral figure is Christ. Christmas is the festival of the birth of God's Son who came to give mankind the most precious Christmas gift in all the world, namely, peace with God. That was the message which the angels brought to the shepards, singing. "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” It is in tended for and extended to everv lone This peace cannot be pur chased for a price. It is the Fa ther's free gift to all who believe and accept the Christ-child as I their personal Savior. The Christmas gifts which we receive may well remind us of the Christ-child, God's gift to the | world in order that the' world might have peace. The beautifully l decorated evergreen tree suggests the eternal life which is ours by | grace through faith in the Savior. 1 And the unbroken circle of the holly wreath calls to our atten | tion the nevei -ending love of Jes us which supports us in every need and fills our hearts with abiding cheer By retaining Christ in Christmas the real spirit of I Christmas joy and peace will make this a happy yuletide sea son. G*W SEVEN STAR wMakav. m alrarfffc* vMaldaa 4 VNnwMrMli STHU «Mfl* wWtkay. 431*% »w»wl apirlta 41a«lN|4 ink 11% Mr«l«hl •rklabay 4 y»«n *14. 19% »il|M wklikty 9 i «M. 7H% Mraiyht 14.**' *3«* 4/1 ft* •2'i 90 ritooi •Malay 4 yaan all • OOMRMAM % WORV9 lIMIfl*, M09IA, ILUNOI9 In Order Our Employees May Have Christmas Day Off, Our Regular Monday Delivery Will 6c Made Sunday, Dec. 24. Taylor’s Dairy Phone 31811 I QfRUCkibtmat By Dorothy Boys Kilian »#»1»HIS HOUSEHOLD Is in for i A lean Christmas, all right,’ Bill Robinson said bitterly to hi, wife who had just come into thi the living room, dressed for market ing. Seated in an easy chair, hi looked disgustedly down at his still bandaged leg stretched out straigh on an ottoman. Margaret leaned over and brushei her cheek against his. "It’s enougl for us th see you getting wel again, honey. When I first saw yoi after that auto accident, I wai plumb scared for your life.” Bill squeezed her hand. "You'ri a brick, dear. But we can’t expec our three- and five-year-old off spring to understand hat doctoi and hospital bills have completely strapped us. Why we can't evei afford a tree, let alone presents ’ Margaret was quite for a second Then she stood up and, turnini toward the door, said, "Speakinj of the children, Bill, they’re out ir the kitchen with their water colors ■ 1 ’ * r i » "What a swell hunch •( fel lows,’’ ha managed to say. and the two little Johnson girls are with them. Mrs. Johns-on had somr ' lest minute shopping to do, end 1 ■ knew you wouldn't mind watching I them again.’’ “O.K.,’' Bill answered. “That’* the least 1 can do after the neigh 1 bnrly way they treated us through all this mess.” “I'll try to be home befoie your j Cub Scout group descend* upon you. Seven lively boy* are a te.iilic ; handful, 1 know," V1 OK KS FROM the kitchen broke ' i into the silence. Judy Johnson ■ vss saying excitedly, "1 think I’m toing lo get a doll buggy." I Back carne his nun little Margie's •nswer. "I'm going lo get a doll louse." | I "Flow do von know?" | "Oh, because I asked for one for ] Tty birthday last summer, and 1 Daddy smiled and said probably | me would come at Christinas." 1 Bill winced It had been so easy, iromising things fur six mouths ■head. Just then ha heard Mrs. Johnson’s nearly voice ai the kitchen door. ’Where's Mr. Robinson? 1 have something here for him.” "Oh, a Christinas tree!" The j shrill voice of a child exci nred. I MRS. JOHNSON was laiighin» as she appeared at the living room door. “Did you hear, Bill? Yes, 1 v ent shopping for our tree, and picked one up for you folks at fhe same time, ft isn’t so very tall, but it's big enough lo cheer you all up." Mr*. Johnson vent on talking, to cover Rill's embarrassment. "I’ll lake all the youngsters over to my house for awhile." And sha was gone. "Soma neighbor!” Bill glowed. “Still,” his fare clouded over, “That tree may only point up the lack of much under it—” A loud commotion at the front door drew his attention. "Come on in, the door'a not locked,” he called, recognizing the voice* of hi* Cub Scouts. A whirlwind of blue-clad boy* awept into the room, their eyes sparkling with happy mischief. “Oh, Mr. Robinson," the smallest one shrieked. "We've Just finished aU the—" "We've been working after school every day at my house, making toys for your children,” a second Cub burst in. "You should see—a doll house for Margie, snd a doll bed and a kitchen cupboard!" “And for little Bill, guess whit!" The smallest boy couldn't keep quiet. "A wooden sled, and a garage for his little cars ar.d some big blocks, til landed and waxed and everything!" Bill tossed his head to get rtd of the drops of mist in the corners of his eyes. "What a aweii bunch of feiiowa," he managed to *ay. “But why—” "Why not?" the biggest Cub said happily. "You’re the one who taught ua how to use tools in the first place, aren’t you? And besidea, w# just like tha Robinsons!" He stopped suddenly, embarrassed. "Wall, fallows," Bill said, after a deep breath, "I certainly didn’t think to a while ago, but this is going to be one of the happiest Christmases of my life!" SOAP SURPLUS (Jim Griffith, Morganton News-Herald) After Halloween ts all over, you can’t help but wonder if it wouldn't have been better if some of that soap found its way behind the ears of the. kids instead of on tt.* store windows. Recipes Of The Week By Miss EVELYN HANCOCK Home Service Director Virginia Electric and Power Company CHRISTMAS COOKIES II you want your cookie jars) full of cookies at Christmas time, ; and prefer having those last few days before Christmas for other ’ things, make your cookies now and 1 put them in your freezer. They | will taste no different front being j frozen if wrapped in vapor-mois ture proof paper before storing. Angel Fingers 1 2 cup softened butter or mar garine 2 tablespoons confectioners’ su gar 1 cup sifted cake flour 1 2 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 cup '.round walnuts or pe cans Additional confectioners' sugar Cream buttei or margarine; gradually cream m the 2 table spoons sugar and flour. Add va nilla and nuts; blend well. Shape into little rolls about 1-1/2 inches long and the diameter of your lit tle finger. Place on ungreased bak ing sheet and bake in moderate oven (250 degrees F.) 20 minutes Let cool, then dust with confec tioners’ sugar. Makes about 2 doz en cookies. Christmas Wreaths 1/2 cup (1 2 pound) butter or margarine 1/4 cup brown sugar, firmly packed 1 egg. separated 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour I cup chopped nuts or coconut Raspberry jam Cream butler and sugai until I light and fluffy. Mix in egg yolk. : Add flour. Form into small balls. 1 Dip into egg white and remove with fork. Drop into nuts or chop ped dried coconut. Place on but-| tered cookie sheet. Pqpss hole in I 'center. Bake in very slow oven (300 degrees F.) After 8 minutes Cool slightly. Remove from sheet' Fill center with jam or jelly. i lelds 4 dozen cookies. Filled Cookies Make dough for sugar cookies and roll 1/8 inch thick. Cut in rounds with cookie cutter and place on cookie sheet. Place about 1 teaspoon filling on each cookie and cover with another cookie.! Press edges together lightly withi fork. Place half pecan on top i Bake at 375 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes. Filling 3 4 cup chopped raisins teaspoon grated lemon rind | 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/4 cup sugar 1 4 cup hot water Boil together until thick Cool before placing on cookies. Sugar Cookies 1 cup shortening 1-1 4 cups sugar 3 eggs, well beaten 2 teaspoons vanilla 3-1 2 cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon soda 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon salt Cream shortening and add su gai Add and beat thoroughly. Arid vanilla Sift together flour, soda, cream of tartar, and salt Stir into fist mixture. Chill dough for easier handling. Mint Surprise Cookie 3-1 4 cups plain flour 1 teaspoon soda 1/2 teaspoon salt I 2 cup butter 1 /2 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 1 2 cup firmly packed brown sugar 2 eggs, unbeaten On Getting Ready' -—*— I "About ready for Christmas?" I That is the question going 'round these days. It usually has refer ence to buying and wrapping , gifts, house cleaning, sending | greetings, trimming the tree, and | doing countless last-minute things m preparation for Yuletide. For I many people that constitutes just 1 about all there is to "getting rea dy for Christmas.” It is a form of preparation which has become a traditional part of our observance And I often think that such | preparation—customary and at I tractive though it is -has become in many homes a thing of drudg ery that takes the deeper joy out of tile season The festival of peace and cheer becomes a load rather than a lift, And folk are some times heard to say. "I almost dread to see it come " Hut there is another kind of preparation It is the preparation 1 of the heart of the person who really wants to see the meaning 2 tablespoons water 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 package chocolate mint waf Sift together flour, soda, and salt. Cream together butter and shortening; add brown and white sugar Cream thoroughly. Add eggs and beat into mixture. Add flour, water and vanilla Blend well Chill dough. Shape cookie j by enclosing each wafer in about j 1 tablespoon of dough. Place on ! ungreased baking sheet about 2 i inches apart Top each cookie j with 1/2 walnut. Bake 10 to 12 minutes at 275 Now lx The Time to go to COURTNEY'S For FURNITURE and catch the spirit. As one who | hears, he exposes his soul to the carols of Christmas-time and finds the peace he deeply needs He takes that little golden gospel and listens in childlike wonder as Luke tells the story of the first Christmas. Following the star through the night, he finds the manger in which the Little Baby lay, and in humility and penitence he presents his greatest gift —himself Of such preparation is the Kingdom of Christmas 1 feel that the biggest hurt done to the Christian Year is the sec ular emphasis which it has re ceived. It is certainly true of the celebration we are now approach ing. In the hurry of these days it is easy for us to become so ab sorbed in things that there is little room in the Inn of our Lives for simple sentiments of Bethle hem. It need not be In spirit and m truth let us prepare the High Way of our God for the coming of the King and make this a Christ mas for Christ.—James Potter, in The Interim, First Baptist Church, Statesville. Visit Ileilig and Meyers Williamston for the “Best Buys In Furniture” I Dm Str-fM VMdtap ■ AfcpNt •K m 1 y»nn k a*n ■Uk a 34 % Stratfhl IMny, W% Mi > Raniral S#Nih. M% SOWfM Mfc | kay ? ytan »M, S % Stnriffct WNkfcay ■ 4 y*an »W, 5 % StoogM HM| ! 4 y*#n *14. 14 pnW. ■ Aastino^icKoIs | tCoWm Inc. i to —- — — — — pint IMmhmM httop .. . with new lecturer. lor 'll I Plus mi important m«wv mm Mtwmnamem . . rhr lord POWI R P1I OT, slumlord on Al l. new Pont Tnrh (or “51, ftrnn 95-h p PiciotH to 145 h p Bill JOBS! TH# lhr nru I - N for 'M Hits H ikL outsells *mr fVhw fnick in thr M^-nmi held' New ^ S’lAff FX1RA( ah offers mam extra omr»* Fort* attilihli at eifra co«l on Ford Frocks, Serifs F I through Mi 0 ECONOMY y _ FEATURE POWER PIIOT l I1 G* W5i, irtwc (han ewer, economy wmt track b«4"ers arc going to (oHow 4tt trend to I find' Near H>rd ruck s for “51 give you utefiahend engineering advantages, aaeft as America s onty truck choice of V-8 or Six . . . a choice of over 180 models to tit yout hauling job bettei . . . strength reserves that make Fnerl Trucks lent longer. YouII find these new features itt engines, clutch, transmissions, axles, wheels, cabs, Pickup body wherever there have been opportunities to make N»rd Trucks do a hettr.i job for you, for less money! f ord's P<)WI R 1*11.01 is especially imporlani >o you . . . for it’s a I’ROVHN money-saver, on every hauling job. Driver < nrn/orl, loo, gels plenty of attention in new I otd Trucks for '51. There is the new 5 SI AR C ah and the optional 5-STAR I X I RA C ab featur ing foam lubber seal padding, glass wool roof insulation, automatic dome light and many other comfort extras at only slight additional cost. And only l ord gives you a power choice of V-8 or Six . . four great engines! Over ISO models. ( nmt in . . . (iet All the facts. Sclecr the new l ord Truck that's rtght for YOU! Wm tmd h*k4 Hat m • WyfrtvMi «r«y mi pmftmg Mm mm* M»wr l»aw Mm <l M> 9*1. h «wtnmaiic*fit nfteters *r»d bre* (hr rtfbl <1mourn nl *< precwely rbe ngbl mxkftti fco march ctmutantlv chanfpng speed, load pram r^Mircmrnh Unlike conventional system-^ ike Powei Pilot UMfh onl> oeeconirol in stead ol lwo, yei »h dengned 10 syn i hrom/e tiring /wirr a* accurate!). You can UMC regular firs you net no-knock perl or ma ace Oidv lord in 1 he low price hekl yra>. you Power Pilot fxonntnv! I I mw Ff ATOMS THtOOtmm New Mitivt, mcxtftrH beet eed awl e» Krm» Uylmg mke« lord the \M favorite fat ' good tooke’! New 5-STAR Coin team c bigger raw wm ifaw witfa up to V)'V more safety in mu New "grain-tighi” Pickup hedy. mw clutch disc, new Irunxmomoo*., nee vtvek rfsmirc still longer life. New avtoHtermic pit tee t well chramw pieletl top ring!, new highlrft caimhafa far top performance, longer engine Me. POWER PHOT ECONOMY ... awl Mi orttei money-Mvmg advancements! ARfeawy R«*r F-5 -»»d F-* Tord* f»w 'M. hire ttn« r>gff.|», fn» m mw qnmn vhrtnnf wwh nr», «-Spo*^ Synchro SAww Irtmaannn, npwn—l M nln ooct. See 'em today/ I «ir>( taiwrt irfrsrratton rl»tn m * SO’.flOO tr**oir«, hftr insurance experb prove I ord Trucks Iasi |on§w! See Your Friendly Ford Dealer Conveniently Listed in the Telephone Directory.

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